RE: Subtle Abuse (Full Version)

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immoral -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:08:01 AM)

its been a long time, and i still feel id rather look upon my past as a positive thing- for me i have to believe that it wasnt s viciously meant as it was felt,now still if my partner is quiet i feel the panic rising,i automatically feel he is cross.
i know its just an echo

elegantalexis -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:11:27 AM)

Its the constant putdowns and lack of showing appreciation that gets me into a depression.  The roast was not cooked right, wrong kind of beer, lack of consideration to myself and my mother who was trying to help me out, but the final straw was that he was teaching our daughter to do the same damn stuff to me.  I had to get away from them both, but I made such the guardian ad litem was aware of his mental and emotional abuse and that is why I cannot pay child support and the courts refused to listen to his request for such because he would waste it for beer and whiskey and not on our daughter.

I admit I have anger issues if someone confronts me without good cause, but I tell them to lay off and let me get my anger under control and leave me alone for at least an hour or two, during which I work on crafts to dull my mind out.


Lordandmaster -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:14:22 AM)

I kinda thought I was done with all the abuse stuff today, but this is simply bizarre.  Someone who breaks a plate is saying that he's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved?

Maybe he's angry because he just got his electric bill in the mail and it's more than he can afford?

Or he chipped the plate taking it out of the cabinet and he's frustrated with himself for being so clumsy?  (I've done that.)

Or he just dropped a hammer on his toe and he's mad with pain?

Or...I don't know...but I would have thought of a billion things before I got to "He's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved."


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

  • This isn't personal, I am breaking this plate (with the clear implication "instead of you") because I am so angry that you don't do things I need to feel loved.
At least, that is how I see it.

agirl -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:23:30 AM)



I agree with you lass but, that wasn’t the matter I was dealing with. I was directly commenting on two statements Michael made. From the view point of the bystander or the “other person” who may or may not have been involved with what ever caused the overflow of temper. I agree with you and it is pretty much the way I deal with it when it happens near me.

'Scuse my awful quote


IronBear -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:25:30 AM)

Nothing to excuse lass all is well.. [:D]

TheVoiceofOne -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:26:56 AM)

I hope that you, as an enlightened and evolved man, can understand that not everyone who breaks a plate, or throws a wrench or curses out loud... Is doing it for the same reasons you did. I have done many physical things with many inanimate objects, but never felt the need to yell at or touch my SO in anger because she didn't love me enough, or correctly.

You do woodworking, yes? Are you telling me that if you take off the end of your finger on the band saw, you aren't gonna say a word or throw anything? Because I sure am.

IronBear -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:29:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Or he just dropped a hammer on his toe and he's mad with pain?

You do that too??????? [:-][:-][:-][:-][;)]  I do it painfulkly regularly and often enough a 5lb brickies hammer but worse still is to drop a brick in the toe and you've been too bloody stupid to wear boots and have sandals on.. [8|]

SimplyMichael -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:32:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I kinda thought I was done with all the abuse stuff today, but this is simply bizarre.  Someone who breaks a plate is saying that he's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved?

I said that was MY reason for being that way...

elegantalexis -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:34:55 AM)




ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Or he just dropped a hammer on his toe and he's mad with pain?

You do that too??????? [:-][:-][:-][:-][;)]  I do it painfulkly regularly and often enough a 5lb brickies hammer but worse still is to drop a brick in the toe and you've been too bloody stupid to wear boots and have sandals on.. [8|]

Done it with our digital camera right now my big toe and I said a few colorful words that  would make a sailor go "WTF?!?!?".  Ended up with a blood blister under the nail...NOT FUN!


SimplyMichael -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:38:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheVoiceofOne

I hope that you, as an enlightened and evolved man, can understand that not everyone who breaks a plate, or throws a wrench or curses out loud... Is doing it for the same reasons you did.

First off, that bit about how amazingly evolved I am was SARCASM, I am far from perfect.


   I have done many physical things with many inanimate objects, but never felt the need to yell at or touch my SO in anger because she didn't love me enough, or correctly.

You do woodworking, yes? Are you telling me that if you take off the end of your finger on the band saw, you aren't gonna say a word or throw anything? Because I sure am.

Oh, I have taken a hammer to more than a few things in my life.  But lets step back and look at this.  I am beating up the bandsaw, not because it leaped out and cut me, but because I did something stupid and I want to blame something/someone else for my pain rather than own the real cause, which is me.  The reality is I knew better than to put my finger in the path of the blade and all the fault lies with me.  Doesn't mean I don't yell, curse, and hop up and down but why take the anger out on something that was only doing exactly what it was supposed to do?

agirl -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:41:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I kinda thought I was done with all the abuse stuff today, but this is simply bizarre.  Someone who breaks a plate is saying that he's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved?

Maybe he's angry because he just got his electric bill in the mail and it's more than he can afford?

Or he chipped the plate taking it out of the cabinet and he's frustrated with himself for being so clumsy?  (I've done that.)

Or he just dropped a hammer on his toe and he's mad with pain?

Or...I don't know...but I would have thought of a billion things before I got to "He's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved."


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael
  • This isn't personal, I am breaking this plate (with the clear implication "instead of you") because I am so angry that you don't do things I need to feel loved.
At least, that is how I see it.

I simply wouldn't assume that *showing off* has anything to do with 'doing the things he needs to feels loved, either'.

I don't regard it as abusive, all the same ...I'm more likely to think * God, what an arse, the baby has more self-control*. A bloke throwing punches at the door, looks just as silly as me stamping my foot in temper or frustration.


cpK69 -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:42:13 AM)


My thoughts on what constitutes abuse are still not completely solidified, but I am fairly confident verbal abuse is abuse, administered on the abused, by the abused. Reason being, while words do hold meaning by definition and context, it is the abused that validates the use of the offensive words/ideas.
My uncertainty lies in the physical arena. I’ve been in abusive relationships consisting of both types, though relatively mild on both areas. I am of the mind that each first account of them exerting physically force over me, was them being abusive to me. After that, because it was I who chose to stay; I was abusing myself.

TheVoiceofOne -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:50:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael


ORIGINAL: TheVoiceofOne

I hope that you, as an enlightened and evolved man, can understand that not everyone who breaks a plate, or throws a wrench or curses out loud... Is doing it for the same reasons you did.

First off, that bit about how amazingly evolved I am was SARCASM, I am far from perfect.


   I have done many physical things with many inanimate objects, but never felt the need to yell at or touch my SO in anger because she didn't love me enough, or correctly.

You do woodworking, yes? Are you telling me that if you take off the end of your finger on the band saw, you aren't gonna say a word or throw anything? Because I sure am.

Oh, I have taken a hammer to more than a few things in my life.  But lets step back and look at this.  I am beating up the bandsaw, not because it leaped out and cut me, but because I did something stupid and I want to blame something/someone else for my pain rather than own the real cause, which is me.  The reality is I knew better than to put my finger in the path of the blade and all the fault lies with me.  Doesn't mean I don't yell, curse, and hop up and down but why take the anger out on something that was only doing exactly what it was supposed to do?

I am gonna curse and/or throw something (not the band saw probably) because my frickin finger tip is missing... I am not gonna be thinking about anything much except that... and maybe trying to find the bit I cut off and some ice... before politely instructing my slave to drive me to the medione clinic to have it reattached...

It is an immediate response that goes away quickly.

You do accept that not everyone processes things identically, or even similarly, dont you?

stella41b -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:54:31 AM)

Ah that's something different. That's being accident prone, I do that too.

I have a tendency to walk round in bare feet, and I often stub my toe. I know that the piece of furniture has been there for some time, I know that it was me that kicked the piece of furniture, and I know that my swearing at the offending piece of furniture doesn't matter because it doesn't hear anything. But I still do it.

I've even once slipped in the bath and kicked the hot water tap, jamming my big toe solid right in the tap. This happened a few years ago in a hotel in Poland where I was staying. I had to call the hotel management, who called the ambulance, who had to call the fire brigade. Then when nobody could get my toe out of the tap, nor detach the tap from the bath the fire brigade had to cut the entire bath and plumbing out of the bathroom, carry me in the bath downstairs, and call a local farmer with a flat trailer hooked up to the back of his tractor to take me to hospital. A doctor at the hospital sprayed some sort of cold spray over my toe and released it. They next wanted to X-ray my toe, but when they realized that nobody had brought any clothing I had to be carried to the X-ray Department in the bath with a towel, where it was found that I had a broken toe. I was then taken back to the hotel by the farmer, escorted by the ambulance.

And even despite this I still swear when I'm being clumsy.

ThundersCry -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 10:55:54 AM)

The majority of the time your posts reek of anger...the stench of fear abounds...
Humbe men don`t walk around claming to be so...
You would not know a humble pie... if it hit you in the face...
Oh I claim being *that* way as well as being so respected...
pfffft...your so full of yourself Michael...

LaTigresse -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 11:02:14 AM)




ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I kinda thought I was done with all the abuse stuff today, but this is simply bizarre.  Someone who breaks a plate is saying that he's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved?

Maybe he's angry because he just got his electric bill in the mail and it's more than he can afford?

Or he chipped the plate taking it out of the cabinet and he's frustrated with himself for being so clumsy?  (I've done that.)

Or he just dropped a hammer on his toe and he's mad with pain?

Or...I don't know...but I would have thought of a billion things before I got to "He's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved."


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael
  • This isn't personal, I am breaking this plate (with the clear implication "instead of you") because I am so angry that you don't do things I need to feel loved.

At least, that is how I see it.

I simply wouldn't assume that *showing off* has anything to do with 'doing the things he needs to feels loved, either'.

I don't regard it as abusive, all the same ...I'm more likely to think * God, what an arse, the baby has more self-control*. A bloke throwing punches at the door, looks just as silly as me stamping my foot in temper or frustration.


The last paragraph would be my perception as well. If a person has such poor self control as to throw what I perceive as a temper tantrum I would punish a child for, I would first, be flabergasted, then laugh at them with a strong underlying current of disgust.

Anger is a viable human emotion. To try and stifle that is damaging to ourselves. It is how we cope with our anger that shows our own maturity or, lack there of. I have zero respect for any adult that feels they need to have a temper tantrum and toss things about. But I will admire one that does something constructive with that energy. Things like.....clean house, go for a cleansing run, weed the garden, whatever.

Another thing I might suggest we all consider. What a submissive person, or child, sees as being scary and intimidating, someone like myself would just be seen as rediculous and pathetic. A submissive partner would very likely blame themselves and internalize it, take responsibility for it. So also would a child. In addition, what a horrid example to provide to a child. There by it would be seen as abusive behaviour in that light.

If a group of men were standing around a car engine putzing around and shooting the shit. Then one busts his knuckles while turning a wrench, throws that wrench across the shop and knocks over a jar holding bolts and sends it crashing to the floor, the other two men are not likely to either be scared or intimidated. Even though they may raise an eyebrow and think (what a moron) to themself. Definately not abuse nor providing a bad example for the audience to emmulate.

So, rather than argue what is, or is not, abuse. Perhaps we should instead consider both intent AND perception of others observing said behaviour.

agirl -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 11:08:28 AM)


Just as love is something you feel, so is abuse. You can view someone's behaviour toward you as *loving and caring*, and you can view someone's behaviour as *abusive and unreasonable*.

I've never *felt* abused even though I've been in the vicinity of/on the recieving end of this type of behaviour. I've certainly felt less than happy that I've been subjected to it .....but abused?....Not at all.

I'm quite certain that my husband tried to control our home life with his anger and bluster; it really was his inability to process many things, (nothing to do with us) that caused it. Unpleasant as it may have been , it wasn't abusive. I had the wherewithall to talk, to pop along to therapy with him, point him to people that could give him a hand-up or leave him. He was the more vulnerable person...he was the one dealing with these inner demons that caused him to stamp on the things he held dearest.


IronBear -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 11:16:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Another thing I might suggest we all consider. What a submissive person, or child, sees as being scary and intimidating, someone like myself would just be seen as rediculous and pathetic. A submissive partner would very likely blame themselves and internalize it, take responsibility for it. So also would a child. In addition, what a horrid example to provide to a child. There by it would be seen as abusive behaviour in that light.

Here Lass you hit the nail on the head.

I remember reading when my son was but a toddler, that when a giant bends down and growls/yells at said toddler the lil one is scared shitless and that memory remains even at time through early childhood. I made a point when I was pissed off at something the lad had done to walk away till I was settled and then wait till he repeated the action and then told him calmly and lovingly what he did was wrong….

‘Twas hard when he was having a nap sleeping on the double bed next to me napping and he awoke to the call of nature. Taking his shit filled nappy off he placed it on my head. We both went under the shower but I had to admire him for giving a whole new meaning to the term of SHITHEAD!

NuevaVida -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 11:31:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I kinda thought I was done with all the abuse stuff today, but this is simply bizarre.  Someone who breaks a plate is saying that he's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved?

Maybe he's angry because he just got his electric bill in the mail and it's more than he can afford?

Or he chipped the plate taking it out of the cabinet and he's frustrated with himself for being so clumsy?  (I've done that.)

Or he just dropped a hammer on his toe and he's mad with pain?

Or...I don't know...but I would have thought of a billion things before I got to "He's angry because his partner doesn't do the things he needs to feel loved."


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael
  • This isn't personal, I am breaking this plate (with the clear implication "instead of you") because I am so angry that you don't do things I need to feel loved.
At least, that is how I see it.


I was going to stay out of the abuse discussions, too, but your comments are surprising to me and I want to comment my thoughts, in turn. 

Abusive behavior is a behavior that makes the people around you (partner, friend, family, co-workers, strangers) feel emotionally or physically unsafe.  One can have all the best intentions in the world without realizing he/she is engaging in abusive behavior.  Where the line is blurred is where different people have different emotional and physical thresholds.  Maybe for person A, it is perfectly acceptable for her partner to smash kitchen plates whenever angry, and her partner, person B, isn't affected in the slightest about it.  That was the case in my upbringing - smashing plates was the norm with my mother, and my dad shrugged it off.  It scared the shit of me and my siblings, however, so while my dad did not see it as abusive behavior from his point of view, it was abusive behavior in ours.

In other words, "abuse" can be subjective.  So for you and the other men in that other thread to belittle or make light of what others find abusive is unfair.

Yelling can be abusive, in certain contexts, as can breaking things, as can hitting, as can lodging threats.  It depends on context and it depends on what the observers to that behavior can handle.  And just because someone can't handle something you think they should, does not mean they are less of a person, or less worthy, or "too weak."  We all have different thresholds.  We all are affected differently by different things.  Things that might upset you, for example, might roll off my shoulder as no big deal.  But where the hell is my compassion and expanded thinking if I point and say you are wrong for feeling as you do?  That is, essentially, what you are doing to those of us who are finding potentials for abuse in the things you are not.

Personally, if the person I'm with yells and breaks things over financial issues, or clumsiness issues, or any other issue for that matter, I'm going to feel scared in that environment, and I'm going to lose respect, thinking this person doesn't handle anger and frustration very well.  I'll probably refer him to some really good books on the subject, and find him to be overall a rather unhappy person.  My former owner yelled a lot about things I found unnecessary.  I always told him it made me feel frightened when he did, and that I was concerned for his peace of mind, as it didn't seem to exist.  When he would get that way I would shut down, become extremely quiet, and it would take some work on his part to make me feel safe enough to come out from my emotional barriers.  I wasn't afraid he would physically assault me; I was feeling emotionally and spiritually assualted in that environment, whether it had to do with me or not.  The difference between what he did and what I am seeing in these threads is that he recognized it as abuse and chose to continue anyway, rather than to say I was wrong for feeling assaulted.  Instead, it was our understanding that he could behave abusively with me if he wanted to, and, at times, he did.  He never  hid the fact of what he was doing.  He acknowledged it and said it would continue.  I accepted it as part of the bigger picture that was our relationship.  If he put me down for feeling what I did, I may have responded differently.

There is a line in my favorite piece of writing (Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann):  "Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit."   You have been asking (in the other thread) for all sorts of clinical papers that define abuse and its progression.  Why?  I did a Google search and found all sorts of things that support what years of counseling have already taught me - assault to the body/mind/heart/spirit is abuse.  To stand hard in defense of that, demonstrates, in my opinion, an unwillingness to look beyond one's own behavior and persona and the effects it may have on others.  It is to stand in place with little regard for others.  And while I know that sometimes people throw the "abuse" word around as an excuse for not looking at their own person and possible issues with the ability to reason, I haven't seen that addressed here - I have seen people genuinely speak of their own histories with abuse, and those stories brushed aside for lack of "clinical evidence."  Is is not enough that someone might feel emotionally unsafe?  Should that be reason enough for someone to want to evaluate his/her own behavior in the situation?  Or is is more important to stand firm that "My behavior is ok and the rest of you are wrong."  ??

missturbation -> RE: Subtle Abuse (12/26/2008 11:38:05 AM)

Plain and simply for me abuse is anything that hurts me emotionally or physically that i DON'T consent to.

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