RE: Deeply Troubled (Full Version)

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PanthersMom -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:35:00 PM)

nobody ever said it would be easy.  but it will have to be done, for your own good. 

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:42:02 PM)

I have never stopped caring for anyone.
My Aunt Gladys passed away when I was 20, she taught me the Hearth Wisdom passed down from one generation to the next. She's been gone 20, I still care for as though she was still alive.
Even friends that I have had that are no longer with us, I care about them as though they were family.
You are asking me to just cease having an emotional attachment to someone dear to my heart.
If you were told that you had stop caring for someone, could you do it yourself?

PanthersMom -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:43:08 PM)

yes i have.  it wasn't easy, but it was necessary. 

mc1234 -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:43:54 PM)

Ash, this is very harsh, but you know ... you're just not that special.  You have an added 'bonus' of having to deal with transgender issues, but I know women who suddenly were husbandless 'cause he decided to leave them with the kids, jobless and penniless.  Perhaps he was the sole breadwinner while she raised the kids and ran the home.  They've had to stop caring, accept the body blow and move on.  It takes time.  It take strength.  But people do it ALL THE TIME.  I watched my mom do it - she couldn't have been more of a dependent type, but at 45 she went back to college and became a registered nurse.  She was kicked hard in the balls, but got up fighting.

You're in limbo right now.  Limbo sucks.  I don't operate well when I'm not settled.  I know what I'd do, and I've shared it with you in other posts, so I won't repeat myself.  With me, anxiety feeds on itself until I'm all wrapped up in knots. 

But I'm sorry, hun ... life deals all of us hardships, and sometimes we create our own - sink or swim. 

suhlut -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:52:37 PM)



How do you stop caring, when you have always cared?
I do not have that luxury of just switching off my emotions like some people in CM obviously have the ability without even batting an eyelash.
I cry when I watch an SPCA commercial or watch a hunter shoot a wild bear that has strayed into someone's yard.

i am also one that cannot switch off my emotions... very easily...
But i have learned valuable lessons in my life.. that tell me.. when it is time to let go.
Letting go is never an easy process.. nor is it ever a fun thing for me.. And i am always a person that will fight for something.. even after it has apparently ended.. but there ALWAYS comes a point.. when i must tell myself to stop fighting for something.. its over..done with.. gone.

the difference here though... is that i have NEVER brought my heartaches.. or pain.. or drama to the forums..  not for advice.. not for support.. not for hoping people side with me.. and not for pity.. and never to bring about drama. NEVER.

When i am hurting.. thats when people will find me mostly in forums and threads here..that are filled with silly humor.. or fun mindless activities.. For example.. i spent lots of time posting in "movie quote convo" recently.. and used my time doing things to keep my mind off my heataches.. nobody here ever knew..nor have they ever known that i was feeling bad.

i prefer to not open myself crticisms like you have expereinced.. but.. i also all at the same time..prefer to explore my own mind and heart.. to find my way past the bad moments.. used my own intelligence to get me through.

How do you stop caring? You DON'T.. and it has nothing.. or maybe everything to do with crying over SPCA commercials.. You don't ever stop caring.. and theres NOTHING wrong with caring like that... but.. it still isn't an allow yourself to remain in cercumstances that are making you feel this awful. You need to leave.. she is treating you like nothing.. and you need to forget about the lost wont ever see it back.. but get out now.. do whats needed to get out. Contact family for financial assistance if needed.. but still its time to let go..and leave.

califsue -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:56:00 PM)

I haven't read anything or even attempted to understand what this post and the Ops issue is.

However, how you stop caring when you have always cared?? One step at a time, day by day, by getting mad and angry, by allowing yourself to grieve over the dream or what you had that is no more. By asking spirit/higher power, voodoo surround you in loving arms and crying yourself every night if you have to. Look for the light above the clouds. I was in a 20 yr on/off relationship when he up and left me in the middle of an afternoon, overdrew the bank account, left me with all the bills and no job. I wanted to lay down and die. It took me close to 2 yrs to get over it but every day I got up, took one step at a time and over time cared less and less. I did lots of writing. I wish you all the best.


How do you stop caring, when you have always cared?
I do not have that luxury of just switching off my emotions like some people in CM obviously have the ability without even batting an eyelash.
I cry when I watch an SPCA commercial or watch a hunter shoot a wild bear that has strayed into someone's yard.

came4U -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:03:56 PM)

Sometimes, when sh*t hits the fan, the only person you need to care about for this meantime is YOURSELF.

Don't drag extras into the potion here. No 20 year deceased relatives (they moved on with or without you), no television commercials created just to make your heart ache (if you gave a donation, they truly did their job), no other people (thank god then you don't have children to worry about also).

I certainly wouldn't consider taking care of myself less of an importance if someone who I truly cared for didn't return my affections and loyalty. 

We can sit here all day and compare sob stories, no one wins.  Who would want to?

If I have to come back here because I can't bite my lip, I will come to BC myself and get your a$$ into emergency housing and spank you into taking responsibility for yourself. 

Don't make me become all dominatrixish, I am not comfortable LOL. 

girlygurl -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:11:12 PM)



If I have to come back here because I can't bite my lip, I will come to BC myself and get your a$$ into emergency housing and spank you into taking responsibility for yourself. 

Don't make me become all dominatrixish, I am not comfortable LOL. 

You made me laugh, thanks [:D]

OP~ I've been trying to read most of this thread except you lost me on the long ass response.... ADD yanno! No one is telling you to stop feeling right now, or even tomorrow... it will take a long time!!!! No one here can tell you what is best for you, but I feel confident in saying.... Please seek professional help. Finding the right therapist isn't easy and will also take time.

starshineowned -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:18:32 PM)


How do you stop caring, when you have always cared?
Answer: You don't have to. However, caring or not caring does not mean it should impede you in the process of dealing with the issue's right in your lap.

Maybe a slight mental change at the way your looking at this caring. In the manner you keep speaking of it you are infact suggesting that "without you" "a slave" your Mistress is incapable of being adult, handling her own affairs, making her own choices. Is this really the pedestool that you as a slave feel you should be on? That "without you" your Mistress can't survive?

Who then really is the slave and the Owner?

Think on it


Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:20:02 PM)

Are you always so hard came4U?
Not even sure I could even get close to feeling that way all the time, that I felt by reading your words. My heart just sank.

came4U -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:23:08 PM)

Yeah, I guess I am always that hard, yet, scary as it seems...I was being kind LOL. 

Not ashamed of it either.

<bites tongue, tosses it on the floor and stomps on it! [:-]

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:27:34 PM)

No, starshineowned.
Its not that at all.
I have always come between master and mistress, taking the hit so that no harm would happen to mistress.
I am concerned that once I leave there is nothing to keep master from harming mistress. Then again, I leave, she will no longer be my mistress, but still, I still worry about her safety. I have been here a long time.

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 11:29:25 PM)

That was you being kind *shivers* came4U. scary.

*confused*. First mistress tells me I can not go to the Taboo unless I wear my collar. Now she tells me that I don't have to if I don't want to.

ALAstella -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 12:33:29 AM)

Aszhrae, I gave you so much advice before on a thread back some time ago. You've got to face facts, you being transgendered and getting through the transition is nobody else's issue other than your own. If you keep relying on other people you're going to keep on getting screwed and them having their wants and needs priority.

I wrote it back then and I'll repeat myself here, you have got to learn to stand on your own two feet, move on, otherwise you probably won't get through the whole transition. Your life and your transition isn't the problem of your Master and Mistress, it's your's.

I'm sorry, but the 'oh poor me' song doesn't wash with me. Sometimes I wish I had a Master and Mistress to support me in domestic service, but I never went down that route, I took the advice of people and refused to take the easy way out.

I have been homeless, because I tried to hold onto my own independence, and I've just ended a period of going through my transition and dealing with everyone and everything on my own without much support from anyone. This includes dealing with welfare benefits, handling my transition and transgender issues and also handling being homeless.

Earlier last year I almost became homeless again due to a medical examination by our welfare people where the doctor decided that I was pretending to be transgendered just to claim welfare benefits, despite the fact that I have been on the program at London's Charing Cross Hospital since 2006.This took away almost all my income (they suspended my welfare) between February and June, but I still had to maintain an apartment, and pay bills for gas, electricity, water, phone/Internet and somehow feed and clothe myself, not to mention purchase cosmetics, develop a theatre, a charity, etc. It screwed up my plans for the theatre and charity and ruined my plans to emigrate to Canada.

Please don't ask me how I got through, twice it got within 4 days of me losing my apartment and going back onto the streets. At present I'm struggling to cover bills and debts from six months ago whilst my bank is taking charges for all the direct debit payments which didn't go through. Being on Income Support (the UK equivalent of SSI) the bank shouldn't be taking charges, but despite this and despite running the risk of becoming insolvent (unless I win the battle with my bank) I'm working to become self-employed.

However despite that I have managed to develop a theatre, a charity and an LGBT support group, I'm halfway through a book and I now have a Significant Other.

Recently there was a misunderstanding over appointments on my program at Charing Cross and I was removed from the program (you can only miss or postpone one appointment during the entire course of the program) but I argued my case and have been reinstated.

In the light of the above 2008 was a very difficult, stressful year for me, one spent with real difficulties which I had to deal with mainly on my own without much support from anyone else.

Did I come onto the boards and whine about my situation? No, these were nobody else's problems but mine, and all I did was go out and deal with these problems the best way I could.

It was several weeks ago when I gave you that advice, so I could ask what have you been doing in the meantime?

You've only got one life. Being able to stand on your own two feet is part and parcel of the whole gender reassignment process. My advice is still the same, you've got to ditch the whole BDSM and finding a Mistress business until you have got a roof over your head and have sorted out what you're going to do in life. Taking responsibility for your own circumstances and situation would be a good start. Finding people prepared to help you and developing a decent support network would be the next best step.

If you think that standing on your own two feet is going to be difficult, try being a paraplegic. There are people worse off than you, and they can manage it, so can you.

You just have to try.

MadAxeman -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 12:43:07 AM)

Scary? Harsh?
All I've seen is came4u offer advice, encouragement and some humorous fake bullying.
The cause of many your problems seems to be that you are in many respects childlike.
See the road ahead as exciting. Throw yourself into the storm.
In short start functioning.

came4U -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 12:48:33 AM)

Yes, well, you caught me.  I never even spanked my own 'ungins, not gonna chase some grown woman across the country. 

<tosses tongue back onto the ground and it flops away like a salamander.

IrishMist -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 1:21:06 AM)

Geeze, I have a flippin headache from All the poor me, pity me going on here.

Believe it or not Asz…you received some very, very sound advice from these people here who you saw as attacking you. Just because they did not coddle and pet you with their words does not mean that they don’t understand what you may be going through.

Unlike others, I am not afraid of sounding harsh. You say you spent 18 years with this couple. 18 years in which you understood who and what they were; abuse and all. 18 years in which you had a simple choice. Accept it and stay. Or do not accept it and walk away.

YOU made the choice to stay. No one else is to blame. Just YOU. Now you have another choice to make. You can roll over and play dead…which, from the sound of this thread is what you are planning to do anyway; or you can stand on your feet and walk away.

It’s actually a very simple decision.


Be seen as pitiful
Be seen as strong.

Only you can make that choice.

But for the sake of the Gods….stop making excuses and get off your computer and DO SOMETHING about it.

starshineowned -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 5:16:32 AM)


No, starshineowned.
Its not that at all.
I have always come between master and mistress, taking the hit so that no harm would happen to mistress.
I am concerned that once I leave there is nothing to keep master from harming mistress.

I am sorry but I see it as exactly that. Doesn't matter that you were the fall guy/gal for his anger. Point is: She is more than capable of leaving him or getting help to deal with issue's she's now going to face with him in their retirement phase. If she is not..then she's no more independent than you are or have been, and certainly would not qualify as any Mistress with an ability to be incharge and in dominion over another. After all these years together..I seriously doubt that just because "you" were there to take any blows or hostility from him was enough to keep her married to and staying with him. I'd venture to say with alot of certainty that she Wants to be with him.

However, it was given only as a mental change idea to process how your looking at this in a new way in effort to help you on your way without that caring guilt being a stoppable wall infront of you.

Good Luck


KatyLied -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 6:32:21 AM)


but still its time to let go..and leave.

But by going and leaving she gives up opportunities for drama and sadness.  I can't understand why you would stay, for many years in a situation of violence and why a "mistress" would condone such action towards you.  Also I don't understand why you are complaining about how they spent the money you gave them.  It was your decision to give them your savings.  And your decision to be okay with them loaning you out for more money.  Yes, your decision.  Don't act like you have no free will.  I'm not buying it.  You need a clean break from these people.  Unless you want to continue to care for people who hurt you.  If so that is your decision, but don't expect sympathy from all of us.

natasha66 -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/2/2009 8:14:28 AM)

Drama, drama, and yet more wonder i have a headache.[:@]

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