RE: Deeply Troubled (Full Version)

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came4U -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:01:26 PM)

Welcome to reality.  Divorcees all over the world in their 40's have gone through the same thing.  Women are in the same boat when the empty nest syndome hits. Family (or us net people) cannot always be there to hold your hand.  Make those calls tomorrow or don't.  Up to you.

edit *get the necessities of a roof over your head and food in your belly before worrying about what is going on inside your head.  Once you have settled with the big girl business, get a free therapist also.  Baby steps.  Don't do it all in one day.

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:04:00 PM)

thanks for reminding me of the empty feeling, came4U

beargonewild -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:04:36 PM)



its not pity that I wanted
I am trying to understand what is going on because I have never had this happen to me before
its not like I am still in Toronto,
I had family there and friends there to help me as I would have helped them
but I am not there now am I
9 months is not a hell of a lot of time to correct 42 years of reliability on others

some advice has been helpful, but other advice has only uncovered other serious issues concerning my own well-being


As I said earlier, take one step at a time. Write out a list of your priorities from most urgent to the less. Take that list and work to find a solution each one at a time from top to bottom.

Aszhrae, many of us have given you several tools to work from. Yes it is tough but find that inner core of strength and use that to take the tools and help yourself.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:05:37 PM)

I'd offer help, but apparently I'm too young to understand myself and only make things negative.  Although perhaps the fact that I'm living in a long term fulfilling relationship and you're obviously not in a stable or mature situation might persuade otherwise?

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:08:59 PM)

some advice has only raised deeper issues I need to think about

beargonewild -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:09:23 PM)

Aww come on LA, you always seem to have the right answers on many occasions!Doesn't life's experiences trump age any day?  LOL

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:11:14 PM)

thanks for reminding me of the obvious LA

rub it in how so fulfilled you are and I am not

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:15:07 PM)

All you're saying with these posts is wah wah wah. You chose a relationship with a woman who had a husband you feared now it's all going tits up so deal with it and quit wah wah wahing when you do n't like the statements others have made.


thanks for reminding me of the obvious LA

rub it in how so fulfilled you are and I am not

came4U -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:16:42 PM)

I think what LA might have meant was that some people wouldn't allow this to occur and some (depite having a relationship or not) have a backup plan: skills, education, outsources of friends and networking, community involvement etc and they wouldn't be left in the dust in a predicament at your age.

Always prepare for a rainy day, whether you are 24 or 42. 

parakeet89 -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:17:29 PM)

People are trying to help you, Aszhrae, not make things worse...

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:21:41 PM)

Let me say also, You can indeed get over learned helplessness in a very short time if you wish to.

I'm about as helpless as they come sometimes having never been independant, never learned basic skills to take care of myself,  I would probably have to go into an insititution type situation to make it on my own in life.

BUT I have a spine when I have to have one and I'll come out swinging AND ON TOP of the problem, when the situation calls to. Because I know there's no point in being helpless, or looking for an easy fix.

When I went to New York one summer to meet a guy I'd been online dating for the entire year and he turned out to be a lying douch bag, and I was stuck in new york, his uncle payed for my hotel room for 3 nights.  I didn't wah and whine and curl up and  go help me I am helpless. I wanted to, boy did I ever want to call home and cry, but I chose to take matters into my own hands, called the airlines found out When the next flight out was, then when I found out it wasn't till 3 days later and I couldn't afford the hotel I was in , I called around saw what I could find out and I eventually ended up calling the cops, who drove me to a place to have lunch and dropped me off at a hotel..

Then when the hotel owner turned into a sleezeball that tried to sexually proposition me, anmd tried to get into my room with out my permission I dead bolted the door.

Then I took a cab to the airport.

It's amazing what you'll do when you decide having a spine is more worthwhile than help me I don't know what to do nor do I want to try to learn attitude.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:22:11 PM)


I think what LA might have meant was that some people wouldn't allow this to occur and some (depite having a relationship or not) have a backup plan: skills, education, outsources of friends and networking, community involvement etc and they wouldn't be left in the dust in a predicament at your age.

Always prepare for a rainy day, whether you are 24 or 42. 

No I really was just throwing her words back at her.  She spat at me a short while ago that I'm too young to understand myself and to know that I'm just putting out negativity and that's all that comes back to me.

Perhaps Ash was more projecting what was going on in her own life?  She certainly could stand to take her own advice in this case and realize that projecting out all this negativity to me and others isn't going to bring her any fulfillment.

suhlut -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:28:03 PM)


i have been watching and reading through your posts lately.. and each time.. i have noticed that you become defensive.. and that your letting very good advice slip on by.. all because you seem to rather whine..then to take the steps needed to get you out of your situations..

And i thought about why you might be doing that.. why you wont take words of advice and i think i have it figured out.

You are sitting there.. NOT wanting people to tell you what ya prob should be doing.. or links and ideas of where to look for help...

What you want.. is impossible hun.. i think you are hoping some single female Domme will happen to come online.. read about your plight.. write to you..and offer to save the day.. by taking you into her home.. and under her care.

Thats just not gonna happen NEED to take control..and do what needs to be get yourself the help you need..and YOURSELF.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:33:50 PM)

I have had my own trials and tribulations. Financial independence is something I lost and have to regain myself. I am still legally married because of it. Living in a basement apartment that is awful. I would love if my Master would save me. I am with him 3 nights a week. But even he wants me to be on my own first as he wants me to be with him not because I have no other choices but because I want him. I think many Dominants want that. Someone who can stand on their own 2 feet.

I think you are looking for someone to save you. Come to your rescue and take you in. The likelihood of that is very slim. ANd like I said, most don't want a submissive who would just as well serve one as another. They want to be chosen for compatibility. Not because they found an indentured servant.

Your Master and Mistress did you a great disservice separating you from your friends and family and not paying you for your work. You being such a good slave that you have no identity of your own. Perhaps the future should bring you someone to build you up, not tear you down.

In the meantime you have to save yourself.

came4U -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:35:24 PM)

Ah ok, well then I am done with this game then.

I think I previously posted about knowing a gal who daily told me her problems and after I painstakingly researched methods for her to change her situation (men, boredom, income, mental health) the next day she found excuses to not do anything I suggested.  I refused to take any more of her calls.

No more hand holding here, sometimes ya gotta pull up your big girl panties and take care of numero uno.  Make those calls tomorrow, or check yourself in to a mental insitution if you choose to make your 'issues' more important than your responsibility to yourself to take care of yourself.

PanthersMom -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:39:57 PM)

you have alot of good information here.  none of us has a magic wand to wave and make it all better.  you have to do it yourself.  the most difficult journeys begin with a single step.  it's time you took that first step and contacted some of the agencies out there to help you.  i was afraid i'd never make it when my situation became abusive, but i got out and i've never been happier.  it sucks to have a relationship end, but it's not the end of the world.  someone once told me that the best revenge is living well.  i've learned that's true.  i made it out, and i've made something of myself.  you can too.  good luck.

suhlut -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 9:57:20 PM)

        And another lil thing..

You should keep in mind.. that first impressions are VERY important.. even IF there were a Female Domme around on here that might have been interested, how do you think she is going to feel after reading example after example of whining proff that you can't serve to your own needs.. then how would you ever serve to a Dommes?

Never forget.. someone might be watching.. that isn't getting a very good "first impression"

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:13:31 PM)

Its interesting how everyone has suggested that I should have had a back up plan.
I did actually, though I did not have much in my savings at the time, I used it to help mistress and master recover. They used it all without considering that it was to keep me safe and comfortable just for this situation.
Two years later they loaned me out, thought that they were giving me a chance to earn it all back. Nope, all the money I earned they used it for themselves and I have nothing as a result.
Months later mistress decided that it would be in best interest to look elsewhere, telling me that I have until October of this year.
I have done as you have all suggested already.
Social assistance since I am residing still with mistress and master, I am only entitled to 235$ per month. The allowance that was being received laboring for master, brought it up somewhat but not much. It also takes a year to qualify for affordable housing and since I have not filed income tax since I was 18 years old. I really don't exist because I have always labored for my allowance.
In most cases, you need to be on the streets and destitute before you get any real help like you are suggesting. I have already inquired about much that you have already suggested that I do. Unless I was a single mother with a child to support or elderly or had a visible disability, some advice can not be followed.
What allowance I do get is going towards everything that has to do with my identity, pardon because I was bad girl back in Toronto, because I was nabbed with a butterfly knife and charged with mischief and possession of weapons dangerous.
Now to continue with your offered advice. When I ran away back in '01, I probably should not have returned. However I still felt some obligation towards my mistress and thus I returned. When I had run and was stateside I had little trouble in getting support because I had a great many friends that I had established with the use of the internet. The thing about being on the run, I always had a destination. Yes, I was transient at that time for 3 months and probably managed to see more of the states than most americans.
However since 01 it has become increasingly more difficult to leave because of master. Like I said, I am bound because I am awaiting funding for surgery, but there is also my pardon and the factor of suitable ID needed to get my passport. Once I have those then I am so out of here.
However, the emptiness that I feel is how my present mistress is treating me and how my present situation is causing me some serious negative reactions.
I have been paying attention to the advice that has been given to me. Believe it or not, some of the advice has only brought up some deeper issues that have caused me further angst. Other advice has been extremely helpful, some of which has been privately by others that have responded to this thread.
Consider the factors.
It is true that I have a fear of being alone.
It is true that I have an increasing anxiety towards mistress and what might happen to her by master's hand since I will no longer be here for him to abuse emotionally.
My concern for mistress' well being as also raised to the surface something that I am obviously not over, that would be my mistrust towards men in general. Unless someone has introduced them to me as someone I can trust, I will only tolerate them enough to speak with them but not associate with them on a regular basis. Despite all that you girls say about your masters and how great they are to you. That's great, you are fulfilled and happy with your relationship. A relationship that is not in the cards for me given my own violent past with me at the receiving end of their violence. Congratulations for your ongoing success.
It is true that I have issues. This is not a whine or wah-wah-wah, its wanting to discuss my issues with others here, girl to girl or girl to gay. A few have taken the invitation and have spoken to me regarding my issues privately.
In regards to employment. I have done what you have suggested also and did seek employment counselors and even counselors having to do with transhealth issues. The employment counselors have tried to place me, their advice, drop my transition and I could get employed very quickly. That is not an option and I have told them that, their response, sorry we can not help you.
As for the counselor that has been replaced by a male equivalent. I do not know and I am not comfortable with, however there is one that I will call come Monday, he will help me. I will go to him because I have known him for three years and I do not perceive him as a threat to me.
My issue was the emptiness and the anxiety I have towards my mistress' welfare.
As I said in this post, some advice was welcomed.
Harsh-toned advice only caused further angst. If that was the intent of the post, then it was successful.

edit: I would also like to add, that when I post. I usually attempt to provide and introduction as to the cause and how it has affected me and how I am trying to deal with my own healing process. Certain advice at times bring up issues that I have not considered. The replying post is how I think might be the best way I think I should solve the problem. Which results with further advice from another source that offers additional possibilities. The result is my own confusion as I do the best that I can to understand the advice being given. Which is why, many times I have offered to discuss such things privately, but it is rare that anyone chooses to take me up on my offer. Finding that the some would much rather post in a public forum rather than discuss privately. Eventually it results in me having to post my own skeletons which is sometimes what I perceive others want me to do. Share my anger and share my pain and then reply stating that I am whining. Apologies for having it conveyed as such, I will try to be more callous in the future.

PanthersMom -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:27:28 PM)

one of the most basic things you are going to have to do is stop caring about your mistress and what will happen to her.  she's a grown woman, she has made her choices, she will have to live with them just as you will have to live with yours, as we all do.  she has been cold towards you, so it's obvious she doesn't care anymore.  let her deal with her choices.  put all your efforts into yourself.

Aszhrae -> RE: Deeply Troubled (1/1/2009 10:32:11 PM)

How do you stop caring, when you have always cared?
I do not have that luxury of just switching off my emotions like some people in CM obviously have the ability without even batting an eyelash.
I cry when I watch an SPCA commercial or watch a hunter shoot a wild bear that has strayed into someone's yard.

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