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"Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 7:33:52 AM   

Posts: 1305
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From: East Coast
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** warning: mini-rant **
I've seen this (or similar) language in more male profiles than I can count. It is typically phrased as "I'm in search of a gorgeous/beautiful/stunning Domme to enslave me and make me her pet/slave/submissive/whatever"
My instinct is always to say:
"Gorgeous" or "Beautiful" (like any other adjective) is subjective. Anyone who chooses to describe herself as "gorgeous" and respond to your profile is now taking that risk that you may not agree with her. You respond with 'hey - you said you were gorgeous". She could logically respond with 'hey - you never said you were a dick !"
Women all over the world believe in themselves and their accomplishments. They ARE beautiful to the people who know them. They dont NEED the approval of some schlub looking for a runway model.
I'd like to get them all by the short-hairs and say 'HEY - if you want to be surrounded by goddesses - be a god !!


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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 8:24:33 AM   

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** warning: mini-rant **
I've seen this (or similar) language in more male profiles than I can count. It is typically phrased as "I'm in search of a gorgeous/beautiful/stunning Domme to enslave me and make me her pet/slave/submissive/whatever"
My instinct is always to say:
"Gorgeous" or "Beautiful" (like any other adjective) is subjective. Anyone who chooses to describe herself as "gorgeous" and respond to your profile is now taking that risk that you may not agree with her. You respond with 'hey - you said you were gorgeous". She could logically respond with 'hey - you never said you were a dick !"
Women all over the world believe in themselves and their accomplishments. They ARE beautiful to the people who know them. They dont NEED the approval of some schlub looking for a runway model.
I'd like to get them all by the short-hairs and say 'HEY - if you want to be surrounded by goddesses - be a god !!


(in reply to MsFlutter)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 8:40:32 AM   

Posts: 1558
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From: KC Area Missouri
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Meh........just one more tool for quick, easy weeding!


Deviant Mind
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:00:41 AM   

Posts: 22716
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Wouldn't be less stressful and simpler to just ask what their definition of beautiful/gorgeous/stunning is? Like you said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Do Not Rile da Chosen Bear

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(in reply to MsFlutter)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:03:19 AM   

Posts: 27124
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From: Island Of Misfit Toys
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Well my face is out there on my profile...  I get plenty of "you're gorgeous" emails, to which I respond, "thank you".  I am baffled that someone would want to submit to my beauty, as if that was ME.  I do not like being objectified.


[page 23 girl]

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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:07:28 AM   

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That's why it's a good weeding out tool for me. It shows to me they are focused on the physical rather than the person and seems insulting across the board really. If you are beautiful, then you feel it's just your looks they are after regardless of who you are as a person. If you are average or not so good looking, then it shows again, that who and what you are as a person makes no difference at all.


Deviant Mind
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:08:59 AM   

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I was thinking about the modelizer episode on Sex and the City... yeah...


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:12:02 AM   

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Yes, like the ones who are more focused on what I am WEARING while I am doing whatever.   Yet don't share pictures of THEMSELVES... 

I love venting lilke this, it's so relaxing!  Makes me appreciate my friends that much more, too! 


[page 23 girl]

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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:16:08 AM   

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One of the most beautiful people I know is an 87 year young woman with a very strong and dominant personality.  Her mind is sharp and clear, her sense of humor is priceless, and she is a true joy to be around.

Do the lines and wrinkles that adorn her face, or the fact that her back is bent and she uses a cane to walk any less beautiful?  Not in my book.


Patience, grasshopper.

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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:20:17 AM   

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What are they supposed to say?  "I want an ugly domme who is so unattractive she requires a paperbag pulled over her head"?


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(in reply to purepleasure)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:20:38 AM   

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To play devil's advocate...

Is it any less shallow to seek someone intelligent? Much of intelligence, like beauty, is genetic and takes a lot of effort to enhance. How many times have you heard that intelligence is subjective too, that you can't properly test it, and that there are many kinds of intelligence?

(in reply to LadyHibiscus)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:23:46 AM   

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ORIGINAL: IntellectualPro
How many times have you heard that intelligence is subjective too, that you can't properly test it, and that there are many kinds of intelligence?

Many times.


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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:27:30 AM   

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And on a whole different level there is artificial intelligence as well as artificial beauty.


Patience, grasshopper.

Your stupidity does not impress me.

blame it on your hormones!!! - beerbug aka ydd

(in reply to kittinSol)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:29:49 AM   

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Katy, of course not.  *snort*  These men are in the same class as those who want only 20 yr old submissives who are size 4 and 34DD.  They are focused on the picture in their head, and not the PERSON.

Intellectual, I look for intelligent men myself.  I don't think it's shallow to seek intelligence---or anything else, truly---because intelligence is a thing that stays with you and grows.   An intelligent person enhances his or her companions.  (at least I would like to think so)  Beauty is transitory. 

It's true that beauty and intelligence are subjective things, but the real issue that I have with the fantasists is that they are not looking for a compatible human being, they are looking for a customized toy.    We all have an array of needs, and not all of them are "worthy" necessarily---I need a masochist, and I know that I would never be 100% satisfied in a relationship with a pain-phobic.  The foot fetishist has his needs, and he wouldn't be 100% satisfied with me, who would only indulge his desires, but never really share them. 

I want a real man, not a shell.  It would be lovely if those men who write saying that they would love to submit to me really MEANT it, but they don't.  I point out kindly that they don't even know me, how could they make such a claim?  More often than not, I don't get a response.


[page 23 girl]

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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:33:50 AM   

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ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Intellectual, I look for intelligent men myself.  I don't think it's shallow to seek intelligence---or anything else, truly---because intelligence is a thing that stays with you and grows.  

Would you consider a smart ass?

Ok it seems I finished this thought in my head but it did not transfer to typeing

Now that I ruined the punchline please resume the tread

< Message edited by housesub4you -- 1/25/2009 9:35:22 AM >

(in reply to LadyHibiscus)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:34:26 AM   

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ORIGINAL: IntellectualPro
Much of intelligence, like beauty, is genetic

No.  Economic status of the parents has more to do with IQ scores than any other variable.  Barring some medical condition like trisomy 21, if you take a child, born to any parents, and provide it affection and personal attention, you'll get a young man or young woman who is sharp as a tack.  Malnutrition, lack of access to education, and parents working and unable to afford childcare, are examples of the reasons kids grow up "dumb."  Genetic makeup has almost nothing to do with this.


Not with envy, not with a twisted heart, shall you feel superior, or go about boasting. Rather in goodness by action make true your song and your word. Thus you shall be highly regarded, and able to live in peace with all others.
- 15th century Aztec

(in reply to IntellectualPro)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:34:30 AM   

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From: Island Of Misfit Toys
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ORIGINAL: housesub4you


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Intellectual, I look for intelligent men myself.  I don't think it's shallow to seek intelligence---or anything else, truly---because intelligence is a thing that stays with you and grows.  

Would you consider a smart ass?

A SINGLE smartass, sassmonkey! 


[page 23 girl]

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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:36:12 AM   

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I don't believe it's unrealistic or even selfish to want to find someone who considers themselves to be attractive (beautiful, gorgeous, etc..)  That being said, I doubt that the majority of the subject posters intend their statement in this fashion. 



May your service of love a beautiful thing; want nothing else, fear nothing else and let love be free to become what love truly is. -- Hadewijch of Antwerp

As a rule, I don't like to make general statements.

(in reply to purepleasure)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:36:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Well my face is out there on my profile...  I get plenty of "you're gorgeous" emails, to which I respond, "thank you".  I am baffled that someone would want to submit to my beauty, as if that was ME.  I do not like being objectified.

I just get very uncomfortable over the fact that often when a person compliments another on their appearance and then wonder if that comments will be interpreted as being superficial by mistake. Personally I hope that I am not reducing a woman to an object when I comment how beautiful she looks or that outfit she happens to be wearing makes her look stunning. I guess this is the reason why I don't hand out compliments too frequently, so when I do it is a safe assumption that said complements are honest ones and not just cheap meaningless words.


Do Not Rile da Chosen Bear

Promiscuous boy you already know
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(in reply to LadyHibiscus)
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RE: "Wanted: Gorgeous/Beautiful Domme" - 1/25/2009 9:41:25 AM   

Posts: 4279
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ORIGINAL: IntellectualPro
Much of intelligence, like beauty, is genetic

No.  Economic status of the parents has more to do with IQ scores than any other variable.  Barring some medical condition like trisomy 21, if you take a child, born to any parents, and provide it affection and personal attention, you'll get a young man or young woman who is sharp as a tack.  Malnutrition, lack of access to education, and parents working and unable to afford childcare, are examples of the reasons kids grow up "dumb."  Genetic makeup has almost nothing to do with this.

Soo splain to me why my sister and I have far higher IQ scores than my other sister and brother?

Anyways IQ tests are a rubbish way to test anyone, all it shows is how good someone is at IQ tests.


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