RE: A Master Who Steals (Full Version)

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fldrkhorse -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 6:32:48 AM)

I keep reading these posts and this just doesn't pass the smell test. The title is misleading, then there's one story, then another story, then excuses, then end with "I'm mad?" There's good advice that just seems to be dismissed like there's no solution. This just doesn't make sense. To witness child abuse and not report it is unconscionable. Not to take swift and immediate action because you don't want to cause trouble? To say there was no way out or being held against your will? Any of this can hardly be true and if by some stretch of the human existence it is, by posting a thread here instead of going to the authorities is hardly a solution. My gut tells me this is a pathetic attempt for attention.

MHOO314 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 6:54:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: fldrkhorse

I keep reading these posts and this just doesn't pass the smell test. The title is misleading, then there's one story, then another story, then excuses, then end with "I'm mad?" There's good advice that just seems to be dismissed like there's no solution. This just doesn't make sense. To witness child abuse and not report it is unconscionable. Not to take swift and immediate action because you don't want to cause trouble? To say there was no way out or being held against your will? Any of this can hardly be true and if by some stretch of the human existence it is, by posting a thread here instead of going to the authorities is hardly a solution. My gut tells me this is a pathetic attempt for attention.

Must be the Carolina cold winds, I have been smelling the same thing--well stated.

MrDiscipline44 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 8:30:05 AM)

I too, have to agree that something isn't right with all thats been stated in this thread. There are too many conficting thigs that she is stating:

1 - the Master is abussive to his family*
2 - the Master is the lesser of two evils
3 - she left all her things but then wanted them at a later date
4 - she was released but had to sneak away

This thread seems to mirror other threads I've seen by people that, like you said fldrkhorse, need attention so they post things in the most dramatic way they can to get it. The abuse is never disclosed. This person just goes on and on about how they're wronged without taking action. Advise is brushed aside by excuses are just plain ignored.

* - Abuse is a word I've seen all to often just thrown around on these boards. And people jump on that band-wagon like it's the last ride to funsville. Most times it's just misinterpretation of actions or words. People need to know the story from both sides before running around like their hair was on fire, screaming 'abuse!!'

RiotGirl -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 8:38:55 AM)

Well i read the op but didnt read much of the responses. BS or not. The answer to your question if there is a question, is because some ppl are like that.

Point blank. i've kind of heard of this thing before and well i'm not shocked or suprised. Because ppl do crappy things, thats why. Because ppl are dumb thats why. Though you could look at it in as a good lesson = ) Be very wary who you trust!

Good luck getting your things back.

IceyOne -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 8:57:47 AM)


Because he very frequently would tell me that he would never, ever release me. He also told me that he would be doing a "fake release" to fool the alpha slave

So let me get this straight. He told you he would never release you, and yet, he released you? Which is it?


He, the alpha slave and the teenagers had me under constant watch. At first I thought it was cute... then it became annoying... then it stressed me out.... then it made me afraid. No matter where we went or even at the house, one of them was always watching where I was and what I was doing

And yet, in another sentence you state that you and the alpha loved each other very much. Conflicting a bit, are we not?


Please don't quote me on the "3 days"...

Why not? After all, it is what YOU said.


When he got home, and was calmer, I asked him about what he said.... he repeated it word verbatum... when I accepted the release, he then said, "Well, that is NOT a release, because I didn't say that is what I want you to do!" The alpha slave and I just looked at eachother like "Oh god... more bullshit... how ridiculous"..... he talked in the context of mind games all the time. But I knew one thing.... if I attempted to leave, he would have physically prevented me, regardless of what that took.


Right before I did this, in one of his fits of rage, he "released me". I waited about 30 minutes until he was calmer, and had him verify my release in front of the alpha slave. I accepted the release and stated that I am no longer his slave.

You are very good at changing your story.


I overheard him screaming on the phone to the alpha slave... "That F-en bitch can get her F-en clothes and get the F out of the house! FIRST, we'll get her F'en money, then she can get the F out of the house!!"

When he got home, and was calmer, I asked him about what he said

And then there is this little contradiction. YOU OVERHEARD HIM SCREAMING ON THE PHONE.........
and yet, you had to wait till he came home to ask him about it?


All I know is that Master Dragon called the police in Myrtle Beach, SC

Let me see if I got this right. YOUR Master called the police and not you?


After calling the police about getting back my stuff, and driving from PA to SC... I only got back part of my things.

Which one is it? He or you?

I must admit. Your story is a good one, but if you are going to fabricate fiction, you really should try and keep the facts straight throughout.

valeca -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 9:33:35 AM)

Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one who felt a certain dubiousness about this thread. I was really starting to wonder if I was being unnaturally suspicious.

Pheonix has plans for a book about BDSM or lifestyle issues. A common (and frequently raised) issue in both is "abuse"--it's fantastic, sensationalistic and a big seller idea, though hardly new. Combine a deviant activity/lifestyle with the sympathy of abuse, what do you get? Sales.

I'm a writer-turned-editor, I know the value of research, characterization study and real-time reactions. In my (possibly suspicious) mind, I add two and two together and get a picture that, although shaded in eroticism, lacks depth or understanding of people in either situation, and has the mighty ring of falsehood about it.

Why do I think this? Because there was no question asked, no advice sought, no warning to others, no nothing. Just a story. And a flawed one at that. Any time advice was offered or suggestions made, all that appeared where more, "what-if-I-add-this-bit-of-information", or "If-I-change-this-does-it-sound-more-'right?'" style posts.

Pheonix, a bit of professional advice--torn and gaping plot holes make the reader drop their 'suspension of disbelief' quickly. Two dimensional characters irritate, and garner very little sympathy, as well.

Cold? Possibly. I will lose no sleep over it though.

IrishMist -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 9:45:26 AM)

Well, I read through this whole post...and come to the same conclusion...sounds like a very bad thought out STORY. I just can't seem to see it as anything more than that. But then, I am pretty cynical about things anyway


I wish you luck in whatever you do

MrDiscipline44 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 9:57:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: valeca
Cold? Possibly. I will lose no sleep over it though.

Wow, a woman after my own heart.

valeca -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 10:34:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: MrDiscipline44


ORIGINAL: valeca
Cold? Possibly. I will lose no sleep over it though.

Wow, a woman after my own heart.

I shall take that as a compliment. [;)]

I'd also like to add to my previous post, I leave open the possibility, however small, that I could, in fact, be wrong about pheonix. I'm going on experience, education and no small amount of gut instinct--all things I heavily rely on when forming my own conclusions.

KnightofMists -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 10:51:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: fldrkhorse

I keep reading these posts and this just doesn't pass the smell test. The title is misleading, then there's one story, then another story, then excuses, then end with "I'm mad?" There's good advice that just seems to be dismissed like there's no solution. This just doesn't make sense. To witness child abuse and not report it is unconscionable. Not to take swift and immediate action because you don't want to cause trouble? To say there was no way out or being held against your will? Any of this can hardly be true and if by some stretch of the human existence it is, by posting a thread here instead of going to the authorities is hardly a solution. My gut tells me this is a pathetic attempt for attention.

I smelled it right from the first post..... It is highly unlikely that anyone that comes out of any abusive situation will approach it in this manner. Hidden embarrassment is more likely the approach instead of this bearing of the soul approach. However, it maybe true people have done stranger things... but further posts just seem to rise the smell factor for me.

If it is a lie... well... doesn't matter... this person has likely helped others that is living a Hidden Embarrasement right now, for there was some very good advice here.

If it is true... well... it's a good warning that bad things do happen... and that everyone is responsible for there own well-being. giving authority to another doesn't mean you are blind to the conditions and risks. Good reasoning and asessement of risk is important to keep a person out of such dramatic situations!

caitlyn -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 10:53:46 AM)

Maybe you two could get together and spend your time doubting each other. [;)]

Good luck pheonix, and I hope it works out for you. [:D]

yourMissTress -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 11:01:23 AM)

A clear case of Occam's Razor in which the simplest explanation is that Phoenix is lying.

In returning a few times to continue reading the thread I felt as if I were reading a soap opera.

And although I highly doubt that it's true...I wholeheartedly agree with KoM..


If it is true... well... it's a good warning that bad things do happen... and they everyone is responsible for there own well-being. giving authority to another doesn't mean you are blind to the conditions and risks. Good reasoning and asessement of risk is important to keep a person out of such dramatic situations!

UtopianRanger -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 11:03:35 AM)

I agree with the others. Why follow all the protocol? If you didn't like the whole set-up, why not put your Cadillac’s to good use and hit the door. Isn't slavery just a state of mind?

- The Ranger

justatoy2 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 11:11:12 AM)

it does sound like a really far fetched story. And i have to ask? can anyone be so completely blind. To the OP if this is the whole story, instead of making up excuses for your behavior and part in this, own up to the fact that you made a really bad mistake. You had poor judgement and part of the consequences might be that your physical items are lost. It will be a good lesson for you to remember in the future. I used to work with battered women, instead of complaining about losing the material glad you got out of there alive, if indeed you were truly being abused. As far as your "sister". If she doesn't leave then there is nothing you can really do about it. I suggest you focus on your own life, remembering your poor choices and move on. Don't play the victim, you had a role in this as well.

valeca -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 11:24:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Maybe you two could get together and spend your time doubting each other. [;)]

Heh. Never mistake cold logic for lack of passion, nor equate it with doubt. ;)


Good reasoning and asessement of risk is important to keep a person out of such dramatic situations!


Raphael -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 11:30:33 AM)

You're describing a brain-washing situation. Likely much of what you believe was going on was in error - illusion. Can't say which parts, unfortunately. That's one of the things about living in a world with illusions.

It's to be expected that in at least some cases the things you are sure were real weren't, and the things you were sure were fantasy were in fact real. He was warping reality all around you, leading you to eventually abandon your previous ways of perception, as they would be no longer able to give any coherent structure to your new reality. This is a necessary first step before building a new and different way of perception.

And frankly, you're giving plenty of clue that you were in need of one. Presumably, that's why you were there in the first place.

However, it also sounds like this guy may well have been out of control himself. Drinking his own kool-aid, as they saying goes, and therefore not capable of guiding you through the collapse and rebuilding stage properly or safely. This is, sadly, all too common.

But, as usual, we hear only one side of the story, and have to infer the other. It's possible he's a total asshole, it's possible he's a saint, it's possible he's anything in between just about. But what you need to do depends very much on that.

Ultimately, you're the one living this, and you have to make your decisions on your own. It sounds like your lawyer friend, angry at you or not, at least has the proper motivation to pursue the matter fully. And letting him handle it is, I suppose, the only real advice I can give you here. It can be very difficult to recover property lost in this sort of case, as it is NOT legally 'stolen.' It's not in his house because he came and took it away from you and hauled it back. You took it there. Makes that end much more difficult, though not impossible. But actually using your writings and photos would expose him to a real world of hurt in the legal system, and if he's not a complete idiot he'll realise that and won't do it.

Raphael -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 11:44:38 AM)

Hmm, actually, that does seem like a distinct possibility as well.

Sunshine119 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 12:18:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Because what I read into your post isn't so much that you cared about the abuse of yourself or others in the household. You only bring these things up as important because of possessions. Albeit some are personal, but they still are possessions. If the situation you describe really is serious, why does collecting them supersede correcting the abusive situation?

This is what worries me most about this whole situation. Things are things are things. People, however, are precious, irreplaceable and unique. Child abuse is a crime. This is not just physical, but emotional and mental as well. Any child who witnessed what you have described is probably experiencing deep psychological trauma. In my state, anyone who even KNOWS about this kind of abuse is mandated, by law, to report it to the authorities immediately. I know PA has the same law. Now, I don't know about SC, but, if you did care about these kids, you have a responsibility to report it. More so than getting your stuff back. It is only stuff. Sorry, I don't care about pictures, I care about those you are only USING them as a threat to get your stuff back. Pictures may be irreplaceable but sorry lives are even MORE so.

Besides, if your ex-abuser (not master) is on this site (that is how you met, right), my guess is that all remnants of anything you hold dear are already gone.

I am sorry for anyone who has had to deal with an abuser. And I am truly sorry for you. I just wonder if your priorities are in order.

Dragonzaymaster -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 2:19:02 PM)

The primary comments I have to make are:
- This tale is true, accurate, and sad.
- A great deal of learning and knowledge has happened for all involved and all reading
these posts.
- For my part to play Veni Vedi Veci

MstrHellsFury -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 2:44:27 PM)

for anyone who needs to know....this post is about with any see only one side of a story.....anyone can say anything....and you all follow it like sheep....this saddens me so much.......


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