RE: A Master Who Steals (Full Version)

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phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 2:47:48 PM)



You should have reported the drug use, stealing and abuse when it happened, at this point its a bit late. Frankly, I consider not having reported the child abuse heinous in itself.

I'm not a hard ass about someone using drugs... if he wants to use drugs... what does that have to do with me? I'm not a narc. As long as he's not doing it in front of the kids or making the kids do drugs. Stealing from his company, I don't care about that either.

As for the abuse... I already addressed why I haven't taken any action on that so far and may or may not do that. I made a few posts about it on this thread, if anyone is interested enough to read back.

Henious not to call CYS? Well, I'm sure you and I have different knowledge and awareness of the child protective services. I honestly believe that they are more dangeorus to a child/children, than an abusive parent. So... I'm not eager to make any calls. Still thinking about it and may get some advice on this first.

MHOO314 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 2:49:20 PM)

gentlemen, it is now time to take this away from here, anyone who puts a question opens themselves up to opinions and advice that is what we are here for, but this took on as many different chapters as the endings to Clue--settle this among yourselves and do not make the boards a place to resolve your personal issues--if there are any.

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 2:59:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

So what I am saying to you is that if your accounting of the events has me puzzled....chances are you are going to get the same type of response from law enforcement, because as I was trying to say, they view everything through the eyes of suspicion to begin with, especially where ex's are concerned.

The whole thing just hit me in an odd way. When you said that you used to post under the name zaynab I went back and read a good deal of your old posts....trying to get a better understanding.


My posts on here may sound confusing to some, but I wasn't presenting this information as though I was talking to a cop or a lawyer or a court. I was just expressing my thoughts and feelings about this, as they came to me, while I was waiting for Master Dragon and my brother to get back safely from their trip to SC to retrieve my things.

If I would've constructed this entire account in a more organized format, folks would have said I'm lying because it sounds too perfect in how I'm presenting it.

Regarding my former posts with my old profile name, zaynab... yes, I am aware of escape plans that victims can use... and I do have experience with a long term relationship I had with a man with psychopathy...and some knowledge of that affliction...

but I didn't think of this man as a psychopath... and to be honest.. I still don't. I don't make judgements about people lightly or quickly... he is definitely an abuser... but a psychopath? eh... don't know about that.

Another thing about the kids... the teens will appear perfect, because their damage is mental/emotional via verbal/emotional abuse. The grandson.... well.. he walks around the house obviously scared shitless at all times... even afraid to eat relaxed at the table or get a drink for himself from the fridge.

He's afraid... all the time.... the man that this is about has undoubtly read all of this already and has either jacked the kid up and scared the crap out of him to keep him quiet about his treatment at their house... or he's begun to butter him up quickly to try to change the child's perspective as fast as possible, so he will be less likely to tell a caseworker that he's not screamed at, or threatened with violence.... or hit with the "Master Control" board until there are bruises. (that actually happened to all 3 kids).

KnightofMists -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 2:59:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrHellsFury

for anyone who needs to know....this post is about with any see only one side of a story.....anyone can say anything....and you all follow it like sheep....this saddens me so much.......


Not that I needed to know... thanks for the standing up to be counted. It only raises my orginal thought of the smell of this thread. One side of a story is not a truth... be it yours, any one person involved.

However, whatever the truth is... it will come to pass sooner or later to those that are in the situation.

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 3:06:25 PM)

ORIGINAL: fldrkhorse
I keep reading these posts and this just doesn't pass the smell test.
My only response to those who don't believe me... don't visit this thread then. You're wasting my time and your time.

To witness child abuse and not report it is unconscionable. Not to take swift and immediate action because you don't want to cause trouble?
Incorrect. In most cases, you should NOT take swift and immediate action... you should calmly gather information, assess the situation, discuss what you witnessed with an experienced and hopefully well-balanced, honest child care professional of some type (either in the CPS system or some other child welfare person) and then weigh out the pros of cons to THE CHILD, both short and long term... only after all those things are done, should you even consider informing a CPS agency.

This does not count if you see a child getting beat to death or something of that nature. In that event, call 911 immediately.

To say there was no way out or being held against your will?
I never said either of those things. I knew a way out and I took it. I ran away.

Any of this can hardly be true and if by some stretch of the human existence it is, by posting a thread here instead of going to the authorities is hardly a solution.
Did you read this thread? Go back and do it again, we did contact the authorities and will be again, I'm sure.

My gut tells me this is a pathetic attempt for attention.
And you listen to that? Sheesh.

justatoy2 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 3:23:07 PM)

the way it looks to me, you came here looking for sympathy. You say this man is an abuser and yet you defend him..shame on you. I truly don't understand what you were looking for by bringing this topic up in public? You asked for advice, and that is what people have given you. Their opinion on a very one sided topic. Accusing someone of being abusive but not willing to do anything about it, for example reporting them to the police, make your story less believable. And if all you are really concerned about are the material possessions...then you have alot to learn about life. This whole thread just makes me sad, and i am wiping my hands of it...good luck.

MHOO314 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 3:34:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: justatoy2

the way it looks to me, you came here looking for sympathy. You say this man is an abuser and yet you defend him..shame on you. I truly don't understand what you were looking for by bringing this topic up in public? You asked for advice, and that is what people have given you. Their opinion on a very one sided topic. Accusing someone of being abusive but not willing to do anything about it, for example reporting them to the police, make your story less believable. And if all you are really concerned about are the material possessions...then you have alot to learn about life. This whole thread just makes me sad, and i am wiping my hands of it...good luck.

Hey Me too, hold the door I'm coming----buy you a drink?

caitlyn -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 3:36:19 PM)

It's really hard to know what to say about this, other than feeling empathy for people that have things best discussed in private, made public.

About all I can think of is: If the girl is telling the truth, the guy should return the computer. If the girl isn't telling the truth, the guy should return the computer with a virus. [;)]

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 3:53:27 PM)

ORIGINAL: MrDiscipline44

There are too many conficting thigs that she is stating:

1 - the Master is abussive to his family*
2 - the Master is the lesser of two evils
3 - she left all her things but then wanted them at a later date
4 - she was released but had to sneak away

This thread seems to mirror other threads I've seen by people that, like you said fldrkhorse, need attention so they post things in the most dramatic way they can to get it.
Or maybe some of them just happen to be able to write in a more descriptive manner than others.

The abuse is never disclosed.
Ok, here's one example... the alpha slave just returned home from a chemo/rad apt and was wrung out. They were having an explosive type argument. He quickly hit her hard on the side of her head.

example two... another fight they were having, he shoved her so hard, she fell over the side of a chair and landed in the chair... this wrenched her colostomy bag area and caused her severe pain for 2 days.

How are those examples?

This person just goes on and on about how they're wronged without taking action.
We are taking action,.

Advise is brushed aside by excuses are just plain ignored.
Not in this case, I am taking some of the advise I've been given here.

* - Abuse is a word I've seen all to often just thrown around on these boards. And people jump on that band-wagon like it's the last ride to funsville. Most times it's just misinterpretation of actions or words. People need to know the story from both sides before running around like their hair was on fire, screaming 'abuse!!'

I'm not running around.. I'm sitting here calmly typing. And if this person decides to join this thread, obviously he's going to deny all of this and state I'm making it up. Duh.

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 4:09:42 PM)



So let me get this straight. He told you he would never release you, and yet, he released you? Which is it?
Both. He told us many things all the time that was always conflicting. He said it would keep us from getting bored with him... he asked me to marry him, but told his wife/alpha slave he was going to release me on several occasions. There are tons of things he had us thinking of that were all conflicting. He calls that being an "expert at Mind Control".


He, the alpha slave and the teenagers had me under constant watch. At first I thought it was cute... then it became annoying... then it stressed me out.... then it made me afraid. No matter where we went or even at the house, one of them was always watching where I was and what I was doing

And yet, in another sentence you state that you and the alpha loved each other very much. Conflicting a bit, are we not?
No. Not at all. She did/does love me. But that doesn't mean that she won't obey every single word he tells her to do. She didn't want me to leave but she would just nicely ask me to stay... telling me how badly she needs me, because of her cancer treatments but moreso because she didn't want to be the only one dealing with him anymore.


Please don't quote me on the "3 days"...

Why not? After all, it is what YOU said.
Because I didn't know anyone would care to be semantic on the exact number of days it was from when he screamed that I was uncollared and I ran out the door. AND the journal I kept while I was at their house is in PA, we are still enroute from SC to PA, visiting my brother on the way. When I go home, I'll look in the journal I kept at that house and can state the EXACT number of days it was, being that some of you are so acutely interested in that one detail.


When he got home, and was calmer, I asked him about what he said.... he repeated it word verbatum... when I accepted the release, he then said, "Well, that is NOT a release, because I didn't say that is what I want you to do!" The alpha slave and I just looked at eachother like "Oh god... more bullshit... how ridiculous"..... he talked in the context of mind games all the time. But I knew one thing.... if I attempted to leave, he would have physically prevented me, regardless of what that took.


Right before I did this, in one of his fits of rage, he "released me". I waited about 30 minutes until he was calmer, and had him verify my release in front of the alpha slave. I accepted the release and stated that I am no longer his slave.

You are very good at changing your story.
Sorry, I don't see the change you speak of in those two examples.... The first time he screamed it, he was at work and the alpha slave was on the phone with him... she came near me and tilted the phone so I could hear him screaming those words so I would know what he was telling her. After he got home from work (about 30 minutes later), he was calmer and I asked him to repeat what he had said on the phone, which he did. Right then, I pointed to him and told him I accept my release. Then he blurbed out that sentence saying he didn't say that he wanted me to do that so it doesn't count. To me, it does count, so I knew I was following protocol (sp?).

and yet, you had to wait till he came home to ask him about it?

Yes, because he was screaming things quite often, but usually at the alpha slave. Plus, with all the wierd ways he had both of us using for communicating or thinking or living... I wanted to be totally sure that he just wasnt telling her what "reality he wanted her to believe and live by", which was always "different from the reality he wanted ME to live by". Being that this is the test he had us going through for 6 weeks, I wanted to have him tell me those words to my face.


All I know is that Master Dragon called the police in Myrtle Beach, SC

Let me see if I got this right. YOUR Master called the police and not you?


After calling the police about getting back my stuff, and driving from PA to SC... I only got back part of my things.

Which one is it? He or you?
You may be misunderstanding. Master Dragon is NOT the man who is keeping my things. You might need to go back and read the previous posts. Master Dragon called the police and together we drove south to get my stuff.

I must admit. Your story is a good one, but if you are going to fabricate fiction, you really should try and keep the facts straight throughout.

I don't do fiction... and my facts are straight. If I get totally detailed... the way I normally would... everyone would bitch because of that. I am an extremely detail type person, so you won't be able to find any discrepancies with that.

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 4:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: valeca

Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one who felt a certain dubiousness about this thread. I was really starting to wonder if I was being unnaturally suspicious.

Pheonix has plans for a book about BDSM or lifestyle issues. A common (and frequently raised) issue in both is "abuse"--it's fantastic, sensationalistic and a big seller idea, though hardly new. Combine a deviant activity/lifestyle with the sympathy of abuse, what do you get? Sales.

I'm a writer-turned-editor, I know the value of research, characterization study and real-time reactions. In my (possibly suspicious) mind, I add two and two together and get a picture that, although shaded in eroticism, lacks depth or understanding of people in either situation, and has the mighty ring of falsehood about it.

Why do I think this? Because there was no question asked, no advice sought, no warning to others, no nothing. Just a story. And a flawed one at that. Any time advice was offered or suggestions made, all that appeared where more, "what-if-I-add-this-bit-of-information", or "If-I-change-this-does-it-sound-more-'right?'" style posts.

Pheonix, a bit of professional advice--torn and gaping plot holes make the reader drop their 'suspension of disbelief' quickly. Two dimensional characters irritate, and garner very little sympathy, as well.

Cold? Possibly. I will lose no sleep over it though.

You're funny.

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 4:19:13 PM)



Well, I read through this whole post...and come to the same conclusion...sounds like a very bad thought out STORY. I just can't seem to see it as anything more than that. But then, I am pretty cynical about things anyway


I wish you luck in whatever you do

It should sound like a very bad thought out story..... because I didn't think it out and it's not a "story". I didn't even tell you the beefy stuff about things that went on there, because I know the general public doesn't even believe things like the ones I put on here, how in the world would they believe the harsher or stranger things?

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 4:23:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: UtopianRanger

I agree with the others. Why follow all the protocol? If you didn't like the whole set-up, why not put your Cadillac’s to good use and hit the door. Isn't slavery just a state of mind?

- The Ranger

Well, as the weeks rolled on... the heat slowly got turned up.. .and up... and up.... the first week or two was actually kinda normal, other than the alpha slave being pissed off that I was even there.... after 2 weeks she saw that I'm actually a nice person... and realized that I'm just being the beta slave... she told me then that she's not really mad at me and has nothing against me personally... that I'm actually a very nice person.... her angery was directed at her husband/Master for having me there in the first place.

Your next question may be.. why did I go there if she was against it?
I didn't know that.... he had been sending me emails from her email addy, as though he was her. How do I know this? She told me and we all 3 discussed it. The husband/Master said, so what? What does it matter? It's what "I" wanted to do.

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 4:31:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrHellsFury

for anyone who needs to know....this post is about with any see only one side of a story.....anyone can say anything....and you all follow it like sheep....this saddens me so much.......


After taking the time to go through my possessions more thoroughly... these are my possessions that you still have:
1 camedia digital camera
my broken computer WITH The hard drive intact
my new flat screen monitor
my speakers/mouse/computer camera
my case of program discs
the 4" thick white binder of my medical/therapy journaling notes
my handwritten black journal
the fur trimmed coat my mother bought me
the gold/cream colored necklace she bought me as well
jewelry from my wedding (it's costume, not valuable)
8-10 packed manilla envelopes of documents (legal/medical/personal/etc) that was in my striped tote bag
my 2 stuffed animals, especially the stuffed monkey
my daughter's video tape of her college musical she starred in
the pewter horse decoration my son bought me on one of his vacations
my leather crop, flogger, paddle, butterfly, nipple clamps, 2 x-rated movies

I'll make a deal with you... if you give me back those items, I'll let you keep the monitor

phoenix1 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 4:33:46 PM)

I know.... I'm thinking on that... I just know how horrible those agencies are and how much damage they can cause to a child. That's what is causing the stalling on my part about getting them some help.

fldrkhorse -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 5:31:53 PM)


Hey Me too, hold the door I'm coming----buy you a drink?

Make mine a double. Waiter!!

KatyLied -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 5:41:29 PM)

Oh the drama!
Can I have a rum & coke and some popcorn with extra butter?

MHOO314 -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 5:54:40 PM)



Oh the drama!
Can I have a rum & coke and some popcorn with extra butter?

veronica??? drinks all around----

as for bringing your personal negotiated business before the boards---get some balls all three of you--you give the life a bad bad name.

justheather -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 5:56:27 PM)



Oh the drama!
Can I have a rum & coke and some popcorn with extra butter?

I have no idea what this thread is about but I saw references to alcohol and dairy products and knew I had to get in on it.
Make mine a Malibu rum and diet coke and pass the organic butter.

(edited cause yikes! i decided to get my drink and buttered popcorn to go.... this is some serious shazizzle)

kyraofMists -> RE: A Master Who Steals (1/15/2006 6:06:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrHellsFury

for anyone who needs to know....this post is about with any see only one side of a story.....anyone can say anything....and you all follow it like sheep....this saddens me so much.......


I always say that there are three sides to every story - his side, her side and then the truth. I am always leary of tales that are told after a break up. Typically the party speaking is deeply hurt and is just lashing out.

I know that these boards are here for people to share and learn from each other, but some things are best kept private and between the individuals involved.

Knight's kyra

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