RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (Full Version)

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StrangerThan -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 1:55:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales


What issues for me? Abortion, religion, and gay lifestyle for three.



Ya know,
I don't really care for what he says, but it is about what he says, not who he is.  That's one major problem I always see here...don't attack the issues, attack the man.   It really is cowardice of the highest nature.

NOW, if you want to say he's wrong on issue X or Y because of Z or W, then fine.  That's a discussion.  But otherwise, it isn't going to convince anyone...because there is never an argument made without a slam.  And that immediately puts your whole argument into a suspect state.

What issues for me?  Abortion, religion, and gay lifestyle for three. let's say, sticking to issues only, that Rush has shown himself to be against a woman's right to choose as well as her right to free choices in her health care, that he is blatantly against the separation of church and state and a vocal homophobe . I find those positions ethically reprehensible as I do the way in which he expresses them.

Is that any better?

Is that any better? Not really. I like listening to Rush sometimes. Its not because I'm a rabid neo-con, nor because I agree with anything he says. Its partly because he actually has an opinion and isn't afraid to voice it. When ever I want to know what those on the extreme right are thinking and saying, all I have to do is dial him in. When ever I want to know what those on the extreme left are thinking, all I have to do is come here. I find both entertaining in a Patrick Henry sense, and neither particualarly enlightening nor influential in how I vew things. I've done my time on radio talk shows debating both left and right and find the need to sever an opinion as ethically reprehensible as any of the three items you listed.

Then again, I think statements like a woman's right to choose are inane and divisive. My stance on most issues is that personal liberties should remain in the hands of the people, not in the hands of government and legislators, which is the only reason you'd find me on your side in that particular debate. It has nothing to do with women or the its my body sentiment as virtually every conception that has ever taken place required both sperm and egg. I firmly believe there is a point in time where it is undeniably murder, just as I believe that pulling plugs on people in hospitals is undeniably murder. I've heard all the soothing, soft handed statements that its better for them but that doesn't change the fact that if you put someone on a plug to keep them alive then take it away, you just killed them. I support a person's right to die when terminal illness is involved. I also believe that anyone issuing the medications to do so is effectively killing that person regardless of whether they administer the drugs or not.

There is no, one way is the right way argument on any issue when it comes to personal decisions and I have defended that belief both on the air and in print. So as far as Rush goes? More power to him. If he manages to piss off a lot of people, then he's done the something you learn to do in writing effectively, namely to create an emotional response.

The right wants to punish and restrict actions. The left wants to punish and restrict thought. I was asked in a radio debate a few years ago, by an avid right winger that if civil war were to erupt between left and right who I would support. I told him that I shot half inch groups at 100 yards and neither were safe stepping into my yard with their torches.

Rush is an egotistical idiot. That doesn't change the fact that he is entertaining and a definite thorn in the side of Democrats. I personally like thorns.

corysub -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 3:52:35 AM)

Steele saw the light and apologized. 

"To the extent that my remarks helped the Democrats in Washington to take the focus, even for one minute, off of their irresponsible expansion of government, I truly apologize," Steele said late Monday.

Interesting that those that keep attacking Rush discuss their commentary but only the man himself, with personal attacks, drugs (for pain, btw) , cigar smoking, bad person, loud mouth braggard...or whatever. I would like to hear exactly what Rush has said regarding the Obama administrations rush towards Big, Big, Governent that would be challanged. The man has 15-20 million listeners over a three hour program, is on countless stations because of audience interest, and I can't think of ANY liberal commentator/entertainer who comes ever close...other than Obama when he makes a national speech and is carried on mainstream TV, AM and FM NPR radio stations.

Why do you think the democrat party is trying to close talk radio down with another "Fairness Doctrine? The party is afraid that these conservative voices are actually giving information to the masses that they once controlled with their propaganda in the good old days when everyone turned on the six o'clock news on either CBS, NBC or ABC...or read the NY Times, Washington Post, or L.A. Times.

Heck..if the democrats are indeed successful in this regard..I'm running out to buy the depressed shares of Sirius Radio...The voices of conservatism will just gravitate to satellite and bring  huge number of their fans in as subscribers.  Think about could save your 401K.....[:)]

SpinnerofTales -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 4:06:11 AM)


Why do you think the democrat party is trying to close talk radio down with another "Fairness Doctrine? The party is afraid that these conservative voices are actually giving information to the masses that they once controlled with their propaganda in the good old days when everyone turned on the six o'clock news on either CBS, NBC or ABC...or read the NY Times, Washington Post, or L.A. Times.

Actually, Cory...not to let facts interfere with your world view, but the evil, communistic Democratic congress voted 87-11 to ban any re institution of the fairness doctrine. And before you start howling about the Durbin amendment, all that does is state the idea that a diversity in ownership of our public radio stations should be encouraged.

No one is trying to shut Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage up. We just WISH they would.

(By the way, I personally, liberal that I am, am firmly against the fairness doctrine. It is my opinion that the government should stay the hell out of the matter of who says what where. I may disagree with every word these "gentlemen" say, but it is an important part of my view of America that they have the right to say it. To me, they are a lot like Howard Stern. Sure they're offensive and I don't find their acts particularly amusing, but that's why radios come with off switches)

corysub -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:14:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales


Why do you think the democrat party is trying to close talk radio down with another "Fairness Doctrine? The party is afraid that these conservative voices are actually giving information to the masses that they once controlled with their propaganda in the good old days when everyone turned on the six o'clock news on either CBS, NBC or ABC...or read the NY Times, Washington Post, or L.A. Times.

Actually, Cory...not to let facts interfere with your world view, but the evil, communistic Democratic congress voted 87-11 to ban any re institution of the fairness doctrine. And before you start howling about the Durbin amendment, all that does is state the idea that a diversity in ownership of our public radio stations should be encouraged.

No one is trying to shut Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage up. We just WISH they would.

(By the way, I personally, liberal that I am, am firmly against the fairness doctrine. It is my opinion that the government should stay the hell out of the matter of who says what where. I may disagree with every word these "gentlemen" say, but it is an important part of my view of America that they have the right to say it. To me, they are a lot like Howard Stern. Sure they're offensive and I don't find their acts particularly amusing, but that's why radios come with off switches)

That's why I enjoy reading your posts.  You ARE not doubt a liberal and I pray for your salvation every day...[:)]  You are also interested in the other side of a discussion, and I appreciate that and that is why I spend time here too!

I know the Senate voted 87-11 in favor of the D.C. "voting rights Bill, and attached to that legislation was the Broadcaster Freedom Amendment.  I guess I'm just a paranoid neocon but kinda think that the only way the Senate could get the republicans on board for the primary purpose of that legislation was to give a little sugar to the elephant in the form of this amendment.

That "same day" the Senate also passed  by a vote of 57-41 the amendment by Sen. Dick Durban (D-Ill.) that you gloss over so nonchalant that seeks to achieve the same goals of the Fairness Doctrine through backdoor FCC regulations, using "vague regulations dealing with media ownership,” as Senator DeMint stated.

According to a report by CNS News, "acting FCC Chairman Michael Copps says he doesn’t support the return of the Fairness Doctrine, but he does think government has a role in enforcing media “diversity.” That role includes re-examining licensing and other regulations for radio stations -- including AM stations dominated by talk radio -- to make them “more reflective” of public interests.
And you don't think that brings chills up and down the spine of anyone who believes in freedom of speech;   you don't wonder why he is only talking about "AM stations" dominated by talk radio  classic rock, and hip - hop ( I guess those stations in Philly that only play ethnic music from Irish, German, Black and Spanish, have to "diversify...and play  "O solo mio"??)

No sir, the fight for free speech on radio is far from over.  I'm sure there will be "hearings" because even in the midst of a financial and economic crisis, Waxman, Conyers, Dodd, Frank, and Boxer, will all make time for hearings against talk radio and media "diversification",  the Bush Administration, and how to solve the termite problem in New Orleans, a $6 million earmark in the Obmnibus Bill.

I wish I had the money to form a conservative CCLU as a counter to the ACLU since the RNC is OTL and dysfunctional.


But Democrats countered with an amendment that seeks to promote “diversity” in media ownership

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:24:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: corysub

Steele saw the light and apologized. 

He didn't see the light, he felt the heat. And ran from it, like the coward he is.

lronitulstahp -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:24:49 AM)


Steele saw the light and apologized. 

It was a cowardly act....the political equivalent of a jail rape followed by a rimmming...i lost so much respect for Steele. 
Many figured his appointment was more of a figurehead "token" sort of thing, and his spectacularly awful back-peddling job does nothing to convince otherwise.[8|]

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:29:21 AM)

I wonder what made Steele turn around like that: is Limbaugh really that much of a bully [>:] ?

MarsBonfire -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:42:33 AM)


It's "groupthink"... they don't dare have independant thought. If any of them step out of line, they are immediately attacked by the group. And since getting anything accomplished in Washington requires support of others, the GOP has created a system whereby you can either get in line, or you are left completely powerless.

Sort of a "One for all, and all for one... and let's all fuck the US," sentiment. What was the old phrase? "Rearranging the deck chairs, while the Titanic sinks?" Except it doesn't quite work in this case: That phrase implys that they are engaged in some actual project, which they think is important... Really, this is more like the country is hanging from the edge of of the cliff, and the republicans are gleefully stomping on it's fingers, like some kind of villian from the old serials.... (Actually, I keep thinking of Rush as Eric Cartman, from Southpark... you have to admit, the resemblance is striking. And when the backlash against him comes, he'll pull the usual Cartman line of, "Screw you guys, I'm going home...")

Will the country survive the attack of the rich old white men, out of touch with the country so much, the don't even understand what the internet is, lead by their drug addicted, bigoted, homophobe leader? Tune in next week, same time, same channel!

lronitulstahp -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:42:33 AM)

What i find odd, is that as the head of the RNC, he mentions Rush's" leadership"???? 
Makes me wonder if Rush's maid is back on Rx's and sneaking him pills too!!![8|]

i mean, when the President met with George Clooney, and talked about Darfur, i found that odd...but he didn't come away from the meeting talking about Clooney as some sort of  "leader". WTF is going on???

MarsBonfire -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:46:10 AM)

So tell me, republican echo chambers on this site... in the last election, which of you voted Rush Limbaugh in? /How is it that your political party is suddenly being led by someone that was never on any ballot?

ARE YOU GUYS THAT WEAK NOW?  LOL... oh, man, this is sooo going to blow up in your faces....

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 5:51:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: lronitulstahp
What i find odd, is that as the head of the RNC, he mentions Rush's" leadership"????  (...) WTF is going on???

It's beyond bizarre,  but it confirms Rahm Emmanuel's analysis that Limbaugh is actually the true leader of the RNC ("Limbaugh is the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the RNC" - what a brilliant analysis: Emmanuel is amazing). I'm waiting for the RNC to finally come out and admit it.

StrangerThan -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:03:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

I wonder what made Steele turn around like that: is Limbaugh really that much of a bully [>:] ?


Love them or hate them, conservative talk radio hosts drive the show with their personalities and their beliefs. They tap into a core set of people who feel, justly or unjustly, marginalized by those who have created what they consider an acceptable belief system, who castigate and ostracize anyone who thinks or believes in a way inconsistent with what they consider the correct way. I read somewhere that around 20 million people tune into Limbaugh's show at least once a week. If you add in those who listen occasionally, and those who rarely listen but at least agree on some stances he takes, the numbers are probably double or triple the faithful.

It is, a huge number of people and opinions to set aside. It is a huge number of people with which there is little to no compromise on either side. I've said it before and will say it again, you can't cure one form of oppression by instigating another. I'd take time to explain that statement but I doubt few here would understand it.

Bottom line though, if progressive talk wants a market. Create one. This market was basically developed and turned into a money making venture by conservative radio. The template is already here. Just offer some actual discourse, some actual commentary, some meat to the bone rather than just occupying air time.

By the way Spinner, I'll be up your way the next couple of weeks. Want to have a sit down dinner, lemme know.

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:07:25 AM)

I don't think there is a market for 'progressive talk' because it's not in the 'progressive' or 'liberal' mindset to hear a front person spout off at the opposite side. It's a typically reactionary thing, that belongs entirely to the extreme right of the political equation.

What's your opinion? Why did Steele apologise to an entertainer like Limbaugh?

StrangerThan -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:15:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

I don't think there is a market for 'progressive talk' because it's not in the 'progressive' or 'liberal' mindset to hear a front person spout off at the opposite side. It's a typically reactionary thing, that belongs entirely to the extreme right of the political equation.

What's your opinion? Why did Steele apologise to an entertainer like Limbaugh?

You never listened to.. what was it called, Air America? If not, imagine an aural version of the Simpson's without the humor. It was launched as the alternative to conservative radio. It was... a miserable listening experience. And yes, they did their own share of spouting, but it always carried that pouty, school-age feel to it.

He apologized because he joined the attempt to marginalize the same people and they probably started reaming Republican asses. One thing I don't believe anyone really understands about fanatics, no matter which side they're on. They like.... puppies and 3 year olds. They are persistently intent upon those things they are intent upon.

People like Rush are a good thing in the same way sports were good for Romans.

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:22:55 AM)

If you want to see real pouting, check out Limbaugh's blog [sm=biggrin.gif]  . He is necessary like bactera is necessary: to build up one's immune system. Because one has to know one's enemy.

StrangerThan -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:28:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

If you want to see real pouting, check out Limbaugh's blog [sm=biggrin.gif]  . He is necessary like bactera is necessary: to build up one's immune system. Because one has to know one's enemy.

Lol. You cling to these kinds of folks don't you? I'll pass. Listening to him now and then will suffice. Its sort of soap-operaish in a way in that you can miss a good deal but the same characters and same story line are still there.

But again, this is typical. Point to one side without looking within, and it is why compromise is a lost art that I don't think will ever be regained. 

WomenDontRule -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:32:09 AM)

Having not read all of the responses, I hope I'm not repeating someone else's take...but here is mine.

I find it amazing that ANYONE....Liberal or Conservative...Republican or Democrat....takes ANY of these radio and tv people so seriously that they have to revert to schoolyard bluster over them. Left-leaning, right-leaning.....they are ALL...100% of people and if they can upset you then how much faith do you have in your own position that you feel you have to defend it from the likes of Oberman, or Limbaugh, or Moore, or Savidge?.....and that is exactly what you do when you attack any of these legitimize their words as meaningful content against which you must attack in order to defend "your" people. It's like being in high school and some girl you want to date takes a shine to another guy....and you spend a lot of effort to try and shoot him down...try to make him look bad. Make fun of his name...make fun of his size.....his car....his house...anything. All you end up doing is making the guy look like a victim.

There is a simple truth that is universal.....when the whole purpose of your actions is to tear someone else down, you must not have enough good about yourself to inspire people with.

Dispute Limbaugh's or Oberman's facts...attack their where they are wrong. Ditto anyone else you disagree with. That approach worked in 1787 to bring thirteen colonies with a plethora of conflicting interests together. Wasn't perfect, but debating the facts and the positions and the realities - not the personalities - resulted in a pretty awesome document that survives to this day - a document both sides point to today to support their positions. You can be pretty sure no one will be pointing to Oberman or Limbaugh as a reference 220 years from now.

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:38:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: StrangerThan
But again, this is typical. Point to one side without looking within, and it is why compromise is a lost art that I don't think will ever be regained. 

Forgive me for being blunt, but I find this moralising a little much [8|] . There is no equivalent to Limbaugh, or Hannity, or O'Reilly, therefore I cannot look to the other side of them. They tilt the loudness balance in their direction: it's not my moral responsibility, it's theirs, and those that believe them and give them airtime.

rulemylife -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 6:58:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: WomenDontRule

Having not read all of the responses, I hope I'm not repeating someone else's take...but here is mine.

I find it amazing that ANYONE....Liberal or Conservative...Republican or Democrat....takes ANY of these radio and tv people so seriously that they have to revert to schoolyard bluster over them. Left-leaning, right-leaning.....they are ALL...100% of people and if they can upset you then how much faith do you have in your own position that you feel you have to defend it from the likes of Oberman, or Limbaugh, or Moore, or Savidge?.....and that is exactly what you do when you attack any of these legitimize their words as meaningful content against which you must attack in order to defend "your" people. It's like being in high school and some girl you want to date takes a shine to another guy....and you spend a lot of effort to try and shoot him down...try to make him look bad. Make fun of his name...make fun of his size.....his car....his house...anything. All you end up doing is making the guy look like a victim.

There is a simple truth that is universal.....when the whole purpose of your actions is to tear someone else down, you must not have enough good about yourself to inspire people with.

Dispute Limbaugh's or Oberman's facts...attack their where they are wrong. Ditto anyone else you disagree with. That approach worked in 1787 to bring thirteen colonies with a plethora of conflicting interests together. Wasn't perfect, but debating the facts and the positions and the realities - not the personalities - resulted in a pretty awesome document that survives to this day - a document both sides point to today to support their positions. You can be pretty sure no one will be pointing to Oberman or Limbaugh as a reference 220 years from now.

Well, I wish you had read all of the responses because it might have helped explain.

But to summarize, Limbaugh has become more than just another radio/tv personality.

He has been legitimized by the Republican party, to the point he gives speeches to the party faithful and even has the RNC chairman apologizing for criticizing him.

When you can have someone who spouts half-truths and exaggerations on a daily basis, for his own economic gain, become such an influence on a major political party that becomes scary.

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/3/2009 7:06:53 AM)

Thing is, Steele hardly criticised Limbaugh: he just said he was an 'entertainer', as a passing remark (on CNN, I think). 

Isn't it the truth that Limbaugh is an entertainer? Or did Steele have to apologise because of Limbaugh's new appointment as True Leader of the Republican National Committee?

I think we should be told.

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