RE: emotion and crying (Full Version)

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dplayswell -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 8:41:05 AM)

For a long time, I never cried. I have only cried once. It was when the pain was more than I could handle but I wanted desperately to be good, to be obedient. He finally realized my predicament and stopped. I was also sweating eventhough the whipping wasn't that long in duration. I don't remember ever sweating before or since. It was weird.

dixiestar69 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:14:00 AM)

Yes honestly I have cried and for both reasons....the pain was intense and the other was because the punishment was because I had disrespected my Dom at the time and it made me feel pretty damned worthless and like a failure because I had let him down...but trust me that damn paddle hurt like a

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 12:53:13 PM)

All i can say is i want to.
turn my walls into rubble.


MHOO314 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 1:10:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: seaturtle50

All i can say is i want to.
turn my walls into rubble.


perhaps one day they will--have faith.

veronicaofML -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 2:03:12 PM)

--for it is there that he is the most vulnerable, he is the most raw--he is the most trusting of his Domme.


and my issue is, not being able to let if flow. i feel me, getting misty, and i fight-back-the-tears, NOT allowing it to flow, anger at myself, for feeling, less manly, and then the ire overtakes the tears...and i never..let go.


what is it that is supposed to be,..after..IF i do cry? i just have-to get up, get dressed and go-back-to-work...doing my house duties and what wouyld be the reason TO cry since i am NOT allowed to just-sit-there..or just-lay-there........for a bit...until i calm down and recooperate?(sp?)

i am forced to just get up and get-back-at-it........

and i suppose? i am the ONLY one here....that does that too i bet?

Quivver -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 2:05:57 PM)

Add me to the I only cry for emotional hurt.
Physical Pain can be set aside, now if I could only do the same with Mental.


MHOO314 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 2:21:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: veronicaofML

--for it is there that he is the most vulnerable, he is the most raw--he is the most trusting of his Domme.


and my issue is, not being able to let if flow. i feel me, getting misty, and i fight-back-the-tears, NOT allowing it to flow, anger at myself, for feeling, less manly, and then the ire overtakes the tears...and i never..let go.


what is it that is supposed to be,..after..IF i do cry? i just have-to get up, get dressed and go-back-to-work...doing my house duties and what wouyld be the reason TO cry since i am NOT allowed to just-sit-there..or just-lay-there........for a bit...until i calm down and recooperate?(sp?)

i am forced to just get up and get-back-at-it........

and i suppose? i am the ONLY one here....that does that too i bet?

I find that hmm sad, for anyone who comes to tears needs comfort--or they end up shutting down more--IMHO veronica, I think very few women even Dommes ( this will get Me tarred and feathered I'm sure--so have the martinins ready)-- know how to deal with a crying male submissive let alone a crying man-----it is not the societal norm--but it is IMHEO so badly needed in men whether they are in or out of the life--we tell them to do that they are weak---yeah yeah for all the crap about real men cry--when they do women don't know what to do---

I want him in My arms, head on My shoulder, head in My lap, curled up, feeling My warmth and protection, My maternal comfort of love and acceptance----so he feels cleansed and whole.

sweetpettjenny -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 2:22:02 PM)

yes i cry and whimper softly

IceyOne -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 2:30:21 PM)


I want him in My arms, head on My shoulder, head in My lap, curled up, feeling My warmth and protection, My maternal comfort of love and acceptance----so he feels cleansed and whole.

That is truly beautiful MHOO314

veronicaofML -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 3:01:14 PM)


I want him in My arms, head on My shoulder, head in My lap, curled up, feeling My warmth and protection, My maternal comfort of love and acceptance----so he feels cleansed and whole.

That is truly beautiful MHOO314

damn. THAT post itself almost got me to tears.

Your boy is lucky ass lil dude. !!!!!!

meridia -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 3:04:54 PM)

i've only cried once, and it was while i was being punished, but it had started because my emotions were close to the surface and the pain was enough to push me over the edge... thing is, Master kept punishing me because he mistook my sobs as moans of pleasure. i could have safeworded out, but it was also the first time i'd been punished, and i didn't want to stop the scene and have Master think, even for half a second, that i was stopping it because of the punishment, not because he wasn't reading me correctly.

and in all honesty, that day i needed it... i needed that release, partially from the stress of the day, partially to help me progress as sub. and in some ways, i crave it even more now.

littleone35 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 3:52:38 PM)

i have cried from emotion but not from a beating when i cry during thse the tears of that are tears of pain. The emotion that make me cry is anger or frustration. Than God i have never had either with my late master.


perfection20005 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 6:41:15 PM)

I rarely cry from pain anymore. It is mostly from my emotions which is so much harder to explain why. You can make pain feel better, you cannot make your emotions go away.

MHOO314 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 6:55:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: perfection20005

I rarely cry from pain anymore. It is mostly from my emotions which is so much harder to explain why. You can make pain feel better, you cannot make your emotions go away.

and it is the emotion that breaks the walls and makes them rubble---

MyCaptainsPet -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 6:56:24 PM)

Every time i've cried it's been because of emotional release. Never from pain.

windy135 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 7:54:54 PM)

I hate crying.. I just hate it sooo much. But I have cried.. from pain but it was more than that it was emotional release.. I could feel it,, hard to explain.

MHOO314 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 8:15:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: windy135

I hate crying.. I just hate it sooo much. But I have cried.. from pain but it was more than that it was emotional release.. I could feel it,, hard to explain.

it is the walls of freedom and acceptance tumbling down--

michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 8:29:26 PM)

does it take a lifetime just to experience it first-hand? seems i've been looking for an eternity to find out.

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 9:59:21 PM)

michaelGA - read my sig line please.

DragonNphoenix -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:00:30 PM)

It is very freeing if you can understand that...


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