RE: emotion and crying (Full Version)

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michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:02:19 PM)

i see it, thanks. not sure how that helps me any

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:05:21 PM)

This is the very first thread that i have read and was not naturally comfortable to just blurt out my (currently perceived) truth on the matter.

<not due to lack of ability to cry in public or private>

michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:09:49 PM)

i have often cried, myself...the drawbacks of mood swings and depression

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:15:48 PM)


i see it, thanks. not sure how that helps me any

Well, it does not necessarily help you - you help you by incorporating such thoughts into your own mind?

i was trying to say that even though it may seem like you have been waiting a lifetime, and that it will likely therefore take a lifetime to find what you seek, in truth it will happen in an instant.

The question that i must ask myself is "will i be prepared for it when it does?" Followed by second question - "am i willing to do the necessary work to become properly prepared?" (The second question is one that I have found to be a source of much freedom – if I will only tell myself the truth about that one, I can stop jonesing about alot of things that I really don’t want (to do), (but have been telling myself that i do want) – cause I am not willing to do the work required - like play a saxophone for example)

Ps: Third question is: When?


seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:17:26 PM)


i have often cried, myself...the drawbacks of mood swings and depression

your moods are "supposed to swing" - it is when they stay in any one place for too long that problems (like depression) occur.


michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:28:44 PM)

i know, and nobody wants a depressed sub or one with some emotional problems...this makes it more difficult to find "The One"

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:30:59 PM)


That is truly beautiful MHOO314

Intensely so!


seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:34:27 PM)


i know, and nobody wants a depressed sub or one with some emotional problems...this makes it more difficult to find "The One"

Would you like to discuss this a bit in email? i am feeling like i am hijacking the "crying emotion thread" [8|]

michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:34:58 PM)

you'll have to excuse me as it is late and i am wide awake...*sigh* another depressant evening

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:36:37 PM)

No problem! i am offering to discuss this with you - would you like to? Otherwise i shall go to bed myself [;)]

michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:42:06 PM)

the forums are helping,'s the negative responses i get that set off another anxiety attack...just can't sope with them

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:45:59 PM)

Well i cannot help you with anxiety attacks, at least not directly, as i am not qualified.

i am however willing to invest some of my time speaking with you, regarding your overall dilema. if you want to, you need to let me know, and i need to go to email, as i dont think this thread (or any thread) is the appropriate place for that discussion.

Email me me if you want to talk, otherwise i will catch you tomorrow.

Either way my sig line stands [:D]

michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/25/2006 10:47:11 PM)

i'll live...thanks

sleep well

DragonNphoenix -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 7:51:05 AM)

BTW ~ This one is bi-polar and once I found my Dragon... things started to get better. He has made sure that I recieve the medical attention that I need for my disorder.

Things will get better.... I know that you hear this all the time... but I thought that I would add another one too it... [:D]

1st Girl Phoenix

MsSonnetMarwood -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 7:53:15 AM)


i know, and nobody wants a depressed sub or one with some emotional problems...this makes it more difficult to find "The One"


I'm not jumping all over you, but in another post, your repeated problem was that you had no transportation to get out and meet people.

What have you actively been working on to resolve that issue?

Being ACTIVE and DOING does a helluva lot more for progressing and making life so much brighter, to say nothing of bringing closer to you what you want to happen. Consistently DOING makes things happen.

Inertia kills.

"The Other One" (I won't say "the One" because you HAVE someone in your life) isn't going to fall into your lap.

veronicaofML -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 8:48:54 AM)

your moods are "supposed to swing" - it is when they stay in any one place for too long that problems (like depression) occur.


mine is due to my p.t.s.d. + o.c.d.---i have a case of permanent male pms......
i will never be..on an..even keel///

MHOO314 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 9:43:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: veronicaofML

your moods are "supposed to swing" - it is when they stay in any one place for too long that problems (like depression) occur.


mine is due to my p.t.s.d. + o.c.d.---i have a case of permanent male pms......
i will never be..on an..even keel///

but veronica it's your steady uneveness we have come to adore--

michaelGA -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 7:58:10 PM)

well, thanks to a woman who i went to tax class last year with...i shall soon have a car...and all it's gonna cost me is helping load some wood for her's about time

Slipstreme -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 8:14:53 PM)

I absolutely hate it when I cry. I absolutely hate it when I can't control my emotions. My emotional instability I see as a sign of weakness and thus despise it. I have a lot of problems accepting my own vulnerability and thus have a power hungry attitude and desire to seem strong and indestructible. This I think has a lot to do with having a hard past and the walls I built up around myself to protect me over the years. Basically I don't want to be a victim again and should anything happen be able to protect myself from any adversary.

Do I cry? Yes. Alas, and I hate every momment of it. I have yet to cry from pain play, but catch me when Im overly emotional and burnt out I will, and yes will dispise it. I tend to try to hide, and run from people when I'm letting my emotions pour out: to keep them from seeing me wash in self pity, sniveling, vulnerable and exposed.

seaturtle50 -> RE: emotion and crying (1/26/2006 8:17:02 PM)

Sweet, wheels! Freedom! (freedom, one of my favorite words, yet i aspire to be a slave ... yea, that does make sense) [:D]


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