RE: Low Income Dominants. (Full Version)

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IceyOne -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/29/2006 7:57:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: fergus

I think if I had a lot of money, I'd just spend most of it on hookers, beer, and gambling.

The rest of it I would squandor on USELSS stuff!



Fergus you are too funny

subset -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/29/2006 10:16:16 PM)

if you are a low income dom then you ain't worth a shit!

subset -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/29/2006 10:17:48 PM)

if you are a low income dom then you ain't worth a shit!

UtopianRanger -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 1:36:32 AM)


I'm tired of the stereotype that femdoms are driven by money.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing right or if I'm just lucky.... because I 've always met self-sufficient women who've never given a rip whether one guy has the juice and the other doesn't....

Now.... I have met a few women who've given me the initial impression that affluence was fairly important, but in retrospect, I know for a fact that it was just the status-quo that was breathing down their neck...

In the end...affluence is far less important than social status {within the social demographic} -- And the funny thing about social status... is you don't have to be affluent to attain it ; }

- The Ranger

MissDiandSirHugh -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 1:50:20 AM)

Well we are in the low income line but both work hard and have a roof over our heads even if rented but then still enjoy friends for play who seem to not miss out on a meal or go away disappointed in any way at all.
Most of all we have our pride and our friends so what else do we need.

MistressDREAD -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 4:02:12 AM)


LAM makes an excellent point.. there really appears to be a huge double standard on the part of financial responsibility between Male Dominants as compared to Female Dominants

I disagree.
I have this debate quite often actually between My self and Sister Pro Dommes and those in the D/s rhelm as apposed to the M/s one.
I as a Dominant Mistress feel it My responcibility to provide. Its a part of Me that feeds My Dominance.
When a slave submits and relinquishes all of theirselfs to Me at that point it is up to Me to provide for and
command that property period, no if, ands, or butts.
I cannot relate to the Low Income or low social status from a personal point of view because I have never been in such a position. ( Alltho I know first hand how the other half lives, works and thrives. ) I was blessed with sucessful parents who passed on their money and status to their children and ensured that their children married with those who were financially and socially stable and Ive worked hard most of My life on top of that to continue to be successfull not only financially but in many ways. If I were to depend on another for My financial freedom regardless if its low income or high income I would at that point become the one enslaved. The point regardless if its a little or a lot is that the enablement of a Dominant and the relinquish of a slave is what drives the M/s relationship and boths needs, not how much of each item either has to give. JMO


if you are a low income dom then you ain't worth a shit!

Actually a low income Dom is worth far more then any vanilla sub on the shit counter. In fact and especially subs who use the word shit would not even be allowed to eat the shit of any low income Doms I know. And thats a hell of a lot of Dom blood out there that AINT gonna ever need nor want a sub who uses words like shit. in fact most of these kind of subs are just well shitless.

fldrkhorse -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 4:45:59 AM)

I ain't sayin she's a gold digga
but she ain't hangin round a broke n....

MHOO314 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 5:57:23 AM)


if you are a low income dom then you ain't worth a shit!


Actually a low income Dom is worth far more then any vanilla sub on the shit counter. In fact and especially subs who use the word shit would not even be allowed to eat the shit of any low income Doms I know. And thats a hell of a lot of Dom blood out there that AINT gonna ever need nor want a sub who uses words like shit. in fact most of these kind of subs are just well shitless. MistressDread


ORIGINAL: fldrkhorse

I ain't sayin she's a gold digga
but she ain't hangin round a broke n....

ohhh cmon you Two--spewed fresh coffee already this morning---where is the bounty? Mistress Dread--those lines are priceless---

fldrkhorse---what a scream--that damn song is on in the car everytime I get in--I just got those words out of My head LMAO--

The point I think everyone is trying to make--is--one would hope a low income Dominant would have a better sense of responsibility toward his submissive then in a vanilla relationship---but there are no guarantees either way and to judge someone by their income, is IMHO arrogant, selfish and callous---after all in a blink of an eye--any financial position can be reversed and anyone can end up in the proverbial cold.

The last time I looked they weren't putting income on tombstones.

IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 7:48:26 AM)


I have to disagree with your first comment as in the original context of LaM's comment it was directed to the comments on this thread which are in the most refering to Male Dominants and not low income Dommes. However your comments regarding:


ORIGINAL: subset

if you are a low income dom then you ain't worth a shit!

I agree with. That sub poster is making similar pointless and thoughtless in other forums too.. Like any irritant, I just ignore and pass over it as though it is non-existant.

MHOO314 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 9:00:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: subset

if you are a low income dom then you ain't worth a shit!


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I admire Osama Binladen

Padriag -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 10:45:19 AM)

Others, such as Zephyr and Riotgirl have already touched on this in depth... financial responsibility vs financial independance. My own opinion is that any dominant should be financially responsible. As others have said, that means doing the best they can with what they have, they keep their bills paid, food on the table and the power turned on. They take care of life's necessities. I don't include credit scores or even debt in that because I've seen in my own family what unexpected medical bills can do to both credit scores and your debt level virtually over night. Its something you can't control and can't always be prepared for (even if you do have medical insurance, what happens when it runs out?).

Some would say financial responsibility has nothing to do with being a dominant, I disagree. How often in these forums have we talked about the importance of a dominant being responsible in play, in how they treat a submissive? Responsibility is a character trait, if one is responsible in their character, they tend to be responsible in all things that they do... play, money, jobs, etc. Its not that the money itself is important, but rather that financial responsibility indicates that dominant is likely to be responsible with other things in other areas.... say for example a submissive who's bound and helpless. It doesn't mean they are perfect, accidents happen... but its not our mistakes we are measured by, but what we do about them. And again we come back to responsibility... as in taking responsibility for our mistakes, our accidents.

As for low income dominants... I would suggest looking for two things. One would be financial responsibility in the situation they are presently in. The second would be some ambition to improve their current situation. I think those two traits, whether they are absent or present, say a lot about the character of the person.

softandshy -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 10:55:11 AM)

Hmmm, yes, if that was meant to be humorous, it fell far short of the mark.

It is a question of what is enough. For me, healthy food, clothing, housing, medical care, something to keep busy with, and the knowledge that my partner is actively caring about and participating in the relationship are sufficient. Basic things can be very satisfying, even more so than luxuries, as they last. As long as between us the bills are paid and there is a plan for the future, everything will work out.

This is only my opinion, of course, and I am known for trusting in the abudance of life rather more than usual at times. ~smiling~

Lordandmaster -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 12:07:41 PM)

I'm sure we're all impressed by this statement of your family's financial history, but it has nothing to do with what I said. The thread is supposed to be about "low income dominants," and it turned into a thread about "low-income males."

I'm annoyed when people pretend to be talking about "doms" and they're really just talking about MEN.



I disagree.
I have this debate quite often actually between My self and Sister Pro Dommes and those in the D/s rhelm as apposed to the M/s one.
I as a Dominant Mistress feel it My responcibility to provide. Its a part of Me that feeds My Dominance.
When a slave submits and relinquishes all of theirselfs to Me at that point it is up to Me to provide for and
command that property period, no if, ands, or butts.
I cannot relate to the Low Income or low social status from a personal point of view because I have never been in such a position. ( Alltho I know first hand how the other half lives, works and thrives. ) I was blessed with sucessful parents who passed on their money and status to their children and ensured that their children married with those who were financially and socially stable and Ive worked hard most of My life on top of that to continue to be successfull not only financially but in many ways. If I were to depend on another for My financial freedom regardless if its low income or high income I would at that point become the one enslaved. The point regardless if its a little or a lot is that the enablement of a Dominant and the relinquish of a slave is what drives the M/s relationship and boths needs, not how much of each item either has to give. JMO

RavenMuse -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 12:16:23 PM)


As for low income dominants... I would suggest looking for two things. One would be financial responsibility in the situation they are presently in. The second would be some ambition to improve their current situation. I think those two traits, whether they are absent or present, say a lot about the character of the person.

I agree with all your post right upto half way through this last paragraph.

Your second point..... what about someone who is disabled, their condition rules them out of the job market and the only change in their condition in the future is it slowly getting worse. No possibility of it improving, no possibility of them doing anything to MAKE it better.

If you are talking financial ambition (And this thread had been fairly focused on finance) then your point would exclude such a person from your consideration. Even if they fullfilled point one better than most people around them who where in steady employment.

Tantalus42 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 12:28:42 PM)



Some would say financial responsibility has nothing to do with being a dominant, I disagree. How often in these forums have we talked about the importance of a dominant being responsible in play, in how they treat a submissive? Responsibility is a character trait, if one is responsible in their character, they tend to be responsible in all things that they do... play, money, jobs, etc.

I don't agree with this part of your statement, though much of the rest of it is right on. I've seen people who are very responsible in some aspects of their lives and terrible irresponsible in others. The one is not indicative of the other. They might be very very good and diligent at their work... but their family life is nonexistent and their kids hardly know them. Or their home is very clean and neat and tidy... but they never bother to mow the lawn. They might be entirely irresponsible with money and run up huge credit card debts they are forever paying off... yet they might be diligent and kind and very caring about their friendships, alway there when they are needed.

It's always important to judge the whole person when making a choice about who to form a relationship with (whether it's D/s related or entirely vanilla in fact). However, it's also important to not weigh one factor too much higher then any other, otherwise you end up missing out on alot of good people who might be right for you in so many other ways. Care with money or financial discipline isn't the best factor in determining if a person is right for you to be with. How they are going to treat you is.

Padriag -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 1:14:53 PM)


Your second point..... what about someone who is disabled, their condition rules them out of the job market and the only change in their condition in the future is it slowly getting worse. No possibility of it improving, no possibility of them doing anything to MAKE it better.

If you are talking financial ambition (And this thread had been fairly focused on finance) then your point would exclude such a person from your consideration. Even if they fullfilled point one better than most people around them who where in steady employment.

Maybe they can't, but do they try? Do they make some effort to find opportunities or create them, or do they just resign themselves to being unable to do anything. Are they trying to take control of the situation, or letting the situation control them?

I know a sculptor who lives in Arizona. He works in wood and clay. He makes remarkable statuary and I wish I had half the skill at sculpting he has. Which is made worse considering he's blind. He was disabled in an industrial accident, lost his vision. Sitting at home he got tired of doing nothing, so he took up sculpting.

Another friend who lived in Canada became a pianist and quite good at it. She even won a competition against a professional concert pianist. Which was all the more impressive because she was completely deaf from birth. How she managed it I'll never fully understand, but she did.

Both those people didn't let their disabilities get in their way. Sure it was an obstacle, but they didn't let it become an excuse not to try. I try to remember that everytime I sit down to write or draw or paint and I can't seem to get it to go the way I want (which happens and its very frustrating)... I have two good eyes, two good ears and two good hands... there is nothing I can't do, or at least nothing for which I have any excuse not to at least try for. Not when a blind man can sculpt and a deaf woman can play the piano.

That's character.

IndigoDadesi -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 1:15:24 PM)

I think money will probably always be an issue in any relationship or potential relationship, regardless of whether it is a vanilla or D&s relationship. Im not entirely sure that this an issue you can put a price tag on though. I mean, who among us actually has a set dollar amount decided when evaluating a potential partner? I sure dont. But that also doesnt mean I want to be looking under the couch for change so that I can eat that day.

I guess I still believe that if you want something you have to work for it (or do what you can in lieu of work). And I think in one way or another we all pay for the way we live; whether you choose to have a sugar daddy (or momma) or you choose to be with an artist or student. I guess it really just depends on what is most important to you and what you are willing to sacrifice for it.

I, personally, do not have financial status in my top 5 important qualities in a mate, but it is in my top 20.

But here's a twist: Im a Domme who is currently living almost entirely off my slave's income (Im a student, hes a welder). I have full financial control in our relationship. So, how does that change the issue since the Dom/me is generally known as the care taker and provider?

*side note: sorry to back up the whole "man as provider" stereotype with my personal situation. I really dont feel that way. My particular career goal required schooling and his didnt so, at the moment he is supporting me.


IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 1:52:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: IndigoDadesi

I think money will probably always be an issue in any relationship or potential relationship, regardless of whether it is a vanilla or D&s relationship. Im not entirely sure that this an issue you can put a price tag on though. I mean, who among us actually has a set dollar amount decided when evaluating a potential partner? I sure dont. But that also doesnt mean I want to be looking under the couch for change so that I can eat that day.

I guess I still believe that if you want something you have to work for it (or do what you can in lieu of work). And I think in one way or another we all pay for the way we live; whether you choose to have a sugar daddy (or momma) or you choose to be with an artist or student. I guess it really just depends on what is most important to you and what you are willing to sacrifice for it.

I, personally, do not have financial status in my top 5 important qualities in a mate, but it is in my top 20.

But here's a twist: Im a Domme who is currently living almost entirely off my slave's income (Im a student, hes a welder). I have full financial control in our relationship. So, how does that change the issue since the Dom/me is generally known as the care taker and provider?

*side note: sorry to back up the whole "man as provider" stereotype with my personal situation. I really dont feel that way. My particular career goal required schooling and his didnt so, at the moment he is supporting me.


Not in the lifestyle, but I have several friends who are in the same boat. One of them lives in the States and is supporting her husband whilst he finishes Law School. In every case it was a decision made by both people involved after long discussions. No-one has any right to bag that senario.

IndigoDadesi -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 1:57:04 PM)



Not in the lifestyle, but I have several friends who are in the same boat. One of them lives in the States and is supporting her husband whilst he finishes Law School. In every case it was a decision made by both people involved after long discussions. No-one has any right to bag that senario.

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. It was a tough decision on both our parts.


ExistentialSteel -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/30/2006 2:21:53 PM)

IronBear, I meant no disrespect earlier when I posted a joke on the thread because I wanted some levity in this thread. Frankly, the question and whole thread makes me feel uncomfortable like I’m overhearing personal financial information about others.

It seems it came down to those who said they had nothing, those who say they have a lot and those who say they try hard. In either case, I don’t want to know about it.

Should I look at someone differently because I know their financial status? I look at everyone the same and somehow the question implies I wouldn’t. I'm more interested in how funny, witty and intelligent you can be on this message board.

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