RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (Full Version)

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SilverMark -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 7:45:29 AM)

Huge difference between murder and what is percieved to be a war time action in the way of interrogation.... Tell me, do you believe it would be a healthy exercise and productive in some way? If it is to be productive tell me in what sense?

rulemylife -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 8:35:23 AM)

So what you are saying is it is too messy to deal with.

Our history is overflowing with people at high levels of government whose actions were never prosecuted for "the good of the country".

McCarthy's communist witch hunts, Ford's pardon of Nixon, Iran-Contra, Bush's commutation of Libby's prison sentence, and many others.

Maybe if we finally hold people in high government positions fully accountable then we wouldn't keep having these incidents happen.

That's the purpose it would serve. 

Lordandmaster -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 8:38:43 AM)

I already answered you:


The "purpose" would be to uphold the Constitution, punish those who violated the law, and demonstrate to the world that America has not lost its principles.

Unless you don't believe that war crimes are real crimes, I can't understand how you'd be in favor of not prosecuting them.


ORIGINAL: SilverMark

Huge difference between murder and what is percieved to be a war time action in the way of interrogation.... Tell me, do you believe it would be a healthy exercise and productive in some way? If it is to be productive tell me in what sense?

SilverMark -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 9:12:42 AM)

No more than what would take place, the damage done to further divide our country would not be worth the cost. Just because you can doesn't mean you should....Can you not see the divided nature of our nation as it is just from these simple boards? We are furthering the image of America now without trying to convict the one's who prosecuted the war based on shady legal grounds as they did. It has nothing to do with the right or wrong of the issue for me it has to do with the damage proving such things as crimes would indeed do. In principal I would agree with you, but in reality the justification of actions was performed long ago and all that would take place is a furthering of the divide we are experiencing as is. There would be no convictions, no reparations to be taken and as you compared my thoughts to allowing murder to not be prosecuted, if there wasn't a good case even a zealous prosecutor will not try a case that has been resolved or is not provable. Why create the hatred?

NihilusZero -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 10:17:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: SilverMark

No more than what would take place, the damage done to further divide our country would not be worth the cost.

Appeal to adverse consequences. One which presupposes that citizens of the U.S., by and large, don't consider being hypocrites and enablers as actually constituting potential "damage done to further divide our country".

It's like saying: "It's not worth the cost of the emotional damage it would wreak on my marriage to tell my wife I cheated on her 6 times over my vacation."

SilverMark -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 11:11:37 AM)

Once again, do you think these people haven't covered their asses legally long before now? You are discussing the highest ranks of our government and you think they would be convicted of war crimes here in the USA?....
Wouldn't happen!....Not going to happen! why go through the exercise when there is little to gain and by far much more to lose? I personally detest these individuals but, they would not be all in all instead of cheating a bit more akin to masturbating....

rulemylife -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 11:39:51 AM)

Because the trials themselves would illuminate the wrongdoing and, even without a single conviction, hopefully make their successors think twice about abusing their powers in our name.

Kirata -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 1:48:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

illuminate the wrongdoing and... hopefully make their successors think twice about abusing their powers in our name.

The Memos

Politesub53 -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 3:32:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: rulemylife

illuminate the wrongdoing and... hopefully make their successors think twice about abusing their powers in our name.

The Memos

Not the memos, just one reporters view of them. We could play tennis knocking opposing  links back and forth.


The United States prosecuted some Japanese interrogators at war crimes trials after World War II for waterboarding and other methods detailed in the memos.

thornhappy -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 3:58:50 PM)

Waterboarding 266 times, on two guys.  Jeesus.

Torture worked so well in the Inquisition, and the Salem Witch trials, doncha know.

Kirata -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 4:12:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Not the memos, just one reporters view of them. We could play tennis knocking opposing  links back and forth.

If you prefer to dismiss any possibility that our country might not be quite the horridly brutal monster it has been portrayed as being, by all means derive whatever enjoyment that gives you.

rulemylife -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 4:30:21 PM)



The Memos

From your link:

The memos are also revealing about the practice of "waterboarding," about which there has been so much speculative rage from the program's opponents. The practice, used on only three individuals, involved covering the nose and mouth with a cloth and pouring water over the cloth to create a drowning sensation.

This technique could be used for up to 40 seconds -- although the CIA orally informed Justice Department lawyers that it would likely not be used for more than 20 seconds at a time.

From today's news:


Sept. 11 planner waterboarded 183 times: report | U.S. | Reuters
Mon Apr 20, 11:26 am ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) – CIA interrogators used the waterboarding technique on Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the admitted planner of the September 11 attacks, 183 times and 83 times on another al Qaeda suspect, The New York Times said on Sunday.

Now while it couldn't have happened to two nicer guys, I think most people would find it hard to believe that if it was used on two individuals a total of 266 times in a one month period for each, that the practice wasn't used more extensively.

Also recent news:


Interrogation Memos Detail Harsh Tactics by the C.I.A. -
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Thursday made public detailed memos describing brutal interrogation techniques used by the Central Intelligence Agency, as President Obama sought to reassure the agency that the C.I.A. operatives involved would not be prosecuted.

In dozens of pages of dispassionate legal prose, the methods approved by the Bush administration for extracting information from senior operatives of Al Qaeda are spelled out in careful detail — like keeping detainees awake for up to 11 straight days, placing them in a dark, cramped box or putting insects into the box to exploit their fears.

Some senior Obama administration officials, including Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., have labeled one of the 14 approved techniques, waterboarding, illegal torture.

The United States prosecuted some Japanese interrogators at war crimes trials after World War II for waterboarding and other methods detailed in the memos.

So how is that what we prosecuted as a crime 60 some years ago is now being defended by us as acceptable?

Also from the Times article, regarding how safe waterboarding was for the prisoners:


The memos include what in effect are lengthy excerpts from the agency’s interrogation manual, laying out with precision how each method was to be used. Waterboarding, for example, involved strapping a prisoner to a gurney inclined at an angle of “10 to 15 degrees” and pouring water over a cloth covering his nose and mouth “from a height of approximately 6 to 18 inches” for no more than 40 seconds at a time.

But a footnote to a 2005 memo made it clear that the rules were not always followed. Waterboarding was used “with far greater frequency than initially indicated” and with “large volumes of water” rather than the small quantities in the rules, one memo says, citing a 2004 report by the C.I.A.’s inspector general.

Politesub53 -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 4:32:07 PM)



If you prefer to dismiss any possibility that our country might not be quite the horridly brutal monster it has been portrayed as being, by all means derive whatever enjoyment that gives you.

Nice spin, I have been to the U.S several times and love the place. Your attack on me because i disagree with you is just childish, so try sticking on topic.

Didn`t the incoming Attorney General say he thought waterboarding was torture ? 

ZhuRenDianandted -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 4:39:47 PM)

i am completely appalled at the Governmental response to terrorist activities.
i am shocked at the beheading of that terrorist journalist.
i am disgusted for all of the detainees that were killed during interrogation,
i am horrified at all the prisoners that were shot for espionage, for being engaged in combat without uniform or any way of determining them to be military.
i am sad and distressed at the group of detainees who have been carted to a secret location and shot dead for lack of cooperation.
my stomach is turning at how many detainees have been dropped from helicopters without a parachute to soften their compatriots.

What??? nobody died during the waterboarding? No reports of murder, execution, accidental deaths or starvation? the guy with the bug in the box not only did not get painfully stung, but did not even have a heart murmur?

maybe something was discovered on a "Need to Know" basis, or perhaps it was simply dumb luck that there has not been a follow up attack on US soil. Sleep well, maybe they never planned on one. i think the ostrich field is somewhere over there, on your left.

Sanity -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 4:49:11 PM)

Those poor, poor 9/11 planners!  [sm=river.gif]

Oh GOD how my heart just BLEEDS for them...


ORIGINAL: thornhappy

Waterboarding 266 times, on two guys.  Jeesus.

Torture worked so well in the Inquisition, and the Salem Witch trials, doncha know.

pahunkboy -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 5:08:50 PM)

As an American I am SO embarrassed by this.  At one time- we stood for truth and values.   Now we don't.

Anything that the military uses in war- can trickle over to civilian use meaning YOU.     The constitution has been so debased- that one would barely recognize the USA.

He who lives by the sword- dies by the sword.

.....we have gone so far off the edge- in the totality of our actions, that- I can understand why Americans are hated the world over.

When the private banker take over is complete- we too will be a country with no future- no middle class; ....which could lead to a world that no one wants to live in.

We screw countries left and right.  We con them out of there wealth- make them into peasants- and now that the middle class in America has gotten slothful, sloppy, lazy, dumb, distracted, the Illuminatti are making their move to take out the middle class once and for all.

The government must be accountable-   but it isnt.  

We squandered our countries future. We let it happen. 

Lordandmaster -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 6:32:45 PM)

You've already shared this bit of wisdom with us here.


ORIGINAL: ZhuRenDianandted

i am completely appalled at the Governmental response to terrorist activities.
i am shocked at the beheading of that terrorist journalist.
i am disgusted for all of the detainees that were killed during interrogation,
i am horrified at all the prisoners that were shot for espionage, for being engaged in combat without uniform or any way of determining them to be military.
i am sad and distressed at the group of detainees who have been carted to a secret location and shot dead for lack of cooperation.
my stomach is turning at how many detainees have been dropped from helicopters without a parachute to soften their compatriots.

What??? nobody died during the waterboarding? No reports of murder, execution, accidental deaths or starvation? the guy with the bug in the box not only did not get painfully stung, but did not even have a heart murmur?

maybe something was discovered on a "Need to Know" basis, or perhaps it was simply dumb luck that there has not been a follow up attack on US soil. Sleep well, maybe they never planned on one. i think the ostrich field is somewhere over there, on your left.

Kirata -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 7:39:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

If you prefer to dismiss any possibility that our country might not be quite the horridly brutal monster it has been portrayed as being, by all means derive whatever enjoyment that gives you.

Your attack on me because i disagree with you is just childish, so try sticking on topic.

Yes well, now that I understand your idea of an "attack" I can see your point of view.

StrangerThan -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/20/2009 8:28:12 PM)

It's good to know that Holder labeled waterboarding illegal torture.

I guess caterpillars are legal torture, along with walling and most of the rest of the list so ardently sneered at lately. Nod to kitten. I'm sure no one consented to any of the above. In fact, I'd suppose the only consent among them in the whole process was flying jets into buildings.

But now we have a tangible thing upon which to vent rage. We have illegal torture. 

Just so y'all know, that's a southern contraction for you and all by the way, I'd like nothing more than to see Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld put on trial. Not just for this, but for every time they thumbed their noses at law, common sense, humanity in general. I especially would like someone in the process to teach Bush that his most ardent task was not defending the American public but defending the Constitution.

Actually, someone would probably have to show it to him, read it to him, and explain it to him before that would do any good.

I just can't get on board with all the hatred over most of these though. I despise Bush, and there were some obvious violations within the ranks, but a neat little twist to the Geneva convention ends with "sanctioned law" and the fact that combatants is not clearly defined. Yes, I know, it's bullshit legal loopholes, but they're there.

Obama is not wrong. There's probably nothing he can really do about it. I'm sure whatever agreement or assurances interrogators received is probably ironclad.

But we can piss and moan all day about a caterpillar if anyone wants to. It's spring. Wild cherry trees are full of them right now.

Politesub53 -> RE: On torchure. Obama is WRONG (4/21/2009 12:40:38 AM)



Yes well, now that I understand your idea of an "attack" I can see your point of view.

Errr no, you cant see my point. Sanity made a point about not having sympathy for the 9/11 planners, Khalid Sheik Mohammed was probably the main architect of that. I have posted before that I dont care if he lives or dies as long as its done via due process.

My point on waterboarding, was and is, that its torture, and like i say, many both inside and outside the US agree, including ex members of the Bush administration, such as Richard Armitage.

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