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One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 5:54:58 AM   

Posts: 17033
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From: Dirty Jersey
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He also pokes fun at himself and the dems,so it`s not really one sided.

WASHINGTON – It was the hottest ticket in town, a black-tie dinner gathering of Washington's political and media elite but Dick Cheney couldn't make it.
The former vice president was busy, President Barack Obama joked, working on his memoir "tentatively titled, How to Shoot Friends and Interrogate People.' "

Now that`s,....funny.


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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:00:49 AM   

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"He's not used to saying the word 'day' after 'mother,'"...Now that's funny... I can't believe he said that

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:59:02 AM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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The chairman of Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, was "in the house tonight," Obama noted. "Or as he would say, 'In the heezy.'"
"Michael for the last time, the Republican Party does not qualify for a bailout," Obama told Steele. "Rush Limbaugh does not count as a troubled asset, I'm sorry."


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 12:02:41 PM   

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Video link to dinner:

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 6:04:37 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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Another c-span viewer!

I`m not alone!!!

Thanks for the link.


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 7:18:25 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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Another blast.....from the past.

The then relatively un-known Steven Colbert roasts bush.

This was just after the Colbert Report began but before republicans knew they were his victims. 

He`s so brilliant that some conservatives(like Tom DeLay) have actually quoted Colbert to defend themselves/their

< Message edited by Owner59 -- 5/10/2009 7:19:13 PM >


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:10:51 PM   

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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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Here's a bit of video from the dinner of Obama laughing while, I guess they call her "comedian"  Wanda Sykes says that she hopes Rush Limbaugh's kidneys fail.

< Message edited by Sanity -- 5/10/2009 8:11:51 PM >


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:13:50 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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Does that make you feel bad?....poor Rush,such a victim .

That Cheney joke hurt,didn`t it?

Does this mean you`re confirming that Rush really does want Obama and the country to fail?

< Message edited by Owner59 -- 5/10/2009 8:22:43 PM >


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:15:17 PM   

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Wanda Sikes was the best, I think alot think she was over the top in some places and she might have been.  But she was great! 


For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearance, as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are. - Niccolo Machiavelli

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:33:01 PM   

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On what level would this make Rush Limbaugh a victim? I'm sure it'll only boost his ratings and make him wealthier and deliver a larger audience.

No, what this really does is demean the office of the president. Even if Mr. Limbaugh deserved such hate speech thrown at him for saying he hopes Obama's policies fail, for voicing his political opinion... to have the president lower himself so seems unbecoming.

In other words, this is a president wrestling with a pig.



Does that make you feel bad?....poor Rush,such a victim .

That Cheney joke hurt,didn`t it?

Does this mean you`re confirming that Rush really does want Obama and the country to fail?


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:40:19 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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ok let`s see.The choice is between the nation failing and Rush`s kidney`s failing.....

Pretty easy choice for me....


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:49:20 PM   

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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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Mr. Limbaugh never said he wanted the nation to fail. To the contrary, he said he hopes that Obama fails so that the nation remains safe. Which is his right to say it, but for the president use his office to attack Rush (there is a little bit of history now, between Barack Obama and Rush Limbaugh, this is all in a greater context), for the president to attack a private citizen for voicing his opinion is unheard of. It's petty beyond belief, and it says far more about Barack Obama the man than it does about Mr. Limbaugh.



ok let`s see.The choice is between the nation failing and Rush`s kidney`s failing.....

Pretty easy choice for me....


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 8:55:13 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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And soldiers who are war/bush critics are phonies.Right right heard it already.......

I think Rush needs a foot rub....


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 9:22:35 PM   

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Ya know. . . I recently read a columnist discussing ODS ~ Obama Derangement Syndrome.  I think that maybe you should go get tested for it Owner. 


Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

I don’t always wgah’nagl fhtagn. But when I do, I ph’nglui mglw’nafh R’lyeh.

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/10/2009 9:24:48 PM   

Posts: 22039
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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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Was that in reply to my post? Because that... non sequitur of yours has nothing to do with the subject which was under discussion.

In fact, there is really no need for you to reply any further because I'm pretty sure we're through here.



And soldiers who are war/bush critics are phonies.Right right heard it already.......

I think Rush needs a foot rub....


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/11/2009 7:38:53 AM   

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Ya know. . . I recently read a columnist discussing ODS ~ Obama Derangement Syndrome.  I think that maybe you should go get tested for it Owner. 
Is that the Syndrome that comes out of suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome---wherein one believes that absolutely everything Bush did was wrong so subsequently, absolutely everything Obama does must  be the right thing?

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/11/2009 9:31:36 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant



Ya know. . . I recently read a columnist discussing ODS ~ Obama Derangement Syndrome.  I think that maybe you should go get tested for it Owner. 
Is that the Syndrome that comes out of suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome---wherein one believes that absolutely everything Bush did was wrong so subsequently, absolutely everything Obama does must  be the right thing?

If I recall correctly, the columnist was discussing the insanity of:

A.  Obama can do no wrong and everything he does is wonderful


B.  Everything he does is wrong and bringing the world to an end.

There is no middle ground. 

But yes, it was based off of the Bush derangement syndrome. 


Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

I don’t always wgah’nagl fhtagn. But when I do, I ph’nglui mglw’nafh R’lyeh.

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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/11/2009 9:39:37 AM   

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Some of these jokes were way off the mark. Shocking rofl.

Great stuff, and Obama has a winning smile, it's got to be said .


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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/11/2009 10:00:38 AM   

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Here's a bit of video from the dinner of Obama laughing while, I guess they call her "comedian"  Wanda Sykes says that she hopes Rush Limbaugh's kidneys fail.

Sanity... I thought you were one of the guys against political correctness...come on it was funny...hell I liked a lot of Bush's jokes too… lighten up.


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RE: One Sided Humor...that`s actually funny. - 5/11/2009 10:27:32 AM   

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Just to make it even Sanity my nephew emailed me ...THIS


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