RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (Full Version)

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Sanity -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/20/2009 9:16:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

I'm tellin' ya, Obama is the greatest persuader ever to occupy the Oval Office. Who would have thought that in just 4 short months, he'd have Servantforuse believing something Ralph Nader said? 

Who is the greatest persuader - Barack Obama, as evidenced by Servantforuse's conversion over to believing a thing Ralph Nader has said, or George W. Bush for  converting Barack Obama over to seeing things his way on foreign policy, as evidenced by the following op-ed peice by Karl Rove:


Flip-Flops and Governance

Our president isn't quite as advertised.

Barack Obama inherited a set of national-security policies that he rejected during the campaign but now embraces as president. This is a stunning and welcome about-face. For example, President Obama kept George W. Bush's military tribunals for terror detainees after calling them an "enormous failure" and a "legal black hole." His campaign claimed last summer that "court systems . . . are capable of convicting terrorists." Upon entering office, he found out they aren't.

He insisted in an interview with NBC in 2007 that Congress mandate "consequences" for "a failure to meet various benchmarks and milestones" on aid to Iraq. Earlier this month he fought off legislatively mandated benchmarks in the $97 billion funding bill for Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mr. Obama agreed on April 23 to American Civil Liberties Union demands to release investigative photos of detainee abuse. Now's he reversed himself. Pentagon officials apparently convinced him that releasing the photos would increase the risk to U.S. troops and civilian personnel.

Throughout his presidential campaign, Mr. Obama excoriated Mr. Bush's counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq, insisting it could not succeed. Earlier this year, facing increasing violence in Afghanistan, Mr. Obama rejected warnings of a "quagmire" and ordered more troops to that country. He isn't calling it a "surge" but that's what it is. He is applying in Afghanistan the counterinsurgency strategy Mr. Bush used in Iraq.

As a candidate, Mr. Obama promised to end the Iraq war by withdrawing all troops by March 2009. As president, he set a slower pace of drawdown. He has also said he will leave as many as 50,000 Americans troops there.

These reversals are both praiseworthy and evidence that, when it comes to national security, being briefed on terror threats as president is a lot different than placating and Code Pink activists as a candidate. The realities of governing trump the realities of campaigning.

We are also seeing Mr. Obama reverse himself on the domestic front, but this time in a manner that will do more harm than good.

<snip> <snip>

Owner59 -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/20/2009 9:45:13 PM)

 Considering Obama has received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history,(64 million)....that should speak to the man`s persuasiveness.

xXMasterXx -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/20/2009 10:57:47 PM)

wake up people....Republicans and Democrats are on the same side with a bigger agenda....How can any of you stick up for either party?...THEY ARE ALL PERSUASIVE SPEEKERS!!!

TheHeretic -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/20/2009 11:04:42 PM)



Considering Obama has received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history,(64 million)....that should speak to the man`s persuasiveness.

     Beating a record previously established by Bush II (iirc).  Really want to go bragging on that, O59?

philosophy -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/20/2009 11:55:21 PM)



wake up people....Republicans and Democrats are on the same side with a bigger agenda....How can any of you stick up for either party?...THEY ARE ALL PERSUASIVE SPEEKERS!!!

...what's a speeker? Is it a voyeur with a speech impediment?

xXMasterXx -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 1:01:06 AM) know what I mean

housesub4you -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 3:10:58 AM)


There are plenty of sites where the GOP says they are sorry, of course it's them saying they are sorry for saying anthing Bad about Rush

Sanity -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 5:47:19 AM)

Another record, Rich. The first Bush II record Obama set out to beat, and which he beat it in just his first 100 days, were the Bush deficits...

Obama makes Bush look like a tight-fisted old miser when it comes to the taxpayer's money.


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic



Considering Obama has received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history,(64 million)....that should speak to the man`s persuasiveness.

    Beating a record previously established by Bush II (iirc).  Really want to go bragging on that, O59?

rulemylife -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 5:59:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Ralph Nader ( a true liberal ) was on Fox Business tonight with Neil Cavuto. He will be testifying before congress next week. It appears that GM is planning on moving their corporate headquarters to communist China.

Speaking of buying that swamp land in Florida.

rulemylife -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 6:11:35 AM)

Well if Karl Rove said Obama is embracing Bush's policies then it must be true, coming from such an unbiased source.

cadenas -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 6:14:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic



Considering Obama has received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history,(64 million)....that should speak to the man`s persuasiveness.

    Beating a record previously established by Bush II (iirc).  Really want to go bragging on that, O59?

You recall wrong. The previous recordholder was Al Gore. Bush won more states, but substantially fewer votes.

servantforuse -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 6:18:00 AM)

Because I mentioned something that Ralph Nader said on Neil Cavuto's business show in no way means that I believe it. In fact I hope that it will never happen. I wouldn't put it past this administration though. They threw the UAW supporters from Wisconsin under the bus, why not union members from Detroit ?

TheHeretic -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 6:40:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: cadenas


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic



Considering Obama has received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history,(64 million)....that should speak to the man`s persuasiveness.

   Beating a record previously established by Bush II (iirc).  Really want to go bragging on that, O59?

You recall wrong. The previous recordholder was Al Gore. Bush won more states, but substantially fewer votes.

      So that would make Gore the loser with the most votes, wouldn't it?  And didn't Bush II win a second term?

Marc2b -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 7:26:11 AM)

Considering that the nation has been increasing in population since it's founding, wouldn't the correct question be:

Which President has recieved the most votes as a percentage of the number of eligible voters?

Cagey18 -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 10:07:33 AM)


Another record, Rich. The first Bush II record Obama set out to beat, and which he beat it in just his first 100 days, were the Bush deficits...

Obama makes Bush look like a tight-fisted old miser when it comes to the taxpayer's money.

Uh, dead wrong:

Contribution to national debt under Ronald Reagan: $1.8 trillion
Contribution to national debt under George H. W. Bush: $1.5 trillion (one term)
Contribution to national debt under Bill Clinton: $1.5 trillion
Contribution to national debt under George W. Bush: $4.9 trillion
Contribution to national debt under Barack Obama: $0.7 trillion

Granted, Obama has only been in office 4 months (and it would be just plain stupid of anyone to extrapolate from these numbers to the rest of Obama's term(s)), but it's obvious Obama didn't create the current $11.3 trillion debt all by himself.

Using your goofy logic, the only way not to "beat Bush's record" would be to spend no money at all.

Cagey18 -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 10:19:12 AM)



Considering that the nation has been increasing in population since it's founding, wouldn't the correct question be:

Which President has recieved the most votes as a percentage of the number of eligible voters?

Dunno, since "eligible voters who voted" vs "eligible voters" is a measure of voter turnout, which is affected by a number of factors. 

But the answer to Which President has received the most votes as a percentage of the number of those who voted is Nixon, 1972, with 60.8%.

Edit: In the past 40 years, that is.  Too lazy to put the rest into a spreadsheet. [8D]

Marc2b -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 11:37:30 AM)


Dunno, since "eligible voters who voted" vs "eligible voters" is a measure of voter turnout, which is affected by a number of factors. 

But the answer to Which President has received the most votes as a percentage of the number of those who voted is Nixon, 1972, with 60.8%.

Edit: In the past 40 years, that is.  Too lazy to put the rest into a spreadsheet. [8D]

Thast's okay, I was too lazy too, just thought the right question wasn't being asked (since numbers can be so deceptive if not put into their proper context).  I should note that by "eligble" voters I'm not just thinking in terms of people who actually voted or who are registered to vote but anyone who could vote (i.e. anyone who meets the legal requierments to vote) if they would just get up off of their lazy ass.  In other words, which President motivated (as a percentage) the most Americans - who were legally entitled to vote - to actually vote and to vote for him.  For all we lazy people know, it could have been Washington. 

If there is anybody out there not as lazy as me or Cagey, please let us know.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 11:39:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic 

The honeymoon is over.  President Obama really didn't win by all that much.  If the middle starts getting buyers remorse, the Repubs are going to scoop them back up.


What would the middle have to be remorseful about at this point? I don't see it right now.

the lies about tax cuts?

SilverMark -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 11:56:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic 

The honeymoon is over.  President Obama really didn't win by all that much.  If the middle starts getting buyers remorse, the Repubs are going to scoop them back up.


What would the middle have to be remorseful about at this point? I don't see it right now.

the lies about tax cuts?

hmmmm....lies? care to expound?......

Cagey18 -> RE: Steele says GOP comeback has started (5/21/2009 3:24:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: SilverMark


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual

the lies about tax cuts?

hmmmm....lies? care to expound?......

Don't hold your breath.  Providing backup to his claims is not one of CnU's strong suits. [8D]

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