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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quotes from the Bible

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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/22/2009 3:34:27 PM   

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Crawfordium, the palatial estate of Dubya the Great?

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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/22/2009 3:36:47 PM   

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I love how one of the breifing papers mention how the troops of the lord are armored by their faith.... yep. Good thing too! 'Cause we all know they didn't get shit for body armor otherwise.

Just another indication that George was a hypocrite, as well as a "convienince Christian"

(in reply to Vendaval)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/22/2009 3:48:41 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Bush stated that this war was divinely inspired?  I'd love to see the quotes on quotes of him stating that, not something propped up by the media as showing the influence of religion on Bush.

Damn, that was easy...I thought most everyone had heard of this:

Bush: God Told Me to Invade Iraq
President 'revealed reasons for war in private meeting'
by Rupert Cornwell
  President George Bush has claimed he was told by God to invade Iraq and attack Osama bin Laden's stronghold of Afghanistan as part of a divine mission to bring peace to the Middle East, security for Israel, and a state for the Palestinians.


Ooh, sorry, our judges have ruled against you on this one.  See, a quote by its nature is words attributed to another in a legitimate news source.  Now if you had wanted, I dunno, tape transcript or video or something, sorry, nope, I'm not about to listen to dozens of YouTube or ABC News videos for you.


Both the White House and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who was also present at the meeting, denies that Bush ever made such a statement.[1][2][3]
Yeah, like denials of Bush's words never occurred during the past eight years...

Ohhhhhhhhhh sorry...the objectivity judges have ruled against you on this one.  See, by its nature, a direct quote is something that can be proved...either by film or video or radio or in written have come from the source.  What you gave me is an INDIRECT quote and as I said in the post that first started this, I asked for a DIRECT quote. 
The objectivity judges have also ruled against you for an irrelevant statement...first, whether or not others have denied Bush's words (by the way, you might want to check and see whether or not Obama's team have had to do any denying of his words yet...I believe they have) is not relevant to this.  Others may have denied Bush's words and I would stack up their statements, their credibility and where they sit before I made a decision as to whether or not their denial was credible.  A denial by the President of the country I live in tends to be more believable to me than the words of the leader of Palestine, ousted within 9 days of taking over, disavowed by someone from his own organization, and given to the organization a lot more sympathetic to Palestine than to the Bush Administration.

(in reply to Cagey18)
Profile   Post #: 23
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/22/2009 4:50:50 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

I love how one of the breifing papers mention how the troops of the lord are armored by their faith.... yep. Good thing too! 'Cause we all know they didn't get shit for body armor otherwise.

Just another indication that George was a hypocrite, as well as a "convienince Christian"

Dems in Congress have been in power for over 2 years now, where's the body armor?

(in reply to MarsBonfire)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/22/2009 4:57:39 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Ohhhhhhhhhh sorry...the objectivity judges have ruled against you on this one.  See, by its nature, a direct quote is something that can be proved...either by film or video or radio or in written have come from the source. 

Like I said, not about to peruse YouTube or ABC News for hours for ya.

Of course, by your goofy logic, every newspaper story ever written that's based on a reporter's notes, or by video that I don't have access to, is invalid.  What a weird world you inhabit.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/22/2009 7:52:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: breatheasone

Well i guess You could "accuse" every Pres the US has had during a war as well. They ALL would pray for our troops and contry....many even quoted scripture.....GASP oh the horror!

While I agree, that's not the point. 

The General that put together these briefings used battlefield photos and attached scripture to them to reinforce the illusion that this was some type of divinely inspired war, an illusion that Bush himself referred to on more than one occasion.

i can see how some would interpret it that way.


Romans 10:13,For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Mike posts in black font
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(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 26
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 12:18:41 AM   

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Well so what...Gov. Palin, told her sunday school wannabe ministers...We fight in Iraq because God has sent us there on a mission...or something like that. Goggle it.

Every bullshit war has to be religious to some degree, we fight for God...God is on our side...... then to protect us from the invading tyranny of a depotic would be 'master of the world. Give it a rest.

The war was for control of the resources of the middle east, the oil...he who controls the spice; controls the universe.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 27
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 12:23:58 AM   

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Please go back to marsbonfire input. It's just been 2 years ? Obama has been pres for 100 + days....wait another 6 years, then ask where's the body armourall.

What did the GOPS do for the guys they sent to fight and die???.... for 8 years. Oh wait...yes, Bush wrote presidential papers of non- accountability for himself and et al. That should take care of being aroured by faith and god's will.

(in reply to subrob1967)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 6:24:37 AM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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ORIGINAL: subrob1967


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

I love how one of the breifing papers mention how the troops of the lord are armored by their faith.... yep. Good thing too! 'Cause we all know they didn't get shit for body armor otherwise.

Just another indication that George was a hypocrite, as well as a "convienince Christian"

Dems in Congress have been in power for over 2 years now, where's the body armor?

Congress doesn`t run the Pentagon.

You usually come off as smart, if not snarky.And you didn`t know that?!

Or are you ignorant about this,if not willfully?

< Message edited by Owner59 -- 5/23/2009 6:25:29 AM >


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

(in reply to subrob1967)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 6:30:20 AM   

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I don't know, subrob, where is it indeed? Funding for it has come up twice, and so far, the bill keeps geeting a ton of shit added to it by the GOP to make sure it fails. Why does the GOP hate the troops? Why does the GOP hate America, and want it to fail? Why DO Republicans suck?

(in reply to Owner59)
Profile   Post #: 30
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 7:21:22 AM   

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Demoncats, Republicunts .. essesentially no difference between these 2 "hate America first" groups.  There's hardly an identifiable conservative or constitutionalist in the quagmire.  They are merely two sides of the same world bankers, globalist agenda driven coin (established in earnest with the illegal unratified 16th Amendment, and the Fed) .. the PTB fund both sides of every "war" or rumor of war...except maybe with the new civil war brewing over the same main issue of the last one .. no, not "slavery" .. "States Rights" .. and it does my soul good to see States reasserting sovereignty under the 9th and 10th.  For the last 40+ years the Fed govt has really accellerated the usurping of "rights and power" not enumerated to it in the Constitution.

As far as God inspiring any "war" .. whether you believe in Him or not, if you are basically a "good person" you have a problem with "evil", and it's a human duty to resist, defend against, and destroy it whenever and however you can.  If one were to seek out and objectively comprehend the core of their (subjective) eschatological writings of authors like Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey, etc., it's obvious by these that these wars (and rumors) are simply a "sign of the times", and a reflection of the puppet master's socialist, marxist, communist, globalist educational system and mass media control over anything that matters including the now thoroughly brainwashed mushminds of the (mostly under about 35 yr old) incapable of criticle thinking sheeple of this once great country.

"Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." - William Penn 
"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.[Thomas Aquinas]

Those who hammer their swords into plows will plow for those who don't... (I don't recall the author)

(in reply to MarsBonfire)
Profile   Post #: 31
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 8:17:56 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Ohhhhhhhhhh sorry...the objectivity judges have ruled against you on this one.  See, by its nature, a direct quote is something that can be proved...either by film or video or radio or in written have come from the source. 

Like I said, not about to peruse YouTube or ABC News for hours for ya.

Of course, by your goofy logic, every newspaper story ever written that's based on a reporter's notes, or by video that I don't have access to, is invalid.  What a weird world you inhabit.

Hey, you are the one who stated that it is Bush's direct quotes are out there...yet you seem unwilling to prove it.  I turned around and showed the place that the sources of Bush's words come from and that place is a place and an agenda unfriendly to the West to begin with and even more so to a conservative leader.

I don't live in a weird world...I live in a world where I look at the source of the quotes.  The ones you gave me are both Palestinians ( not a country known for its affinity with the West, especially with a leader like Bush in charge) given to a "news" organization known for its sympathy to Palestine and for its overt disapproval of the U.S.. 

As far as newspapers go, again I look at the source.  I believe that liberal newspapers will tend to use those quotes from a conservative that are most damning.  I believe that conservative newspapers will tend to use those quotes from a liberal/progressive that are most damning.  This is why I generally tend to study both conservative and liberal sources to get the news so that I have a more well-rounded story.  That's goofy?  Seems to me that goofy is constantly buying into what one side only has to say and believing that it is objective.  While news is supposed to be objective, that objectivity...from both conservative and progressive sources...tends to fall more and more by the wayside as time goes on.  Goofy is extrapolating that I consider every news story invalid because it is based on a reporter's notes.  If you can tell me where I stated that directly when what I actually stated is done so in a clear manner in the posts above, I'll concede.

(in reply to Cagey18)
Profile   Post #: 32
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 8:25:11 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Funding for it has come up twice, and so far, the bill keeps geeting a ton of shit added to it by the GOP to make sure it fails.  Why does the GOP hate America, and want it to fail? Why DO Republicans suck?

ORLY. Would you care to support that with some evidence? Like...the bills.

Why do the donkeys hate the Troops? Why do they have to lie to make points?

(in reply to MarsBonfire)
Profile   Post #: 33
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 9:09:23 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Ohhhhhhhhhh sorry...the objectivity judges have ruled against you on this one.  See, by its nature, a direct quote is something that can be proved...either by film or video or radio or in written have come from the source. 

Like I said, not about to peruse YouTube or ABC News for hours for ya.

Of course, by your goofy logic, every newspaper story ever written that's based on a reporter's notes, or by video that I don't have access to, is invalid.  What a weird world you inhabit.

Hey, you are the one who stated that it is Bush's direct quotes are out there...yet you seem unwilling to prove it. 

I actually made that statement?  Where?


I turned around and showed the place that the sources of Bush's words come from and that place is a place and an agenda unfriendly to the West to begin with and even more so to a conservative leader.

I don't live in a weird world...I live in a world where I look at the source of the quotes.

Actually you live in a world where you dismiss any quote that doesn't provide you video or reporter's notes.  Which includes damn near any story on the web with a quote in it.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 34
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 9:23:14 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Funding for it has come up twice, and so far, the bill keeps geeting a ton of shit added to it by the GOP to make sure it fails.  Why does the GOP hate America, and want it to fail? Why DO Republicans suck?

ORLY. Would you care to support that with some evidence?

Oh, the irony...

(in reply to CruelNUnsual)
Profile   Post #: 35
RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 11:10:03 AM   

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Ok children, enough.



This mod goes to eleven.

(in reply to Owner59)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 11:57:51 AM   

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How a War Became a Crusade

President Bush's war plans are risky, but Mr. Bush is no gambler. In fact he denies the very existence of chance. ''Events aren't moved by blind change and chance'' he has said, but by ''the hand of a just and faithful God.'' From the outset he has been convinced that his presidency is part of a divine plan, even telling a friend while he was governor of Texas, ''I believe God wants me to run for president.''

This conviction that he is doing God's will has surfaced more openly since 9/11. In his State of the Union addresses and other public forums, he has presented himself as the leader of a global war against evil. As for a war in Iraq, ''we do not claim to know all the ways of Providence, yet we can trust in them.'' God is at work in world affairs, he says, calling for the United States to lead a liberating crusade in the Middle East, and ''this call of history has come to the right country.''

( New York Times)

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 1:17:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rulemylife

How a War Became a Crusade

President Bush's war plans are risky, but Mr. Bush is no gambler. In fact he denies the very existence of chance. ''Events aren't moved by blind change and chance'' he has said, but by ''the hand of a just and faithful God.'' From the outset he has been convinced that his presidency is part of a divine plan, even telling a friend while he was governor of Texas, ''I believe God wants me to run for president.''

This conviction that he is doing God's will has surfaced more openly since 9/11. In his State of the Union addresses and other public forums, he has presented himself as the leader of a global war against evil. As for a war in Iraq, ''we do not claim to know all the ways of Providence, yet we can trust in them.'' God is at work in world affairs, he says, calling for the United States to lead a liberating crusade in the Middle East, and ''this call of history has come to the right country.''

( New York Times)

Oh see, rml, you've already violated CD's strawman rules, shame on you.  Do you have video of Bush actually saying that?  Or pdf's of the reporter's notes? 

(in reply to rulemylife)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 1:42:52 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

Hey, you are the one who stated that it is Bush's direct quotes are out there...yet you seem unwilling to prove it. 

I actually made that statement?  Where?




ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Bush stated that this war was divinely inspired?  I'd love to see the quotes on that... direct quotes of him stating that, not something propped up by the media as showing the influence of religion on Bush.

Damn, that was easy...I thought most everyone had heard of this:

Bush: God Told Me to Invade Iraq....


(in reply to Cagey18)
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RE: How President Bush's Iraq briefings came with quote... - 5/23/2009 2:09:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Hey, you are the one who stated that it is Bush's direct quotes are out there...yet you seem unwilling to prove it. 

I actually made that statement?  Where?




ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Bush stated that this war was divinely inspired?  I'd love to see the quotes on that... direct quotes of him stating that, not something propped up by the media as showing the influence of religion on Bush.

Damn, that was easy...I thought most everyone had heard of this:

Bush: God Told Me to Invade Iraq....


Nice try K, but if you'll read more carefully, you'll see that's CD's statement, not mine.  Hence my specific question.

(in reply to Kirata)
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