RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (Full Version)

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CruelNUnsual -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 8:27:33 AM)




ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


ORIGINAL: philosophy


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual

Discomfort, no matter how extreme, is not torture, period, whatever "right wingers who changed their mind" think. on earth do you define torture then?

Severe pain or suffering

Waterboarding causes the instinctual drowning response. IOW the part sof the brain we have no control of freak out and tries to make you do something, anything, to stop drowning but the person being waterboarded is physically restrained so what happens is you have the full on sensation of imminent death. Which certainly sounds like severe suffering to me.

Then youve never felt real pain and suffering.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 8:32:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: housesub4you

If you listen to his show, he openly says he is a GOP'er supporter and a conservative, so I don't understand why!  when he states he is, and supports conservatives,  people say he is not

I think he show sucks, He has been based out of Chicago for about 15 years and last year he got picked up to go national.  He has always said on his show he is a CONSERVATIVE  and has never backed away from that, he states it on Fox and in his interviews

Does it really matter what he supports?  He got waterboarded for 6 seconds, he said he thought he would be able to last for at least 30-45 seconds. 
The whole point being, before this he always supported the position that "waterboarding" was NOT torture, after enduring it for 6 seconds be now says YES, waterboarding is torture. 

So because people argue over what they feel his political views are, how does that take away from the fact he now supports 70% of the peole in this country who believe waterboarding is in fact torture.

Which brings up the question, if you believe this is not torture, then you must believe it is OK to use on our troops when they are captured.  Now several GOP officals claim it is OK for us to use it on our prinsoners, but not OK for it to be used on our troops.  How does that work?

the discussion of MMs political views was a hijack, apologies for that. 

However, while 70% think WB is torture, only 60% dont think it should be used. And I would be surprised if even half of those 60% actually know what it is, what it feels like, and didnt just respond because of the medias hyperbole over it.

What GOPers think its ok for us and not for the enemy?

Cagey18 -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 8:44:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


Torture is an effective way to torture someone?  Damn, I can't argue with that logic TH, ya got me there.  I'm dazzled by your intellect.

        Cagey, Cagey, Cagey...  This is why I so rarely bother to reply to you.  You'd rather snark, than think.  Heaven forbid someone might use "it" to refer to more than one particular thing.  "It," your cite, and "it," waterboarding.  

Heaven forbid you form a sentence to say what you meant to say, rather than what you actually said.  Had you done so, you might have actually deserved thought rather than snark.  (Hint for ya:  when you use "rather", then "it" doesn't refer to more than one thing)


         Did you even bother to read the rest of the sentence where I put quotes on 'expert?' 

Yup. Read, and discarded.


       One more time.  Nothing in the OP asks whether torture is a good way to get information.  It asks if waterboarding is torture.  I answered that.   

Yeah, keep dodging on that "effective" thing. 

Hint for ya: it's not "one more time" if it's the first time you say it.

TheHeretic -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 8:52:44 AM)



Yeah, keep dodging on that "effective" thing. 

       Asked and answered, Cagey.  See post 18 on this thread.

Cagey18 -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 9:14:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic



Yeah, keep dodging on that "effective" thing. 

      Asked and answered, Cagey.  See post 18 on this thread.

Already did.  In it we actually find "asked and not answered".  That's called "dodging".

MarsBonfire -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 9:26:32 AM)

Humm... discomfort isn't torture? So I guess "Chinese water torture" really isn't torture at all? The mideval techniques of locking someone into an iron maiden with pointed blades positioned in such a way that the tiniest movement will cause them to be pushed into the skin or eyes is not torture... (not even doing so for days on end... that's only "mild discomfort", right?) Being put on a wooden box, and having wires attached to you, and being told that if you moved off the box you'd be electrocuted... that's just a hazing prank I guess.

Sometimes, I really, really wonder how long some of the people on this forum think about things, before they start spewing idiocy.

DomKen -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:21:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


Waterboarding causes the instinctual drowning response. IOW the part sof the brain we have no control of freak out and tries to make you do something, anything, to stop drowning but the person being waterboarded is physically restrained so what happens is you have the full on sensation of imminent death. Which certainly sounds like severe suffering to me.

Then youve never felt real pain and suffering.

Interesting variation on the no true scotsman argument. So second degree burns over 1/3rd of my body, a broken elbow and a torn medial collateral ligament aren't really painful? I think your defence of a repugnant practice can't get much more ridiculous.

Crush -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:28:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual




Libertarianism is definitely right wing as the term is traditionally fact it is far right wing, closer to facism than it is to even modern day "conservatism".


Facism is authortarian.  Libertarianism is an anti-authortarian.  The two could not possibly be farther apart.

Not in the classical sense of the words:

"On the right wing vs left wing diagrams above, socialism and libertarianism fall outside the realm of democracy. Whereas modern liberalism and American conservatism are best seen as heuristics (decision-making shortcuts), socialism and libertarianism are ideologies which invariably lead to tyranny."

[Mod Note:  image removed]

NB:  I'm speaking from the USA, for those outside the USA.

While there are many "flavors" of Libertarianism, the one that makes the most of us Libertarians is personal freedom and minimal governmental interference with that freedom.   And yes, striking a balance between those things.

Want to smoke pot?  Sure.  Just not on the public roads where your actions could interfere with my actions. 
Want to sell sex?  OK. 
Abortion?  That's a private matter, though agreed that some Conservative "libertarians" wouldn't necessarily agree.
Want to open a business?  Sure.  And set the wages you want, offer the benefits you want, to attract the workers you want.
Taxes?  Based sensibly and equally on all.  Fair tax? Flat tax?
Protection from foreign powers, as a country or otherwise. Yep.

Do a bit more research and don't cherry pick.

In other words, we want those things that aren't delineated in the U.S. Constitution and are protected by the 9th and 10th Amendments. 

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:36:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual
Ive never been waterboarded, but I have been "everything else" on the list of supposed torture....prolonged standing, sleep deprivation, continual exposure to loud noises etc   and they arent torture.   Prolonged exposure to tear gas is very close to waterboarding as far as the panic it causes, since you do everything you can not to breathe it in, and that isnt torture either.  Discomfort, no matter how extreme, is not torture, period, whatever "right wingers who changed their mind" think.

That's an effective tactic, isn't it? If the legal definition of a word invalidates your argument, make up a new definition that supports your argument and declare yourself the winner. Repeat as needed.

Cagey18 -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:36:27 AM)




ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


Waterboarding causes the instinctual drowning response. IOW the part sof the brain we have no control of freak out and tries to make you do something, anything, to stop drowning but the person being waterboarded is physically restrained so what happens is you have the full on sensation of imminent death. Which certainly sounds like severe suffering to me.

Then youve never felt real pain and suffering.

Interesting variation on the no true scotsman argument. So second degree burns over 1/3rd of my body, a broken elbow and a torn medial collateral ligament aren't really painful? I think your defence of a repugnant practice can't get much more ridiculous.

Of course, had it been the Obama administration using waterboarding...

that defense would be curiously absent.  And oh, the shouting about how that would ruin foreign policy...

thishereboi -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:46:52 AM)

I like statements like that. Lets me skip over the rest and saves time reading.

TheHeretic -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:55:45 AM)


Already did.  In it we actually find "asked and not answered".  That's called "dodging".

      Speaking of sticking fingers in the ears, and going la-la-la-la, Cagey...

   Have a nice day.

popeye1250 -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 10:57:52 AM)

And could we at least have public or televised executions?
If I'm paying for it through my taxes I at least want to be able to watch it! I think that as a Taxpayer I have that righ!

Cagey18 -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 11:01:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


Already did.  In it we actually find "asked and not answered".  That's called "dodging".

     Speaking of sticking fingers in the ears, and going la-la-la-la, Cagey...

  Have a nice day.

Perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with your beloved post #18.

Brain -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 11:13:01 AM)

Mancow gets waterboarded and admits it's torture
watch it:

DomKen -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 11:34:22 AM)






ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


Waterboarding causes the instinctual drowning response. IOW the part sof the brain we have no control of freak out and tries to make you do something, anything, to stop drowning but the person being waterboarded is physically restrained so what happens is you have the full on sensation of imminent death. Which certainly sounds like severe suffering to me.

Then youve never felt real pain and suffering.

Interesting variation on the no true scotsman argument. So second degree burns over 1/3rd of my body, a broken elbow and a torn medial collateral ligament aren't really painful? I think your defence of a repugnant practice can't get much more ridiculous.

Of course, had it been the Obama administration using waterboarding...

that defense would be curiously absent.  And oh, the shouting about how that would ruin foreign policy...

Bull. I'm most extremely displeased with Obama over his handling of this. The whole retaining the option to torture in the future idsgusts me. Doesn't matter who does it, it's unamerican and makes me regret giving 6 years of my life to defending this nation.

TheHeretic -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 11:53:20 AM)


Bull. I'm most extremely displeased with Obama over his handling of this. The whole retaining the option to torture in the future idsgusts me. Doesn't matter who does it, it's unamerican and makes me regret giving 6 years of my life to defending this nation.

       That's a position I can respect, Ken.  I disagree, though.  The use of torture lies way out in the gray area.  It is an awful thing, and should never be standard practice, but having it on the shelf, and having the interrogatees know it is on the shelf, isn't something we should declare a grand ban on.  In those moments when we have to ask ourselves if the Constitution is a suicide pact, I prefer for the potential recipient to know that we just might go there.

philosophy -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 11:59:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


Bull. I'm most extremely displeased with Obama over his handling of this. The whole retaining the option to torture in the future idsgusts me. Doesn't matter who does it, it's unamerican and makes me regret giving 6 years of my life to defending this nation.

      That's a position I can respect, Ken.  I disagree, though.  The use of torture lies way out in the gray area.  It is an awful thing, and should never be standard practice, but having it on the shelf, and having the interrogatees know it is on the shelf, isn't something we should declare a grand ban on.  In those moments when we have to ask ourselves if the Constitution is a suicide pact, I prefer for the potential recipient to know that we just might go there.

...however, keeping it so prominantly on the shelf may well simply generate even more potential recipients. i've never been a fan of the idea of fighting fire with fire. Extremists will probably always exist at one level.  Combatting them with even more extremism simply increases the level of extremism. It's a escalator.

DMFParadox -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 12:17:56 PM)



Mancow gets waterboarded and admits it's torture
watch it:

Cool link.

A brief scan of the rest of these replies shows that you all eat your own children. Conservative, Liberal, Socialist and Libertarian alike, all of you fail. Debate class, that is.

Even the people I agree with, I want to disagree with just because of the odor in here.

Good thing this is a free forum. I'd hate to have to pay to read this kind of stuff.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Right Wing Radio Host Water-boarded.."it`s absolutely torture" (5/23/2009 12:39:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

      That's a position I can respect, Ken.  I disagree, though.  The use of torture lies way out in the gray area.  It is an awful thing, and should never be standard practice, but having it on the shelf, and having the interrogatees know it is on the shelf, isn't something we should declare a grand ban on.  In those moments when we have to ask ourselves if the Constitution is a suicide pact, I prefer for the potential recipient to know that we just might go there.

There's no gray area at all. This country got along just fine for over 2 centuries without ever having to resort to torture as an official instrument of policy. We drove off the British attempt to take back the country in 1812, pulled the nation back together again after a horrendous civil war that came within a few battles of tearing it apart it forever, fought and helped win World War I, fought and helped win World War II, the bloodiest, most catastrophic war in the history of the human race, and then for 4 decades stared eyeball to eyeball with the Soviet Union on the edge of armageddon, all without ever having to sanction torture. Now a handful of ignorant, semi-literate goat farmers fly a couple of airliners into the sides of a couple of skyscrapers and suddenly our civilization is in mortal peril, and the only thing saving us from certain destruction is the option of torturing more ignorant, semi-literate goat farmers? Is your faith in this nation and the principles upon which it was founded really that shaky?

Rich, with all due respect, you guys really need to get a grip. The Islamasociopaths represent a threat, a serious threat, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. But they can never  possibly, in any conceivable apolcalyptic fantasy, inflict upon our society the kind of catastrophic damage we have faced, and driven back, many times in the past. No matter what they do, we as a nation will easily survive it, without having to throw our principles out the window.

Will we take a few extra hits by not abandoning our principles? Yeah, quite possibly. Tough shit. That's part of the tradeoff for living in what so many conservatives are constantly bragging is the greatest society in the world, and it's a tradeoff countless generations of Americans before us have gladly made so that you and I could live in the world we enjoy today. It's the tradeoff that the men who gave us this country - the Founding Fathers who literally risked their lives to launch this nation - deliberately wrote into the fabric of our Constitution, even though it put them at even greater mortal peril, because they understood that the price of a society as noble as that to which they aspired is that one must take greater personal risks in defense of the loftier principles they wished for us. They were willing to put their lives on the line to advance that principle, and the generations  of Americans who built this country between that generation and our generation were willing to do the same, and frankly I find it disgusting that so many Americans today are so willing to piss all  over what they risked and what they sacrificed because they're scared to death of a bunch of fucking goat farmers. I seriously question whether some of the people willing to accept this barbarity in order to feel a little greater illusion of safety  are even worthy of living in the country those brave men and women left us.

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