RE: christian terrorism? (Full Version)

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Apocalypso -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 1:50:45 PM)


Those damn Atheists may well turn out to be the worst of the bunch. After all, how many did Stalin kill?

And that's just to start...

The vast bulk of those killings weren't related to his atheism however.  (The French Revolution is arguably a better analogy as there were a lot of people specifically killed in the name of "reason").

RCdc -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 1:56:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


Yep all religions are dangerous, especially those Taoist and Buddhist. ;)

I'm an atheist (neither Taoism nor Buddhism recogize gods), but I respect others' beliefs. When applied positively, theistic beliefs can support good communities and well-examined ethical lives. These are admirable contributions.

But when used to intervene in society, we have essentially people who hear voices, or who believe the books they read were written by people who heard voices, or that their leaders hear voices, and those people are dangerous, whatever the voices say.

You mean, like buddhism?
I am always totally amazed at the dreamy eyed yumminess people have of buddhism.  The monks of tibet are feared there and always were.  One extremism for another, whether people like to admit - or learn that - or not.

Sanity -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:02:17 PM)

Communist butchers have killed well over a hundred million people (entire families - including innocent women and children) in order to clear the way for a perfect atheistic society.

So how is Atheism any better than Christianity or Islam, or any other belief system.


ORIGINAL: Apocalypso


Those damn Atheists may well turn out to be the worst of the bunch. After all, how many did Stalin kill?

And that's just to start...

The vast bulk of those killings weren't related to his atheism however.  (The French Revolution is arguably a better analogy as there were a lot of people specifically killed in the name of "reason").

Musicmystery -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:06:18 PM)


You mean, like buddhism?
I am always totally amazed at the dreamy eyed yumminess people have of buddhism.

You'll notice no such claim in the post, which mentioned only that they were not theist religions--and were only mentioned at all because Orion's post began with a joking reference to them.

Indeed, theocracy of any stripe bodes ill.

Politesub53 -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:07:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

      It's a fine line.  If the attack had been on the clinic, or the office staff, I would be with you in calling it a terrorist act.  In this case, by targeting the abortionist himself, I think it stays inside that line. 

Indeed, it switches it to just plain murder. Just because people think abortion is wrong, it doesnt give them the right to kill.

DomImus -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:08:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
         That term is mostly considered redundant anymore, I think...

No, there's actually nothing redundant about it. All christians are not extremists anymore than all muslims are extremists. It's an important distinction.

Musicmystery -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:09:12 PM)


So how is Atheism any better than Christianity or Islam, or any other belief system.

How is not believing something a "belief system"?

It's singled out as such only by those who want others to embrace their own beliefs.

RCdc -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:13:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


You mean, like buddhism?
I am always totally amazed at the dreamy eyed yumminess people have of buddhism.

You'll notice no such claim in the post, which mentioned only that they were not theist religions--and were only mentioned at all because Orion's post began with a joking reference to them.

Indeed, theocracy of any stripe bodes ill.

Yes, I was posting on the back of yours and Orions post but it wasn't aimed at anyone, other than a general reply.

Apocalypso -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:18:09 PM)


Communist butchers have killed well over a hundred million people (entire families - including innocent women and children) in order to clear the way for a perfect atheistic society.

Do you think those atrocities were motivated primarily by their political beliefs or their atheism?  That's the distinction I'm drawing here.  Relatively few murders have been carried out specifically in the name of atheism.  The same isn't true of the various religions.


So how is Atheism any better than Christianity or Islam, or any other belief system.

I'm not arguing it is.  I wouldn't see atheism, Christianity or Islam as monolithic belief structures.

Aneirin -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:18:30 PM)

And though off topic, how about this for a wacky thought, the truth that we all seek, is not in any one belief, but is scattered amongst the world's beliefs.

Maybe as humanty first occurred (according to the boffins) in the region of the Sahara and from there migrated, perhaps all of them, those that wandered hold the truth we all seek ?

Whatever belief you may come across, never mind how wacky, there is always truth in there somewhere.

RCdc -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:22:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Apocalypso


Communist butchers have killed well over a hundred million people (entire families - including innocent women and children) in order to clear the way for a perfect atheistic society.

Do you think those atrocities were motivated primarily by their political beliefs or their atheism?  That's the distinction I'm drawing here.  Relatively few murders have been carried out specifically in the name of atheism.  The same isn't true of the various religions.

That is usually because when religion isn't blamed because there is non belief or a genocide against a religion or sect, then it's usually a political reason.  Communism, or more extremist governments or dictatorships as examples.

cpK69 -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:26:37 PM)



And though off topic, how about this for a wacky thought, the truth that we all seek, is not in any one belief, but is scattered amongst the world's beliefs.

Not so "wacky".


Sanity -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:27:51 PM)

The communist political belief is / was inexorably tied into Atheism. It's "government by science" as opposed to what was seen as the old way, which was government through a Czar or a King who ruled by a supposed divine right as God's representative on earth.

Musicmystery -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 2:53:44 PM)

Much more specifically, it's government by economics--just like capitalism.

There's a logic error here too--the converse of a cause and effect statement.

The space shuttle was launched, so we saw a cloud of smoke.
A saw a cloud of smoke, so the space shuttle was launched.

The second does not necessarily follow from the first.

Incidentally--Divine Right of Kings isn't something anyone seems to want back.

RCdc -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 3:10:19 PM)





And though off topic, how about this for a wacky thought, the truth that we all seek, is not in any one belief, but is scattered amongst the world's beliefs.

Not so "wacky".


Hijack - If you haven't already - Kim meet Aneirin - A meet Kim.[:)]
Really, ya both would do well to 'meet'.  You might find it fascinating and that it rocks! (/h)

Aneirin -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 3:19:19 PM)

The trouble is, conversation often moves from topic to topic, anything other would just be a verbal poll, agree or disagree.

cpK69 -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 3:23:06 PM)


TheHeretic -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 3:24:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

The space shuttle was launched, so we saw a cloud of smoke.
A saw a cloud of smoke, so the space shuttle was launched.

          Ah, but Muse... 

The space shuttle landed, so my house was rattled by a double-clap sonic boom.
My house was rattled by a double-clap sonic boom, so I knew the space shuttle came in to land.

     A belief system that denies god, still has a belief about god.

    (or maybe not.  It's a strange day)

cpK69 -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 3:41:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

    A belief system that denies god, still has a belief about god.

   (or maybe not.  It's a strange day)

Am I wrong in thinking, believing there isn’t, is the belief, and does not need an ‘about’ to qualify it?

MstrPBK -> RE: christian terrorism? (5/31/2009 3:58:17 PM)


And though off topic, how about this for a wacky thought, the truth that we all seek, is not in any one belief, but is scattered amongst the world's beliefs.

What your quoting is exceptionally Unitarian Universalist; it is by no means wacky.

St. Paul, MN USA

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