RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (Full Version)

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cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 4:52:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Irishknight

Having been in similar situations to the officer, he did fairly well. 

Do you think any of your take on this situation has to do with the above?


cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 4:53:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

As to- elderly hearing loss.   A large % ARE.   Heck young people too.

Do we know she's deaf, Hunk?


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 5:15:20 PM)




ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

As to- elderly hearing loss.   A large % ARE.   Heck young people too.

Do we know she's deaf, Hunk?


I hope that if any law enforcement is  reviewing this- that I am  45 years old- and I  hope/expect you to yell- talk loudly- prior to any tazer or sim. result. 

I demand it in fact.  

Hearing at 45 is not the same as hearing at age 20.   SO I insist on being yelled at- so I can clearly know the officers intention.

I did not view his attitude as condescending.  In fact- her attitude was childish.   She got caught.  She did not like it.

But hell yeah- yell at me- so I clearly understand what I am expected to do.   Hearing loss is more common then you would imagine.

ShaharThorne -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 5:19:40 PM)

GHeck I can't hear a damn thing when the AC is on and I am only 41...42 in a few hours...and I know where they were pulled over...very high noise!

Damn the rock concerts and venues...*was jamming to Whitesnake earlier*

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 5:33:37 PM)

Do you supose he yelled, "TAAAZED!!!", just after she was hit, becasue she didn't realize what had happened? Do you think if you were tazed, you would want to continue to stand, so that yelling, "Get on the ground! Get on the ground!" would be necassary? How long does it take to be able to coordinate movement, so that one can efficiantly put their hands behind their head? Do you think by the time she was on the ground, he might have been able to help her put her hand behind her head (without breaking her), instead of threatening to taze her again?

Anywhoo... live and learn. One of the best things about being human, is the ability to learn from others mistakes.


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 6:18:54 PM)

Did he taze her 2x?  If so- that was NOT necessary.

I do see how the taze could be abused.   ...this tho brings me back to that she did not have to sign the ticket.   

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 6:20:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: ShaharThorne

GHeck I can't hear a damn thing when the AC is on and I am only 41...42 in a few hours...and I know where they were pulled over...very high noise!

Damn the rock concerts and venues...*was jamming to Whitesnake earlier*

Bingo.   When I worked at the plant they would send us for hearing test.  Almost none of the men had perfect hearing.  Maybe a few of the young men did... but no one over 35. 

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 6:23:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Did he taze her 2x?  If so- that was NOT necessary.

No, at least not on the video we were shown; only threatened to if she did not hurry about putting her hands behind her head.

I'm just intrigued by human behaviours.[:)]


cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 6:27:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Bingo.   When I worked at the plant they would send us for hearing test.  Almost none of the men had perfect hearing.  Maybe a few of the young men did... but no one over 35

I was in the habit of wearing earplugs. Loud noise is something I feel, as well as hear.

I don't understand why some are so willing to give it up thier hearing.


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 6:45:15 PM)

This past week I got some to wear inside the house and yard.  Not so much for loud noise but the nerves as a result of the 24-7 noise.

Human behavior IS interesting.  I worked in group homes for 5 years.  I thought I taught- when in fact it was mutual.  One of the houses- I was the only staff member that was never attacked.  Well of course- I did not get in the way.    I liked the work.  But only as a 2nd job- not one the rent gets paid from.  The residents were not a problem- the co-workers were.  lol.

The thing on all that- is others can be a mirror of ourself.  The good- the bad -and the ugly.   It was a gift to do that work. It truly was.  

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 7:21:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

This past week I got some to wear inside the house and yard.  Not so much for loud noise but the nerves as a result of the 24-7 noise.

I know what you mean, though not to that extent. For me it becomes like the static on a tv, overlookable sometimes, but other times, needs to be stopped.

I wear them to bed; a habit I started because I sleep during the day. I think it has caused me to be more sensitive to noise; not always a good thing.


The thing on all that- is others can be a mirror of ourself.  The good- the bad -and the ugly.

So very true.


It was a gift to do that work. It truly was.


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 7:25:50 PM)

Ear plugs- are not always good to put in the ears.   What kind do you use?

There must be 30 diff types

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 7:50:21 PM)




ORIGINAL: Irishknight

Having been in similar situations to the officer, he did fairly well. 

Do you think any of your take on this situation has to do with the above?


Do you think your take has to do with your previously-mentioned bad experiences? If you can stipulate that your view is skewed because of your experience, then ours may be as well. However, with cops, as with anyone, there are good ones and bad ones. There are REALLY good ones and there are REALLY bad ones.

I've had experiences where I chatted with the cop for a few minutes, he closed his book and went on his merry way, telling me to watch my speed. And I have had an experience where I have been pulled out of my car and searched and nearly arrested merely because I expressed my intentions to fight the ticket in court.

In this case, the cop did his job, plain and simple. The lady practically begged for what she got. She even flat-out asked for it.

"What.....we've got communicate. Some... you just can't reach. So, you get what we had here last week. Which is the way she wants it. Well....she GETS it. I don't like it anymore than you do."

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 7:57:50 PM)






ORIGINAL: Irishknight

Having been in similar situations to the officer, he did fairly well. 

Do you think any of your take on this situation has to do with the above?


Do you think your take has to do with your previously-mentioned bad experiences? If you can stipulate that your view is skewed because of your experience, then ours may be as well. However, with cops, as with anyone, there are good ones and bad ones. There are REALLY good ones and there are REALLY bad ones.

I've had experiences where I chatted with the cop for a few minutes, he closed his book and went on his merry way, telling me to watch my speed. And I have had an experience where I have been pulled out of my car and searched and nearly arrested merely because I expressed my intentions to fight the ticket in court.

In this case, the cop did his job, plain and simple. The lady practically begged for what she got. She even flat-out asked for it.

"What.....we've got communicate. Some... you just can't reach. So, you get what we had here last week. Which is the way she wants it. Well....she GETS it. I don't like it anymore than you do."

I talked my way out of a ticket once.  As a rule tho- it doesn't work.  In my locale- they call in your tag- and the cop is sort of on the hook then.   I am amazed at how well the local police work together.  If there is a mele- they are there fast. 

All politics are local.  Each area - has its do's and don'ts.

The cops have heard all the excuses.   The thing is to blend in to what is normal for an area.  I would much rather face a cop then a stupid cam that tickets.

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 8:10:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Ear plugs- are not always good to put in the ears.   What kind do you use?

There must be 30 diff types

They are called "Sleep Pretty in Pink". (for women)


slaveboyforyou -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/11/2009 10:15:36 PM)


I talked my way out of a ticket once.  As a rule tho- it doesn't work.  In my locale- they call in your tag- and the cop is sort of on the hook then.   I am amazed at how well the local police work together.  If there is a mele- they are there fast. 

I generally got out of my traffic tickets.  As I said earlier, my last ticket was in 2001.  Actually, that was the last ticket to go on my record.  I always show up to court and plead not guilty, I never just pay it.  Generally, the cop won't show up to court.  They have a lot of other stuff to do, and court dates tend to fall on their day off.  So they don't show most of the time in my experiences.  When that happens, the judge usually drops it or offers you a deal to keep it off your record.  Usually that deal involves you spending 4 hours of your Saturday watching films with graphic images of auto accidents.  No biggie for me if it keeps me off my insurance company's radar. 

Irishknight -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/12/2009 5:07:59 AM)




ORIGINAL: Irishknight

Having been in similar situations to the officer, he did fairly well. 

Do you think any of your take on this situation has to do with the above?


Of course it does.  It also gives me a more accurate measuring stick as to how he should have behaved according to his training.  For instance....
Keeping his body between her and the road is what he was supposed to do.  It had nothing to do with staying on higher ground to intimidate her with his amazing height.  I have kept myself between people and the doors they were trying to enter or exit through on many occassions.  It had nothing to do with intimidation.  It creates a physical barrier between the person and the place they are being kept from.  Whether the reason is safety, a ban from the property, or the fact that the person needs to sign a ticket, it is the exact same procedure. 
The double standard that people can do anything to cops and security personnel but that those men and women in the uniforms can't do anything is why I don't ever want to wear a badge again.  I wanted for most of my early life to become a cop to help people.  What I found out was that people only want a cop when they are in trouble and then they will still try to make up a reason that the cop did something wrong.   I've seen good cops, helped get rid of a few bad cops, and I've even seen cops that were too lazy to do their jobs.  I still don't think its necessarily always the cop in the wrong.  We tend to jump to that conclusion too fast.

UglyTruth -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/12/2009 5:35:48 AM)

Incidents like this make me think that police shouldn't have tasers. Too many of them can't be trusted with them.

lisatiffany -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/12/2009 6:14:43 AM)

that woman being tazered even made the news over looked proper nasty, but then our police aren't even armed with batons .. she didnt make it easy on herself by acting the way she did but I dont think going as far as to tazer her was the right thing to do ..but thats just me  

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/12/2009 10:34:14 AM)



Incidents like this make me think that police shouldn't have tasers. Too many of them can't be trusted with them.

It's opinions like this that make me shake my head in disbelief.

Let's not forget (as many do) that without tasers, the cop has a gun, a baton, and his superior physical size (in this case). If he wasn't able to taze this woman, he'd have had to use his asp, tackle her old ass to the ground and use his physical superiority to physically restrain her, pushing her face against the ground as he straddled her in order to handcuff her.

With her age, such an action would surely have resulted in broken bones, bruises, lacerations, etc. Is that what you would prefer happen? Personally, I'd never put myself into a position where a cop had to do any of the above. As much shit as I talk, I KNOW when to shut my yap and not give a cop a reason to feel the need to handcuff me or tase me. However, should such a situation arise, I would much rather a non-fatal jolt be applied rather than have a 225 lbs cop put his knee into my neck while my face is in the pavement. Hell, just watch a single episode of Cops where they DON'T use tasers and see what happens to the suspects when they are handcuffed. It's not pretty in the least.

I just can't help but question the sanity or intelligence of a comment like "they can't be trusted with tasers." We trust them with GUNS....LETHAL FIREARMS THAT MAKE YOU DEAD.......but we can't trust them with NON-LETHAL tasers? Give me a break.

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