RE: diet pills (Full Version)

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xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/2/2009 7:03:55 AM)

Not sure if anyone still checks this but I'll post anyway. I have a question about myself. I have a little excess weight and I can't explain why. I eat a MAXIMUM of 1000 calories a day, if that. And I excercise. And I don't lose any weight. I've had my thyroid checked and I still don't seem to get any loss. I eat only good foods, nothing fried or fatty. I eat mostly chicken and turkey and salmon. I do eat more carbs than I do meat but its all whole wheats or cracked wheats. I drink straight black coffee, usually iced. No sugar, no milk. I don't eat a lot of cheeses. I cut out all but one glass of milk every two days. So, I don't know where my problem is. Can anyone help?

LaTigresse -> RE: diet pills (9/2/2009 9:25:07 AM)

Talk to your doctor.

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/2/2009 8:30:15 PM)

I have. She took a blood test for my thyroid and it came out normal.

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 4:31:17 AM)

First of all, you are starving youself and your body is saying oh hell no to releasing the weight. So you really should be eating more calories than 1000. ADD FAT to your diet, good fats, have some almonds every day or sprinkle olive oil on your veggies.

Another thing people don't know much about when trying to lose weight is yeast -- candida, which many times makes losing weight very difficult. You can take a spit test to determine if you have it. Just do a search for this issue and there is tons of info on it. But i will tell you the cleanse diet sucks lol as its very strict.


xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 6:52:35 AM)

I eat a lot of olive oil. We eat tons of veggies, seeing as I am mostly vegetarian. I eat SOME meat, chicken, turkey, salmon, a little shrimp. LITTLE shrimp, since it has so much cholesterol. And I eat TONS of avocado, which is rich in cholesterol but the good kind, which I was low on with my last blood test. I eat some sugar, but very little. None in my daily morning Starbucks run, because its just an iced coffee, with no milk or sugar. I have a little something sweet at lunch but never more than 50-100 calories. 50 if I eat half, 100 if I want the whole thing. I eat small lunches, if any lunch at all. Usually a quick sandwich from Walgreens, which cannot be more than 350 calories AT MOST. And then I barely eat dinner if I eat lunch. If I don't eat lunch, I eat a homemade sandwich, usually with turkey, one slice of swiss, and its usually more spinich than turkey or swiss or bread alone. I don't eat mayo anymore, I use a tiny bit of onion or garlic to season only. So, I probably don't even eat 1000 calories a day.... But even so, I still should be losing something. My last weight was 177.7 at the doctors. I'm 4'9''. I do lose some weight but its like, crazy little. I also don't have a period. I haven't had one in 11 months, which, I KNOW I NEED TO GO TO AN OBGYN. But, it could be hereditary, because my mom had the same issue when she was my age. And she also ate the same way I do now. We are both so busy in our day that we forget to eat, eat small when we have time and run again. The difference is, she was like, 100 lbs. I'm 177.7. So, what am I missing?

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 8:07:40 AM)

I hate to tell you this but you are NOT eating a lot of olive oil if you are eating about 1000 cals a day.  A teaspoon or even a tablespoon can't remember which is about 180 calories.  Same with avacado which has a lot of fat in it.  A gram of fat in your diet is 9 calories.  From what you have said you aren't eating ENOUGH throughout the day and your body is compensating and hording it.  People unless they are VERY tiny are not supposed to eat 1000 cals a day.

Perhaps you need to literally log every bit of food you do eat including all cals, fat grams, carbs etc.  You may be surprised.  Every body is different.


xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 8:18:54 AM)

So, how much would a spritz of olive oil be? Because, we definitely don't use table spoons or even teaspoons. We spray enough on the bottom to not burn the veggies. So, I may not consume a full 180 calories with each serving. And, a lot of avocado to me is a thin slice or two on my sandwich or some cubes in a salad. And I eat such small amounts that there is NO WAY there is more than 1000 calories in my diet. I don't need to catalog my diet. For one, I hate doing that. For two, I eat the same things every day. It may vary a TINY bit but each day is the same. 

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 8:38:16 AM)

The bottom line is EAT MORE.  If you don't your body will continue to horde fat.  Also make sure you are building muscle by strength training - muscle burns more calories at rest than fat ever will.  You really need to revamp your nutrition and diet plan as well as make sure you are exercising correctly.   From what you have written it doesn't sound like you are.


xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 8:57:38 AM)

I exercise everyday, at least an hour to an hour and a half. I also don't drive, I take the bus and walk everywhere. Eating more might help, I guess... Perhaps snacks throughout the day instead of meals.

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 9:08:59 AM)

There is a difference between exercising and strength training.   You really should educate yourself more on nutrition and exercising and strength training.   Without that type of knowledge you will simply be playing a guessing game.   At 177 and 4' 9"  you are either doing something wrong which i really do think you are in your nutrition concept (EAT MORE CALORIES, not just break out your food into different eating times).  Maybe go see a nutritionist and have them help you plan better and even out your calorie intake throughout the day.

That's all i can comment on based on what you have said.  It seriously sounds like you are starving your body and its doing all it can to stop you.   No matter what you weigh, if you starve your body -- which you don't have to lose weight quickly and easily -- it does and will rebell.  Even so make sure you are taking a good multivitamin and such.


shadowowl -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 9:12:21 AM)

spiking metablosim (eating sporaticly or skipping meals makes the next meal go directly to fat storage)  You can eat 1000 calories a day and not lose weight if you eat sporaticly or in spikes rather then small amounts every 3-4 hours. And Never ever skip breakfast it will mess up your entire days eating and put most of into fat storage.

actually you can eat 1500 calories of regular  foods and lose more weight then 1000 healthy foods if you space things out to keep your metabolism burning at a constent rate.
most diet plans are a bunch of crap I find lol the basics are much more simple but no one makes money by following common sense so it's not something anyone spends money to promote.
avoid bad fats and bad carbs and exersise 2-3 times a week (if your not sore the next day you didn't exersise) :P
and try to eat something every 3-4 hours. (with a (single) snack between)  maybe an apple or small yogurt or some nuts (like 5-10 unsalted nuts) 

Good luck though if you really put your mind to it you will succeed :)  don't lose hope if it's slow goings.

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 9:44:28 AM)

I don't do a lot of strength training with weights but I do a lot of push ups and pull ups and such. Which is the same-ish. I bike, I skate, I run, I walk... I jumprope... I throw the ball around and run around after a big hyper doggy.

Breakfast foods make me gag. Cannot eat eggs. I take my vitamins with my migraine pills. I hate yogurt, do not eat nuts. I nibble on raisins and fruit if I have them available. I haven't eaten this morning but I have some raisins with me, so I'm eating them now.

Aanakaris -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 1:58:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

The bottom line is EAT MORE.  If you don't your body will continue to horde fat.  Also make sure you are building muscle by strength training - muscle burns more calories at rest than fat ever will.  You really need to revamp your nutrition and diet plan as well as make sure you are exercising correctly.   From what you have written it doesn't sound like you are.


This is some of the hardest advice for people to take. You body will go into starvation mode if you do not give it enough calories. That means peak efficiency at holding onto fat, at 1000 calories a day your body thinks it's moments from death and is desperately trying to save all the energy it can in the form of fat to keep that from happening. There are 400+ pound people out there whose bodies believe that they are starving due to how they eat. In addition, if you want to lose fat, especially in the abs, drink loads of water, at least 8 8 oz glasses a day. If you don't like water drink weak, nonsugared tea. Soda, coffee, beer, all BAD for losing fat, especially around the belly.

Also many diet foods can cause your body to slip into starvation mode. Artificial fats fool your taste buds into thinking there is fat there, tastes great right? But... Taste is the start of the digestion process, your body begins to release the enzymes and bile you need to digest what you ate based on the information your taste buds provide. When the fat doesn't show up the body gets confused and begins conserving the fats that's already been stored. So unless you like the taste alot, avoid diet products and just eat healthier, more reasonable portions of real foods.

shadowowl -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:06:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

Breakfast foods make me gag. Cannot eat eggs. I take my vitamins with my migraine pills. I hate yogurt, do not eat nuts. I nibble on raisins and fruit if I have them available. I haven't eaten this morning but I have some raisins with me, so I'm eating them now.

breakfast can be anything you want it's just time of day that's importent.   I mean have a chicken sandwich for breakfast lol  really doesn't matter what it is as long as it's something you like and it kicks your day off.   eating first thing in the morning tells your body to burn calories all day long at worst you could have 250ml of milk (1 cup) that is a good start has decent protein and some vitamins at least it's something.     I have a 250ml protein shake in the morning which i use milk with so it's sort of like a milk shake hehe  kicks off my day.   Of course that's just me everyone is different but I think almost any nutrionist, doctor or personal trainer will tell you the same thing.  Find something to eat for breakfast even if it's a granola bar.

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:17:36 PM)

I literally wake at 4:30 am, leave the house ten minutes later, take the bus half way to work, have a quick five minute break at the bus stop, then get on another bus the rest of the way to work. I arrive at six thirty in the morning, take a quick half hour lunch so I can get off at three to take two more buses home and don't arrive home til five or five thirty. By that time, I am so tired and just want to relax that I just... Don't eat. I'm not hungry. I'll drink my water, I may eat something at lunch and nibble on fruit before bed but I go to bed at 8. Five to eight is three hours. Not much you can do in three hours. I try cooking a dinner and everyone in the house hoards it, so I'm left with a bit. I gave up. I may grab a little something at lunch from Walgreens but its either starve, eat a 10 dollar sandwich a DAY, pizza, which its hard to find a pizza that is good for you or Walgreens. Cheap, quick, grab a small sandwich, good for the day.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:26:40 PM)

At that point I would be addressing the selfishness of the family, and teaching them not to be such greedy little pigs.


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

I try cooking a dinner and everyone in the house hoards it, so I'm left with a bit.

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:30:17 PM)

1) Its not a "Family". Its my preggo sister and a roommate. And usually I make enough for me for dinner and lunch and then they cut it into "thirds", being half to preggo, quarter to the Asian Bird Woman and then quarter to me. Given that I eat small portions, ANYWAY, quarter is like five small spoonfuls. 

angelikaJ -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:42:08 PM)

Since you don't have your period, you might have PCOS which is connected with insulin resistance.

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:43:05 PM)

My glucose fasting blood tests were all normal.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:51:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

I eat a lot of olive oil. We eat tons of veggies, seeing as I am mostly vegetarian. I eat SOME meat, chicken, turkey, salmon, a little shrimp. LITTLE shrimp, since it has so much cholesterol. And I eat TONS of avocado, which is rich in cholesterol but the good kind, which I was low on with my last blood test. I eat some sugar, but very little. None in my daily morning Starbucks run, because its just an iced coffee, with no milk or sugar. I have a little something sweet at lunch but never more than 50-100 calories. 50 if I eat half, 100 if I want the whole thing. I eat small lunches, if any lunch at all. Usually a quick sandwich from Walgreens, which cannot be more than 350 calories AT MOST. And then I barely eat dinner if I eat lunch. If I don't eat lunch, I eat a homemade sandwich, usually with turkey, one slice of swiss, and its usually more spinich than turkey or swiss or bread alone. I don't eat mayo anymore, I use a tiny bit of onion or garlic to season only. So, I probably don't even eat 1000 calories a day.... But even so, I still should be losing something. My last weight was 177.7 at the doctors. I'm 4'9''. I do lose some weight but its like, crazy little. I also don't have a period. I haven't had one in 11 months, which, I KNOW I NEED TO GO TO AN OBGYN. But, it could be hereditary, because my mom had the same issue when she was my age. And she also ate the same way I do now. We are both so busy in our day that we forget to eat, eat small when we have time and run again. The difference is, she was like, 100 lbs. I'm 177.7. So, what am I missing?

If what you were saying were accurate, you would be missing -food-... however, with the erratic meal behavior and poor meal planning, what you are doing is completely screwing up your metabolism. Start listening to -barelyanangel- and start eating -real- meals, several of them a day... at least 3 full, healthy meals and 2 snacks. Vegetarian is fine, but make sure you're getting enough fat and protein, and spraying fake olive oil spray on the bottom of the pan while you're sauteeing your veggies is NOT enough fat in your diet.

Cut your exercise to 3 days a week, no more than 45 minutes for aerobic exercise, and add 2 days a week of weight-training and a day of stretching, yoga, etc.. Also, if you're weighing yourself to the tenth of a pound, you are -obsessing-... Only weigh once a week, and then just round it to the nearest pound.

If you are 4' 9" and weigh 177 lbs, you are -significantly- overweight... in fact, you are obese, with a BMI of almost 39 (obesity starts at a BMI of 30, and even though BMI is not always the sole significator of obesity, when it calls as "obese" there is a significant issue, not just a "tiny" one. Clearly, there is some food in your diet that you aren't "counting", so start logging everything.

Also, add water to your diet -- lots of it. Replace every other beverage in your day with water, and then add extra. You should be getting at least a half-gallon of water a day... not soda, juice, diet drinks... -water-.

If you write me on the other side, I can give you the program that, even without being able to do heavy exercise because of my multiple sclerosis, and even though I am on beta-blockers, alpha blockers, steroids and interferon, I have been able to lose weight with -- at least 1/2 lb a week, even on -bad- weeks. It's tough, and you're going to need to be able and willing to track your behaviors. If I can do it, after having been told by physicians that it was hopeless to think about losing weight because of my meds and that even surgery wouldn't work for me, you can too.

Get yourself to a gyno ASAP, to see what part hormone imbalances are having--but the fact is, at your BMI, it is not unexpected to have your period be erratic or even disappear entirely. Many women who are obese struggle with PCOS (polycystic ovarian disease) and failure to ovulate.

Last but not least, get honest with yourself, because clearly, if you're in the position you're in, you are soft-peddling to yourself... obsessing on one end and completely ignoring the behaviors to resolve your situation on the other. As long as you are deceiving yourself, you are never going to be able to make the lifestyle changes you need to make to lose the weight you need to lose.

Dame Calla

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