RE: diet pills (Full Version)

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xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 2:51:29 PM)

Reasons it is NOT PCOS : No depression (I'm happy and hyper, despite the migraines), no deepening of the voice (I have a squeaky, feminine voice, often mistaken for a dwarf), no facial hair, no chest hair, I have dry skin, not oily. It may be more in the middle, I dunno. I do get acne but only if I wear makeup. I have SO MUCH HAIR ON MY HEAD, I will NEVER go bald. And, no seborrhea.

angelikaJ -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 3:16:19 PM)

Your fasting blood sugars won't tell you if you are insulin resistant.

I had a mild case of PCOS and did not have any of the symptoms you mention either and did later become a type 2 diabetic.

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 6:34:05 PM)

It sounds like you need to stop talking and trying to rationalize away or why what everyone is telling you isn't going to work and start LISTENING. It seems you simply are here to make excuses until you stop doing THAT -- you won't lose weight. The choice however is yours.


shadowowl -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 6:44:08 PM)

based on what you describ pretty much anything you eat will be stored as fat since it is erratic eating patterns even if all you eat is vegis the metabolisim is not fueled.    Apples are good buy a bag have 1-2 for breakfast eat on the way to the bus.  they are cheap can get like a pound of them for a buck which is 3-4 apples I think depending on the size.    if they horde them at home buy 4-5lb bags of them :P   they are cheap easy to carry and really good for you I think i takes like 3-4 apples to equal a small glass of apple juice in terms of calories and sugar but you get way more fiber and vitamins.    diet pills don't work and if they do they only work as long as you use them and you gain the weight right back it's all about eating habbits.     if you get up at 4:30 and rush to the bus then you need to get up at 4am and go to sleep a little earlier.   lack of sleep is another killer for diets you need proper rest.  if you are having to get up at 4:30am you should be sleeping by 9:30pm that's 7 hours and even that is pushing it but still within reason.  anything past 10pm for going to sleep is going to have your body in turmoil and wanting to store as much fat as possible.   if walgreens or some other store like that is your only option for food look into protein bars :P  they are not great but they have most of the nutrition you need if you can find one that doesnt' taste like crap to you lol.  Also not very expensive maybe $2-3 but they are considered a meal.    as mentioned above drink lots of water.   cut out all drinks other then water for a week and see what happens.  caffine isn't really that good so even coffee with nothing isn't that great it revs teh metabolism but only for a short spike which confuses it if it's not followed by food.
Anyway there are options there is also another very importent diet killer that many people don't even think about is your family and friends around you.   They really need to be supportive and understanding, if you buy special food and they can't keep their paws off it, it will make it extremly difficult for you.   A strong support system is really importent.   Often times if they are overweight as well they will sabatage you though not intentionally or conciously but it's something that is very common.  
Another thing is exersise is almost useless if you are not eating because the entire purpose of exersise is to build muscles and the only way to build muscles is to give them fuel.   To convert fat to muscle you need to at least eat more callories then your body uses to function.   at 177lbs you should I believe have at least 1500 callories of quality food every day.    I am a big fan of the show biggest loser and 2 seasons ago one of Jillians team members was working really hard and didn't lose weight for 2-3 weeks in a row was just not losing it.  Finally she took a really close look at his food and realize it was because he was NOT eating enough.    You need to eat to lose weight, you need to eat to build muscle,  muscle burns fat it's not working out that burns fat it's muscle that burns fat.  Working out is just the process to build the muscle in order to burn the fat but if you don't have the callories in your diet to do it, it's an uphill battle that will leave you feeling discouraged. :(
from the sounds of it protein bars may be your best bet they are not my first choice but if things are that hectic with your schedual you dont' have time to cook or grab food it may be something to consider.   eat how you eat not just toss in 1 in the morning and another one later sometime.    will add about 500 callories to your diet with minimal effort and it's at least half decent food.
just an option though you may not like the taste of them though :P   but it's better then nothing :)

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/3/2009 7:45:02 PM)

Like, seriously. Did I need the abuse? I came for a few simple, quick answers. I got some. I thank those who helped. As for the others, was the repetition really necessary? I am nineteen, not five. I am not autistic. Did I really need for it to be drilled into my head to eat more? I GOT IT. I got the advice, I will attempt to do so. There ARE numerous things that could not be individually discussed but I got the answer I was looking for, from perhaps the first post or two. Abuse was truly uncalled for and I'd appreciate no one replying to this because most likely, it'll just be more shit-talking about how I am overreacting or taking things the wrong way.

Good day.

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 4:31:51 AM)

Perhaps you should go back and READ your responses cause it really doesn't seem like you GOT it but instead was making excuses about it or rationalizing what you are doing to pretty much everything people SAID to you. You do realize that the advise was given, it was people taking THEIR time in trying to help you when you simply kept saying no no no or rationalizing what you were doing. But i guess being 19 and all lol, that didn't occur to you nor did you care. You simply wanted to tell everyone how what they were saying wasn't what your issue is. If you KNOW it all then, why even spend time here asking for advice?

I don't see where anyone ABUSED you, what i see is you attempting to rationalize what you are doing at EVERYTHING people offered in advise and then complaining you can't lose weight and everyone saying THIS IS WHAT you aren't getting cause yeah it seems you weren't even hearing people. Now crying abuse is kind of silly and drama queenish yes?

xoxkittenxox -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 7:35:15 AM)

Ya know what. Shut the fuck up. I took the advice from everyone. I will apply it as I can see fit. With my schedule being the way it is, and the other extenuating circumstances in which none of you know about, I can only apply and accept some things. I don't have time to eat. I don't have time to breathe. I'm going to try grabbing some kind of bars but the texture of most of those make me puke, so I'll have to figure out something. If all I need to do is up the amount of calories I consume, I'll work on that. Protein shakes or some kind of shake is probably what may be accessible to me.

I am not being overdramatic or drama-queen-ish. Who is the one who replied when I said don't bother, just to create more commotion? You seem/act/look like a total whore and a total bitch. So, either shut the fuck up and don't respond, or go fuck yourself.

Last fucking time I ever post on a goddamn forum. No wonder I never used them.

Venatrix -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 7:37:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

I am not being overdramatic or drama-queen-ish. Who is the one who replied when I said don't bother, just to create more commotion? You seem/act/look like a total whore and a total bitch. So, either shut the fuck up and don't respond, or go fuck yourself.

Ah, I just love irony.  [:D]

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 7:54:35 AM)

bursts out laughing --- maybe you shouldn't use them if you are prone to these melt downs. Honey, seriously, when you QUIT making excuses -- you will find a way to lose weight. When the WANT AND DESIRE becomes your priority to make the changes needed, you will lose weight. Its good you will work on upping your calories, but you need to realize the obstacles YOU YOURSELF are placing in front of you. Sorry to disappoint you but many people don't have time - just so you know its one of the BIGGEST excuses used when people are overweight and want to lose weight and don't. Losing weight is about making changes in your life. When you start to recognize what you have to do as a whole and then implementing -- you will lose weight.

There is a saying -- if you say you can't -- you won't. It really is as simple as that.

You may want to understand something, no one here knows you nor do you know anyone, people here have no reason to pussyfoot around and accept your reasonings when you ask for advise. They will tell you what they know as you asked. You can either be an adult and accept the fact you asked and take what you want and discard the rest without having a melt down because peopel tell you what you don't want to hear, or you can have a melt down and take your ball and go home. You aren't important to people here as most people here are anonymous nicknames on a message board discussing a topic.

Deal with it, don't take things personally, and you may find your time here let dramatic. BTW, telling people to shut the fuck up lol and taking your ball and going home is usually what people deem drama queenish and overly dramatic.

Either way, good luck, my advise to you has been geniune attempt to help as i have BEEN THEREas i believe many others have based on their knowledge of the subject on this thread, including the omg i don't have time, food makes me sick, i forget to eat, i am soo tired etc. I have also been where i just didn't want to hear what i didn't want to hear.

Losing weight is something that needs to become a priority in your life and a focus, if you put it in the background or behind everything, or allowed to be exchanged by something "more important" unfortunately, that is exactly where it stays until months or years later you are asking yourself what did i do wrong or how come what i was doing didn't work.

Damn i just read the whore comment --- what's sad lol is this was one of my better postings lol as i can usually be a real bitch in a discussion. Geesh. grins, you do realize if you ate better your moods may be less hostile and you will feel less agitated cause your body isn't so hungry.


ModeratorEleven -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 8:14:20 AM)

Settle down, kids.


LiftingRules -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 8:31:17 AM)

I am a certified personal trainer I can tell you abs start in the kitchen. avoid soda, fried foods, mainly foods high in saturated/trans fats the body doesn't digest those fats they instead are harder to burn off and go straight to your problem area the stomach. With a little exercise try and do 10 to 20 minutes at your target heart rate which is 220 minus your age. I am sure you will notice it burn off. How ever your asking for pills...I am into bodybuilding don't do it quite yet but want to in the next year or 2 as well and have tried a lot of suppliments and have seen fellow lifters fail and succeed. The one that works for the first week is hydroxycut I think it sucks and my friends agree. The one I and many others have had a bit of success with is LIPO-6 by nutrex if you go to and look it up you can get shipped for just about 35 to 40 bucks for a months cycle and in that month you will lose a good amount of weight especially if you combine that with a good diet and exercise good luck!

DemonKia -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 10:48:53 AM)

Off topic but, barelynangel, does the online convention that 'capping words equates to yelling' apply to you? I'm curious about how you view this . . . . . . .


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

Perhaps you should go back and READ your responses cause it really doesn't seem like you GOT it but instead was making excuses about it or rationalizing what you are doing to pretty much everything people SAID to you. You do realize that the advise was given, it was people taking THEIR time in trying to help you when you simply kept saying no no no or rationalizing what you were doing. But i guess being 19 and all lol, that didn't occur to you nor did you care. You simply wanted to tell everyone how what they were saying wasn't what your issue is. If you KNOW it all then, why even spend time here asking for advice?

I don't see where anyone ABUSED you, what i see is you attempting to rationalize what you are doing at EVERYTHING people offered in advise and then complaining you can't lose weight and everyone saying THIS IS WHAT you aren't getting cause yeah it seems you weren't even hearing people. Now crying abuse is kind of silly and drama queenish yes?

barelynangel -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 11:05:18 AM)

Umm, Its simply my way of emphasizing same as bolding and italics. Since when i am writing i am aware i am writing and not pretending i am talking lol therfore, i think with regard to emphasis not yelling.

i don't roleplay online so to me capping of words periodically in writing for emphasis is the same thing as bolding etc. I have been posting this way for YEARS. So i guess, no i don't apply it and i don't see my changing any time soon.

However, if you wish to see capped words within a paragraph periodically as YELLING instead of emphasis, lol by all means you can pretend i am yelling words now and again while writing lol.

I hope your day is simply very slow that you felt the need to ask and go off topic for such a question lol. And from what i understand of this yelling cap concept --- its when people type in all caps for everything its considered yelling a post. I have never seen people mention this for periodic words capped within a paragraph. But it seems you may think any capped word is roleplaying of yelling, yes?

The things people come up with to question lol.

DemonKia -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 12:18:22 PM)

Thank you for answering my question . . . . . & for tolerating my disorderly communications & need to have my own understanding of what's going on . . . . . .

Make of it what you will . . . . . Capping all the letters in a word 'feels' like yelling, to me, whether it's whole sentences or just occasional words . . . . .

Hmmmm. & I don't roleplay. My sense of these things comes from hanging out on usenet / bulletin boards / message fora since '97 . . . . . ..

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 12:21:18 PM)

Well still and sorry for the thread hijack, if you didn't tell them they could take the food, I stand by what I said and talk to them about taking the food.

ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

1) Its not a "Family". Its my preggo sister and a roommate. And usually I make enough for me for dinner and lunch and then they cut it into "thirds", being half to preggo, quarter to the Asian Bird Woman and then quarter to me. Given that I eat small portions, ANYWAY, quarter is like five small spoonfuls. 

sirsholly -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 12:28:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

Reasons it is NOT PCOS : No depression (I'm happy and hyper, despite the migraines), no deepening of the voice (I have a squeaky, feminine voice, often mistaken for a dwarf), no facial hair, no chest hair, I have dry skin, not oily. It may be more in the middle, I dunno. I do get acne but only if I wear makeup. I have SO MUCH HAIR ON MY HEAD, I will NEVER go bald. And, no seborrhea.
I have PCOS and have no facial/chest hair, dry skin and extremely thick hair. The sign/symptoms are not always a good indicator. Your OB/GYN can give you the needed info.

And yes, i am insulin resistant [:)] and have always had BS levels on the low side.

Aylee -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 1:01:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

Reasons it is NOT PCOS : No depression (I'm happy and hyper, despite the migraines), no deepening of the voice (I have a squeaky, feminine voice, often mistaken for a dwarf), no facial hair, no chest hair, I have dry skin, not oily. It may be more in the middle, I dunno. I do get acne but only if I wear makeup. I have SO MUCH HAIR ON MY HEAD, I will NEVER go bald. And, no seborrhea.
I have PCOS and have no facial/chest hair, dry skin and extremely thick hair. The sign/symptoms are not always a good indicator. Your OB/GYN can give you the needed info.

And yes, i am insulin resistant [:)] and have always had BS levels on the low side.

I don't know about you Holly, but when they thought PCOS with me, they did blood tests.  That is what confirmed it.  So. . . maybe she should get a blood test?

VirginPotty -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 1:08:42 PM)



Off topic but, barelynangel, does the online convention that 'capping words equates to yelling' apply to you? I'm curious about how you view this . . . . . . .


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

Perhaps you should go back and READ your responses cause it really doesn't seem like you GOT it but instead was making excuses about it or rationalizing what you are doing to pretty much everything people SAID to you. You do realize that the advise was given, it was people taking THEIR time in trying to help you when you simply kept saying no no no or rationalizing what you were doing. But i guess being 19 and all lol, that didn't occur to you nor did you care. You simply wanted to tell everyone how what they were saying wasn't what your issue is. If you KNOW it all then, why even spend time here asking for advice?

I don't see where anyone ABUSED you, what i see is you attempting to rationalize what you are doing at EVERYTHING people offered in advise and then complaining you can't lose weight and everyone saying THIS IS WHAT you aren't getting cause yeah it seems you weren't even hearing people. Now crying abuse is kind of silly and drama queenish yes?

If the response had  been in ALL CAPS then I'd have viewed Angel as yelling but since she just chose a few words to capitalize, I saw it as emphasising.  I do THAT quite OFTEN myself.
**Seee, I'm not yelling***
 Just my [sm=2cents.gif]

lovingpet -> RE: diet pills (9/4/2009 6:39:08 PM)

Wow!!!! I missed a goooood one!

Look, OP, if you are still reading this...

I have a condition known as fibromyalgia. Some of the symptoms are severe chronic pain, exaughstion level fatigue on a more or less constant basis, a lack of mental clarity, constant new symptoms popping up randomly, mobility and balance issues, neurological impairments, migraines, and more. I also more or less handle my two young UM's on my own, both of them special needs. I do not work because I can't hold to specific hours or commit to deadlines at the current conditions. I do volunteer in several community programs and in my UMs schools. I know what it feels like to feel like I don't have either the time or the energy to even breathe. I understand where you are coming from with this. Honest I do.

That being said, as part of managing my condition I have had to get darn smart about treating my body as well as I possibly can. Lack of sleep, stress, poor diet, lack of sunshine, and not moving around are very detrimental to me. Not taking care of myself makes matters worse for me even though it feels like I am lending myself a hand at the time. I'm exaughsted, my legs and back are killing me, and I am late for a meeting, so I head off to fast food for an eat and run. At some point, that will catch up with me. This is such a good movie and I really need the distraction from the twitches in my arms and the migraine that's setting in, so I stay up waaay too late and find myself bedfast for three days. The point is, I can justify any decision I make if I try hard enough. At the end of the day, I have to put my big girl panties on and do what is best instead of what seems good or easy. A friend of mine once said that the hardest decisions are not between right and wrong, but among good, better, and best and bad, worse, and worst, but especially the positives because if the outcome is at all positive it is enough take away the motivation to reach for something higher.

I am more than willing to share what I do to take the best care I can of myself. I am not tiny by any means, though thankfully, it seems my weight is on its way down a bit right now. I have good information and apply it as much as I possibly can. Don't just look at food, sweetie. Look at things like stress, sleep, and getting some fresh air. These things play a role in your weight as well. Also, don't forget that the number on the scale is not the end all. Are your clothes looser? Do you feel better? Do you see features of your body now that you enjoy that were covered by pudge before? These are victories too. Exercising will also build muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so the scale may not move even though you are getting healthier. Usually it goes in cycles and you will begin to lose again after your body has adapted to the new level of work on the muscles, so stops building.

I can't caution strong enough to stay away from diet pills, potions, and bs. They usually do more harm than good in the long run. Please do eat more and do so based on good nutritional information, drink plenty of water, sleep well, get plenty of activity and sunshine each day, and learn to manage stress. I am sure you can do this. Just don't give up hope and don't reject some tough love when it's needed. Every single person who has responded to you here seems to have had your best interests at heart. I wish you all the best and success on your journey!


seekingexpmaster -> RE: diet pills (1/24/2010 12:44:28 AM)

Diet pills can kill you. Do weight watchers. IT works and will not kill you.

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