RE: Master/slave questions (Full Version)

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SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:11:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Leonidas


ORIGINAL: Apocalypso

If I say I'm sure you've both got really large penises will you stop?

Nope, it's pretty much going to take a cage match at this point.

I can see the NCSF funraiser now.  Tickets $50 each and people get to bid on the left over body parts.

sweetgirlserves -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:17:21 PM)

Honestly SimplyMichael,
The impression I get from you is that you fucked up a previous relationship by not knowing how to 'Master' her correctly- since by your own admission you somehow made her better off without you then with you...   Now, because you are 'afraid' of your own ability to Master wisely, you purposely seek out stong sub women, instead of 'slaves' because you don't trust yourself to not fuck up another one.   That is no reason to put down men or slaves that are able to successfully engage in a TPE M/s relationship.   Just because some fuck it up, doesn't mean everyone does... and it certainly doesn't mean that a slave that NEEDS a TPE relationship, shouldn't pursue one.   She should learn from her mistakes, and continue on her quest (perhaps a little wiser) to find her Master.    If you don't feel you have the right skills to take responsiblity and ownership of a slave.. then don't.  Please don't.   But don't put down those that are quite capable of managing it successfully... since for slavegirls, we are very thankful for them.


SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:18:45 PM)

Oh Ken at Lair De Sade would LOVE this, I can see it now....Merc is the judge or Kane.

Gorean Master Leonidas vs. SimplyMichael - grudge match!

Tickets $25 for the seats without blood and $50 for those close enough for blood.

I don't know if you fence but it has been a long time since I did live steel but it could get interesting.  I have a Jim Hrisoulas broadsword that has never tasted blood although I did just about do in a neighbor with it.

Oh this could generate a LOT of money for charity!

Apocalypso -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:22:08 PM)

Fuck charity.  It basically sprang out of my idea.  I want mechandising rights, at the very least.

Leonidas -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:31:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Oh Ken at Lair De Sade would LOVE this, I can see it now....Merc is the judge or Kane.

Gorean Master Leonidas vs. SimplyMichael - grudge match!

Tickets $25 for the seats without blood and $50 for those close enough for blood.

I don't know if you fence but it has been a long time since I did live steel but it could get interesting.  I have a Jim Hrisoulas broadsword that has never tasted blood although I did just about do in a neighbor with it.

Oh this could generate a LOT of money for charity!

I'm down.  Bring any kind of sword you like as long as its understood that I get to stick it in the orifice of my choice after I take it from you.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:45:52 PM)

Has to be in September as summer school is a nightmare. Too bad you are in LA as doing it at Folsom Fair would bring in a VAST amount of money.

I called Merc but he wasn't home but I will see if he will run it by Kane unless you would rather do it at someplace else in LA?

My best window is after the 11th and before Folsom, so you pick the date.

Okay, now who is down for tickets?

CaringandReal -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:49:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: CallaFirestormBW


ORIGINAL: CaringandReal


ORIGINAL: Leonidas

Back when the term was coined, there was a pretty good argument about whether it should be "Absolute" instead, but I guess most people didn't fancy being in an APE relationship. 

I remember that argument well.  I liked "absolute"  better as a descriptive adjective, but you are right, the acronym it made just sucked.  TPE isn't that great-sounding, either, but that might be personal:  my shortcut name for toilet paper is TP. And I do not enjoy  thinking about that sort of exchange.

Yeah, we fluctuate between 'comprehensive authority dynamic' and 'absolute authority dynamic' for our household, though I have some trouble with the 'absolute' thing... I don't grok 'absolute' as being achievable, just like I don't grok 'perfect' as being achievable. However, if we -did- use an acronym, I guess it would be CAD or AAD, neither of which is so bad, unless you confuse the first with the graphics software and the 2nd with the acronym for attention deficit disorder (is that still a disorder? Anyway... being nominally dyslexic, and slightly attention disoriented, that might happen with me *LOL*)

Dame Calla

I like CAD quite a bit. Some of my favorite people... ahem.

AAD ... Attention Addition Disorder, maybe. Perhaps that particular disease gets passed around fairly quickly at Scene events? I hear it has some terrible physical effects: your head swells grotesquely to to twice its original size.... but I digress. :p

Perhaps the word "absolute" throws people off. It sounds godlike and omnipotent and confuses their thinking about this as they associate it with all kinds of things it shouldn't be associated with. Like, "I hate people who think they're Gods, I have to, I just have to take them down!"

L's definition was pretty close to what it actually is, in my experience. To rephrase, it's absolute (or total, if you will) power exchange not because someone does something silly and imaginary like make all decisions all the time about everything to do with their slaves, but because...they can. At any time. Make any decision about a slave, big or small, and the slave will obey. That is it's psycho-emotional core, that is the utter thrill of it, for both parties, I believe.

So why do some people people find it necessary to insult or put down people who need that particular thrill of complete power or complete powerlessness? After all, the insulters also have those special things that tip their canoes (or one would hope they do) It's also fascinating to me how TPE-bashing hasn't changed much over the years. The same sad types of people still do most of the pissing, and apparently for all the same old reasons.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:49:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Apocalypso

Fuck charity.  It basically sprang out of my idea.  I want mechandising rights, at the very least.

And I will make sure you get full credit!  I may be an arrogant ass but I strongly believe in giving back to our dysfunctional little community.  Last time we held a charity auction, I put myself on the auction block both as a top and as a bottom and brought the highest price for both (big ego's like mine go for BIG bucks) sides of the slash. 

I think something like this could bring in at least a $1,000 for charity, oh Leonidas, I would prefer the money go to NCSF but since you would be responsible for raising half, you get to choose where your half goes. 

BitaTruble -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 5:57:34 PM)


Saying "I am in a TPE relationship" but then not exercising much control/authority is fine but sitting in one and saying someone else doesn't have as much control/authority because they "can't in theory" exercise as much seems silly. In my experience those who say "I will do anything" usually are the first to balk if you actually try anything and the ones who know their limits often are far more willing to actually do anything.

I do get what you're saying here, Michael. TPE - Why call it that if you aren't using it and are actually exerting the same control in the same areas of someone who is not TPE. I hope you don't take issue with the label that way because they 'can' take control. That's sort of the whole point, they can .. and if they choose, they will. Sometimes they will choose, sometimes they won't, but the option is there.

Himself is about 90% don't give a shit on the small stuff and the big stuff is 100% for him - like moving to Portugal and you know what a struggle this has been for me being here - one that I'm still working on.

That doesn't mean we don't have TPE because he chooses 'not' to flex his muscles for most of the small stuff. (The 10% small stuff usually has to do with what he wants to eat for dinner. lol) He's realistic though and he's not going to call out for some small service to take priority over bleeding eyeballs. He's adult like that. ::grins::

Does that mean it's bigger, better, deeper than a relationship that isn't TPE? Absolutely not. Anyone that thinks so is an asshat.

Does that mean there is more control in our relationship than in other relationships that are not TPE? Not necessarily but the potential is there and.. so what? There's no gold star for TPE, no $, absolutely nothing at all except .. it's his path and I follow it.

He has flexed his muscles in areas of finance, 'my' children and the interaction I have with them, career, where we live, what we eat, sex, play, entertainment, minor and major purchases and, on rare occasions he'll make me change my outfit if he wants me wearing something different than what I chose for myself. He can flex his muscles in any area .. he often chooses not to do so. That's pretty much all there is to it. When it comes to 'me', his slave, he gets the final say. When it comes to the rest of the world, he only 'thinks' he gets final say .. most of the time, he doesn't but he's got a good sense of humor about not being Master of the Universe. ::grins::

SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 6:05:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


Saying "I am in a TPE relationship" but then not exercising much control/authority is fine but sitting in one and saying someone else doesn't have as much control/authority because they "can't in theory" exercise as much seems silly. In my experience those who say "I will do anything" usually are the first to balk if you actually try anything and the ones who know their limits often are far more willing to actually do anything.

I do get what you're saying here, Michael. TPE - Why call it that if you aren't using it and are actually exerting the same control in the same areas of someone who is not TPE. I hope you don't take issue with the label that way because they 'can' take control. That's sort of the whole point, they can .. and if they choose, they will. Sometimes they will choose, sometimes they won't, but the option is there.

Bita, what percent of people in TPE relationships do you think would truly obey at the level you feel you would?

SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 6:15:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Leonidas


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Oh Ken at Lair De Sade would LOVE this, I can see it now....Merc is the judge or Kane.

Gorean Master Leonidas vs. SimplyMichael - grudge match!

Tickets $25 for the seats without blood and $50 for those close enough for blood.

I don't know if you fence but it has been a long time since I did live steel but it could get interesting.  I have a Jim Hrisoulas broadsword that has never tasted blood although I did just about do in a neighbor with it.

Oh this could generate a LOT of money for charity!

I'm down.  Bring any kind of sword you like as long as its understood that I get to stick it in the orifice of my choice after I take it from you.

This is going to be a BLAST!  Since you are clearly in and accepted the challenge, it is up to you to pick a date.  As soon as you do, I will put up an announcement in the events section and we can go from there!  Imagine the CollarMe crowd we can draw with this!  And the party afterwards is going to be legend.  Lets say the looser has to buy drinks and serve them to the winners friends.

So, let me know when you are ready!

angelikaJ -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 6:24:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael


ORIGINAL: Leonidas


ORIGINAL: Apocalypso

If I say I'm sure you've both got really large penises will you stop?

Nope, it's pretty much going to take a cage match at this point.

I can see the NCSF funraiser now.  Tickets $50 each and people get to bid on the left over body parts.

Perhaps you could try couple's counseling with a kink aware professional?

No favoritism here:
You both sound quite silly.

IronBear -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 6:32:13 PM)

As a Kink Aware Professional (Both as a Counsellor and a Psychologist) I'd be buggered if I would buy into that lass. No way, there is not enough money to encourage me to engage in that idea. I have more important things to do with people who actually do need help.. 

BitaTruble -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 6:32:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Bita, what percent of people in TPE relationships do you think would truly obey at the level you feel you would?

I can't answer that because my perception is too biased and colored. To me, TPE means you obey all the time .. hell, so does submission though. I don't get that pick and choose stuff that you'll obey. Pick and choose a compatible partner and if you're a submissive you're going to obey in the areas you've negotiated and if you're a slave, you're going to obey, period. That's the way my brain works. If you pick and choose what you are going to do, I call that vanilla. It's not a bad thing, it's just not TPE in my mind.

edited to add: To bring it back to the OP, my advice to her way back when was to go out and do some living first. She's 19.. if I recall, I think her dominant was 41. In theory, yeah, that 'could' work.. in reality, it probably won't. She's got goals. She's got time to try to achieve those before settling into 'any' relationship with anyone.

angelikaJ -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 6:41:05 PM)



As a Kink Aware Professional (Both as a Counsellor and a Psychologist) I'd be buggered if I would buy into that lass. No way, there is not enough money to encourage me to engage in that idea. I have more important things to do with people who actually do need help.. 


Leonidas -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 7:02:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

This is going to be a BLAST!  Since you are clearly in and accepted the challenge, it is up to you to pick a date.  As soon as you do, I will put up an announcement in the events section and we can go from there!  Imagine the CollarMe crowd we can draw with this!  And the party afterwards is going to be legend.  Lets say the looser has to buy drinks and serve them to the winners friends.

So, let me know when you are ready!

I'm in town third week in August, as far as I know right now.  Talk to Kane and see what night would work for him.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 7:22:40 PM)

Since I am driving six hours to hold the event in YOUR town, why don't you let me know when you know for sure.  Again, September works a lot better for me, but I wouldn't miss this for the world.

SlyStone -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 7:46:19 PM)


Imagine the CollarMe crowd we can draw with this! And the party afterwards is going to be legend.

I would imagine that the "collarme crowd" thinks you have the emotional range of a five year old, and the only legend to come of this will be you, in you own mind.

I would also think that they look on this thread with head shaking disbelief, but in that sense it is just business as usual.

Leonidas -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 8:03:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Since I am driving six hours to hold the event in YOUR town, why don't you let me know when you know for sure.  Again, September works a lot better for me, but I wouldn't miss this for the world.

I'll know within the next couple of days.  There is a better than average chance that I'll be in St. Louis for three months starting in September, but if that changes I'll let you know.

caelestis -> RE: Master/slave questions (7/24/2009 8:21:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael
I mean Nihilus is the current sex god de jure

I think this statement needs to be tested to the fullest extent.  So we can know for sure. *nodnod*

I will gladly volunteer myself to examine this personally.


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