RE: What is your cat doing? (Full Version)

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mercifulsiren -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/8/2009 3:58:13 PM)

My kity cat is now begging for half of my ham sandwich. He is such a spoiled brat.

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 1:09:15 AM)

My cat is now engaging in a game of fetch.  She brings me her toy and drops it off at my feet.  I then throw it and she keeps retrieving it. 

Sometimes  she acts like a dog in a cat's body.  But there are other times when I call her and she's only four or five feet away and won't come, just because she doesn't feel like it.

bbwbutterfly -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 11:47:36 AM)

I hated the pill poppers for my cat! The vet made it look so simple... no big deal right? Yeah right. Until it came my turn to give the cat his pill at home. I ended up scratched up, bleeding and had to recruit my husband to help me wrap the cat up in a blanket just to get the pill down the cats throat. He was never an easy one to give medicine to. I prefer liquid form. I cringe anytime they say 'pill' now.

GreedyTop -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 5:54:32 PM)

yeah, I begged for a liquid version... they SWORE that the pill would be easier... *snort*

Rainfire -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 7:04:41 PM)

Trying to hide from the thunderstorm, one in behind of the monitor and who knows where Queenie is. They got flea treatments earlier and arean't happy with me right now. [&o]

Daddysredhead -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:15:18 PM)

My cat is sitting on the arm of the couch, staring at blank walls.  [8|]

MissAnimus -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:17:38 PM)

Shedding. And sleeping on a chair with his head turned upside down.

Lashra -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:38:43 PM)

My male cat is outside of my bedroom door crying to get in..why? Well I found a kitten that someone dumped next to the side of the road. I have to take her/him in tomorrow to the vet to be checked out. I do not want my baby boy infected with anything so he will have to stay out of my room until s/he checks out ok. I wasn't going to keep her/him BUT looking into those big green eyes with that sweet grey/white face I can't resist. S/he looks to be very young maybe 4 or 5 weeks old so I reckon that I will keep the lil cutie pie.


mercifulsiren -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:40:34 PM)

My cat is asleep in his bed.

Daddysredhead -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:47:46 PM)

My cat is staring at the hamster cage.   [8D]  *nomnom?*

pyroaquatic -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:49:36 PM)

Cans I be kitteh cait now?

IndianaGoverness -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/9/2009 8:56:51 PM)

My tuxedo cat is curled up on my desk using my right arm as a pillow.  Master Jack, my grey tiger bengal, is either watching tv with my housemate or snoozing on said housemate.  My bet is snoozing.

They are fed twice a day.  They are snoozing until I get up from here and go feed them again.  Its a raw food diet....oh yes, they are very spoiled...and very happy.  

oh...the tuxedo cat, Toby looked at me as if to say.....get up now wench!

bbwbutterfly -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 9:06:27 AM)

That is wonderful of you Lashra. I hate when others are so neglectful and just throw out their animals like trash. We once found 3 baby kittens (eyes barely opened) near a low water bridge by our home and tried rescuing them but they were too far gone. Nothing the vet could do unfortunately. It was heartbreaking for me. I am a firm believer if you don't want your pet to have babies, get them fixed.

LaTigresse -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 9:17:16 AM)

Even though there is 50 miles between us, I am quite confident that The Qster is pretty much as I left him this morning. Sound asleep, stretched out, on my bed. Bottom right quadrant.

He was, after all, outside patrolling the perimeters, on guard, all night last night. Rough job yanno.

HotFaerieMama -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 9:22:51 AM)

walking around on the roof and meowing like he wants down but if i go to get him he just stares at me and meows again... 

KyttynTheMynx -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 9:33:02 AM)

Probably wondering when I am going to give him or her a home...

Rainfire -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 12:09:45 PM)

[8|]  Ignoring the loud, obnoxious 5 year that won't leave her alone...... so she hacked a massive hairball up on his favourite book! [:D]

sirsholly -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 12:30:41 PM)


The LO is in hyper-mode.

Lashra -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 1:23:44 PM)

bbwbutterfly I agree with you wholeheartedly. If you want a pet and have no intentions of breeding them responsibily then for goodness sakes get them fixed. There are lots of clinics which do it for almost nothing. I just don't understand how a person could toss a living beauty like this little kitten away like she was nothing.

Well she is my baby now and she is here for the rest of her days.


bbwbutterfly -> RE: What is your cat doing? (8/10/2009 6:19:55 PM)

Congratulations Lashra on the new addition to your family! I have adopted many animals in the last 10 yrs or so because of people dumping them. Right now we have seven cats because of people dumping them. All but three are outside cats and they are great protectors.

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