RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (Full Version)

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Aimtoplease101 -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 11:19:47 PM)




ORIGINAL: angelic

the Feminist group is one of the largest political groups in this nation today... That's why i blame the 'group'... please don't misunderstand... i am not dissing Wwomen here... i am totally disgusted with what Oour country has become... it has lost it's sense of fairness

I don't get this whole "loss of fairness" ... When has this country been known for its fairness?

Men don't get the kids mainly cuz well.. ever since .. well.. since forever.. women have been the child caregivers, so women have always gotten the kids. Feminism or not. Actually men are getting the kids more and more now.

And Our country.. has never really been fair. Salem witch trials.. Slavery.. Segregation.. Glass Ceilings.. Gay Bashing.. Racism.. Take your pick.. and I'm sure there are more, and will be more to come.

The country gives up one.. just to find another one to latch onto.

But then.. that could be my pessimist view of the masses leeching out onto my keyboard.

While we have often fallen short (and still do), based on my experiencing living in other countries, this Country (meaning the U.S.) does a pretty good of at least aspiring to fairness. Don't let the pessimism get you down!

ownedgirlie -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 11:20:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aimtoplease101

Don't let the pessimism get you down!

Great quote! Mind if i use it?

Aimtoplease101 -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 11:28:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: ownedgirlie


ORIGINAL: Aimtoplease101

Don't let the pessimism get you down!

Great quote! Mind if i use it?

All yours, with compliments.

ownedgirlie -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 11:40:53 PM)

[:)] Thank you! It will be most appropriate in certain situations.... ~ grin

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 5:05:43 AM)

Hmmmm, my question is, since the topic was brought up, what are the factors that this women Elise Sutton says, make women superior?

Curious is all, and not really interested enough to buy the book.


NeedToUseYou -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 5:21:00 AM)

Nevermind, I just found her hmmmm, website. Complete and utter garbage. This is one dumb bitch. Sorry but there is no other way to say it. I read quite a few pages of her public pages and none of her universal male traits applied to me. Maybe it applies to sub men I have no idea, but it's no where near universal. And at least on the website I didn't see any reasons why the femal was dominant. Just some garbage about if you let a man suck on your tit, and stroke his penis, he'll tell you stuff. Wow, what a freakin genius. I'd think if someone was dominant they'd be able to do that without having to stroke a guy off. But what do I know.

Anyway, it's a complete waste of space.

thetammyjo -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 7:13:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Petruchio


Again this weird idea that feminism is some monolith system.

Of course it isn't, but some tried to make it so. It was not at all unusual for NOW to eject members who diagreed with their philosophy, including author Camille Pagila. Some groups, like Feminist Action League in New England, wore scissors around their necks to public events and ejected attendees they only THOUGHT would oppose them.

BTW, the first feminist author I'm aware of that advocated universal castration for men was Andrea Dworkin. After being outed at a NYC club as a masochist with a master, she has since backed away from her original posit.

I think Dworkin died last year too but she was one of the cultural feminist (who had the bloody gall to say they were radical, so not!) who did things like promote anti-pornography laws that put them in bed with various religious groups who were actually opposed to most of the Dworkin camp's other beliefs.

Long before Dworkin though was the "delightful" group calling itself SCUM (society for cutting up men) -- it had maybe 5 members in all but its rhetoric helps fuel anti-feminist debates even today.

I left NOW because of some of their statements against BDSM and because I think they have more along the cultural feminist lines than the liberal feminist lines they were funded. I left but I didn't make a statement yet to them about why though I am considering writing a letter to explain why I haven't renewed. I just got feed up with a group who supposedly wants to promote women's rights also trying to tell women what type of sex they should have. I have to think about it and consider where to send it for any affect at all. That's wandering from the subject.

candystripper -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:13:28 AM)


Not all Feminist hate/disrespect men thats a very big misconception and not all feminists are lesbians either. I'm a feminist, I dont hate/disrespect men and Im not a lesbian. I believe everyone is equal, but I also know in reality that with the laws of the US we aren't all equal, not yet.


You're right; i should have said "that school of femininism"; for so am i.


angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:22:41 AM)

For me... i don't want to be equal. i don't want to be able to stand and pee. Now, before i am flamed for that, it is only me i refer to, i do not expect anyone else to subscribe to my way of thinking.

edited to add: although it would be nice if Yya'll agreed with me for once! (disclaimer: that's a joke!!!) [;)][8D]

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 9:48:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelic

For me... i don't want to be equal. i don't want to be able to stand and pee. Now, before i am flamed for that, it is only me i refer to, i do not expect anyone else to subscribe to my way of thinking.

edited to add: although it would be nice if Yya'll agreed with me for once! (disclaimer: that's a joke!!!) [;)][8D]

I don't think you really believe you aren't equal. Men and women are better at different things. If I just focus on those things that men are better at in general I could build an argument for Male Supremacy, If I focus on those things that women are generally better at I could build a case in that direction. That's what happens when people get into the superiority debate, they focus on what they want to. They just ignore superiority of the other sex in other areas. Men are generally better at Math, Women are generally better in communication related skills. Men are generally Stronger, Women are generally more flexible. Men are generally more visually oriented (sex and relationships), Women are generally more emotionally oriented(sex and relationships). However, there are exceptions to every rule and the degree of the predisposition to general ways of thinking, are as much an effect by environment as genetics. So, who's better, well, it really depends on what you are doing at any particular time, and even then sometimes the best person wouldn't be the general sex related with being better at that task. There is no universal here. There are only general rules when talking of large groups.

Anyone, who states all women are superior, or all Men are superior is wrong. But any woman that states I'm superior to everyone, well, I call that love[:-]

angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 9:54:07 PM)




ORIGINAL: angelic

For me... i don't want to be equal. i don't want to be able to stand and pee. Now, before i am flamed for that, it is only me i refer to, i do not expect anyone else to subscribe to my way of thinking.

edited to add: although it would be nice if Yya'll agreed with me for once! (disclaimer: that's a joke!!!) [;)][8D]

I don't think you really believe you aren't equal. Men and women are better at different things. If I just focus on those things that men are better at in general I could build an argument for Male Supremacy, If I focus on those things that women are generally better at I could build a case in that direction. That's what happens when people get into the superiority debate, they focus on what they want to. They just ignore superiority of the other sex in other areas. Men are generally better at Math, Women are generally better in communication related skills. Men are generally Stronger, Women are generally more flexible. Men are generally more visually oriented (sex and relationships), Women are generally more emotionally oriented(sex and relationships). However, there are exceptions to every rule and the degree of the predisposition to general ways of thinking, are as much an effect by environment as genetics. So, who's better, well, it really depends on what you are doing at any particular time, and even then sometimes the best person wouldn't be the general sex related with being better at that task. There is no universal here. There are only general rules when talking of large groups.

Anyone, who states all women are superior, or all Men are superior is wrong. But any woman that states I'm superior to everyone, well, I call that love[:-]

Actually, Sir... i do NOT wish to be equal. i am sure that sounds odd to Mmany but it is truly how i feel. That should not be misconstrued to mean i am a doormat, can't think for myself am not intelligent, etc. It simply means i have been aware of my place for quite some time now and i am very happy with that place.

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:11:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelic

Actually, Sir... i do NOT wish to be equal. i am sure that sounds odd to Mmany but it is truly how i feel. That should not be misconstrued to mean i am a doormat, can't think for myself am not intelligent, etc. It simply means i have been aware of my place for quite some time now and i am very happy with that place.

Okay, but do you believe it's a univesal or just in your case. As in Men in general are superior to women.

Sorry reread, I was stuck in the thread topic of all of one sex being superior to all of the other, and took your statement to mean all women, when you were just talking of yourself. (see the communication skills thing showing my inferiority in that regard). Bonks self on head if that's not what you were saying.

angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:15:58 PM)




ORIGINAL: angelic

Actually, Sir... i do NOT wish to be equal. i am sure that sounds odd to Mmany but it is truly how i feel. That should not be misconstrued to mean i am a doormat, can't think for myself am not intelligent, etc. It simply means i have been aware of my place for quite some time now and i am very happy with that place.

Okay, but do you believe it's a univesal or just in your case. As in Men in general are superior to women.

Sorry reread, I was stuck in the thread topic of all of one sex being superior to all of the other, and took your statement to mean all women, when you were just talking of yourself. (see the communication skills thing showing my inferiority in that regard). Bonks self on head if that's not what you were saying.

*hands You an ice pack for Your head* i can't speak for the universe. In my case and my case only (because i can only speak for myself) i believe a slave is NOT equal. (How's that for avoidance) [;)] and trying to be politically correct at the same time, without having the masses flame me [8D]

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:21:40 PM)

Ok, I agree a slave isn't equal to a master. Sorry, again, went off on a tangent that wasn't there. (Going to double read from now on, before posting)


MistressSassy66 -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:25:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelic

For me... i don't want to be equal. i don't want to be able to stand and pee. Now, before i am flamed for that, it is only me i refer to, i do not expect anyone else to subscribe to my way of thinking.

edited to add: although it would be nice if Yya'll agreed with me for once! (disclaimer: that's a joke!!!) [;)][8D]

I personally would love to stand and pee and not have it run down My leg...lmao

I have to add that Women are better at some things AND Men are better at some things...
Do WE all have the capicity to be equal?In some ways yes and in some ways no some one has to be the big guy/gal to get the jar open and someone has to be the mom/dad that gets the kids to bed.
What matters is it all works out in the end...doesnt matter who does what,as long as your happy doing it.

angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:27:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressSassy66


ORIGINAL: angelic

For me... i don't want to be equal. i don't want to be able to stand and pee. Now, before i am flamed for that, it is only me i refer to, i do not expect anyone else to subscribe to my way of thinking.

edited to add: although it would be nice if Yya'll agreed with me for once! (disclaimer: that's a joke!!!) [;)][8D]

I personally would love to stand and pee and not have it run down My leg...lmao

I have to add that Women are better at some things AND Men are better at some things...
Do WE all have the capicity to be equal?In some ways yes and in some ways no some one has to be the big guy/gal to get the jar open and someone has to be the mom/dad that gets the kids to bed.
What matters is it all works out in the end...doesnt matter who does what,as long as your happy doing it.

Indeed Ma'am...

HoosierScorpio -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/25/2006 10:29:45 PM)

I feel you need to have an open mind in our lifestyle and I can respect females dominates. I feel we all have something we can offer and teach others in this lifestyle. I see female dominate as sisters and I also know submissive women have issue with male submissive. We all have one comment interest and that is the lifestyle. We need to come together as one or if we do not we will loose our rights to live this lifestyle. As I am writing this post there are law makers coming up with laws that will keep us from living it.

Real0ne -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/26/2006 9:29:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelic

For me... i don't want to be equal. i don't want to be able to stand and pee. Now, before i am flamed for that, it is only me i refer to, i do not expect anyone else to subscribe to my way of thinking.

edited to add: although it would be nice if Yya'll agreed with me for once! (disclaimer: that's a joke!!!) [;)][8D]

you dont know how much fun you are missing! the experience of writing your name in the snow!


I don't think you really believe you aren't equal. Men and women are better at different things. If I just focus on those things that men are better at in general I could build an argument for Male Supremacy, If I focus on those things that women are generally better at I could build a case in that direction. That's what happens when people get into the superiority debate, they focus on what they want to. They just ignore superiority of the other sex in other areas.

well said! bravo!!


ORIGINAL: angelic
Actually, Sir... i do NOT wish to be equal. i am sure that sounds odd to Mmany but it is truly how i feel. That should not be misconstrued to mean i am a doormat, can't think for myself am not intelligent, etc. It simply means i have been aware of my place for quite some time now and i am very happy with that place.

i doubt you mean this in a human rights way tho

angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/26/2006 9:41:49 AM)


i doubt you mean this in a human rights way tho

you are correct RA, i was merely trying to lighten the thread up just a bit.

Having said that, it is still my belief (notice i said my belief) that feminism has to some degree caused the demise of what is truly equal in this country. Can i quote or give facts for that belief? No not really, i read much about what is happening in our schools and our court system. The pendulum is swinging and i believe that at some point true equality will win out. In my opinion, it is not yet there as the pendulum is swinging more toward being fair to women than to men.

Real0ne -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/26/2006 10:00:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelic


i doubt you mean this in a human rights way tho

you are correct RA, i was merely trying to lighten the thread up just a bit.

Having said that, it is still my belief (notice i said my belief) that feminism has to some degree caused the demise of what is truly equal in this country. Can i quote or give facts for that belief? No not really, i read much about what is happening in our schools and our court system. The pendulum is swinging and i believe that at some point true equality will win out. In my opinion, it is not yet there as the pendulum is swinging more toward being fair to women than to men.

i think there is the school of thought that "women" as a whole have been down trodden and are defenseless/helpless and need the support of the male counterpart. Maybe in the early 1900's there may have been a good case for that, however that is a bit out dated. i think that once a point is made everyone sways toward it and they need to see a good deal of unfairness before they sway back and swing to far in the opposite direction. of course eventually it will level itself off leaving a wake of maltreated people on both sides of the fence.

i think the feminist movement was a sorely needed response to all the abuse that was taking place, however i will not disagree with you in that i can site several insstances myself wheere it went to far, to the point where people have coined it the feminization of america. the age of the sensitive man.

In the end i suspect that like most things of this nature it will all even out and be better for all in the very long term.

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