RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (Full Version)

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angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 2:35:04 PM)

You are correct, Sir... (as i chew the black feathers)...

she's eligible for parole in 10 years for a murder.

EvilGeoff -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 3:35:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aimtoplease101

I've been reading Elise Sutton's articles concerning her theories on female supremacy, and why she believes it represents the natural order.


What's your take on this topic?

Obviously Ms Sutton never bothered to interview me before developing her theories on female supremacy.

*evil grin*

- Geoff

PS: For those who are humor-impared, the above is very much tongue in cheek, not-to-be-taken-seriously. Just because I am the Supreme Maximum Dictator Of The Entire Known Universe And Then Some does not mean that I actually consider myself to be superior to anyone.

thetammyjo -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 4:22:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelic

TammyJo, with all due respect... and i truly respect Your opinion... if Wwe disagree, Wwe disagree.

i believe 100% that feminism is the reason Men today get the short end of the stick most of the time in court. As an example... a woman gets in her BMW and runs her husband over for cheating... not once but twice... claims it was an 'oops' i didn't mean to... she got slapped on the wrist for making an 'oops'. Now, reverse that... had it been a Man... He'd spend the rest of his life in prision... (just my opinion).

i am a paralegal by choice, btw. Not because of a 'glass' ceiling.

I don't think I'm implied you were limited by any glass ceiling.

But I am sensing a lot of anger from you which I still don't understand why it targets feminism but maybe its something that I can't understand and something that can't be explained.

SimplyV -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 4:41:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelic

the Feminist group is one of the largest political groups in this nation today... That's why i blame the 'group'... please don't misunderstand... i am not dissing Wwomen here... i am totally disgusted with what Oour country has become... it has lost it's sense of fairness

I don't get this whole "loss of fairness" ... When has this country been known for its fairness?

Men don't get the kids mainly cuz well.. ever since .. well.. since forever.. women have been the child caregivers, so women have always gotten the kids. Feminism or not. Actually men are getting the kids more and more now.

And Our country.. has never really been fair. Salem witch trials.. Slavery.. Segregation.. Glass Ceilings.. Gay Bashing.. Racism.. Take your pick.. and I'm sure there are more, and will be more to come.

The country gives up one.. just to find another one to latch onto.

But then.. that could be my pessimist view of the masses leeching out onto my keyboard.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 4:58:31 PM)

This is neither historically true nor morally very persuasive. It is NOT the case that divorced mothers routinely kept custody of their children in pre-modern times. The idea that a child of divorced parents is best served by being placed with his mother is a very modern (and strange) idea.

Besides, what kind of an argument is "This is the way it's always been--that's why we're going to keep doing it"? By that argument, all the ills and unfair institutions that you listed would have been allowed to continue.




Men don't get the kids mainly cuz well.. ever since .. well.. since forever.. women have been the child caregivers, so women have always gotten the kids.

angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 5:34:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: thetammyjo


ORIGINAL: angelic

TammyJo, with all due respect... and i truly respect Your opinion... if Wwe disagree, Wwe disagree.

i believe 100% that feminism is the reason Men today get the short end of the stick most of the time in court. As an example... a woman gets in her BMW and runs her husband over for cheating... not once but twice... claims it was an 'oops' i didn't mean to... she got slapped on the wrist for making an 'oops'. Now, reverse that... had it been a Man... He'd spend the rest of his life in prision... (just my opinion).

i am a paralegal by choice, btw. Not because of a 'glass' ceiling.

I don't think I'm implied you were limited by any glass ceiling.

But I am sensing a lot of anger from you which I still don't understand why it targets feminism but maybe its something that I can't understand and something that can't be explained.

i am not angry... at least not by this thread... Wwe are Aall entitlted to Oour opinions... i stated mine You stated Your's... i disagree with feminism... that is my right... just as it is Your right to agree or disagree...

i stand behind what i said... i believe in fairness... Regardless of what history has done.

Real0ne -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 5:39:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aimtoplease101

I've been reading Elise Sutton's articles concerning her theories on female supremacy, and why she believes it represents the natural order.

From what I can determine from communities such as, however, there appear to be as many, if not more, submissive females as dominant ones out there. I don't find Ms. Sutton's explanation of submissive females as anomalies/ anachronisms particularly persuasive.

What's your take on this topic?


i am begining to think that female supremacy may in fact be nothing more than a figment of someones imagination since no fem supremist has shown up either here or on my supreme thread. Supreme-E-est of Supreme i am leaning toward concluding its all hot air, no premise, no substance and not real. yet you see profile after profile of people who claim to be it or into it.

cloudboy -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 6:00:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aimtoplease101

I've been reading Elise Sutton's articles concerning her theories on female supremacy, and why she believes it represents the natural order.

From what I can determine from communities such as, however, there appear to be as many, if not more, submissive females as dominant ones out there. I don't find Ms. Sutton's explanation of submissive females as anomalies/ anachronisms particularly persuasive.

What's your take on this topic?

A site like Elise Sutton's exists more for entertainment purposes than anything else. It dresses up its kink with a philisophical paradigm of Female Supremacy, which although untrue, is sexy and alluring to its target audience. Elise Sutton is laughable to those in the mainstream. She's an example of a little world or maybe even a secret society, but she is a far cry from anything universal.

And hoooooooooooo doggy, this thread spun off into feminism I see. I thought I'd share a section from THE BITCH IN THE HOUSE on this subject:

"Feminism doubled the woman’s workload (in the name of respect) and then turned around and killed the femme fatale. She became seen, somehow, as the dumbed down woman, a subspecies of our gender, so she got garroted and buried by women in business suits and scarf ties.

What was the problem with killing the seductress off? She’s the one who kept sex alive in the marriage. Sincerity, clarity, straightforwardness, compromise – these things are antithetical to Eros. Carnality snorts at these modern ideas of marriage --- and one way or another takes off in search for new quests. We respond sexually to the stranger, the unknown, the unfamiliar. The dirty urge has no interest in the known, the picked over, the fully examined. The femme fatale knows that it is not simply a question of acrobatics but a way of being, a way of conducting yourself, that fosters passion. I discovered her mystery and power with Mr. X; I learned to be creative, to find and explore and cultivate a place for myself. There was no obvious spot for that in my first marriage, because that ever-present, octopus-armed wife had hogged up all the space. In my second marriage, I knew that if I didn’t want to wind up drunk in front of the television again, I had to work to cultivate that other side – and I did. And I do.

The wife is about striving for some notion of perfection. The mistress is about games, invention, closeness. One is high and one is low. I was afraid of diving down there in my first marriage, which is part of what killed that marriage. Now I go there to keep my marriage alive."


If I had to say what is the current state of feminism in America, I would say for most women its, "Feminism when it works." Hence when it doesn't work, women are hostile towards it. The downside of feminism for some women is the can't-win proposition it often presents mothers who feel they have to have a career and be a perfect mother too. Combine this choice with spoiled Americanism, aka I can have it all, and many women suffer psychologically with the choices they must make.

Creeds like feminism are somewhat helpful for groups, but creeds don't help a woman like herself and don't help her make peace with her own situation. This step has to come from inside each individual woman.

In the end, feminism has given women more latitude in their choices. For some, this makes them happier, for others, it just makes them miserable. Such is the way of life. The author above had to find her own way which was off the corporate wife track. She had to reach inside to create the self she liked best. No creed could do this for her, and her sense was to realize this and reach out for something more native to herself.

thetammyjo -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 6:10:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

This is neither historically true nor morally very persuasive. It is NOT the case that divorced mothers routinely kept custody of their children in pre-modern times. The idea that a child of divorced parents is best served by being placed with his mother is a very modern (and strange) idea.

Besides, what kind of an argument is "This is the way it's always been--that's why we're going to keep doing it"? By that argument, all the ills and unfair institutions that you listed would have been allowed to continue.




Men don't get the kids mainly cuz well.. ever since .. well.. since forever.. women have been the child caregivers, so women have always gotten the kids.

He's right.

In most European cultures I know of the father was considered the owner of the children so they went to his family. Of course divorce was also very rare, it was more common for a woman to die in childbirth and thus the children would grow up with only one parent and an extended family. Even if ownership wasn't the issue it made sense in cultures where men lived longer to have children stay with the longer living parent.

The question would be why do children more often go to mothers?

I'd have to see evidence for such an answer to hold any weight with me. I'm not a modern historian so I don't know what the answer is.

thetammyjo -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 6:27:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy

If I had to say what is the current state of feminism in America, I would say for most women its, "Feminism when it works." Hence when it doesn't work, women are hostile towards it. The downside of feminism for some women is the can't-win proposition it often presents mothers who feel they have to have a career and be a perfect mother too. Combine this choice with spoiled Americanism, aka I can have it all, and many women suffer psychologically with the choices they must make.

Creeds like feminism are somewhat helpful for groups, but creeds don't help a woman like herself and don't help her make peace with her own situation. This step has to come from inside each individual woman.

In the end, feminism has given women more latitude in their choices. For some, this makes them happier, for others, it just makes them miserable. Such is the way of life. The author above had to find her own way which was off the corporate wife track. She had to reach inside to create the self she liked best. No creed could do this for her, and her sense was to realize this and reach out for something more native to herself.[/size][/color]

I think this makes a lot of sense.

Most women I know like the fact they can vote, get an education, can decide who to marry, etc, and most of these "rights" come, in part, from feminism through the past century and a half (going on two centuries now). They expect if they do the same job they'll get paid the same amount and expect if they speak up in class they they will be listened to, again ideas from feminism.

But no, feminism doesn't have all the answers, it won't make your life perfect any more than any other ism can do. You can sit and pray all day but you still need to eat and use the toilet and all sorts of other things, right?

I don't know if anyone caught it but I define myself as a radical feminist (not cultural or what some call radical) but the 1960s and early 1970s style feminist who believed that change came from self-awareness first and foremost. This change is part of education and focusing on yourself -- hey, instead of your family, instead of just believing its biology? Damn, that sure is radical.

Here's the even more radical part: It works for everyone. Everyone can change, everyone can grow, everyone can learn to make choices and everyone needs to be responsible for those choices. Its about changing people and after the people change, laws, society, religion, anything else that should change will change.

But its so much easier to just go with the flow or cry victim. So there are indeed branches of feminism that seem to go with the flow or cry victim just as there are conservatives, non-whites, Christians, whatever group you might name competiting for power and authority. A branch, a sect, a division of a group is not the entire group.

That is what has been bothering me about this entire thing: Condemning an entire group.

Heck the OP tried to make this a focused look at one person's view (Sutton's) but instead it spun into a general discussion about female supermacy or male supermacy or the foolishness of either. And then feminism got tossed in as a monolith group for no reason that I could see unless the idea was that female supermacy = feminism.

Let me put your fears to rest.

I am a radical feminist and frankly I think female supermacy is as stupid as male supermacy which is as stupid as Inuit supermacy or blind supermacy or thin supermacy or .... getting the picture?

cloudboy -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 6:32:57 PM)


getting the picture?

When you write, I always "get the picture." You have the gifts perception and eloquence w/o arrogance.

SimplyV -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 6:46:03 PM)



Men don't get the kids mainly cuz well.. ever since .. well.. since forever.. women have been the child caregivers, so women have always gotten the kids.


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

This is neither historically true nor morally very persuasive. It is NOT the case that divorced mothers routinely kept custody of their children in pre-modern times. The idea that a child of divorced parents is best served by being placed with his mother is a very modern (and strange) idea.

Besides, what kind of an argument is "This is the way it's always been--that's why we're going to keep doing it"? By that argument, all the ills and unfair institutions that you listed would have been allowed to continue.


Umm I never said "this is the way its always been, thats why we're going to keep doing it"

I was merely stating .. that the masses aren't fair.. our government hasn't been "fair" so to speak (not sure any govt can claim to always be fair) .. there has always been injustices and will probably always be.

Does that make it right? no. Does that mean we shouldn't try to correct it? no.

It is an endless process. Much like crime.. its never ending.

cacodylic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 6:56:49 PM)




I don't think EITHER gender is by efault, automatically superior over the other.

I think some individuals are superior due to their ethics, honor, integrity, and being genuine or because they have a talent or knack or higher intelligence, etc that places them in into a position of being better at that than others.

About it for me.

amen to all of that! My ex-domme's fanatical insistence that any woman is automatically superior to all men was one of those disillusioning factors that eventually precipitated the end of the relationship...

mnottertail -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:00:39 PM)

Forgive me for butting in on this without reading any of this, but I do have a question........Who the fuck is Elise Sutton?

I have no problems with the Sutton part, i.e. Sutton Hoo (a good scandinavian howe) but if she is so goddam hep, why didn't she change her name to something decent?

I mean seriously; offhand I think that Lizzie Bordon Sutton speaking asswipe would pique more intense pondering of her postulates than Elise, hell; that is something nobody but Mozart could write a ditty Fur.............


Petruchio -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:04:43 PM)


i believe 100% that feminism is the reason Men today get the short end of the stick most of the time in court. As an example... a woman gets in her BMW and runs her husband over for cheating... not once but twice... claims it was an 'oops' i didn't mean to... she got slapped on the wrist for making an 'oops'. Now, reverse that... had it been a Man... He'd spend the rest of his life in prision... (just my opinion).

the Feminist group is one of the largest political groups in this nation today... That's why i blame the 'group'... please don't misunderstand... i am not dissing Wwomen here... i am totally disgusted with what Oour country has become... it has lost it's sense of fairness

Hey, angelic… We love you.

Petruchio -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:06:08 PM)


Again this weird idea that feminism is some monolith system.

Of course it isn't, but some tried to make it so. It was not at all unusual for NOW to eject members who diagreed with their philosophy, including author Camille Pagila. Some groups, like Feminist Action League in New England, wore scissors around their necks to public events and ejected attendees they only THOUGHT would oppose them.

BTW, the first feminist author I'm aware of that advocated universal castration for men was Andrea Dworkin. After being outed at a NYC club as a masochist with a master, she has since backed away from her original posit.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:11:04 PM)

When was that??? I know nothing about that. Tell us tell us all about it.


ORIGINAL: Petruchio

BTW, the first feminist author I'm aware of that advocated universal castration for men was Andrea Dworkin. After being outed at a NYC club as a masochist with a master, she has since backed away from her original posit.

mnottertail -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:12:29 PM)

AS a side note, remember that during the elections, Bush non-supporters were forcibly ejected from (quasi-)political rallies; and given a number and watched closely, thereafter.........

I guess this country is not strong enough to countenance diversity........



angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:15:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Forgive me for butting in on this without reading any of this, but I do have a question........Who the fuck is Elise Sutton?

I have no problems with the Sutton part, i.e. Sutton Hoo (a good scandinavian howe) but if she is so goddam hep, why didn't she change her name to something decent?

I mean seriously; offhand I think that Lizzie Bordon Sutton speaking asswipe would pique more intense pondering of her postulates than Elise, hell; that is something nobody but Mozart could write a ditty Fur.............


Ron, honestly You never fail to make me laugh! [:D]

angelic -> RE: Is Elise Sutton right? (2/24/2006 7:17:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Petruchio


i believe 100% that feminism is the reason Men today get the short end of the stick most of the time in court. As an example... a woman gets in her BMW and runs her husband over for cheating... not once but twice... claims it was an 'oops' i didn't mean to... she got slapped on the wrist for making an 'oops'. Now, reverse that... had it been a Man... He'd spend the rest of his life in prision... (just my opinion).

the Feminist group is one of the largest political groups in this nation today... That's why i blame the 'group'... please don't misunderstand... i am not dissing Wwomen here... i am totally disgusted with what Oour country has become... it has lost it's sense of fairness

Hey, angelic… We love you.

i love You too!!! [:)] [;)]

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