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Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh.

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Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 10:32:06 AM   

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Ok, Im REALLY gonna poke the hornet's nest with this one.  It seems that Glen Beck and Rush are the 2 most popular right wing talk show hosts in the media today and that both preach family values.  It seems, however that they are both reforming drug (and in Beck's case) also alcohol addicts.  I know that there are folks that are in dinial and will SWEAR that Rush didnt have a roblem with pills but let's face it, if you are buying and popping 200+ Black market pain kilers a week, you got a problem.  Im not saying that I dont hope they both manage to win the battle with substance addiction.  Im just saying that it is ironic that the poster boys for the right wing are drug addics and according to the Rushter "the first thing we need to do is ship these white-collar drug addicts up the river"  quote, unquote
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 10:48:51 AM   

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You didn't poke a hornet's nest.  You simply stated how intolerant you are about recovering substance abusers who are trying to make a contribution, however debatable, to society.

< Message edited by MichiganHeadmast -- 9/28/2009 10:50:12 AM >

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 10:53:57 AM   

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Perhaps right-wing people need to get some new poster boys to advertise their movement, because their credibility isn't enhanced by the two clowns that make the title of this thread.

It's baffling how idiocy, ignorance and intolerance are considered to be assets, although it's true that in a populist context, these are, indeed, qualities that appeal to a certain segment of the public.

< Message edited by kittinSol -- 9/28/2009 10:54:17 AM >


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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 10:57:01 AM   

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One side makes reasoned arguments while the other relies heavily on personal attacks. Which side uses what?

Its easy enough for people to see and to make their minds up for themselves.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Perhaps right-wing people need to get some new poster boys to advertise their movement, because their credibility isn't enhanced by the two clowns that make the title of this thread.

It's baffling how idiocy, ignorance and intolerance are considered to be assets, although it's true that in a populist context, these are, indeed, qualities that appeal to a certain segment of the public.


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 10:58:56 AM   

Posts: 16926
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You're going through a persecution complex, Sanity.

Obviously, it's Obama's fault.


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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 11:00:19 AM   

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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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My work here is done. 


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

You're going through a persecution complex, Sanity.

Obviously, it's Obama's fault.


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 11:02:22 AM   

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When taking a class called Logic in University, one of the first things we learned was that an argument attacking the bearer of the message does not negate the message. When I listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck I see that everything they say is firmly grounded in fact and research. Perhaps you should actually listen to the radio and TV talk show hosts who fervently love this country and are attempting to educate those who are opinionated but are lacking real information.

(in reply to Hillwilliam)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 11:06:28 AM   

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My work here is done. 

Mine too. We can skip together into the sunset.


(in reply to Sanity)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 11:12:16 AM   

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Everything they say is based on fact?
Isn't Limbaugh fond of pontificating that America has gone downhill since he was a kid, and how he'd like to see those days back, while conveniently ignoring (I'll give him the credit that he must know this) the fact that the top rate of tax wasn't far off fifty percent back then?
I'm also puzzled by him electing himself the boss of the GOP, and stating that any members who disagree with him about anything aren't real Republicans and should get lost, as this applies to a lot of elected officials and most of the economic theorists the REpublicans are pretty keen on.
Also: that whole "Obama The Magic Negro" business? Obama's a mulatto, and I doubt that Limbaugh can prove he can do magic, so that's two facts the lad has wrong straight off the bat.


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 11:14:24 AM   

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Beck and Limbaugh are in the business of getting the public riled up. It's a cynical enterprise that pays well: I'll give them that. 


(in reply to Moonhead)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 11:15:12 AM   

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When taking a class called Logic in University, one of the first things we learned was that an argument attacking the bearer of the message does not negate the message. When I listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck I see that everything they say is firmly grounded in fact and research. Perhaps you should actually listen to the radio and TV talk show hosts who fervently love this country and are attempting to educate those who are opinionated but are lacking real information.

ORIGINAL: tiedtothebed

Yes, everything Rush says is firmly grounded in fact and research except when he lies:

As for being intolerant of recovering drug addicts, as another person posted, that is far from the case. I find Limbaugh reprehensible because while he was a drug addict, he yelled about putting drug addicts in jail. I feel his hypocrisy on this issue is up there with Roy Choen, an infamous and powerful conservative who was so intent on denying his homosexuality, he became an ardent persecutor of homosexuals. How anyone can embrace such an obvious hypocrite as the standard bearer of their cause mystifies me.

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:00:58 PM   

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From: Chicago, IL
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ORIGINAL: tiedtothebed

When taking a class called Logic in University, one of the first things we learned was that an argument attacking the bearer of the message does not negate the message. When I listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck I see that everything they say is firmly grounded in fact and research. Perhaps you should actually listen to the radio and TV talk show hosts who fervently love this country and are attempting to educate those who are opinionated but are lacking real information.

You really typed this and thought people would believe it? Beck lies about almost everything. One of my recent favorites was falsely claiming that the government was going to use CARS to take over citizens nome computers.

Limbaugh famously lied about what he thought should be done with drug addicts. When he was caught he sought treatment not the long prison term he had lied was his position.

Further lies by both are incredibly well documented to anyone who can use google.

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:01:01 PM   

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Rush was very open about his addiction which he overcame. That however only reinforces my statement that people attack him with personal attacks. I am listening to his show right now and it is full of verifiable information which every American needs to hear about what is going on in the Obama administration.
Obama has doubled our national debt in ONLY NINE MONTHS.
Obama is putting Czars in charge of our economy sector by sector following exactly the model of Hitler appointing Albert Speer and his sub Czars to oversee (IE control) each sector of the private economy.
These things are far more troubling than any single person abusing himself with excess medication.
Canceling the missile defense of our allies in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Poland, canceling our weapons in space programs, trying to override the bill of rights and take away the right to bear arms (Hitler's first act in Germany after he took power) will leave the citizenry merciless at the hand of the government. We are diving headlong into totalitarian government where we lose all our freedoms is happening right before our eyes.
We are in serious danger.
Rush may not be perfect but he is sounding the alarm because people in Washington are attempting to destroy our very way of life.

(in reply to SpinnerofTales)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:02:32 PM   

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To be fair, I always get the impression that the sane and moderate wing of the Republicans find him nearly as embarrassing as most Baptists find Fred Phelps.


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

(in reply to SpinnerofTales)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:05:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: tiedtothebed

Rush was very open about his addiction which he overcame. That however only reinforces my statement that people attack him with personal attacks. I am listening to his show right now and it is full of verifiable information which every American needs to hear about what is going on in the Obama administration.
Obama has doubled our national debt in ONLY NINE MONTHS.
Obama is putting Czars in charge of our economy sector by sector following exactly the model of Hitler appointing Albert Speer and his sub Czars to oversee (IE control) each sector of the private economy.
These things are far more troubling than any single person abusing himself with excess medication.
Canceling the missile defense of our allies in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Poland, canceling our weapons in space programs, trying to override the bill of rights and take away the right to bear arms (Hitler's first act in Germany after he took power) will leave the citizenry merciless at the hand of the government. We are diving headlong into totalitarian government where we lose all our freedoms is happening right before our eyes.
We are in serious danger.
Rush may not be perfect but he is sounding the alarm because people in Washington are attempting to destroy our very way of life.

Hang on a second, Limbaugh has stated that Obama is taking away the right to bear arms? Where did he get that particular fact from? Has he been reading The Turner Diaries or something?


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

(in reply to tiedtothebed)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:11:33 PM   

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You may see the details here...

(in reply to Moonhead)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:16:48 PM   

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You might also see...

(in reply to Moonhead)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:23:25 PM   

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You might also note this from an NRA member...

FACT: Barack Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.1

FACT: Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.2

FACT: Barack Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.3

FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.2

FACT: Barack Obama supports local gun bans in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and other cities.4

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.5

FACT: Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration.6

FACT: Barack Obama refused to sign a friend-of-the-court Brief in support of individual Second Amendment rights in the Heller case.

FACT: Barack Obama opposes Right to Carry laws.7

FACT: Barack Obama was a member of the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the leading source of funds for anti-gun organizations and “research.”8

FACT: Barack Obama supported a proposal to ban gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park, which would eliminate almost every gun store in America.9

FACT: Barack Obama voted not to notify gun owners when the state of Illinois did records searches on them.10

FACT: Barack Obama voted against a measure to lower the Firearms Owners Identification card age minimum from 21 to 18, a measure designed to assist young people in the military.11

FACT: Barack Obama favors a ban on standard capacity magazines.12

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory micro-stamping.13

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory waiting periods.2

FACT: Barack Obama supports repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment, which prohibits information on gun traces collected by the BATFE from being used in reckless lawsuits against firearm dealers and manufacturers.14

FACT: Barack Obama supports one-gun-a-month sales restrictions.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on inexpensive handguns.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on the resale of police issued firearms, even if the money is going to police departments for replacement equipment.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory firearm training requirements for all gun owners and a ban on gun ownership for persons under the age of 21.9…
Source(s): Gun Owner, NRA member
NObama '08

(in reply to Moonhead)
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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:25:35 PM   

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I read the transcript and the blog he claimed as source and found not one single piece of evidence that Obama wanted to do away with the 2nd amendment. I saw a lot of assertions that he did but no facts to support the assertion.

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RE: Glen Beck and rush Limbaugh. - 9/28/2009 12:27:28 PM   

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I'm not sure that a bunch of speculation about the motives of a politician Limbaugh can't suffer, or a prior involvement with a group that was in favour of gun control is proof that Obama's planning to repeal the second amendment.


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

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