Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (Full Version)

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DemonKia -> Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/20/2009 12:11:04 PM)

& other thoughtful, serious talk about nutrition, health, appearance, & related . . . . . .

The fat threads show up all over the place, & rather than feed the trollishly inclined who start & feed off those, I thought we might just have a discussion about us BDSMers & our bodies & how we fuel them, here, in the Health & Safety forum . . ... . ..

&, for me, there is a strong connection between meeting my 'BDSM / sex / love needs' & dealing with my body size & diet issues. I'm curious how that works for others .. . . I've certainly heard from some that bringing D/s stuff, for instance, into their eating & exercise stuff can be detrimental & / or helpful.

So, let's talk -- food, body, health, kink . . . . . . .

Andalusite -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/20/2009 8:51:23 PM)

I've helped a couple of previous boyfriends lose weight, including my previous submissive, and did sometimes use kink as a reward (but not as a punishment). Mostly we did a lot of exercise together, I went shopping with him the first couple of times to help him make healthier choices, taught him how to cook/use a cookbook more effectively, stuff like that. My Master sometimes helps me stretch, and we incorporate some of my yoga poses and gymnastics moves into our kink (my playpartner and I do so as well, on the other side of the coin). I just asked his permission to try to lose 10 pounds or so - he isn't directing me in the details, but I am to report to him regularly with updates.

allthatjaz -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/21/2009 3:38:45 AM)

When it comes to exercise I have gone from horse riding for around 4 hours each day and swimming daily to not exercising at all. I have shown some concern about this and so Steve decided I have to do 30 press and 30 sit ups a day as well as cycle. If he wasn't here I know I wouldn't bother but he does have a way of inspiring me to exercise.
As far as eating is concerned, he encourages me to eat more by upping my portions but stops me grazing in between meals. I actually don't agree with this because I have always been of the mindset to eat when I am hungry and stop eating when I am no longer hungry and I believe 6 small meals a day are better than 3 big ones. He has given me a tummy for the first time in my life [>:] but of course he would deny that!

purepleasure -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/21/2009 4:15:51 AM)

I tend to be a stress eater, and unfortunately, I've gained 38 lbs. in the past 10 months. But, I still walk and do tai chi as my schedule allows. As of yesterday, if I need to go to a higher floor or two, I take the stairs. I'm finding ways to incorporate more exercise into my daily routine. Even if it means standing up and taking 2 steps to the fax machine at work, instead of rolling to it. For me, it's no longer "eh, maybe, and if I want to", it's now a matter, "do it, so I can keep my sight and extremities".

angelslave77 -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/21/2009 5:05:16 AM)

Stress eater here too, Add to that a stress fracture to my foot (stress is a bad bad thing) and my weight has skyrocketed in the last year.
For me weight goes up, sex drive goes down. Stress levels are up sex drive goes down, and my pill causes me severe breast sensitivity (took my nearly a year to work that one out, I used to adore nipple torture, then it became off limits as the lightest squeeze is excrucitating and not in a yummy way).

I am trying hard to get a handle on things but to do that I have had to exit submissive mindset and just be selfish, I have to try to put my needs first. That is hard when I know Sir is missing out as a result, but as much as I love him he is a terrible sabotuer when it comes to me getting healthy, and putting me first is hard to when I have 4 um's aged between 4 and 9.

So at this time weight and stress has put D/s on a hiatus. But he is very understanding and once I get my life back under control I know I will be a better person for it and he will reap the benefits [:)]

Acer49 -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/21/2009 9:24:39 AM)



& other thoughtful, serious talk about nutrition, health, appearance, & related . . . . . .

The fat threads show up all over the place, & rather than feed the trollishly inclined who start & feed off those, I thought we might just have a discussion about us BDSMers & our bodies & how we fuel them, here, in the Health & Safety forum . . ... . ..

&, for me, there is a strong connection between meeting my 'BDSM / sex / love needs' & dealing with my body size & diet issues. I'm curious how that works for others .. . . I've certainly heard from some that bringing D/s stuff, for instance, into their eating & exercise stuff can be detrimental & / or helpful.

So, let's talk -- food, body, health, kink . . . . . . .

While I would never disqualify a person because their weight, It would be less than respectible if I did not assist the person to achieve their proper weight. It is indisputeable that excessive weight can cause health issues, many of them serious. We all will die at some point, I want my sub to leave later rather than sooner and good health is needed to achieve that

Mercnbeth -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (10/21/2009 9:49:39 AM)

Never "disqualified" anyone due to size, body-type, hair color, height, or anything. Met, been with, partied and had 'FUN!' with everyone. Eating habits were so inconsequential that I didn't realize that beth liked oysters too until last year. It was the other 'hunger' that was more important to me. I knew from the beginning that my favorite sex organ was the brain. I wanted to be sure I liked and was compatible with that part of my potential partner more than any other; knowing pragmatically that all the physical aspects would surely change if my ambition for a long term relationship was fulfilled.

Both of our bodies have changed over the past 6 or so years together; inconsequentially for either of us. We both are concerned and take better care of the other than we do ourself. We don't want to lose each other, so we make sure we are healthy and get a full physical annually. We both could exercise more and eat more nutritional foods; but admittedly we indulge ourselves to the point of excess. with our bodies paying the toll. More importantly and fortunately any change in our personal mental and emotional compatibility has, if anything, intensified the physical sensations we love to experience with each other.

MeaganBlake -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 5:18:07 PM)

I am overweight, but I have lost about 30 pounds this year. I still have a long way to go to get to a healthy weight for my height, though. I'm 5'2", and around 200lbs. I should be around 125.

I feel better when I eat healthy foods (I'm on a 40-30-30 diet), but I go out to eat with my family alot, and it's hard to be happy with a slab of meat and a pile of broccoli when they're eating mozarella sticks and potato skins. Maybe I need to put THEM on the diet with me, lol.

As for exercise, I'm just plain lazy. I have fibromyalgia, so I'm always tired and achy. Forcing myself to exercise just doesn't happen most days, even though in the long-run I feel better when I do.

I really am trying to get my health under control, though. I have heart disease and diabetes on both sides of my family. My dad just died of a heart attack at age 60 a year ago. I'm only 41, so I need to take control of my health now instead of letting it control me.

impishlilhellcat -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 5:23:51 PM)

I've never really ever had a partner complain about my weight. I've never had a partner that pushed me to lose weight either, but I have had partner's say don't eat that. I'm a mood eater and so I eat based on my moods or did until more recently. I'm also really bad at going long hours without eating something I picked up in Grad school. Lately I've been working to change my lifestyle and eating habits. New workout routine all that fun stuff. To me it always works out better when I regulate myself and set goals for myself. Having a partner help me achieve those goals is a good thing, but I find that if someone else is regulating my food etc.. it becomes a harder goal for my to achieve than if I do it myself. When someone else controls what I eat when I seem to crave those things I can't have more. But I'm also doing this for me and not anyone else so part of me wonders if that plays a role in my thinking.

BBBTBW -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 5:32:44 PM)

I have found that if I exercise every day for about 30 mins, I shed the lbs. Now I need to get my nutrition under control. I don't eat a lot but the things I do eat are detremental to my health. I have a weakness for sugar, I can't tolerate artifical sweetners. However, the sugar gives me a quick boost when I need it. Thats probably why I am addicted to it. I use the Wii Fit to exercise 30 minutes a day, I had lost 30 lbs in 3 months as a result. I don't have one at home, I used the one at work. Unfortunately, my work location changed so I didn't have access to the games and I gained the weight back and then some. If anyone wants to contribute to me purchasing a WiiFit for my home, I take pay pal. LOL

Aanakaris -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 7:42:06 PM)

To be honest I find a woman with a little meat on her bones attractive. It's when you cannot tell if she has bones that it becomes a problem. A little wiggle is nice, but the human lava lamp is not...

I kayak, try to work out daily (which makes it about every other day), run, and eat well. I'm a foodie though and so finding new, tasty, and interesting things to eat is a hobby that occasionally gets me into trouble. I had smoked tarantula in Hong Kong, it was even more horrible that it sounds, and what it did to my insides is the stuff of nightmares. But the hot buttered crickets were awesome.

thornhappy -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 8:24:30 PM)

I maxed out at 308 and am 255 (lost the weight back in 2001).  I look around 220.

I'm changing my couch potato ways...started doing crossfit before work, and am working on getting more protein in my diet.  I don't know if I'll lose much weight, but I am getting noticeably fitter.

impishlilhellcat -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 8:26:39 PM)

Yay thorny!!! My goal is to drop 40lbs. I'm slowly getting an hour glass figure.

thornhappy -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 9:16:03 PM)

I went to a local arena for a concert, and it was a bit of a walk to the venue, and a bunch of stairs to climb to the entrance.  I didn't feel strained a bit!

impishlilhellcat -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/7/2009 9:28:29 PM)

Don't you love that?

LaTigresse -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/8/2009 4:15:57 AM)

I spent the first 35 years of my life naturally thin with curves in all the right places. Then things got wonky. I was in denial for several years, thinking that somehow, things would magically change back just like they went wonky. Then I realized it wasn't going to. Then I lived in denial that I was more overweight than I was happy or comfortable with and unconciously began denying myself the activities I love and that help keep me fit.

I am 5'6" and I think I topped out around 245 earlier last year. My normal weight had always been around 135, give or take ten pounds. I've been working out and eating healthier for the last 14 months and it is slowwwwwwwly getting much better. Not sure what I weigh right now but I know I've hit a goal of under 200. Even typing that makes me cringe. All I have to say to those younger than I.........please, work VERY hard to keep or get these things under control pre hormonal hell because there comes a point where it is MUCH more difficult. If I had done everything I have been doing this last year, in my twenties, I would have looked like a ANA victim.

As for how anything relates to all of this BDSM stuff, I simply feel that, if I cannot discipline and control the important aspects of my life, I have zero business trying to control another's life.

subtlebutterfly -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/8/2009 4:42:22 AM)

It matters tons to me...'cause well if I gain then it means I have to buy more clothes [8|] ...believe I'm healthily obsessed about some I'm considered to thin buuuut I've seen me like 10lbs bigger n it's shit I don't want to see...I've been way underweight my whole life when it comes to the "you're this old this tall you're supposed to be this fat" 'cause that weight is like 22 lbs away or sum..I'd look like a pig!

I don't disqualify people due to their weight...within a certain range.. and I don't believe numbers say the whole story due to bone structure sooooooooo I think weight is kind of..relative so I rather look at the person themselves and if they're healthy it's good enough for me.
I simply try to keep my diet healthy and then i shit like that but I suppose my biggest help is that I've got speedy metabolism (and I hope it will stay that way ahem)[8|]

purepleasure -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/8/2009 5:10:51 AM)

not everyone has a speedy metabolism, so for your sake, i hope it stays within normal function range.

for those of us with slower metabolic rates and thyroid issues, stick with the program! you're doing good!

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/8/2009 6:39:25 AM)

Ugh, my problem is even though i was an athlete in HS and college and loved playing pickup basketball in my twenties, i HATE exercise lol mentally.  My traitorous body though LOVES it.  But i try and try to make excuses my body will listen too -- my feet hurt, my knees hurt, i'm tired, its been a hard day etc.  Which hinders my achievements.  Another one of my vices is i am so addicted to diet coke that i don't drink ANY water. 

What i see many times most people really do know what to do, they just don't choose to do it but like me make excuses and say they can't.  I admire everyone who said enough and has moved forward in their quest for good health and whatever your reason is for losing weight and getting in shape.


LaTigresse -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/8/2009 6:56:37 AM)

Angel I am very similar to you in that I HATE exercise just for the sake of exercise. I have the biggest excuse book in the world for not doing it.

One secret I have discovered in tricking myself into exercising when I do not want to. I will tell myself something like this "okay, so I don't want to do the full walk/hike......I will just go walk to ***whatever*** then back, just to get some fresh air." More often than not I end up doing the full walk/hike because once I am out there doing it, it feels wonderful. If I don't, well I end up beating myself up less because I have done something instead of nothing. AND, more and more I find that I end up doing even more.

I think the biggest struggle is to not only get rid of the excuses but also the guilt. It makes it all a bit more enjoyable.

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