RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (Full Version)

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barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 4:02:21 PM)

kali, most people especially overweight people don't know when they are hungry and when they are not.  Their whole perception is off because they don't listen to their hunger or they mistake hunger for something else or they mistake something else (thirst, boredom, stress etc) for hunger.

What you need to do is learn to listen to your body again.  Portion sizes are pretty well known, do some research and then when you eat, eat the appropriate portion -- but also LISTEN to what your body is telling you.  After the portion, give yourself some time and see if you can feel the -- you are no longer hungry -- thing. 

Right now, i would start moderation as being the appropriate portion for a serving.  Its easier said than done i know, i suck at doing this but tend to eat until i am so full i am stuffed and feel horrible, especially if its something i like.  I have the the worlds gonna end and this is my last meal syndrome.  I also have bad habit of ordering 20 dollars of food for me and then only eating one or three things.  I have to actively tell myself no, only get this much cause i waste SOOO much money on food.  But i also OVEReat because of this.  I try and eat all i have and you know what, most times i don't even taste it. 

But perhaps you do need to check out support groups for ana, or see a nutritionist who specializes in helping anas.  They will be able to help you figure out what is appropriate moderation and portions.


impishlilhellcat -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 4:20:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: devilishpixie


ORIGINAL: impishlilhellcat


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

Here's part of what frustrates me.... I  know it's all about moderation..... However as a person who has a history of  anorexia ( fuck...did I just really type it out loud there??!![>:] ) I am always so overwhelmed when I eat anything that I'm not sure what true  moderation is. Does that make sense...
For example what I ate today I seriously feel like what I ate was enough for five people.....I'm sure most of you would disagree... I know He is not happy with it...
How do you learn to be okay with eating again when you've restricted yourself for so long? Has anyone ever gone from this side of the extreme pendulum?

I have the opposite. I just eat too much. It really was work for me cutting down my portions and then forcing myself to stop eating. I don't know about not eating enough, but I would keep a food diary and count calories and how much I had so I could physically see. I would force myself to stop eating and then when I did I would constantly mentally remind myself I had eaten enough. If I still felt hungry I would turn to water and just drink water to fill that need. Have you thought about more treatment as far as eating disorder goes or a help group or maybe just keeping a food journal and having your D type look at it at the end of the day and help you make adjustments?

I am strange. Some days I am a binge eater other days I don't eat anything at all. So I have started keeping track of what I eat and when.

I understand that. Is it regulated to your moods and or meds? Just a thought.

devilishpixie -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 4:30:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: impishlilhellcat


ORIGINAL: devilishpixie


ORIGINAL: impishlilhellcat


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

Here's part of what frustrates me.... I  know it's all about moderation..... However as a person who has a history of  anorexia ( fuck...did I just really type it out loud there??!![>:] ) I am always so overwhelmed when I eat anything that I'm not sure what true  moderation is. Does that make sense...
For example what I ate today I seriously feel like what I ate was enough for five people.....I'm sure most of you would disagree... I know He is not happy with it...
How do you learn to be okay with eating again when you've restricted yourself for so long? Has anyone ever gone from this side of the extreme pendulum?

I have the opposite. I just eat too much. It really was work for me cutting down my portions and then forcing myself to stop eating. I don't know about not eating enough, but I would keep a food diary and count calories and how much I had so I could physically see. I would force myself to stop eating and then when I did I would constantly mentally remind myself I had eaten enough. If I still felt hungry I would turn to water and just drink water to fill that need. Have you thought about more treatment as far as eating disorder goes or a help group or maybe just keeping a food journal and having your D type look at it at the end of the day and help you make adjustments?

I am strange. Some days I am a binge eater other days I don't eat anything at all. So I have started keeping track of what I eat and when.

I understand that. Is it regulated to your moods and or meds? Just a thought.

It is both my moods and my meds. One of my meds currently is an appetite suppresent while I binge eat when i am upset. So it is a nasty cycle. One that I am working hard to control.

purepleasure -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 4:55:06 PM)

I also use a food diary of sorts. I keep track of what I'm eating, but I also write down why I'm eating, and what my blood sugar is at the time. I also keep track of any exercise I've done during the day, even if it's walking up a flight of steps, instead of taking the elevator. I know I need to identify the pattern or cause of which eating habits have caused me to be in the shape I'm in. This also helps me identify what I can do to make improvements in my food choices, exercise choices, and to keep me on track with the long and short term goals I'm setting for myself. I swear, some days it feels like a part time job, but the effort will pay off in the end. I also write if I have the urge to binge, and will keep writing my feelings until the urge passes.

Today at my Dr. appointment, he asked how many Adipex I have left, and I told him most of them, and he asked if I'm taking them. I told him on days that I know are going to be rough, I take a whole one, if I feel like it will be a good day, I don't take any. Sometimes I'll just take a half, to keep the hunger in my mind at bay. When he asked why I take them like that, my reply was, I don't want to become dependent on them. They are a tool, and will not be a crutch for me, as ultimately, I'm the one responsible for what goes in my mouth, and I have to control that by itself, eventually. For the record, the weight loss was 13 lbs. in 3 weeks.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 4:55:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

Here's part of what frustrates me.... I  know it's all about moderation..... However as a person who has a history of  anorexia ( fuck...did I just really type it out loud there??!![>:] ) I am always so overwhelmed when I eat anything that I'm not sure what true  moderation is. Does that make sense...
For example what I ate today I seriously feel like what I ate was enough for five people.....I'm sure most of you would disagree... I know He is not happy with it...
How do you learn to be okay with eating again when you've restricted yourself for so long? Has anyone ever gone from this side of the extreme pendulum?

Kali, I went through this, and yeah, it's hard. I still don't have a clear picture of what "normal" is -- and I can't imagine eating what I see everyone else call a "meal" -- to me, it looks like a week's worth of food.

Things are a LOT better than they used to be for me. I've got a pretty sane relationship with food, now, though most people think that I'm anal-retentive about it. I guess I am, in a way, but I find that if I have a good structure and lots of good planning in place, it's easier to do what I need to do.

Getting started, though, for me, required collapsing, being hospitalized, being released, going back to ANI/MIA behaviors, having a heart attack (and the chance good luck of a doctor in the ER who knew what screwed up bloodwork like mine meant), and, once I got out of the ICU, a transfer to an inpatient ED program, so I may not be any kind of an example of how to make it work.

However... up, down, in, out, good days and bad, I've made it to nearly 50 years old... so there is hope.


devilishpixie -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 5:14:02 PM)

purepleasure, I keep an excersize log as well as my normal journal

sirsholly -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 5:37:33 PM)


the weight loss was 13 lbs. in 3 weeks.

Kalista07 -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 5:47:52 PM)

Congratulations Pure!!!!! That's awesome!!!!

Do something kind and wonderful to yourself this week as a reward for this awesome gift you've given yourself....

You deserve it.


purepleasure -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 5:55:05 PM)

My treat to myself when the full 38 lbs. are off is a spa day. In the meantime I'm thrilled!

Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:06:57 PM)

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:12:05 PM)

Level -- Could  you give us some idea of why you chose to post those links specifically?  I mean its not hard to find information on the net, so to me when someone posts links it helps to know why they feel they are resources to be considered instead of just one of 100000000 of sites on the web.  Is there something specific we should be looking for with regard to the discussions or are they just sites in general you like because it just seems the links i click go to the first page of each site.

Thanks.  I love sites and information, but i would really hate if this thread became simply people posting random links to sites with no explanation but just links, instead of discussions with sites that perhap support, my own personal opinion and preference of course. 


Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:40:05 PM)

Yes, I like them in general, and there is a wealth of health information to be gleaned from them. They look at health and nutrition from carbohydrate-restricted viewpoints, to one degree or another, is another thing that binds them together. They not only tell you what to do, but why, and from a scientific vantage point, without being beholden to Big Pharma, and Big Medicine, and Big Business.

I posted the same list on the diabetes thread, as there is no better way to reverse that condition that with the control of carbohydrates.

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:40:08 PM)

Holly Said: 

a suggestion...give yourself permission to have all the diet coke you want, but make a promise that before you pop a top you will drink a 12oz glass of water. It might make a huge difference.

Devilishpixie said

I recently found out that I was seriously addicted to soda and had to be taken off while my doctor monitored me. I tried going told turkey and got horrible migrains and mood changes. It took about 3 wks but now I am down to 2 a day vs. 24 every 2 days. My doctor had me water down my tea, coffee, and soda.

I suck really I have done it all.  Holly that is a most excellent idea IF i actually did it and followed through.  But i don't.  When i go cold turkey i also get the headaches, nausea, and the shakes.  My friend said its like watchin someone going through detox lol. Which is why i call myself an addict.  Hell, if i have to be addicted to something why the hell couldn't it have been a drug that kept me thin or why couldn't it be endorphine rush of exercising (this is not to make light of people real addictions to drugs).  I have stopped and started this addiction time and again.  I have promised myself, i have threatened myself, i have begged myself to substitute water in place of the coke but despite all my good intentions i don't do it.    I have done it before though, usually cold turkey one time for almost a year.  I was drinking 150 oz of water a day (it was really amusing lol all the little tricks i used to get it down lol).  I was doing well on atkins, exercising an hour a day both cardio and weight training and lost the 60 lbs i needed too in 2.5 months.  So i know i can easily do it and more so my body loves it.  Then i fell off the wagon and the coke started again and it went to hell in a hand basket and the weight started coming back and here i am today.

I AM making excuses, i know i am.  Maybe this will sound horrible to some and maybe others will understand -- i just can't seem to stop the cycle of making the decision and then making the excuses why there is always tomorrow,  i have an almost genius IQ and i can't seem to HOLD onto a decision i make regarding this.  Its frustrating as all hell, embarrasing and shameful.  If i want something and i control it and make the decision then why not just DO IT.  My only answer to that is --- right now, i don't know.

Some days i wish i was ignorant of HOW to do it because at least then i would have a real reason NOT to start doing it.

I love atkins but am switching over to SB simply for a new perspective that may jump start my focus and motivation.


barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:42:01 PM)


look at health and nutrition from carbohydrate-restricted viewpoints

Cool thanks for the idea of what they are, i wanted to look through them more indepth but with a headache from hell it makes me nausous, i need to stay away from sites with boat loads of info lol because i will want to read it lol and i can't.  I am very into carb restricted, it works for me and my body LOVES it, so i appreciate sites focused on same.


Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:44:00 PM)

Hopefully you and others will get some good info from them, angel.

ghitaPVH -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 6:47:28 PM)

angel, no....i'm not a personal trainer...Im actually a babysitter! gym offers babysitting services in the morning and I run that, but I also spend some time working behind the counter and cleaning....hopefully soon Ill be getting more counter hours...

I would like to get my personal trainers certificate...but not until I finish getting myself into better shape first..Im the same as you, I cant see training someone to do something I havent mastered myself, first.

As to biggest problem is REMEMBERING to eat. Ill go all day on maybe 200 calories and then get to 10pm and realize I never sat down to eat and be so starving I dot take the time to make the best choices. And if I dont eat, I cant lose weight. Im actually eating MORE now than before I starting trying to lose the weight...and I lost 8 pounds last month. I dont always lose steadily in the numbers because I do alot of weight lifting and so Im also gaining muscle mass, but Ive gone from a size 16 to a size 10 in the past 2 years.

Most over weight people (myself included) dont eat at the right TIMES more than they actually eat the wrong THING. If you dont train yourself to eat small meals throughout the day, your body starts to horde things you want it to be getting rid of. The other big factor is getting enough water...I have to force myself to keep a food journal, and to pre plan my meals for the day so they are ready to grab when my timer goes off. Its hard but its definitely working.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 7:17:50 PM)


I AM making excuses, i know i am. Maybe this will sound horrible to some and maybe others will understand -- i just can't seem to stop the cycle of making the decision and then making the excuses why there is always tomorrow, i have an almost genius IQ and i can't seem to HOLD onto a decision i make regarding this. Its frustrating as all hell, embarrasing and shameful. If i want something and i control it and make the decision then why not just DO IT. My only answer to that is --- right now, i don't know.

Barely, I completely understand. I've spent more than half my life in this pattern... and to be honest, though I'm making good progress at the moment, there's never any guarantee that I won't slip back into old patterns tomorrow.

Right now, I'm riding a high. I got the flu, and that triggered a relapse of my immune disorder, which set off a major exacerbation. -THAT- required me putting my workouts on hold, since high levels of activity aggravate the renal and cardiovascular complications of my immune disorder... so, today my Dr. said "Ok, I think you're ready whenever you want to go back to light exercise... maybe swimming or 15 minutes of gentle cycling... no sweating too much, and keep your heart rate at 120 or below, peak rate." When the nurse came in to schedule me with the physical therapist, she asked if I wanted to be scheduled today -- now my HEAD said "oh, no... no way... I'll meet with my PT tomorrow... that's soon enough"... but my mouth.... my big ol' mouth that opens its trap before it thinks... said "Yeah, this afternoon sounds good." I went, my PT worked me in the pool... and it felt GOOD! I felt good for a long time after, though, too. Of course... tomorrow, I have to get my arse up and get to my trainer on my -own- steam, with my little card with my restrictions, so I can get another training program put together... and then, I have to go every day for the next six months and not slip backwards, despite the immune modulators, the prednisolone, the alpha-blockers... you get the picture.

Honey, this is -just- like addiction. Every day is a new day, and every day we have to choose... but I think I figured out just recently that just because I had a bad day, or a bad week, or a bad year doesn't mean that today has to be another one in the chain -- and just because I've had six months of successes doesn't mean that I can't get careless and watch it slip away just by giving up because I missed a workout, or binged and purged, or binged and -didn't- purge...

You're not alone, but don't give up on yourself, either. When you're ready, you'll do what you -need- to do, not because you feel you -have- to, but because you want to. I've also decided that, at least for me, it pays to be AROC (anal-retentive-obsessive-compulsive). The patterns, plans, lists, menus, and schedules -help-, and without them, I feel like I'm spun from all sides trying to figure out what I want, need, should or shouldn't do, and my own chaos and rebellion that strikes out at myself as often as it strikes out at anyone else. The tools give me a chance to set my own direction, control my choices, and defend my decisions against the million and one temptations that pop up in daily life.

Dame Calla

purepleasure -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/9/2009 9:28:01 PM)

angel, my motivator is if I don't get with the program, I will start losing my toes, and eventually my eyesight. And that's not an IF it's a when.

Do you have any idea of how stupid my feet will look in sandals if I have no toes? And for folks that may have already progressed that far, I do apologize if that sounded insensitive.

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/10/2009 5:17:47 AM)


I've also decided that, at least for me, it pays to be AROC (anal-retentive-obsessive-compulsive). The patterns, plans, lists, menus, and schedules -help-, and without them, I feel like I'm spun from all sides trying to figure out what I want, need, should or shouldn't do, and my own chaos and rebellion that strikes out at myself as often as it strikes out at anyone else. The tools give me a chance to set my own direction, control my choices, and defend my decisions against the million and one temptations that pop up in daily life.

Hi Calla, please call me angel or barelynangel thanks.   Every thing you said was pretty much spot on.  YES it is an addiction outside my diet coke issue -- its decisions every minute of the day.    I am rejoining the Y now that my golds gym contract is FINALLY over.  So i will once again have a pool.   AND i just found out the one downtown by my work has a cardio theater which is why i always signed up for Golds.  The issue i have is i never really feel GOOD after exercising i don't think i get that endorphin thingy lol.   I don't feel bad either so i guess that's something.    I have to say YES to AROC, that is when i get success.  I have to have complete focus and that is when in the past i have had success.  When i did Atkins the first time around and lost all the weight in 2.5 months, it was because it was new and i was constantly reading the book, note taking, outlining etc lol flash back to studying in college lol  I was literally obsessed with applying it all.  I was off coke, exercising an hour a day and eating correctly almost obsessively, grins my tricks for drinking water and getting it all in amused me enough to maintain it -- and even after i lost the weight and was back in pretty good semblance of shape i continued for about a year and then one day, i was so stressed about something and i bought a can of diet coke and drink it and that collapsed the whole thing.  I continued with the coke and eventually gained weight again.  BLAH!

I haven't given up per se` i am just trying to understand myself because its like i am two different people, one watching the other saying that's not the decision you should make and the other person saying oh well.   lol.  I am glad others understand the struggle when it seems on the outside looking in it should be such.

Purepleasure, thankfully, i don't have that motivation.  I will say this though that i have never feared for my health by being overweight but after reading people on here's issues, the concept is terrifying.   I am glad though that you take your motivation seriously, many people even though they have been told what could happen many times believe oh that can't happen to ME.  So good job in taking it seriously.

Thanks for the pep talks and insight and suggestions everyone, talking it out helps!  Thanks for the time.


sunshinemiss -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/10/2009 5:49:18 AM)

Morning folks,

I've not been on this thread before, but ventured on over when I saw Kia started it (she's da bomb).

So, I've often talked about my thyroid condition.  Even though I take meds which stabilize me emotionally, they don't seem to do as well for the physical aspects.  So I exercise.  Not every day, but most days.  And I exercise hard.  I eat really healthy (except when I don't).  The healthy is easier when I exercise.  They are seriously linked.  Do I REALLY want to work out another 30 minutes on the EFX to pay for ONE lousy cookie that I don't even really LOVE?  Heck no.  I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be thin because of my thyroid, but by golly I'm going to still be healthy.

I believe I'd better get back to the gym and sign up for spinning again - love / hate spinning.  Hate the first few days, love it after that.  Hardest workout I ever did.

And I wanted to add this - particularly based on Ghita's comment.

It is deeply intimidating to enter a gym, see a trainer, etc. when one is overweight.  The yoga instructor at my gym is overweight, and her class is filled with women who really need to feel comfortable at the gym.  The ladies love coming to the class because they don't feel like such a freak.  I feel like, "Hooray! one of us is healthy and proud!"   Because they are comfy and are encouraged for an hour to honor their body and what it can do, they tend to stay and do a little cardio after.  It is wonderful to see because they have (and I have) an inspiration in the front of the classroom.

Thanks for starting this thread Kia.


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