RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (Full Version)

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sirsholly -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 10:16:34 AM)


this is the 4th night I've either not slept, slept ittle or couldn't stay asleep and my adhd and manic depressive episodes is off the charts. My OCD is very irritated and active too.
you have 5 major issues. Insomnia, ADHD, OCD, Bi-Polar Disease and an abusive relationship.

Get to a doctor now. Start with your primary and then with mental health. It sounds like you are manic, which can be the reason for the insomnia. You need medical help and you need it now.

And listen Sweetie, if you grabbed the wheel while i was driving, there is a pretty good chance i would have slapped you too. But the smackdown that followed was more than the reaction of a startled driver. This, plus your previous posts, speak of an unhealthy relationship.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 10:33:04 AM)

Holly I'd fully accept you hitting my hands for grabbing the wheel, because I was wrong, that's a huge no no and we were fighting and this idiot that almost collided with us because he wouldn't go then daddy started out into the road, and the other guy decided oh you're gonna go let me stomp on the gas, pissed me off, I am just tired of the pattern.

We are very very unhealthy both of us inside and out and in the relationship, and we're much much better, than before, there was a time I thought I'd run away from him while he was at work, since we lived in petaluma, and I was visiting for a month, and we got in a fight and he flew off the handle verbally and was being so unrational for a moment I was like fuck no.

But we're not healthy even though we're better and we'r e both trying to work on it and he'd be willing to get therapy and meds and go to a walk in dr himself since he don'th ave med insurance for a dr, and lets his med needs go un addressed.


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


this is the 4th night I've either not slept, slept ittle or couldn't stay asleep and my adhd and manic depressive episodes is off the charts. My OCD is very irritated and active too.
you have 5 major issues. Insomnia, ADHD, OCD, Bi-Polar Disease and an abusive relationship.

Get to a doctor now. Start with your primary and then with mental health. It sounds like you are manic, which can be the reason for the insomnia. You need medical help and you need it now.

And listen Sweetie, if you grabbed the wheel while i was driving, there is a pretty good chance i would have slapped you too. But the smackdown that followed was more than the reaction of a startled driver. This, plus your previous posts, speak of an unhealthy relationship.

sirsholly -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 10:40:42 AM)

forget him and his issues for the moment. Your issue needs to be you.

angelikaJ -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 10:48:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

But we're not healthy even though we're better and we'r e both trying to work on it and he'd be willing to get therapy and meds and go to a walk in dr himself since he don'th ave med insurance for a dr, and lets his med needs go un addressed. 

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:07:29 AM)

I'm on the phone and I have a dr appointment to see about my body health and I told the advice nurse we're approaching domestiv violence levels of anger, an he has hit me, and she said maybe dr Tan, my dr can get me into therapy for domestiv violence.

LaTigresse -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:09:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

I'm on the phone and I have a dr appointment to see about my body health and I told the advice nurse we're approaching domestiv violence levels of anger, an he has hit me, and she said maybe dr Tan, my dr can get me into therapy for domestiv violence.

Good job! Keep moving forward.

LadyNTrainer -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:15:49 AM)

Fast reply - this is ringing some medical bells.  What are you currently eating?  

mnottertail -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:19:18 AM)

if you go see where she posted about her freezer top off, it is all junk, ice cream and whatnot, so thirst, anger, and some of the others..diabetes? Is that where we going here?

LaTigresse -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:21:56 AM)

Which is one of the reasons I suggested a trip to an MD. Too many things going on there. Too many possible underlying problems.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:25:30 AM)

The advice nurse said they'd have to put it in my file I consider myself  a paerson whos had violence against them and I don't want him in trouble or jail, because I dont consider it abuse, not yet, I just want counsoling and I want to get mentally healthy.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:26:47 AM)

Well no it's not all junk my dad and my mom house food in there too, so their nice quality meat and veggies and frozen fruits an stuff are in there too, but my haf is just junk yup.

And I AM prediabetic I've said so here, and we're trying to manage it but it's not going so well.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

if you go see where she posted about her freezer top off, it is all junk, ice cream and whatnot, so thirst, anger, and some of the others..diabetes? Is that where we going here?

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:27:49 AM)

Nothing much I frequently go all day every day on one tiny crappy meal a day because I don't cook and we can't afford a lot of food items, and what we do get is microwavable tv dinners, and I want to cook and I am slowly gathering cooking supplies, just right now we're not cooking.


ORIGINAL: LadyNTrainer

Fast reply - this is ringing some medical bells.  What are you currently eating?  

purepleasure -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:31:21 AM)

there's a strong possibility that you're no longer pre-diabetic, and have now progressed into full blown diabetes.  When is your appt.?

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:38:26 AM)

today 1:50. I got tested less than 2 weeks ago an it's still pre but it could of moved so quickly.

ORIGINAL: purepleasure

there's a strong possibility that you're no longer pre-diabetic, and have now progressed into full blown diabetes.  When is your appt.?

purepleasure -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:53:40 AM)

I hope your appt. goes well.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:59:30 AM)

Thank you, I am terrified she's gonna try to have him arrested, because it's the last thing we wanted an he's afraid too. But if i don't tell them just how bizare and out of hand things got they won't get me the services I need.

purepleasure -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 12:09:43 PM)

They might be able to help him as well, before your situation has involvement from police or other official participants.

I hope you will be completely open and honest with the person you have the appt. with.  It's important that they know exactly what is going on with you, so that the appropriate resources can be made available.

sirsholly -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 12:14:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

Thank you, I am terrified she's gonna try to have him arrested, because it's the last thing we wanted an he's afraid too. But if i don't tell them just how bizare and out of hand things got they won't get me the services I need.
relax. She won't. What you say to her is said in doctor/patient confidence.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 12:25:53 PM)

Yup I'll be honest I am afraid to be but I know that if I don't tell her just how messed up we / I am, that she'll just pat me on the hand and tell me to try harder to loose weight it was good to see you, maybe you can find a private therapist, and not even address the  seriousness of it.

ORIGINAL: purepleasure

They might be able to help him as well, before your situation has involvement from police or other official participants.

I hope you will be completely open and honest with the person you have the appt. with.  It's important that they know exactly what is going on with you, so that the appropriate resources can be made available.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 12:29:41 PM)

That's what I want to head off, it could very well come to it that one of us both of us or other innocent people have been hurt by our bullshit, and I'd never forget or forgive myself if arguing in the car we mowed down someone or got so hurt you had to go to the ER.

ORIGINAL: purepleasure

They might be able to help him as well, before your situation has involvement from police or other official participants.

I hope you will be completely open and honest with the person you have the appt. with.  It's important that they know exactly what is going on with you, so that the appropriate resources can be made available.

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