RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (Full Version)

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zephyroftheNorth -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 6:38:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

kiwi, you know I go to and look at recipees but it seriously seems to me some of the diabetic ones go in for a pound on the salt cause one recipe while low carb and low sugar was astronomical about the salt levels.

So you gotta pay attention even if the recipe says diabetic.

So reduce the amount of salt in it. There is nothing that says you must put all - or any - salt in it.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 9:13:39 PM)


Lashra -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:09:13 PM)

Thirst like that can mean diabetes and if thats the case it can contribute to mood swings as your glucose goes up and down. So see a medical doctor firstly then a psychiatrist because it sounds like there are multiple issues here. Also your "daddy" may want to see someone about that temper before he seriously hurts you, or you both end up seriously hurting each other.


CalifChick -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/29/2009 11:31:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

Medi-Cal has stopped paying for psychological services. 

There is a limited parity law that covers the treatment of her bi-polar disorder.

Medicare will only pay 50% of the Medicare pre-approved amount.

Medicare pays 80% of the evaluation (generally the first visit) and then 50% of the therapy (all of the followup visits).   

If she had just Medi-Cal, she could not receive services from a psychologist, but she could receive services from other providers.  Most of the mental health services have been carved out to the individual counties for a long time.  Some of those counties contracted with independent psychologists to provide services, and some provide services strictly thru the "County Mental Health Program".  Yes, I know it's convoluted, it's the government after all.  But being that she has both Medicare AND Medi-Cal, it's a different ballgame.  The Medi-Cal fee schedule is set at or below 50% of the Medicare fee schedule, which means that any provider who accepts Medicare and Medi-Cal has agreed to accept the amount that Medicare pays as payment in full (since Medi-Cal denotes the rest as contractual adjustment). 

And OP, Federal law prevents you from seeing "anyone you want" as long as you have Medicare.  It's part of the rules of having Medicare... you have to see Medicare providers.  The federal government is protecting you from yourself.


elleX -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/30/2009 9:28:44 AM)

 You need medical and professional help. period
so go for it
good luck

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/30/2009 9:33:34 AM)

The dr was a huge waste of time, well not completely she x rayed my back, and I won't know the results for like a few days yet, and I am back on anti inflamatories and she gave me motrin 800 for pain.  However she wouldn't even address my other complaints like scalp itching, and nose clogged, and  she was mad at me for telling her I am reaching levels of domestic violence and then not wanting to press charges, she said if I didn't want the cops called on him and potentially taken to jail I shouldn't of told her, because she has to report it.


You need medical and professional help. period
so go for it
good luck

elleX -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/30/2009 8:54:48 PM)

Hey sweetie , got to be careful of what you say and who you talk to,, those people have professional responsability too ! wink
take care

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/30/2009 9:32:49 PM)

Yup you do.


Hey sweetie , got to be careful of what you say and who you talk to,, those people have professional responsability too ! wink
take care

impishlilhellcat -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/30/2009 9:40:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

And I am deadly serious so please no rude or mocking replies. I know I come off as an idiot sometimes, or just an attention whore, so people like targeting me, but this time don't ok.

this is the 4th night I've either not slept, slept ittle or couldn't stay asleep and my adhd and manic depressive episodes is off the charts.  My OCD is very irritated and active too.

It's also fucking cold in here, since it's a garage and not insulated and daddy keeps forgetting to bring in the radiator, so I am often awake at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 am, fully dressed huddled in my jacket freezing cold, and my feet are permenant blocks of ice even with socks since I have no slippers, and the pair I want need to be ordered online, and they were supposed to be birthday presents well over a month away, but I just can't wait.  He's been a very good sport, but I keep him awake many of these nights, and we really need separate bedrooms but we're a 1 room garage, there is no other room, sept out in the other room, on the floor on an air matress, but I'd still be cold and lonely and upset out there too, but I wouldn't have internet to come onto and pour myself into.

I've also got some medical shit going on, one of my nostrils is completely blocked most the time has been for about 6 months and my throat always feels clogged and I'm always thirsty and can't ever get enough to drink.  I'm constantly stiff and in pain from head to toe and this has been going on for about 6 months now, and I am hoping it's just that I need a very good massage and rub down. I keep getting these severe itchy bumps all over my scalp and they ITCH LIKE MAD AND HURT! and nobody can tell me why, and god I know I sound like a hypochondriac right now but I am seriously not doing good mentally emotionally or physically.

I've also been very fragile last couple days nerve wise with Daddy, and nerve wise my nerves are right under the surface or easily exposed, but this is super exposed.  I normally do not consider him and I getting into fisticuffs domestic violence and in the past have forgiven it since I do attack him back, but I am getting fed up.

He hit my hand today for attempting to honk the horn at a guy that almost head on collided with us, and I hit him back because it hurt really bad, he hit me harder than he meant to, and he hit the thinnest part of the back of my hand and right between a tendon too,  and started crying and told him if he did it again I'd consider it domestic violence, since he has a history of flying off the handle and hitting me, but he never means to hurt me, It's supposed to be light disciplinary smacks like you'd give a child but, he's strong and he doesn't know the full force of his hand smack till I am howling and enraged.  When I am enraged I am a pycho, I WILL hurt you, I am a danger to myself and to him.  It's an automatic rip you to shreds before you can kill me response.

Course when he hits me like that it don't take much to enrage me and I have full out attacked him very violently before, and normally he's very passive and will let me full out assault him with little attempt to fight back but last time he fought back and it got extremely ugly.

He knows that hitting me like this will send me into a tail spin or a fighting rage but it's instinctive he doesn't even think about it till it's over, and I've laid down the law tonight that he needs to stop, and I am dead serious, but he'll forget and whap me again if I'm doing something stupid, like trying to honk the horn at an idiot who almost collided head on with us.

You can voluntarily check yourself into a mental institution.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: I think I may need pychiatric care.. (10/30/2009 11:19:10 PM)

yes, there is that too.


ORIGINAL: impishlilhellcat

You can voluntarily check yourself into a mental institution.

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