RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (Full Version)

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Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:05:59 AM)

zeph , yes I was fine in the fact I wasn't hearing things or seeing things or nauseous or sick or cycling like a manic idiot. The pills started all that. The blue hand out says  side affects Dizzyness, fatigue,  nausea, constipation, nervousness difficulty sleeping, 

That's all what was happening to me, so I had anger management issues and I needed therapy but I wasn't so sick psychically as these meds made me.  WE're working on our issues, I'm not blaming those on the meds but I am blaming becoming very sick with  side affects on them.

You can not deny and  ok well you can try if you want, that those side affects were causes of the meds. and there for I was fine medically in my body before the meds , and the side affects the meds come with made me sick to my body.

If you want to deny that, that's fine but my dr agrees with me that I was fine side affect wise before going on these meds.


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth

Please don't take this as an attack but no you weren't fine before you went on the psych meds, far from it.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:12:54 AM)

Sorry Topping, what I meant is that you certainly had a lot of issues with your health, both mental (anger management) and physical long before this.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:13:32 AM)

estah, yeah, I know the signs, and I tell people , and maybe because it's my bf, but I don't loose control on strangers, mostly because they don't do stupid shit to me, and also because I stay home a lot and have no real outside interaction.  you also kind of forget about not loosing your cool since they're so close to the surface, and you forget sometimes you have to be rational even with them.

I think we'll be better once we can get into therapy, I have intensive out patient, and I can always ask him to leave now if he's being a doofus and following me after I told him I am walking away.




You are not the only person who deals with anger management problems, I have the same issue. I had to learn the signs of when I was lossing control and how to deal with it. With those who know me, they have learnt some of the signs, but with my children I have a sentence I use. Now most of the time they leave me in peace and play quietly together, but they are children and do not always leave. It is not their responsibility it is mine. There is also strangers who do not know I have this problem, so if I lose control the only person responsable is myself. I know when I am lossing control and remove myself from the situation before it esculates. This has resulting in me having people pull a car over at the safest possible place and walking home or finding an alternative method, I have walked out of a session with my then Owner, he was angry when I came back but we discussed it and he was understanding. Noone is responsible for your actions but you. You know you have this problem, it is up to you to learn the signs of when you are lossing control and to remove yourself before it is too late. The law is not going to see your partner/friend/etc as being responsible for pushing you too far, they will see a legal adult who has no control of herself.

If the relationship is bad for you, then take a break. Take the time you need to learn the signs that you can use to identify your loss of control. Take time for you. Noone, noone but yourself can do this. I never attended anger management courses or had help learning this, I think it is great you are getting support because it sure is a hard thing to do alone. Again, you want to make changes, then decide to do them, but like other things they do not happen over night and are not easy.


zephyroftheNorth -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:17:12 AM)


The hell it is. You have NO RIGHT to dictate what another person is to do. Who do you think you are? You are correct that when you are having a childish tantrum it is best to separate, but you cannot order him to leave. If you do not want him near you, then i suggest you leave.

Yes it's true she needs to accept accountability for her temper, but James shares the blame. Teasing someone who is already angry by hitting them with a headband (to give an example) is perhaps not the wisest thing to do. That's why I said they need to be apart, at least until these issues are dealt with and perhaps forever.

angelikaJ -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:24:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: wandersalone


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

IT IS ABSOLUTELY A OK TO PLACE BOUNDRIES ON SOMEONE WHO IS TRIGGERING YOU,  and when they don't listen to your boundries for your own safty, then yeah it's their fault what they get.

um actually sorry to break this to you but this isn't how it works.  You can only control yourself, you cannot force someone else to do things to make you happy or safe.  He obviously doesn't seem to understand how important it is that he stay away when you are in these moods as time and time and time again you have come here telling us how he did something which then made you hit him.

If your post had been written by a guy and he said that bis girlfriend threw an armband or hairband at him and he punched her just imagine the outcry.  Personally I think it sucks that there isn't the same amount of disgust generated by a female hitting a man non-consensually, both are just as abhorrent to me.

If you need to be admitted for longer do so, yes it is scary however you seem increasingly fragile psychologically speaking though I am only going by your posts.  You seem to not be getting the support you need from your family and partner and you need to have some stability in your life.

We are not a substitute for treatment and real life support.  Coming here and sharing your insights and the goals you are achieving is great however at the end of the day most of us turn off our computers at some stage and interact with our friends and families and get the support and help we need from them.

I know this is harsh and I truly am sorry that it may be hurtful to read however like many here I am worried about you and know that we on CM cannot help you.  Your daddy can't help you.  Your family can't help you.  Only you can help you.

It may be fair to ask him to respect your boundaries and in an ideal world everyone would respect one another's boundaries but it is not fair to blame him.
You have a mental illness and because of your PTSD you do not handle certain stressors well.
You and James are in a pattern that is very unhealthy for both of you.
You state that his actions make you afraid and basically you present us with the scenario of 'if only he hadn't done this or that everything would be fine'.
In your mind that is absolutely true.

It is the same reasoning that battering men use.
You made me hit you.

The issue is that when certain things trigger you, you become out of control.
By your own admission at that point you can not be reasoned with.
Your thinking is not reasonable nor rational... which means that your perceptions of what is going on are likely very inaccurate.
It isn't that you aren't telling the truth... it is that because of your irrationality, you are responding to bad internal information... kind of like when an error message comes up on your computer.
Faulty input equals faulty data equals faulty conclusion.

You are missing a few important things:

1) You talk about James scaring you.
You are not thinking about the fact that you are scaring James.

2) James has his own issues that are no less valid than yours.
So to use your argument that your issues are causing you to react to him in a bad way as an excuse, would mean that his issues can cause him to react to your reactions in a bad way (which in fact they probably do) and it is ok because it is not his fault.

3) Regardless of the reason, neither of you has the right to hit the other. Not a tap, not a bump. It is not right, no matter what the circumstance, to put your hands on each other. This includes throwing things in the general direction of; even if you miss...even if you aim to miss... or tapping each other with an object.
It is not acceptable behavior.

It is physical abuse.
Either of you/both of you could be arrested.

Because of these issues, it would be in both of your best interest if you did not live together and probably not see one another for awhile.
It is not safe.
It is dangerous.
You both need to work on your own mental health issues individually.

You may love each other but right now, the mutually inappropriate behaviors indicate that it is not a healthy kind of love.

Getting into whose fault it is is a distraction from the problem.
It doesn't matter whose fault it is.
Whose fault it is or isn't doesn't change the fact that this is a bad situation for everybody.
Whose fault it is is a distraction from your individual actions.

When he pisses you off, you are still responsible for your actions and behaviors.
Since you feel you are not able to be, then you need to be apart for awhile at least.

estah -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:28:33 AM)

Zephyr, she could have removed herself from the situation. Even if that meant locking herself in another room or leaving the house all together. The only thing that I am grateful for is that there is no children. If she does that to her boyfriend, what would she do with a child who tend to come to parents when they are scared...even when the parents are angry and lashing out, the child goes to the one they trust. So from her own words touching her sets her off, a child seeking comfort could end up seriously hurt. Again thank HaShem that she has no children. Topping do yourself a favour, avoid having children until you are stabile. No child deserves to go through what my oldest went through. No child. (I did not hit him in anger, his father lashed out at me in anger and my son, only a baby then was scared and had come to me for comfort, took the blow. A fist full strength in the head. If only I had not dodged that fist, it is something I will never forget, I just hope he does.) I believe it has already been said, but I feel sorry for the dog. Topping you are not accepting responsibility for your actions. And Zephyr she alone is responsible for them. No matter what her boyfriend did, he did not remove her power to remove herself from the situation. That is the main fact that says she and she alone is responsible for her actions. He is responsible for his actions and should also consider help. Topping get yourself into help and do it fast. Stop talking of wanting to change and stop trying...start doing it. You need to really really want to make the changes because they are hard as hell and the only time you really want them is when you start to make the changes. I have been down this road myself and I have seen enough people go down it to know how it looks and feels or to have an idea.

Until you have control of yourself and are at peace with yourself you should avoid relationships, they will only end in disaster.


Daddysredhead -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:32:14 AM)


Without getting into specifics... you made some admissions to me on the phone that I will not disclose here because that would be wrong.  However, if other people are able to use their common-sense skills of discernment by reading your posts over a period of time, it's best that you don't deny them when you know that what they say is true.

Just sayin...

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:34:21 AM)

Sorry Verity, I'm not buying it; they are both responsible for this mess and both have problems and issues that need to be worked on. Egging someone on when they are already pissed off, especially when you know it only makes things worse is never a good idea.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:37:10 AM)

YES! That's exactly it, sometimes I think he did something and he didn't and later on, he says no honey I didn't  and I was like really? and he's like really, and I was like well I thought...... and hes' like yes sweet heart I know....... and then I felt really bad.

I am getting faulty information when in a panic, my brain or my reason does not know if you're friend or foe right now.

Maybe I can move back into the house or something cause going in patient isn't going to work for me, I already know it's not and him moving out isn't going to work for him either, since he cant afford to live on his own, maybe we can see if he can get work in petaluma, and go spend some time with his friend or maybe I can go to a friends house to get away from the situation for a while.

ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

You have a mental illness and because of your PTSD you do not handle certain stressors well.
You and James are in a pattern that is very unhealthy for both of you.
You state that his actions make you afraid and basically you present us with the scenario of 'if only he hadn't done this or that everything would be fine'.
In your mind that is absolutely true.

It is the same reasoning that battering men use.
You made me hit you.

The issue is that when certain things trigger you, you become out of control.
By your own admission at that point you can not be reasoned with.
Your thinking is not reasonable nor rational... which means that your perceptions of what is going on are likely very inaccurate.
It isn't that you aren't telling the truth... it is that because of your irrationality, you are responding to bad internal information... kind of like when an error message comes up on your computer.
Faulty input equals faulty data equals faulty conclusion.

You are missing a few important things:

1) You talk about James scaring you.
You are not thinking about the fact that you are scaring James.

2) James has his own issues that are no less valid than yours.
So to use your argument that your issues are causing you to react to him in a bad way as an excuse, would mean that his issues can cause him to react to your reactions in a bad way (which in fact they probably do) and it is ok because it is not his fault.

3) Regardless of the reason, neither of you has the right to hit the other. Not a tap, not a bump. It is not right, no matter what the circumstance, to put your hands on each other. This includes throwing things in the general direction of; even if you miss...even if you aim to miss... or tapping each other with an object.
It is not acceptable behavior.

It is physical abuse.
Either of you/both of you could be arrested.

Because of these issues, it would be in both of your best interest if you did not live together and probably not see one another for awhile.
It is not safe.
It is dangerous.
You both need to work on your own mental health issues individually.

You may love each other but right now, the mutually inappropriate behaviors indicate that it is not a healthy kind of love.

Getting into whose fault it is is a distraction from the problem.
It doesn't matter whose fault it is.
Whose fault it is or isn't doesn't change the fact that this is a bad situation for everybody.
Whose fault it is is a distraction from your individual actions.

When he pisses you off, you are still responsible for your actions and behaviors.
Since you feel you are not able to be, then you need to be apart for awhile at least.

barelynangel -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:50:46 AM)

So its all HIS fault she attacks him.  Yeah, i have heard that excuse in tones of DV cases, but your Honor she KNEW i was mad and she did this or that or this and i just lost complete control and violently attacked her.  My favorite was when the guy said he was working in the garage building something and she didn't like he wasn't looking at her so she went up and poked him in the shoulder -- in his anger he turned around yelled at her and the screw driver accidently went through her eye. 

Sorry i am not buying the BS of her lack of control his HIS fault and somehow HER issues somehow supercede his issues and somehow allow her to place her issues and reactions on him -- when it could be the opposite as well -- she triggers HIM to do what he does and she reacts because he also is her trigger.  I am sure people would jump all over HIS ass if he came on here saying -- well hell, she knew i was mad and she kept poking at me and so i punched her or violently attacked her.  They would jump all over his ass wth their barefeet and overhanging toenails.   Just because she doesn't have a dick doesn't mean she is incapable of being an abuser especially if she uses someone elses behavior to blame for her reaction.

TfB, if you are incapable of controlling yourself around him and you knows he somehow may trigger you violent tendencies, then you need to be an adult and get the hell out of the situation that causes you to violently attack someone because eventually it will land you behind in jail.  No more excusing YOUR behavior, make a decision and get away from your trigger.

TfB, you have some serious and very adult decisions to make.  You are an abuser.  Period.  Your reasons doesn't alleviate that.  So you need to determine if you are going to remain in a situation wherein you have abusive reactions to someone, or are you going to remove yourself from same until such time you are able to control yourself and be able to overcome your triggered reactions of violence.

I am sorry if you don't like hearing it but enough is enough, you are an abuser as much as you claim he is an abuser.  Only you are capable of rising above that.  No one else.  Make some adult and serious decisions before one of your not-your-fault reactions ends YOU up in jail or YOU are seriously hurt due to the fight that ensues, or you end up really hurting him and the blood is on your hands.   This is NOT about him at all but you.  You have ENOUGH issues in your life, make an adult, serious, and yes, TfB, we all know a hard and painful decision to take control over what you are able too, instead of allowing it to fester in this horrid cycle of misery you have got going on and a potentially dangerous one for you both.


estah -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:51:48 AM)

Zephyr, for the combined mess of the relationship they are both responsible, but for the individual actions the individual and the individual alone is responsible. Someone can only get under your skin if you let them. My children can only drive me up the wall when I let them. I am responsible for my actions and my words, just as you are responsible for your actions and words. If there is anything I have learnt from my life is that noone can make me react if I do not let them. I get angry because I lose control, not because someone did something stupid. I hit someone because I strike out at them, not because they hit me. I do not have to react in like. She stayed in the situation he did not tie her to the bed or something like that. She choices to stay with him and put herself repeatively in a situation that sees her losing control, again HER choice. Individuals are responsible for the individuals, partners are responsible for a relationship.


barelynangel -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:55:13 AM)


Maybe I can move back into the house or something cause going in patient isn't going to work for me, I already know it's not and him moving out isn't going to work for him either, since he cant afford to live on his own, maybe we can see if he can get work in petaluma, and go spend some time with his friend or maybe I can go to a friends house to get away from the situation for a while.

Tfb THIS IS AWESOME decision making.  You are making decisions to HELP not hinder the situation.    But i am goin to say one thing --- your boyfriend is how old?   YOU shouldn't be required to stay in a bad situation because he is incapable at his age of affording to live on his own.   YOU are NOT responsible for him, he is an adult.   I am not saying kick him to the streets but give him a certain amount of time to make other arrangements, while you live in the house.  This situation doesn't require you to remain in a dangerous situation because he can't afford to live on his own -- honestly, as cold as it sounds, its not your problem at this point and decision of moving apart.  He is what in his 30s?   Seriously, TfB, don't allow guilt to make you stay in a bad situation.


estah -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:55:17 AM)

Angel, perfectly said.

Topping congratulations for your decision. But angel has it correct in saying you need to focus on you now.


WinsomeDefiance -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 7:59:05 AM)

I agree with whomever stated that if many of those things had been done by a man, there would be a public outcry.
...... (edited because I decided I was to bitchy and needed to censor myself.)

thornhappy -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 9:06:01 AM)

Time and past time for Jim to leave.  He needs to be away from you.

calamitysandra -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 1:30:43 PM)

I think the time for being nice, understanding, and compassionate is more than over. So I am not going to sugarcoat it.

You need to stop making half arsed excuses, tentative plans that would fall short of the mark even if you would stick to them, and finally take action. Dump you partner, get yourself into longterm inpatient treatment, and stick it out.
If you are afraid, or feel you do not belong with the "crazies", take a long, hard look at your life, and where it is heading. Think about how your life will look in 10 years if you continue down this road.
If you are honest with yourself during this assessment, it should scare you enough to take some decisive steps.

Right now, you are a mentally and physically ill, codependent abuser, making every excuse under the sun to avoid taking responsibility.
And if you are staying with "Daddy" because you fear he is the best you can get, well then maybe you could consider that your outlook for a healthy relationship would also change if you would get yourself out of the disgusting mess that is your life right now.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 1:56:53 PM)

Great post Sandra.  Topping I hope you read this and take it for what it is....great advice.

Daddysredhead -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/8/2009 3:17:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: calamitysandra

Right now, you are a mentally and physically ill, codependent abuser, making every excuse under the sun to avoid taking responsibility.

And there you have it...

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/9/2009 8:02:10 AM)

Angel I took a mental health day to just have fun and step away yesterday and it was really  refreshing. she said if I ever need her her doors open and I am free to come lay on her couch and just sleep if I need to away from james. and that's what we did yesterday he dropped me off helped me with some food stuff an took off so I could have a peaceful day with no stress.


ORIGINAL: barelynangel


Maybe I can move back into the house or something cause going in patient isn't going to work for me, I already know it's not and him moving out isn't going to work for him either, since he cant afford to live on his own, maybe we can see if he can get work in petaluma, and go spend some time with his friend or maybe I can go to a friends house to get away from the situation for a while.

Tfb THIS IS AWESOME decision making.  You are making decisions to HELP not hinder the situation.    But i am goin to say one thing --- your boyfriend is how old?   YOU shouldn't be required to stay in a bad situation because he is incapable at his age of affording to live on his own.   YOU are NOT responsible for him, he is an adult.   I am not saying kick him to the streets but give him a certain amount of time to make other arrangements, while you live in the house.  This situation doesn't require you to remain in a dangerous situation because he can't afford to live on his own -- honestly, as cold as it sounds, its not your problem at this point and decision of moving apart.  He is what in his 30s?   Seriously, TfB, don't allow guilt to make you stay in a bad situation.


zephyroftheNorth -> RE: The dr reported my problems with DAddy and the cops were called. (11/9/2009 1:41:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddysredhead


ORIGINAL: calamitysandra

Right now, you are a mentally and physically ill, codependent abuser, making every excuse under the sun to avoid taking responsibility.

And there you have it...

In a tidy nutshell and everyone can see it except the person who needs to the most.

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