RE: Brokeback Mountain (Full Version)

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HentaiGamerKitty -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 5:39:35 PM)

I personally don't find jokes all that funny when they poke at something close to me...It's like hearing "fat jokes". I've never heard a fat joke I find amusing. I just find them offensive and the same goes for gay jokes.

Chaingang -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 5:43:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: truesub4u
OMG... can't you ADULTS stop this.. it was a damn joke.. pure and simple. Doesn't matter if it was about Gay... Black.. White .... Blonde.. Brunette.... Fat... Skinny.... man, AIDS, explosive diarrhea...

You're right! That is funny!

If you're mentally 2 years old.

truesub4u -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 5:44:12 PM)

then perhaps you need to chill some.. being a fat woman myself... i find them funny...

Taking life serious all the time will give you ulcers.

truesub4u -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 5:45:59 PM)


I've always respected your postings on here... and refuse to lose my respect for you over something I find to be so petty. If this is such a major issue with you. ... fine.. i'll back out and leave you to it. Because my respect for you is more important to me than this subject.

HentaiGamerKitty -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 5:46:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: truesub4u

then perhaps you need to chill some.. being a fat woman myself... i find them funny...

Taking life serious all the time will give you ulcers.

I'm a sensitive young woman and I get offended easily. However this is america..which means people have a right to post offensive jokes and other people have a right to gripe about how offensive they are :)

Chaingang -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 6:06:11 PM)

Respect is futile. Resistance is futile...

windy135 -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 6:16:54 PM)

I think it's great we can discuss even the subject of jokes and humor on the site.. that's what boards are about :) Not everyone is going to have the feelings about everything and I like hearing both sides.. christ I sound like nutting mr. rodgers... (lets hold hands everyone)

SirKenin -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 7:48:50 PM)

You know what? There are a few of you in here that really need to get a life.

"He can say what he wants, and if you do not like you can go **** yourself"

What a completely idiotic thing to say. So.. He has the right to say what he wants and be damn right abusive by falsely lableling people, and noone else has the right to say anything in return.

I do not think I need to tell you who can go **** themselves.

The rest of you. It is a joke. If you do not appreciate the humor, go find another thread to get offended in. I hate to break this to you, but nobody gives a damn if you happen to find the joke offensive or just plain not funny... So you might want to save your typing for something a little bit more productive.

Geez, some people really need to get over themselves.

AquarianMale53 -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 8:50:19 PM)

For all those that whined and cried about this joke. That was all it was meant to be. And since some have decide4d to turn it into their own political forum I sent the following to support to have it removed for the un-American element (those who don't believe people can tell and joke and not have it turned into a political statement).

I posted that joke Brokeback Mountain in the Humor section. I surely didn't realize it would cause so much BS. It was meant as a joke and that's all. Instead of giving people a forum to just have a laugh at the joke it has turned into a name calling forum. Please remove the joke and shut down that thread. I will no longer post jokes of any kind to that forum again.

I spent 20 years in the Army and most of it overseas so I wasn't here during the whole politicaly correct era. I only posted the joke because I thought others might get a chuckles out of it also. Freedom to even tell a joke is dead in this country. Just please respect my wishes and remove the damn joke...

Thank you,


Gauge -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 9:30:59 PM)

You have absolutely no reason to be sorry for posting this joke.

As far as I am concerned I laughed at it. If that makes me an insensitive cretin well then so be it. Most humor, in fact a good majority of it singles out a certain group and uses general statements and stereotypes to make it funny. I am Irish and German. I have heard plenty of Irish jokes and German jokes that have absolutely brought me to tears with laughter. With using some peoples' criteria, I should be incensed with those that single out my nationality.

Man has the innate ability to laugh at himself through some of the most horrific things. I visited the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. In the gift shop there, they were selling a book of jokes and cartoons that people in the extermination camps wrote. What is funny about that? Nothing... unless you realize that those people used their sense of humor to survive.

The TV show M*A*S*H is about the Korean war and I still laugh at it no matter how many times I have seen it. Nothing is funny about war. People use humor to survive in some situations. Sometimes it is the only thin thread that is keeping them sane.

I could go on and on and on about different unfunny things that have been satirized and turned into something that we can laugh at. The horror of AIDS isn't funny. Homosexual bashing isn't funny. But in order for some people to cope with the horror, humor is imperative to them. It is all a matter of perspective really. If you want to sift through any joke and only read what you want merely to take offense at it then I would say that you are missing the point.

There was a joke on these boards recently that I didn't think was funny in the least. In fact, if kind of upset me that it was posted because it was a bit cold hearted. I could see how people might think it was funny. I didn't care for it, but I didn't blast the person that posted it. I kept it to myself and it bothered me for about two minutes and then I got on with my life.

If people can't laugh at themselves then we are truly in severe trouble because we will have lost one of the last vestiges of our basic human nature. [&o]

windy135 -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 10:08:06 PM)

I agree that the post shouldn't be removed.

SirKenin -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/10/2006 10:23:21 PM)

Me too. Keep the joke.

1) If these people have the right to bitch, whine, complain and generally act like children, cursing and swearing all the while, then you have the right to post that joke.

2) Political correction is idiotic to say the absolute least and people should not even pay it lip service. Do not wear your heart on your sleeve and if you are going to cry in your beer every time somebody calls you an idiot or makes fun of something you do not like, the internet is not the place for you. Might I suggest the children's library.

These people that have to call people erroneous labels, put down the people that find it funny and/or look like a fool for mouthing off people that either enjoyed the joke or called out the abusive poster just need to get laid or do something else to get over themselves.

I can not believe all this arose out of one silly joke. The world really does not revolve arond these people and one can only hope that one day they will actually figure it out.

I am out.

edit: bad spelling

SirKenin -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 12:06:26 AM)



Well if it had been funny maybe I would have laughed.

What I do find funny is the idiotic personal attacks that have commenced over one person standing up and speaking his mind. I say good for him and keep standing up buddy. If people don't like it they can go fuck themselves.

To those of you with your mindless childish banter attacking this fella, you may control your sub/slave but contrary to what you believe you don't control the rest of us. We can say what we want unless the Mods step in and say otherwise.

As far as having a sense of humor I have a great one, when the jokes funny.


BTW, to address this post directly. All this is is your attempt to vent. Straightening out somebody's abusive vitriole is not mindless, childish banter. It is called communication and if you can not handle that you are in the wrong neck of the woods My dear.

If you do not like people standing up for themselves against mindless venting and personal attacks with misdirected labels, then it is you who can go **** yourself. Since when do you and him have the right to speak, but demand that the opposition remain silent. Umm.. **** you. Right back at you.

You can say what you want unless the mods stop in. Why yes, you are right. Funny thing is this. So can we and you have nothing to say about it. So who, I ask, is making up the mindless, childish banter now, just because they need to get something out of their system?

Oh, and this is not about control. With your poor attitude I would not take you for a sub if you were the last sub on earth. This is about US exercising our rights given to us by to post our jokes and speak our minds.

Like you yourself said... If you do not like it you can go **** yourself.

Have a nice day. And wake up on the right side of the bed in the morning.

Now I am definitely out. I just had to get that out of My system. Thank you for letting Me exercise My right.

ray64 -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 1:27:39 AM)

Political Correctness Aka french liberalism has made saying anything a crime anymore. Joseph Stalin couldn't tell people how to think THough he murdered 1,750,000 trying. If YOur skin is so thin try a wet suit or maybee some hobbies. It was a joke. YOU either thought it was funny or not. We are not all alike (if we were man would still be living in caves BORED TO DEATH!). So if YOU didn't like it fine if YOU did Good! laughter is good every now and then. Some people Act like they should have mommy change their Diapers! Get over it, enjoy life, its to short to be taking offense to every little thing. Have a good day everyone.

truesub4u -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 9:03:00 AM)



Political Correctness Aka french liberalism has made saying anything a crime anymore. Joseph Stalin couldn't tell people how to think THough he murdered 1,750,000 trying. If YOur skin is so thin try a wet suit or maybee some hobbies. It was a joke. YOU either thought it was funny or not. We are not all alike (if we were man would still be living in caves BORED TO DEATH!). So if YOU didn't like it fine if YOU did Good! laughter is good every now and then. Some people Act like they should have mommy change their Diapers! Get over it, enjoy life, its to short to be taking offense to every little thing. Have a good day everyone.

LOL Ray64...

I hope you posted under my name to all.. because I for one stand behind the joke. I personally thought it was funny myself. But then again.. that's just me. I have gay and lesbian friends that can tell some damn good jokes about their life style.

I think they too should leave the joke.. and the political BS needs to find another thread.

MstrTiger -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 12:26:09 PM)

If you actually looked in a dictionary SirKenin you would see that a homophobe is someone who suffers from an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexuals, your error in defining the word and the rather bizarre and offensive attack upon me that followed it puts me in mind of the old adage “say nothing and let everyone think you are stupid rather than open your mouth and prove it. Since you did not post the joke and I am assuming you are not the comic genius that came up with it in the first place then I was in no way calling you a homophobe even though your rather bizarre and unnecessary attempt at insulting me makes you look as though you are one. Unfortunately as per the request in your post I will not be attempting to make up a joke about you since your message clearly proves beyond any doubt that you are one.

My response to this thread was intended to be a mild rebuttal to the person who posted it, plenty of you seam very upfront when it comes to defending someone’s right to say something that you see as being mildly amusing though I am quite bewildered by the fact that many of the same people don’t afford me the same rights when I state that I find the subject matter of the joke extremely offensive. Telling me I have no sense of humour is not going to change the issue, it is not the joke that I object to it is the grossly offensive sentiment that it is based around that I object to.

Trying to use the right of free speech to defend a bigoted viewpoint is the last and only defence of a moron, if someone is so weak minded they are incapable of constructing any real justification for their views or actions other than resorting to saying they have the right to say them then they really should reconsider their viewpoint.

Saratov -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 12:44:13 PM)

What happened to the "Humor" thread? It was around here some place.... Has anyone seen it recently? [8|]

windy135 -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 1:43:08 PM)

I don't want anymore of this bickering than anyone else. But I have the right to say I agree with Mstertiger. So there I said it :)

truesub4u -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 2:03:25 PM)

I'm not a moron thank you.. what I am.. is someone who has learned life's too damn short to get in an uproar that could of been avoided... everyone and there mother that's been to see this movie... and hear on radio and TV knows this is a movie about gay cowboys <to a point> so there for should of known the joke was about gays, and if jokes about the gay life style offends you.. stay the hell away from it.

I presonally do not care who is offended... and who it did not... i'm not shallow in my thinking as to think that everyone is going to be happy or pleased with this. Hell I posted a damn Joke on how to speak Chinese in 5 mins... you don't see Chinese people jumping being offended over how others pronounce their language.. DAMN SON... take a drink or toke of something and chill out!

Also.. I'm NOT bias.. or a biggot or a racist. Some of the best gay jokes have been told by gays... some of the best black jokes was told by the best black people... blonde tell great jokes too... and my fat ass can come up with some great fat ass jokes..

On this final note... SOMEONE TELL ANOTHER JOKE SOMEWHERE.. So we can get back to what this forum area is all about.

ownedgirlie -> RE: Brokeback Mountain (3/11/2006 5:57:48 PM)


On this final note... SOMEONE TELL ANOTHER JOKE SOMEWHERE.. So we can get back to what this forum area is all about.

Knock Knock....

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