RE: female Supremecy (Full Version)

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Venatrix -> RE: female Supremecy (12/9/2009 9:15:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Arrogance

My self-esteem just isn't low enough for me to think that all women are superior to me.

I mean... I've seen Sarah Palin on the telly.

She's not a woman, she's a science experiment that went wrong when they tried to cross Rush Limbaugh with Tina Fey.

undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/9/2009 10:13:17 PM)


So, you're saying that most people only really subscribe to the idea of female supremacy because it makes them wet or gives them a stiffy. Is that a fair interpretation of your contention here, Sea?

That is a mostly correct interpretation, Peon. Psychosexual gratification can also occur without sexual arousal. Service and putting someone on a pedestal can instead bring a psychological, perhaps spiritual arousal without sexual arousal. I will add that my comments are directed at those within BDSM. There are those outside BDSM who believe in female superiority, and in theory their reasoning could also apply to some within BDSM. Here is text from a past discussion:


Let us suppose there is a heterosexual male sub who says that he thinks all women are superior and, thus, wishes to treat them with deference. I expect this male sub would agree that there are at least some men who are superior to him. However, I expect he does not have the same wish to express similar deference to these men. Thus, I don't think his wish to defer is for sake of acknowledging superiority but instead is rooted in psychosexual reasons.

Some subs wish to regard their dominant as a greater being: one who is put on a pedestal and treated as a deity of sorts. I expect that this wish to treat the dominant in this manner is projected upon a group from which one might find such a dominant. Thus, a male sub who wishes to have such a dynamic with a woman might project this deferential sentiment to women in general. I think this tendency begins (perhaps from early childhood) from wanting to place someone on a pedestal and then thinking that women (the demographic relevant to him) are superior and deserve such treatment, versus to begin from intellectually thinking that women are superior and then wanting to place them on a pedestal. In my opinion, this sentiment comes from a psychosexual and emotional place rather than an intellectual and rational place. He may then follow with intellectual reasons to justify how he feels but I think it begins with the psychosexual response.



undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/9/2009 10:16:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: XYisInferior
What about "some other people" who do not practice FS as a "construct to make submission more believable" or an overglorified way of simply getting off? What about those who incorporate such beliefs into a practical way of living M/s?

What about them? Ask a more clear question and I will address it.



allthatjaz -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 1:31:19 AM)

When I spoke about Goddess I thought about Caesonia the wife of Caligula. Caligula believed himself to be a God and his wife Coesonia believed herself to be a Goddess. History states that Coesonia was a sexual deviant who was surrounded by male slaves that she used for her pleasure. Then there was Caligulas sister Divala Drusilla who was declared a Goddess. She could not only manipulate Caligula but also fed on lowly slaves for her sexual gratification.

These people where real. These women lived on this earth as supreme beings and used such powers to suit their needs.

Underumam -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 1:43:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz

When I spoke about Goddess I thought about Caesonia the wife of Caligula. Caligula believed himself to be a God and his wife Coesonia believed herself to be a Goddess. History states that Coesonia was a sexual deviant who was surrounded by male slaves that she used for her pleasure. Then there was Caligulas sister Divala Drusilla who was declared a Goddess. She could not only manipulate Caligula but also fed on lowly slaves for her sexual gratification.

These people where real. These women lived on this earth as supreme beings and used such powers to suit their needs.

True enough, they were real people. But the things they did to others were next to unspeakable from what information I could gather. They were genuinely evil people. I fail to see why any well intended person would hold them in high esteem....

allthatjaz -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 1:51:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Underumam


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz

When I spoke about Goddess I thought about Caesonia the wife of Caligula. Caligula believed himself to be a God and his wife Coesonia believed herself to be a Goddess. History states that Coesonia was a sexual deviant who was surrounded by male slaves that she used for her pleasure. Then there was Caligulas sister Divala Drusilla who was declared a Goddess. She could not only manipulate Caligula but also fed on lowly slaves for her sexual gratification.

These people where real. These women lived on this earth as supreme beings and used such powers to suit their needs.

True enough, they were real people. But the things they did to others were next to unspeakable from what information I could gather. They were genuinely evil people. I fail to see why any well intended person would hold them in high esteem....

Oh come on Underumam, so where slave owners and yet the word slavery and the idea of slavery comes from what was once reality. We can make what we want of anything and turn it into fantasy. Some fantasies are more emotionally disturbing than others. Are you saying that any fantasy with a dodgy history behind it is wrong?

Underumam -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 3:00:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz


ORIGINAL: Underumam


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz

When I spoke about Goddess I thought about Caesonia the wife of Caligula. Caligula believed himself to be a God and his wife Coesonia believed herself to be a Goddess. History states that Coesonia was a sexual deviant who was surrounded by male slaves that she used for her pleasure. Then there was Caligulas sister Divala Drusilla who was declared a Goddess. She could not only manipulate Caligula but also fed on lowly slaves for her sexual gratification.

These people where real. These women lived on this earth as supreme beings and used such powers to suit their needs.

True enough, they were real people. But the things they did to others were next to unspeakable from what information I could gather. They were genuinely evil people. I fail to see why any well intended person would hold them in high esteem....

Oh come on Underumam, so where slave owners and yet the word slavery and the idea of slavery comes from what was once reality. We can make what we want of anything and turn it into fantasy. Some fantasies are more emotionally disturbing than others. Are you saying that any fantasy with a dodgy history behind it is wrong?

No mam, I have absolutely no idea why I said that. lol. But seriously, to each-their own....

allthatjaz -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 4:15:28 AM)

Yep to each their own and perhaps this could be defined as a role-play of sorts. People often mock role-play because its 'not real' My answer to that is 'what is real?'
For me to take the position of Drusilla in a sexual environment is very hot. Its nothing to do with being delusional but all to do with feeding an erotic fantasy.
The problem for me is that I am a switch that leans very much towards Dominance. My partner is also a switch who leans very much towards Dominance. I have seen him in action and I am blatantly (perhaps too much so) aware that during my Dominant moments with him, he is hankering to overpower me. My clever potion of Goddess versus slave works. It gets to his head and allows me to enjoy my Dominance without it being hindered.

beowulf1234 -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 5:39:48 AM)

I was instructed that "practice makes perfect". Then God made Adam. Then from Adam's rib, Eve. With that thought Women are the perfection of God.
Besides who ate the apple? And who told him too?

Underumam -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 7:44:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz

Yep to each their own and perhaps this could be defined as a role-play of sorts. People often mock role-play because its 'not real' My answer to that is 'what is real?'
For me to take the position of Drusilla in a sexual environment is very hot. Its nothing to do with being delusional but all to do with feeding an erotic fantasy.
The problem for me is that I am a switch that leans very much towards Dominance. My partner is also a switch who leans very much towards Dominance. I have seen him in action and I am blatantly (perhaps too much so) aware that during my Dominant moments with him, he is hankering to overpower me. My clever potion of Goddess versus slave works. It gets to his head and allows me to enjoy my Dominance without it being hindered.

I checked your profile out, and WOW!! The pics of you two are VERY scintillating, and scary as hell for a guy like me. I used to sundance for years, and I'm sure the pain is equal to suspension /needles etc. All I can say is WOW....You two must be something

allthatjaz -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 8:48:34 AM)

Wow another sun dancer.... In that case Underumam I can't help but like you [;)] Pain is like can either embrace it or block it out.
I am always happy to scare someone!! Thanks for the compliment.

Underumam -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 9:05:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz

Wow another sun dancer.... In that case Underumam I can't help but like you [;)] Pain is like can either embrace it or block it out.
I am always happy to scare someone!! Thanks for the compliment.

You're welcome.I was really into suffering back then, but doubt if it would be much benefit now.

XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 9:53:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: XYisInferior
What about "some other people" who do not practice FS as a "construct to make submission more believable" or an overglorified way of simply getting off? What about those who incorporate such beliefs into a practical way of living M/s?

What about them? Ask a more clear question and I will address it.

I was inviting you to comment on such a group, for at the moment it seems you would classify believers in FS as fetish constructionists and little more.

XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 10:09:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea

In my opinion, this sentiment comes from a psychosexual and emotional place rather than an intellectual and rational place. He may then follow with intellectual reasons to justify how he feels but I think it begins with the psychosexual response.

There are some who see intellectualizing and rationalizing as more legitimate than feeling and being. Those who do so are sort of like the person who takes a vacation in a beautiful place but spends nearly the entire time photographing and documenting it without actually experiencing it. Life can't be dissected all the time like that and still be clearly understood. In truth, we are not divorced from either analyzing or feeling, and one is not superior to the other. Be that as it may, there is of course an intellectual side to FS, and part of that involves discussing the psychosexual / instinctual / emotive aspects of Female Supremacy. You can certainly talk of these subjects intellectually. Further, you can speak of the biological and social aspects of Women without "psychosexualizing" them.

Does what you say hold some truth for a certain group of men? Certainly. For some, I suppose all FS is boils down to a "construction"—a fantasy fulfillment of some sort.

BoiJen -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 10:22:49 AM)

Female Supremacy comes down to yet another manner in which some males objectify all females. It's the excuse to not treat females as they wish to be treated ("I am here to serve all females...all of them are better than me." Fuck that some females are s-types, some are dykes, and some simply don't wish to have some guy making excuse to pretend to grovel no matter how uncomfortable such an act is for that female) and to objectify them under the thin vale of "worship".

Anyone ever notice that "worship" requests focus on the requesting individual's favorite part of the body? How is this "worship" "serving" the person being petitioned?

There's a reason very few Dommes are interested in hearing or doing anything involved with a male's idea of "Female Supremacy". 


Property of MsKitty

LadyHibiscus -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 11:02:20 AM)

And the Boi nails it again!!

So young, and so wise! [:D]

(can I be vice pres of the fan club?)

XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 2:02:24 PM)



There's a reason very few Dommes are interested in hearing or doing anything involved with a male's idea of "Female Supremacy". 

You may be surprised to hear this, but I agree. Many men do no doubt attempt to smuggle their self-centered fetishes in under the label of "Female Supremacy".

Is that where theory and practice of FS ends, however? For as absurd as you may think I am, I'd say it's pretty narrow minded and dismissive to think that's all there is behind the FS lifestyle. Of course, it's somewhat of a mea culpa when those claiming to know what all the men involved in it are all about when they openly admit that they don't believe in FS or do not practice it. In short, the knucklehead queries from Collarme and Fetlife should not be laid upon the doorstep of a philosophy or way of life.

BoiJen -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 2:36:40 PM)

Let me put it this way...Dominance, sexual and otherwise, and submission, sexual and otherwise, are universal principles. We see these two aspects present in species and cultures well beyond the alternative community. These things present themselves "universally"; meaning they are a natural principle trait either in a species, gender, or individual, based upon programming (genetic or nurtured).

Supremacy is based upon fictitious notions of superiority. Superiority is simply an idea made based upon fear to exert power. Supremacy does not exist within nature (otherwise there would be a ruling species of this planet, and the roaches still have us beat so....). Nature eliminates the ability of supremacy by making different species (plants, animals, etc) dependent upon one another. We need food. To have food we grow it. Without the food, or in times of struggle, the food becomes the ruler of the man, not the other way around. It's balance and it's an ever changing balance.

Comparing the fantasy notions of Female or Male Superiority to understanding and sexualizing (I made up a scientific word for "sex it up") the natural occurrence of Dominance and submission is dealing with two totally different beasts. Simply put, you can either embrace who you are as an s-type or D-type, no matter your gender and respect those positions that others hold within their own lives, or you can force your sexuality upon others by any excuse you find....Female Supremacy happens to be a primary tool/excuse that some males use to force their sexuality upon others. If you don't like being grouped up in that mess, then find some way to distinguish yourself. The Leather community had to....we did it quite well actually; "Safe, sane, and consensual" is touted everywhere and even vanilla folks understand what it means and for the most part accept it as long as they don't perceive us as a threat to their tired, boring, missionary sex.


Property of MsKitty

GYPSYMAMBO -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 2:58:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


Someone says they can't read your colorful posts cause they are dyslexic and your reponse is make them even harder for said person to read? [:-]

Hell I can barely read your posts.

ty aquatic for pointing this out..
and apologies to jaz...I though you meant I was dyslexic..
I am partially blind in one eye...and use colors to see what I am doing..

then I get all pissed off if I think I am being shit on
apologies all around..for MY bad...

allthatjaz -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 3:09:52 PM)

Whilst I agree that some women worshipers can be a bit annoyingly pushy about their fetish, they are just as easily dismissed by a savvy mistress as anybody else, male or female that doesn't please them.
A Mistress that accepts a woman worshiper and their fetish even if she feels uncomfortable or that it is being pushed on her is in my opinion weak and vain.
I have seen Mistresses standing uncomfortably in a club whilst some foot worshiper is slavering all over her heels all because she doesn't have it in her to say 'NO' I don't feel pity for her but I don't think she should be portraying herself as a Mistress.
Some people really do have a fetish for worshiping feet, ladies heels, boots and even slippers!! its no worse or better than anyone else's fetish and if it annoys you then don't allow it in your space but don't dismiss a fetish because it doesn't suit you.

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