RE: female Supremecy (Full Version)

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XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 3:20:45 PM)



Let me put it this way...Dominance, sexual and otherwise, and submission, sexual and otherwise, are universal principles.

No issue there.


Supremacy is based upon fictitious notions of superiority.

Supremacy doesn't have to be absolutely based upon superiority in all things. Supremacy is a state of being superior to others in authority and status. That's the way I and my Mistress view supremacy. For a male who believes in Female Supremacy and lives it in service to his Mistress, Her supremacy is real enough.

That aside, I have presented facts in previous discussions which extol Female superiority in certain biological and sociological terms. If these facts are important to one in forming one's beliefs in Female Supremacy, how is this an example of a lifestyle based upon pure fiction?


Supremacy does not exist within nature...

You honestly do not believe humanity enjoys supremacy over the world's inhabitance and resources? That's interesting, to say the least.


Comparing the fantasy notions of Female or Male Superiority to understanding and sexualizing (I made up a scientific word for "sex it up") the natural occurrence of Dominance and submission is dealing with two totally different beasts. Simply put, you can either embrace who you are as an s-type or D-type, no matter your gender and respect those positions that others hold within their own lives, or you can force your sexuality upon others by any excuse you find....Female Supremacy happens to be a primary tool/excuse that some males use to force their sexuality upon others.

Here we go again with the "some males" line. Fair enough. But (again) what about other males? Or dare I even say Females for that matter? Sounds like you're leading the witness, in the least. Who says I don't respect the preferences of others? Last I saw, it was you in fact who came into this forum making some rather biased and antithetical statements to the thread subject.

Quote: "Female Supremacy comes down to yet another manner in which some males objectify all females."

Does that sound respectful to the personal lifestyle choices of those "S-types" or "D-types" who embrace FS as a lifestyle? You should perhaps practice what you preach, I'm thinking.


If you don't like being grouped up in that mess, then find some way to distinguish yourself. The Leather community had to...

Well, thanks for the helpful advice, but I'll reply by saying that I don't don't assume the words of Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson represent all Christians. Similarly, the actions or motives of some do not speak for all in a subset of an alternative lifestyle or belief system. For someone so proud of their leather association, I'd think you'd understand that.

BoiJen -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 4:02:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz

Whilst I agree that some women worshipers can be a bit annoyingly pushy about their fetish, they are just as easily dismissed by a savvy mistress as anybody else, male or female that doesn't please them.
A Mistress that accepts a woman worshiper and their fetish even if she feels uncomfortable or that it is being pushed on her is in my opinion weak and vain.
I have seen Mistresses standing uncomfortably in a club whilst some foot worshiper is slavering all over her heels all because she doesn't have it in her to say 'NO' I don't feel pity for her but I don't think she should be portraying herself as a Mistress.
Some people really do have a fetish for worshiping feet, ladies heels, boots and even slippers!! its no worse or better than anyone else's fetish and if it annoys you then don't allow it in your space but don't dismiss a fetish because it doesn't suit you.

I'm not saying that a foot fetish is better or worse than anything else...I'm simply saying that sugar coating anything around that (or similar activities) as "worship" rather than fetish feeding, is like calling "queening" or taking it up the ass "service". It's just hard to buy.

Everything else, I completely agree with AND...isn't it ever tiring to HAVE to deal with these pushy types? It's easy to focus on the male example of this because there's far more of them, at least in my own experience.


Property of MsKitty

azjojoba -> RE: female Supremecy (12/10/2009 11:24:07 PM)

Some men like me are intellectually superior to women, although I like it when I find one that is close to my IQ. No question though -- when it comes to sex women are better in terms of stamina, will power etc.  [:D]

Acer49 -> RE: female Supremecy (12/11/2009 3:34:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: walkonme10

Is it right that I want to give me, my soul to Female Supremecy? My friends know that this is what a big part of my life is and they say that I am mad, but I don't think I am it is something that I strongly beleive in. It is not just about sex to me but the fullfilment that I get from making life more easy for someone who is Female, I can't help it and I don't know where it has come from but I can always remember feeling this way and am not sure why but I go with it and I have found that it is something that I love to do and it drives me forward.

ok fine, is there a question in there somewhere

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: female Supremecy (12/11/2009 3:40:24 AM)




ORIGINAL: walkonme10

Is it right that I want to give me, my soul to Female Supremecy? My friends know that this is what a big part of my life is and they say that I am mad, but I don't think I am it is something that I strongly beleive in. It is not just about sex to me but the fullfilment that I get from making life more easy for someone who is Female, I can't help it and I don't know where it has come from but I can always remember feeling this way and am not sure why but I go with it and I have found that it is something that I love to do and it drives me forward.

ok fine, is there a question in there somewhere

Yep, the first sentence. I bolded it for your convenience [8|]

undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/11/2009 11:29:27 PM)


Anyone ever notice that "worship" requests focus on the requesting individual's favorite part of the body?

The word worship is indeed used broadly, often to describe oral contact of any sort. However, the use of worship does extend beyond oral or sexual contact. I could enjoy a worshipful dynamic with a gay woman with whom there is no sexual contact, or even with a straight woman for sake of a power distance. While I have this want from some of me, my sum expression balances all of me.


ORIGINAL: XYisInferior
There are some who see intellectualizing and rationalizing as more legitimate than feeling and being. Those who do so are sort of like the person who takes a vacation in a beautiful place but spends nearly the entire time photographing and documenting it without actually experiencing it.

First, to calibrate terminology, by female superiority I mean a belief the the female sex is inherently superior to the male sex. By female supremacy I mean a belief or system that gives the female sex a greater power status. I credit past discussions on CollarMe for helping me make this distinction. The two terms are used interchangeably because some believe the basis for supremacy is inherent superiority. I often use the word ascendence in place of supremacy to avoid the confusion with superiority, and to avoid using a word that is loaded (because of how supremacy is used in racial contexts) to describe a situation that assumes a higher power status (versus higher inherent qualities).

I am drawn to the idea of female _ascendance_ at each an individual level and a collective level. This want is balanced by other wants and reality. And I have come to recognize my want for female ascendance as mostly a want for dominant ascendance. What you feel is not entirely foreign to me. I can understand, appreciate, and would even want to feel in such a powerful way.

I intellectually do not believe in female _superiority_. I do, however, believe that one individual may be collectively superior to another individual based on sum of traits, and I can see how that would add to a worshipful dynamic. For me, feeling this way would have to come from the individual traits--if I saw a woman as superior, I would not be seeing her as a person who is superior because she is a woman, but as a superior person who is a woman. Her femininity would make her special to me but it would be her traits that would make her superior.


I was inviting you to comment on such a group, for at the moment it seems you would classify believers in FS as fetish constructionists and little more.

From reflection, I think most who practice FS connect with it at an emotional level. Some try to rationalize or justify how they feel and try to argue for it intellectually. It is when one argues using logical arguments I have difficulty because the arguments seem unconvincing to me. If it is an emotional belief, I think it would serve one better to say they recognize it cannot be rationally argued and comes from an emotional place. This way it is less likely to offend others or invite debate, and, even if it does invite debate, one cannot effectively debate how another just feels.

Incidentally, I do not entirely dismiss the possibility that the female sex could be superior and I sometimes even wonder if it is. However, I have not seen a convincing intellectual argument. At this point I give an advantage to neither the female nor the male sex, and I am intellectually and intuitively drawn to the concept of synergy between the male and female at the individual and collective level. Even if I come to give an advantage to the female sex at some point, I will still give greatest advantage to synergy.

An emotional belief can come from either a psychosexual place (simply a desire to have such a reality) or from emotional intelligence (bits of information one has received over time that form a subconscious response based on this collective data).

I think in Fm most who practice FS have it come from a psychosexual place. I give the reasoning behind this belief in the text from a prior discussion in my post addressed to Peon. I welcome your comments, especially if you think there is another way to see it or if I am overlooking any points.

When I say that a want for FS comes from a psychosexual place, I do not characterize it negatively. My want to provide service, to please, and for submission in general comes from a psychosexual place versus a rational place. That the origin is a psychosexual place is simply a point I have reached from reflecting on the matter, and it carries relevance when I see discussions that try to argue for FS intellectually. When one is making hand-waving arguments for FS, I expect it is someone who feels it inside or wants to believe it, likely for psychosexual reasons, and is trying to justify it. This point is part of my argument that FS cannot be justified logically when I see one attempting to do so.

Because a belief in FS exists outside BDSM, FS can also come from non-psychosexual places. For some, I expect it is a backlash for the path gender roles have taken and comes from anger or guilt. For some, I expect it comes from emotional intelligence based on their experiences. Because I believe BDSM is distributed across population, I expect there is some overlap between those into BDSM, and those who believe in FS for the two reasons I give in this paragraph. For some, I expect it may be a superimposition of the different reasons. It is for this reason I spoke of possibilities beyond psychosexual roots.

So here are some comments I have. I welcome hearing your comments that you think will add to awareness and perspectives of those reading this thread. What does FS mean to you? Do you consider it to come from a psychosexual place for you?



XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/14/2009 9:45:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
First, to calibrate terminology, by female superiority I mean a belief the the female sex is inherently superior to the male sex. By female supremacy I mean a belief or system that gives the female sex a greater power status.

Yes, this touches upon a similar clarification I made earlier in post# 61. Supremacy needn't be about Female superiority in all things, but it is (in Female Supremacy) about belief in ultimate Female authority and power overall. While I do recognize the Female as superior to the male in many ways that are important to me and the one I serve, The Female Supremacy I speak of is more centered around the belief in the good of Female authority and leadership, and the desire to recognize Females overall as more valuable than males. My views are a confluence of both emotional and intellectual processes: what I have learned about Female / male biology and social behavior, what I have experienced regarding Female leadership, intellectual depth and familial importance, and what I feel emotively about the Female, overall, being male.

Are all Women worth worshipping and handing yourself over to as a slave? Of course not. I do not serve all Women, but I am taught to and do respect all Women in general as the more valuable sex. To the Woman I serve, I am committed to Her wholly as a slave, and She receives my worship.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
The two terms are used interchangeably because some believe the basis for supremacy is inherent superiority.

I am one who personally believes in the inherent overall superiority of Women, based upon what I know and have experienced about Women. Women are not on average as physically strong as men, and there are many men who are just as creative, wise and empathetic as Women, but in aggregate, I believe Women possess the finer qualities of human beings in greater abundance. This is obviously my belief, but again, it is based upon emotive, empirical and academic sources—not one or the other.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
However, I have not seen a convincing intellectual argument (for FS).

When you wrote, "I do not entirely dismiss the possibility that the female sex could be superior and I sometimes even wonder if it is," that led me to believe you're open to the idea, at least.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
Even if I come to give an advantage to the female sex at some point, I will still give greatest advantage to synergy.

Synergy between the sexes is in fact a cornerstone of Female Supremacy, from what I know about it and have experienced. It is my understanding that both sexes get along quite well under the Female Supremacy model. I have seen this to be the case thus far in my own servitude. Synergy between the sexes is not in jeopardy under sound notions of Female Supremacy or Matrifocalism. For this reason, trumping Female Supremacy out of a desire for synergy is unnecessary in my opinion, or at best, is a moot point.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
I think in Fm most who practice FS have it come from a psychosexual place.

It's hard to really predict what the macro statistics are regarding sources to believe in something or not. In fact, there is no way they can be so sterilely isolated or quantified—or even validated as good or bad reasoning, unless of course one wants to look strictly at the scientific or social statistical arguments supporting one's motives, which can be verified but often aren't so popular in relationship to this subject in these forums for more than a few.

Further, the phrase "simply a desire to have such a reality" is not so simple at all. Intellectually, we must wonder about the force behind the desire—a force that is so strong it makes a man wish to worship Women and serve one (or more) as a slave, and a Woman (or Women) who in turn accept and enjoy that worship and servitude through belief in the same idea.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
When one is making hand-waving arguments for FS, I expect it is someone who feels it inside or wants to believe it, likely for psychosexual reasons, and is trying to justify it. This point is part of my argument that FS cannot be justified logically when I see one attempting to do so.

So you really have your mind made up, then—even though you seemed to show openness to evidence of Female Superiority earlier in your response, or a "good argument for it", you're really not.

This is of course your decision based upon your particular application of logic. It simply seems you are biased against arguments for Female Superiority, overall, which is certainly not uncommon, or a surprise to me.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
Because a belief in FS exists outside BDSM, FS can also come from non-psychosexual places. For some, I expect it is a backlash for the path gender roles have taken and comes from anger or guilt. For some, I expect it comes from emotional intelligence based on their experiences. It is for this reason I spoke of possibilities beyond psychosexual roots.

I am glad to see you expounded upon the concept. I agree with your reasoning regarding social sex roles. Outside of this, however, you don't seem to be saying much more than the original supposition: belief in Female Supremacy comes from a psychosexual place, not an "intellectual" place. Not surprisingly, I am absolute in the feeling that both are valid.

hardbodysub -> RE: female Supremecy (12/14/2009 1:25:24 PM)


My self-esteem just isn't low enough for me to think that all women are superior to me.

I mean... I've seen Sarah Palin on the telly.

The man has a point.

hardbodysub -> RE: female Supremecy (12/14/2009 1:30:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Venatrix


ORIGINAL: Arrogance

My self-esteem just isn't low enough for me to think that all women are superior to me.

I mean... I've seen Sarah Palin on the telly.

She's not a woman, she's a science experiment that went wrong when they tried to cross Rush Limbaugh with Tina Fey.

Why would anyone even try that experiment? The only way for it to go right is if none of Limbaugh took, and you ended up with all Fey.

There may be some BDSM relevance to Sarah and Rush. Remember, you can't write (or read) "Palin" without "Pain", and if you take the "lash" out of "Rush Limbaugh", all that's left is "Sir Humbug".

walkonme10 -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 1:46:13 AM)

Wow this is some thread I started, thankyou A/all for having your say.

onlyme32111 -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 11:24:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: walkonme10

Is it right that I want to give me, my soul to Female Supremecy? My friends know that this is what a big part of my life is and they say that I am mad, but I don't think I am it is something that I strongly beleive in. It is not just about sex to me but the fullfilment that I get from making life more easy for someone who is Female, I can't help it and I don't know where it has come from but I can always remember feeling this way and am not sure why but I go with it and I have found that it is something that I love to do and it drives me forward.

Golly well why not. Never mind all that social and bio stuff, the pussy has been the controller, motivator, influencer, blah blah blah since man started walking.

CarrieO -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 12:44:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: walkonme10

Wow this is some thread I started, thankyou A/all for having your say.

Funny how that happens...and it did turn out to be an interesting read.

graceesther -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 2:34:29 PM)

are u there

undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 5:07:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: XYisInferior
The Female Supremacy I speak of is more centered around the belief in the good of Female authority and leadership, and the desire to recognize Females overall as more valuable than males. My views are a confluence of both emotional and intellectual processes

Intellectual can be interpreted to span a range broader than I had intended with my use of the word. My reference to a belief in female superiority for intellectual reasons would have been better described as believing for cerebral reasons. I mean to describe an approach that is based on reasoning versus on what one wants emotionally.

In a group of people seeking a leader, I see the best fit for leadership to be the person who has best leadership skills independent of gender, which I consider to come from cerebral reasoning.

What do you see to characterize female leadership? Does your preference for female leadership also have a cerebral component and, if so, would you share it?


Women possess the finer qualities of human beings in greater abundance. This is obviously my belief, but again, it is based upon emotive, empirical and academic sources—not one or the other.

The extent of what you feel which comes from the emotive cannot be explained--it is simply felt and I do not question it. Would you explain the academic and empirical components? What do you see to be the finer qualities of human beings?


It simply seems you are biased against arguments for Female Superiority

I am biased against cerebral arguments for FS because my cerebral reasoning suggests otherwise, which leaves me open to hearing a different perspective but skeptical. It is relevant that I have not seen much towards cerebral arguments to lessen this skepticism. If such thinking is based on cerebral reasons that can allow one to outline their reasoning, one should be able to present it.


Synergy between the sexes is in fact a cornerstone of Female Supremacy

I suppose FS does span a range of beliefs. There are some beliefs that do not give men enough credit towards achieving synergy. Would you elaborate on what you mean when you say synergy between the sexes is in fact a cornerstone?

By synergy, I mean that diversity brings more perspectives, and the power of these diverse perspectives combined is greater than that without this diversity. Whatever diversity one can find across men and women based on gender-related differences adds to this synergy.


It's hard to really predict what the macro statistics are regarding sources to believe in something or not. In fact, there is no way they can be so sterilely isolated or quantified—or even validated as good or bad reasoning, unless of course one wants to look strictly at the scientific or social statistical arguments supporting one's motives, which can be verified but often aren't so popular in relationship to this subject in these forums for more than a few.

My reasoning behind the statement that for most people a belief in FS comes from a psychosexual place is based on the following reasoning.

If one wished to extend worshipful, reverent treatment simply on the basis of superiority, it would not be directed only at those towards whom one has a psychosexual interest. Men who practice FS do not speak of wishing to offer similar posturing towards other men who are superior to them by whatever metric is used based on personal merits and traits. Thus, the desire to put someone on a pedestal does not come from a measure of superiority alone, or from cerebral reasoning (that this person is superior to me and so I should treat them in a way to reflect their superiority) but from a psychosexual place.

The reason behind this argument becomes relevant when an ineffective argument is made to cerebrally justify FS. If one wishes to live FS because it makes them feel good, fair enough. However, if the reason to live FS is coming from such a place, one is not going to fare well trying to make a cerebral argument to convince the rest of the world to also feel the same way. My point there is for those who support FS due to psychosexual reasons to leave it at that, and not make it a mission to convince others cerebrally for their motivation comes from a different place.


a force that is so strong it makes a man wish to worship Women and serve one (or more) as a slave, and a Woman (or Women) who in turn accept and enjoy that worship and servitude through belief in the same idea.

I am not convinced you can claim there must be a reality that drives this behavior because there are submissive women who also take a worshipful approach to their submission. If we are relying upon statistical evidence, there are more of each, men and women, who do not have such a belief.



undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 5:49:35 PM)


: undergroundsea:
Incidentally, I do not entirely dismiss the possibility that the female sex could be superior and I sometimes even wonder if it is.

1. To discuss superiority one first has to define a metric.
2. There are some traits with respect to which women fair better statistically or as an aggregate.
3. If one picks a metric to be a set of traits for which women fair better as an aggregate, one would think women to be superior as an aggregate.

Thus, the traits and metric are important for this question. I think which traits carry more value varies with situation and context. I think we are moving in a direction where one trait that statistically gives an edge to men--physical strength--is becoming less important. And traits that statistically give an edge to women--empathy, communication skills, ability to multi-task--are becoming more important. Also, the sexual power women possess based on desire still remains.

It is these types of thoughts that are behind my statement that I am open to the possibility and even wonder if it is becoming true in the current context. That said, it is hard to differentiate how much of gender differences come from nature and how much from nurture, which complicates this discussion further.



ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
When one is making hand-waving arguments for FS, I expect it is someone who feels it inside or wants to believe it, likely for psychosexual reasons, and is trying to justify it. This point is part of my argument that FS cannot be justified logically when I see one attempting to do so.

Original: XYisInferior:
So you really have your mind made up, then—even though you seemed to show openness to evidence of Female Superiority earlier in your response, or a "good argument for it", you're really not.

When I say hand-waving arguments, I mean hand-waving arguments. I have seen some poor attempts to provide a cerebral argument for FS. Here is a post from the last time I engaged in such a conversation. The comments are directed towards a woman who presents herself as a leader in FS communities and I was very unimpressed each by the merits of the arguments she made, and by her conduct and how she treated others.

She quoted what appeared to be commentary from an FS site where the writer quotes another FS enthusiast, which she was trying to present as evidence to prove her point.


For perspective, here is commentary about men in general (not just submissive men!) which the [expert] source you quote attributes to another male commentator (who may very well be just another forum member):
The thing women must keep in mind about Female Domination is that men need it. It is almost always the man who will introduce the Female Domination lifestyle to the woman. A courageous man with submissive desires introduces Female Domination to his female partner. Why do men do this? It's because men desire and need to be in submission to women. No matter how hard society or religion tries to tell men differently, something deep inside of them yearns to surrender to a powerful woman.
The article seems to lack objectivity, and the statistics seem to be intentionally slanted to support his agenda. For example, your source states:
Men ages 55-64 are twice as likely as women to die in car accidents.
The usefulness of this statistic to measure superiority aside, why are we comparing only a range that spans 9 years? I would not be surprised if your source goes on to say that in all medical data collected from all countries in the world ever since medical records have been kept, only men have been afflicted by prostate cancer.

And then there is the argument about how men are inferior because the Y chromosome is smaller. My response:


I have heard the chromosome argument presented before. I know little about the matter. From what little I know, I think the smaller amount of information contained on the y chromosome is attributed to the amount of difference between the male and female of the species.
But I think the folks who make this argument are on to something. I note that cows are considered a sacred animal in India. I now know why that is so: a cow has 60 chromosomes compared to only 46 in humans! And a horse is even more superior because it has 64 chromosomes!
Therefore, next time I see a Horse (Esq), I will bow before It and then say, Your Highness, may this humble and inferior being be allowed the honor to bring You some hay? Then I'll wait until It neighs or uses Its tail to swat at flies and assume that is an instruction for me to proceed. I mean, look at all a Horse (Esq) has going for It. It has more chromosomes. I have never heard of a Horse (Esq) having high cholesterol. And the whips one can use on a Horse (Esq) suggests They have superior pain tolerance (may whoever uses a whip on such a superior creature be damned for doing so).
I am convinced. I retract everything I have said thus far in this thread.



XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 9:58:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
Intellectual can be interpreted to span a range broader than I had intended with my use of the word.

Exactly. That's what I was essentially saying earlier.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
My reference to a belief in female superiority for intellectual reasons would have been better described as believing for cerebral reasons.

Analytical / left-brained thought processes can digest FBI crime statistics well enough, can't they? Better yet, they may arrive upon hypothesis based upon those statistics. I would suspect a cerebral method can deduce that having more connective nerve tissue between hemispheres and a larger limbic cortex means the hub for memory, emotion and "cross talk" between both hemispheres is overall better in Women than in men, and that Women on average make use of both hemispheres better than men. Those same cerebral processes might consider the chromosomal advantages in immunity Women have over men through X inactivation. It might be a cerebral exercise to consider which sex is naturally put in harm's way more and what reasons that may be from a biological point of view. It might be worth considering cerebrally if the rise of the Third Reich or the Rwandan genocide of the nineties would have even happened without the existence of male-oriented greed and aggression, which is all well documented, of course.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
What do you see to characterize female leadership? Does your preference for female leadership also have a cerebral component and, if so, would you share it?

Women tend to communicate more effectively than men, focusing on how to arrive upon a solution that is for the overall greater good. They talk through issues, and are less inclined toward hostility or greed as a first option. I cannot say the same of men. Socially and domestically, Women's access to credit, real estate and improved decision making power in the household is linked with reduced poverty and greater productivity in the world. This may arguably be an example of the virtue of sexual equality and nothing more, but I suspect the social contribution Women have made and can further make is more positive than we may give credit.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
I suppose FS does span a range of beliefs. There are some beliefs that do not give men enough credit towards achieving synergy. Would you elaborate on what you mean when you say synergy between the sexes is in fact a cornerstone?

Synergy is the cooperation of two (or more) components to produce a combined effect for the greater good than the sum of their separate effects. A Female-led relationship works very well in this light, especially when one considers the aforementioned points about Females generally excelling in empathy, communication and compromise, which are vital in leadership. This is not to say males are not to be considered in a discussion of synergy. The submissive male is certainly recognized and honed under Female Supremacy; his contribution is intimately understood and harnessed.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
If one wished to extend worshipful, reverent treatment simply on the basis of superiority, it would not be directed only at those towards whom one has a psychosexual interest. If one wishes to live FS because it makes them feel good, fair enough. However, if the reason to live FS is coming from such a place, one is not going to fare well trying to make a cerebral argument to convince the rest of the world to also feel the same way.

First, you make the mistake of assuming all Female Supremacists are trying to convince the world their way is better. Why this assumption? If our reasoning doesn't jive with you, why such a need to give it so much attention rather than ignore it? Consider the nature of this very thread; it was not a declaration, but rather an expression of feelings. What "camp", if you will, seemed more derisive / absolute: the advocates of Female Supremacy or those antithetical to it?

Second, I will repeat what I wrote earlier in this thread; belief in Female Supremacy is a confluence of both sexual and intellectual processes (at least as I see it)—it is rooted in the male / Female dynamic and inherently about male / Female comparison.


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
My point there is for those who support FS due to psychosexual reasons to leave it at that, and not make it a mission to convince others cerebrally for their motivation comes from a different place.

And my public service announcement was merely to compliment yours by saying there are cerebral reasons for believing in Female Supremacy, and not everyone who lives FS is simply doing it out of an overarching need to get off—physically or "psychosexually".


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
If we are relying upon statistical evidence, there are more of each, men and women, who do not have such a belief.

I will of course have to ask for cerebrally-oriented data to prove this fact beyond the shadow of a question. For instance, what statistical evidence are you ready to provide to prove that statement is absolutely true? How would you question the entire population of our planet, and further, verify they are being truthful in their answers or not alter them over time? I suspect the analytical brain might struggle with that question.

XYisInferior -> RE: female Supremecy (12/15/2009 10:17:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea

And then there is the argument about how men are inferior because the Y chromosome is smaller. My response:


I have heard the chromosome argument presented before. I know little about the matter. From what little I know, I think the smaller amount of information contained on the y chromosome is attributed to the amount of difference between the male and female of the species.
But I think the folks who make this argument are on to something. I note that cows are considered a sacred animal in India. I now know why that is so: a cow has 60 chromosomes compared to only 46 in humans! And a horse is even more superior because it has 64 chromosomes!

This only serves to underscore an important point about discussions of genetic superiority. It's best to ask what kind of superiority we are discussing. Many forms of life have more base pairs than humans due to their physical adaptations in the environment for which they are biologically suited. The trade-off in humans is our neuronal complexity, which is our superior adaptation, genetically.

That aside, comparing male / Female in the same genotype is where this discussion correlates correctly in other species. What is the nature of the default ovarian pathway, or the SRY gene on the smaller, nearly otherwise inactive male chromosome? What benefit does having two X chromosomes give to female animals vs. male animals?

So it's not simply about the y chromosome's size. It's about availability / interaction between genes and the advantages of having two copies of an X chromosome. That is, if genetics is where you only wish to take the discussion.

seekingOwnertoo -> RE: female Supremecy (12/16/2009 1:22:55 AM)

myself ... a Lady who enraptures me ... mentally, emotionally and physically ... can take Ownership and be Superior ... as She pleases.

That is not to say She is innately Superior ... rather the dynamic of the relationship ... and ... as You might note ... i am most comfortable serving a Woman ....

undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/23/2009 10:56:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: XYisInferior
Analytical / left-brained thought processes can digest FBI crime statistics well enough, can't they? Better yet, they may arrive upon hypothesis based upon those statistics.

Sure, cerebral reasoning can draw upon statistical data. However, a reference to statistical data does not by itself make for sound cerebral reasoning. The question remains about whether the reasoning presented follows logically from the statistical data, and whether adequate critical thinking has been applied in evaluating the statistical data.

Is there a specific statistic and corresponding cerebral reasoning you have in mind?

Without saying a cerebral argument for FS is impossible, I have not seen a compelling argument for it. I have seen attempts to make such arguments which have varied in their quality.

While your argument ranks in the better portion of such arguments, I am unconvinced. The scope of your review of information is narrow and slanted to favor your belief. For example, when you discuss differences in male and female brain, you focus on only those differences that suggest an advantage for the female brain. And you are drawing conclusions or making assertions that do not necessarily hold. For example:


It might be a cerebral exercise to consider which sex is naturally put in harm's way more and what reasons that may be from a biological point of view.

To accept your call to a cerebral exercise, from a biological perspective men might be put in harm's way because one man can impregnate multiple women, and the species can propagate even with that one man. However, that is not the reason or the only reason why men are more commonly put in harm's way, especially in today's society--one man does not assume responsibility for impregnating all women or many women to propagate the race, Marlon Brando excepted ;-) Remember, times are changing where women are also taking on roles to put self in harm's way to protect others, and men who put themselves in harm's way do so not only for women but also for children and elderly, including elderly men. It might be a cerebral exercise to consider this broader picture and what reasons might exist behind this observation.


It might be worth considering cerebrally if the rise of the Third Reich or the Rwandan genocide of the nineties would have even happened without the existence of male-oriented greed and aggression, which is all well documented, of course.

You imply that wars are a male-related phenomenon. If your theory is true, why have not states with female heads of states, whether secular or monarch, remained free of war? You might argue that they had to play the game. Are they playing the game of men, or are they playing the game of politics and power? Let's not go so far away. Let us look at our recent campaign for the Democratic nomination. When feeling at risk for not winning, did Clinton behave any differently than male politicians who seek a position of power? Was her behavior determined by her sex, or was it determined by the situation? The point I convey is that it is all to easy to describe as male behavior that that is human behavior done for sake of power by men who were seeking power.

Indeed statistically violence is committed more by men. I don't think it is clear to either of us how much of the violence you describe is caused by biology, how much by culture, and how much by the desire to seek power and the corruption that power brings.

To observe the effect of culture, one can look at non-violent cultures that do not glorify physical strength and violence (some tribal cultures present such an example) as our culture and many other cultures do, and one can compare behavior and tendency towards violence within men across different subcultures and women across the same subcultures (a small private school where violence is infrequent versus a large public school where one grows up around violence). Why do men in the South have a greater tendency to respond to an insult with violence than men in the North?

To understand the effect of power, and corruption that power brings, one can look at situations when humans, men and women, abuse power when they can get away with it.

Human behavior is complex and there are multiple variables that produce violence. While the roots of behavior and the causes of violent behavior are still under study, indeed research and empirical data shows a greater tendency for physical aggression by men. Amongst reasons men are more likely to use physical force is that they are more likely to think they can do so. What happens in a situation where a woman has greater physical force, or knows she can use physical force without any response? Ask Tiger Woods ;-) What if we bring unchecked psychological or emotional power into the picture?

Even if the degree of violence attributed to being male is overstated due to the reasons I give above, I agree that there is a biological component and equalizing all variables will show a comparatively greater tendency for violence in men. How does this point fit in your equation for superiority? As you speak of wars caused by men, how do you account for improvements to life brought by men? Is your analysis balanced?


Socially and domestically, Women's access to credit, real estate and improved decision making power in the household is linked with reduced poverty and greater productivity in the world. This may arguably be an example of the virtue of sexual equality and nothing more, but I suspect the social contribution Women have made and can further make is more positive than we may give credit.

The point you make also applies to ethnic minorities. Of course if more members of society begin to move forward, so will society as a whole. Indeed women and ethnic minorities have contributed to society in many ways. What point do you try to make towards superiority by saying women have also contributed to society?


The submissive male is certainly recognized and honed under Female Supremacy; his contribution is intimately understood and harnessed.

First, FS spans multiple forms, of which some give a more diminutive role to the man--they are considered good only for labor. Recognize that comments you will see directed at FS similarly span different forms of FS.

I see a relationship where one of greater authority seeks input from others to represent good leadership, good relationship, and good communication, which occurs across all types of dynamics. As to which relationships are most likely to have this synergy, synergy occurs from the union of different thoughts and strengths. Equalizing other variables, there is greater room for synergy in egalitarian relationships because relationship dynamics cannot obstruct the flow of thoughts as they have potential to do in a relationship that does have a power imbalance. Because the role or authority cannot be used to end a disagreement as could be the case in D/s relationships with such a dynamic, compromise is a greater necessity in egalitarian relationships.


First, you make the mistake of assuming all Female Supremacists are trying to convince the world their way is better. Why this assumption? If our reasoning doesn't jive with you, why such a need to give it so much attention rather than ignore it? Consider the nature of this very thread; it was not a declaration, but rather an expression of feelings. What "camp", if you will, seemed more derisive / absolute: the advocates of Female Supremacy or those antithetical to it?

First, you make the mistake of assuming I say all FS folks are trying to convince the world their way is better. Why this assumption?

I direct my comments at those who try to make a cerebral case for FS, which goes anywhere from simply an attempt at saying that female superiority is a truth to proposing that society in general should be based on a higher social status for female citizens. Many who speak of FS also explicitly or implicitly imply female superiority. Even if these points were not controversial, it is fair to expect discussion or debate in a discussion forum.

Tell me, what if someone came and posted that one race is superior than others. What type of response would you expect from people who intellectually disagree, or who are offended by the statement?

How is the concept of female superiority different in principle than the concept of racial superiority?

If you say that you consider yourself inferior to women for sake of your personal attributes, I have no issue. When you say all men are inferior, you are dragging me into your boat and projecting that claim about inferiority onto me, which is uninvited. So your argument that those who comment against FS should not do so does not hold because (1) it is likely to conflict with one's intellectual or ethical beliefs, much like concepts of racial superiority, and (2) it is not a question of letting someone do that that does not affect others because it does indeed affect others by suggesting everyone, not just those who wish to practice FS (whether for psychosexual reasons or more), falls under the paradigm. If you say that it is only a matter of words and because one in FS says it does not make it, the same applies for the opposing comments (that they are only words).


Female Supremacy is a confluence of both sexual and intellectual processes (at least as I see it)—it is rooted in the male / Female dynamic and inherently about male / Female comparison.

You may see it that way but there are people whose sexual and intellectual processes disagree with what you propose. It is for you to examine whether your thoughts come from a psychosexual place only, or do they also have cerebral roots. If they have cerebral roots then you are, of course, welcome and able to present your cerebral reasoning. However, simply because you present it does not make it correct cerebral reasoning and it is reasonable for those who reason differently to say so.

If your cerebral reasoning is sound, you should be able to move forward your argument and address issues with the counterarguments.



ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
If we are relying upon statistical evidence, there are more of each, men and women, who do not have such a belief.

I will of course have to ask for cerebrally-oriented data to prove this fact beyond the shadow of a question. For instance, what statistical evidence are you ready to provide to prove that statement is absolutely true?

I am unimpressed by this counterargument. I do not intend to conduct a survey; however, I will present the basis of my statement.

To review, you claimed that because there are however many men who wish to worship women, there must be a reality or a force that compels it. In short, you attempt to say that because these men worship women, it must be that women are superior. There are that many people or more who worship fire and various alternative Gods. There is a large number of college students who will bow towards a beer brewery. Does that mean that all of these objects of worship must also a be a superior force because of the believers alone?

I countered by saying that if you are pointing to empirical numbers and saying these numbers reflect a reality, there are greater numbers that go against the reality you propose. The concept to worship women is found in smaller, fringe populations: female dominance, some forms of alternative religion, etc.

The largest ratio I have seen for the percentage of people who enjoy BDSM is 25%. Of this 25%, only a portion are into Fm. Of this portion, only a portion practice a belief or dynamic that is based on female superiority and/or (you are welcome to pick the combination that gives you the greatest number) include a spiritual or religion-like worship in their dynamic. Thus, we are discussing a small subset of the population. If what you propose is simply a fact of nature, why have not more people been drawn to your belief, and what of the beliefs held by portions of population greater than those who believe in FS?

Lastly, your words that I repeat below are inconsistent with your arbitrary claims to greater synergy in FS relationships.


I will of course have to ask for cerebrally-oriented data to prove this fact beyond the shadow of a question. For instance, what statistical evidence are you ready to provide to prove that statement is absolutely true?


This only serves to underscore an important point about discussions of genetic superiority. It's best to ask what kind of superiority we are discussing.

This point only serves to underscore an important point about discussions of superiority. It's best to ask what makes for superiority.

The point I convey is that there are some who make such weak arguments for FS that it seems they are grasping for straws. For example, one woman pointed to the mole vole as an example of female superiority. The mole vole is a creature that does not have a Y chromosome and differentiates between male and female sex via a mechanism different than the SRY gene. That there is a creature that reproduces sexually and determines sex in a different way does not make for a compelling argument for female superiority. Such attempts reinforce my belief that often the belief in FS comes from an emotional and psychosexual place, followed by attempts to justify this belief logically.

But let's forget the others and speak of those who are here to speak for themselves.

Do you recall if you have always thought women to be superior, or did you first think men and women to be equal but then through cerebral reasoning come to think women are superior? If so, what is that cerebral reasoning?

What is your metric for defining superiority?

Is your basis to worship and exalt women because you think they are superior to you? If so, do you agree that there might be some men who are superior to you with respect to whatever metric or almost all metrics you use to establish superiority? If your want to worship comes from a place of acknowledging superiority, do you feel a similar want to worship such men?



undergroundsea -> RE: female Supremecy (12/23/2009 11:18:33 PM)

I sometimes wonder if the argument I make in support of men is misplaced. I often begin with myself to examine the validity of an argument against men. The issue there is that I am just an all around bad-ass nice guy ;-) I am indeed appalled by some stories I hear about men. I sometimes wonder if I am defending a group that for the most part does not deserve to be defended.

Still, I know many men who are good persons and majority of men in my social circles are good persons. Even if that sampling is skewed by likeness and with whom I choose to socialize, my tendency to think critically and ask the why keeps me from agreeing to men-are-bad arguments. I remain open to hearing the logical basis for such arguments but will need to be convinced intellectually, which requires answering some tough questions.



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