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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 10:20:32 AM   

Posts: 485
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Being a submissive male with a strong alpha side can be curse at times. There's the want/need/desire to completely submit, but it can be challenging to go from the vanilla world of work, to the complete submission to Her in the home. Mistakes can/will be made, so all involved might need to leave a grey area for protecting their mutual relationship interests....

(in reply to MsMillgrove)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 10:24:49 AM   

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From: Pyroaquatica
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I am a generally submissive person. I do not know if this 'alpha type' applies. I have some moments where I feel like a top canine.

There is no apparent change. That act of going out and being 'alpha for Her' is part of my drive. The honorable knight or the bushido laden samurai spring to mind.



You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
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As your deed is, so is your destiny.
-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 10:42:45 AM   

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"Polite sub - It sounds like you are saying that being open and acting on your submissive nature was something of a coming out process for you.  Acknowledgment, admission, action.  Is that fair to say? "

Yes, but as more so to myself as to others.

(in reply to pyroaquatic)
Profile   Post #: 23
RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 11:51:11 AM   

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Anyway, where is Elan when we need some prolixity?  Politesub?  Pixel?

Elan is in da house... though only very momentarily because I have an extremely busy day. :-)

Reply Proper.

sunshinemiss, LadyHibiscus, and Everyone;

Given that I'm short of time, I'll borrow some thoughts posted by others and extrapolate.


If you met me in my public life, I think you would probably assume that I am a major type A, alpha male.  I have been a "C-level" business executive, built 3-4 companies and am not the shrinking violet type (read aggressive, dominant, driven).  Physically, I am relatively fit and enjoy time in the gym so perhaps not what you might typically envision as submissive.  (snip)  As a man, I find that I have a strong need to give up that control and responsibility that has been with me forever.  The experience of giving total control to another, trusting that person with all that I am is both liberating and incredibly sexy and an amazing experiment in love and trust (something allot of men struggle with sometimes).

I'm glad to see this reply because the possible undercurrent is in contrast to my own view.  For some, there is a notion that power (business, personal, etc), accomplishment, leadership, initiating, aggressiveness, self respect, and a whole lotta' other "power" nouns are not submissive traits.  I disagree.  I see these as attributes of a human being who may or may not be submissive.  In my own case, I lead groups, create business plans and proposals, organize things, and initiate and I see no cognitive dissonance with my submission.  These are aspects of my personality and they are skills I have.  Why would I not use my skills to the benefit of my dominant?  The answer is that of course I'd use these skills.  Using a business org chart as a model, consider the following.  All but the apex (level 0) are subordinate.  Does this mean resources at level 1, 2, 3, and so on can't be effective and well accomplished because they ultimately answer to a boss?  Clearly that's not the case or the expectation.  In fact, as you move up to higher level leaders, I've always found their expectation is for highly skilled and effective people underneath them.  Thinking from a shareholder perspective, the entire management team is subordinate. :-)

Let's substitute the word "dominant" in place of "leader".  Now I'll ask the same sort of question I did in the previous paragraph.  Why would a dominant choose a submissive?  I'm sure chemistry and attraction are in the equation, but I'm equally sure the submissive's balance and abilities as a human being are also in the equation.  There's not much point in having an executive assistant who can't get a job done on their own.  What if the executive assistant must supervise others and make effective decisions (without supervision) in order to do a task the dominant asks of them?  Bingo!  The key is that submissives (as with capable, sought after executive assistants) bring their skills to bare as appropriate and as supports their dominant because they believe in the dominant's vision and leadership.

Illuminating my own motivations a tad more, I choose not to lead because I don't wish to.  It's a personal decision and one that isn't based on a lack leadership training and skills.  I find more reward in supporting my dominant and my relationships.  So in essence, if you will, I don't want the dominant's job, but I recognize that for a relationship to be successful (as with any organization) it needs leadership.  I look to my partner for leadership and hence why I tend to gel more with dominant women than non-dominant.  Why does a highly skilled employee choose to work for a given company?  Often it's because they enjoy the given work, feel they can contribute to the success and growth of the company, and believe in the leadership and direction of the company's management.  This is an exact parallel to things I look for in a dominant.


It isn't just society that makes me want to strive and to 'win' (in my personal senses of those words) - that drive is a part of me, and one with which I'm completely happy.  I don't need to homogenize my mind and my motivations.  The sub and the vanilla sides of me pull at one another and that's exactly the way I like it.  People so often seem to think that one's psyche just must work best when it's free of all tension (or 'cognitive dissonance').  I don't hold to that anymore.  For me, the tension produces the energy.  Tension is good!

I resonate with this somewhat, but there's a large aspect that doesn't really describe me.  I've chosen to submit.  My partner has accepted my submission and I've accepted my partner's leadership.  Thus, when I submit, I don't feel any tension or cognitive dissonance.  It's that simple.  The vanilla and kinky sides of me are intertwined, multi-faceted, and multi-layered, as are my leadership and followership skills.  I choose to use these as are appropriate to the situation.  Example from my vanilla life:  when I'm managing a project versus working as an analyst, I use different skills.  These skills are all part of me though.  Getting back to BDSM then, I don't feel a push pull between my vanilla and submissive psyches nor between my various skill sets.  I think this is part of why I find myself more comfortable and capable as a submissive/executive assistant to my partner.  The one thing I see again and again in leaders (and dominants) is a desire to lead.  I don't have that desire per se.  Of necessity, I'll lead, but this isn't my preferred role.

Addressing tension.  When a leader commands something I don't want to do, but that I know is ultimately good for the team/organization, I do it anyway.  Sometimes, I may not know the leader's goal and motivations because there isn't time for me to get the details (or the leader doesn't wish to reveal the details yet).  Leader says "please do X now" so I go and do X immediately.  This is where trust and faith come into play.  Put this all together and, yes, I sometimes feel tension in not knowing or tension from a chore that must be done, unpleasant though it may be.  Ultimately, I believe in my leader's character and vision, and this is what moves me forward.  If I strongly feel there are issues to address before proceeding, I'll communicate and ask for clarification.  This is situational and as appropriate.  Dominants don't always want or have time to explain every command so as a submissive, one of the things I balance is when to do without question and when to ask questions.  In D/s play dynamics there can also be tension.  Case in point, a domme puts her boy into chastity.  He may or may not know the domme's ultimate goal, but he'll likely feel tension (hopefully of the good kind :-).


I don't really see a disconnect.  The alpha thing I view as more personality based rather than directly correlating to D/s.  Throughout history, soldiers have traditionally been required to serve/protect, and obey the people who are in command, but are still viewed as very manly in that role.

These words are closer to my own approach.  With this said, I'll address the OP directly.


Most societies encourage men to be alphas, to be decisive, in charge, strong, tough.  Men are scorned to some degree when they are not.  I am wondering how you all handle the difference between what is inside you and what society presses upon you, not merely the cognitive dissonance, but the actual physical manifestations of submission.  Taking the tie off and then kneeling.  How does that change take place?  Is there a change?  What about the interactions you have in the real world.  Sure men hold the door for a woman, but what about other things?  How does it work for you?

Since early childhood and onward, I've never followed traditional, societal expectations of men.  At a very early age, I started having submissive fantasies (though I didn't know that's what they were).  As a young businessman, when the topic switched to football, I tuned out because team sports really weren't of interest to me.  This was the same in my highschool days.  While other's were trying alcohol and drugs, and waiting to become of age so they could get into clubs, I had no interest.  Ditto for owning a car.  My logic was pragmatic.  Why get a license when I can't yet afford a car?  Music was and is one of my greatest inspirations, and I listen to it in a way that my parents find/found strange.  On a weekend, while other kids were out in the park playing, I'd listen to music for hours - ten hours at a stretch, analyzing and savoring every detail.  I had no musical training and my family wasn't a musical one, but I knew there was something special in what I'd found.  I could add more to this list, but the gist is I've always somewhat gone against the grain and, to a degree, felt on the outside of society.

While I do care what people feel, I don't care at all what "general society" thinks about my tastes, career goals, relationships, etc.  Answering the question, how do I feel when "taking the tie off and then kneeling" before my domme?  I feel like I've come home to the sanctity of my loving partner and leader; I've come home to the place I should be and want to be.  There is no change that takes place in me vis-vis cognitive dissonance with society.

Early on, as I was discovering and exploring, I realized D/s wasn't a societal norm for relationships, even though it seemed very sensible to me.  Also, a lot of my early reading was underground BDSM literature and BDSM magazines so I definitely got the idea this was something not accepted and that I had to hide.  The same was true of finding partners.  In a dating introduction, it's socially acceptable to say "I'm looking for someone to go hiking with" but not so much so when saying "I'm looking for someone to become the dominate in a relationship".  These are things I eventually came to terms with.  As odd as this may sound, I had to come to terms with some vanilla things too.  For example, in a social business setting, it's quite important to know which team won last night's football/hockey/basketball game - the topic is going to come up so I've broadened my understanding and I actually do (now) enjoy watching a game.

There's a lot more I could say, but I'm out of time.  Hopefully my unfinished contribution still provides prospective.

*waves hello to LadyHibiscus and undergroundsea* :-)


< Message edited by ElanSubdued -- 12/9/2009 12:00:40 PM >

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 11:54:58 AM   

Posts: 11292
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Thank you Elan... that is a good read!


No matter how old a woman gets, some men will think she was born yesterday! ROFL... I love this place!

(in reply to ElanSubdued)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 12:02:38 PM   

Posts: 1511
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--- Thank you Elan... that is a good read!

Merci!  How did you read it that fast?  I only just posted!  I tell ya.  Dommes and their super powers.  Always keeping submissives on their toes. :-)


< Message edited by ElanSubdued -- 12/9/2009 12:04:22 PM >

(in reply to Lockit)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 12:22:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LPslittleclip
as far as the change from my daily job to being my Mistress slave i also relish it as i am freed of the worrys and concerns of everything else as She places Her formal collar on me as i kneal at her feet.


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss
Hi Clip - You said this:   i am freed of the worrys and concerns of everything else as She places Her formal collar on me as i kneal at her feet.
that I've heard before, and I understand that.  I know how good it feels to be in the presence of someone else who makes the decisions.  I felt like that even at work where the doctor was the decision maker.  I may not have agreed, but it wasn't my responsibility.  There was real freedom in that for me.

Perhaps this will be on topic, perhaps not.

This is one of the reinforcements that I have in My own determination of instituting such rituals.  It allows the submissive to more easily cast away those expectations they are confronted with in the outside world.    To create that environment by a ritualistic act that allows My boy to feel 'home' in his submission, such as elan described.  It helps to change the mindset from daily demands from other areas of life (work, social, etc) and bring it to the desired objective.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 12:26:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ElanSubdued


--- Thank you Elan... that is a good read!

Merci!  How did you read it that fast?  I only just posted!  I tell ya.  Dommes and their super powers.  Always keeping submissives on their toes. :-)


LOL... I took two speed reading classes in fifth grade in a Washington State School system and then practiced, practiced till I could read a three to five hundred page book a day. I was greedy! lol No secret!


No matter how old a woman gets, some men will think she was born yesterday! ROFL... I love this place!

(in reply to ElanSubdued)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 3:28:25 PM   

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While I do care what people feel, I don't care at all what "general society" thinks about my tastes, career goals, relationships, etc. Answering the question, how do I feel when "taking the tie off and then kneeling" before my domme? I feel like I've come home to the sanctity of my loving partner and leader; I've come home to the place I should be and want to be. There is no change that takes place in me vis-vis cognitive dissonance with society.

Very beautifully put, Elan :-)

In fact, as Lockit wrote, great post.

- LA


Une main de fer dans un gant de velours ~ An iron hand in a velvet glove

(in reply to ElanSubdued)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 4:34:18 PM   

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Hello Elan -

This made me think  "And we have a winner!"  I feel kind of foolish now because it seems so obvious when you put it this way.  But that's ok.  Not the first time I've felt foolish!


All but the apex (level 0) are subordinate.  Does this mean resources at level 1, 2, 3, and so on can't be effective and well accomplished because they ultimately answer to a boss?  Clearly that's not the case or the expectation

Thanks everybody for all the openness and clarity.



Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

(in reply to LadyAngelika)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 6:38:02 PM   

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All but the apex (level 0) are subordinate.

Maybe not so. A certain, strange sort of paradox, holds. Kings sometimes describe themselves as the servants of the nation. Prime Ministers here in the UK speak of 'servants of the nation'. Hell, even Jesus Christ spoke of himself as 'the Son of Man'. In a sense, the higher you go, the more you recognise something 'larger than yourself' and the more you submit to it. Some at the apex even resent the extent to which they submit. Many a time I've heard celebrities say that they feel 'owned' by their fans and the public in general. Unlike us mere 'ordinary people' they're bound, in a myriad of ways, to act the way it's demanded that they act.

< Message edited by PeonForHer -- 12/9/2009 6:39:40 PM >


(in reply to ElanSubdued)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/9/2009 7:00:22 PM   

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All but the apex (level 0) are subordinate.

Maybe not so. A certain, strange sort of paradox, holds. Kings sometimes describe themselves as the servants of the nation. Prime Ministers here in the UK speak of 'servants of the nation'. Hell, even Jesus Christ spoke of himself as 'the Son of Man'. In a sense, the higher you go, the more you recognise something 'larger than yourself' and the more you submit to it. Some at the apex even resent the extent to which they submit. Many a time I've heard celebrities say that they feel 'owned' by their fans and the public in general. Unlike us mere 'ordinary people' they're bound, in a myriad of ways, to act the way it's demanded that they act.

Are you fessing up to a God complex Peon? ;-)

- LA


Une main de fer dans un gant de velours ~ An iron hand in a velvet glove

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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/10/2009 12:31:00 PM   

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Lady Angelika,

--- Very beautifully put, Elan :-)  In fact, as Lockit wrote, great post.

Merci beaucoup.

(Yes, I'm practicing the other national language of my country. :-)


(in reply to LadyAngelika)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/10/2009 12:32:42 PM   

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[quote ] ElanSubdued:
All but the apex (level 0) are subordinate.  Does this mean resources at level 1, 2, 3, and so on can't be effective and well accomplished because they ultimately answer to a boss?  Clearly that's not the case or the expectation.

This made me think "And we have a winner!"  I feel kind of foolish now because it seems so obvious when you put it this way.  But that's ok.  Not the first time I've felt foolish! [/quote]

No need to feel foolish at all.  Until you posted this thread, I hadn't thought about vanilla society's programming for men, submission, and the potential for cognitive dissonance (between the two) in quite the way you described.  I'm finding this thread very useful and illuminating.  It's clear from replies that submissive men handle the impedance mismatch between their heart's desires and society's traditional value systems for men in a myriad of ways, and not all of these are congruent or compatible.  Hey, this is fine by me.  Not all solutions and tools work for everyone and in every situation.

Thanks for encouraging meaningful, well-thought discussion.


(in reply to sunshinemiss)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/10/2009 12:33:52 PM   

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All but the apex (level 0) are subordinate.

Maybe not so.  A certain, strange sort of paradox, holds.  Kings sometimes describe themselves as the servants of the nation.  Prime Ministers here in the UK speak of 'servants of the nation'.  Hell, even Jesus Christ spoke of himself as 'the Son of Man'.  In a sense, the higher you go, the more you recognise something 'larger than yourself' and the more you submit to it.  Some at the apex even resent the extent to which they submit.  Many a time I've heard celebrities say that they feel 'owned' by their fans and the public in general.  Unlike us mere 'ordinary people' they're bound, in a myriad of ways, to act the way it's demanded that they act.

Perhaps you missed this aspect of my post: "thinking from a shareholder perspective, the entire management team is subordinate. :-)"

I'm not in disagreement with you Peon.  Not at all. :-)


(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/10/2009 2:06:39 PM   

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I think your original premise in your post makes an assumption that being submissive is somehow an act of weakness.  I do not see it that way in the slightest - in fact, I see it as an act of strength.  In that act of kneeling, I am choosing a path and expressing a strength in my character - a willingness to submit to another, do for them, serve them, obey them.  I see their choice as a strength of character too - to accept my submission, my service, and agree to guide my path as my Dominant. 

I experience very little "shift" from my day to day self to my submissive self as they are very close.  I am not submissive to all, just Her.  And so my interactions with Her always have that D/s dynamic as the underlying foundation.

As for my manner to the rest of the world, it is softer than perhaps most males would be.  I am not certain if that is the "submission" or "femininity" that I feel in my person as a whole, or something else entirely. 

Hope that helps your understanding! 


I am on a journey of authenticity and self.

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/10/2009 3:49:52 PM   

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Hi Otter -

I'm running out the door but wanted to clarify something right away!  I don't have a premise that I see any submissive person as weak.  In fact in other threads I've very clearly stated that.  For the purpose of this thread I was bringing up the point that submissive *MEN* are not in fitting with what I see as SOCIETY'S pressure on ALL men.  How do the submissive men manage the societal pressure from outside to act in a dominant manner with the internal pressure to act in a submissive manner ("act" meaning behavior not pretend as in acting).

Thank you for pointing your perspective out and giving me an opportunity to clarify.

Mas, mas tarde,


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

(in reply to OttersSwim)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/11/2009 6:01:30 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss
Most societies encourage men to be alphas, to be decisive, in charge, strong, tough.  Men are scorned to some degree when they are not.  I am wondering how you all handle the difference between what is inside you and what society presses upon you,

Mostly by repressing things and being angry a lot.

You do what you gotta do, and do what you want to do, when you can do it.


-and the few still remember passion over rage-

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
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RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/11/2009 3:18:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Hi Otter -

I'm running out the door but wanted to clarify something right away!  I don't have a premise that I see any submissive person as weak.  In fact in other threads I've very clearly stated that.  For the purpose of this thread I was bringing up the point that submissive *MEN* are not in fitting with what I see as SOCIETY'S pressure on ALL men.  How do the submissive men manage the societal pressure from outside to act in a dominant manner with the internal pressure to act in a submissive manner ("act" meaning behavior not pretend as in acting).

Thank you for pointing your perspective out and giving me an opportunity to clarify.

Mas, mas tarde,


I've been watching this thread for a bit and I keep coming back to why does the whole thing ... bother me?

Though I can understand the OP's dissonance issue, I am having a problem being sympathetic. The reason a man has an issue with submitting to a woman, in my opinion, is because he buys into the gender assumptions of male society, as well as our society as a whole. Specifically this is that men are MORE, women are LESS. As long as a man buys into this way of viewing the world he will always have an issue reconciling how to be a stereotypical man with his inner desire to be submissive to a woman.

This entire thread has lead me to wonder ... Why is it that a man must make himself LESS (ie: unmanly, doormat like, etc) in order to see me (a Dominant woman) as MORE (assertive, in charge, Dominant)?

Frankly, I don't think he does. And neither do I think I need to be elevated (as some would argue) in order to Dominate a man.

As to the OP's question above of how to deal with this ... I suggest you examine your own internal motivations and the dialogue you tell yourself regarding gender roles. The only reason I could see there being a disconnect is because you perceive yourself as superior to women by the very nature of your gender and thus find it humiliating to submit to someone who is 'less' than you. If you do not believe this is the case, perhaps you should ask yourself why it is that the opinions of other men (who you believe will all be negative) would even enter into your consciousness on this matter? Why do you think male society would look down on you for being submissive? ... and, have you internalize these ideas? You seem to question what being 'a man' really is. Is not being 'a man' the ability and strength to stand up for what you believe and simply be who you are?


PS - I would like to also add that this dissonance does not seem to be a problem in the M/f dynamic.

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
Profile   Post #: 39
RE: Cognitive Dissonance in the Submissive Man - 12/11/2009 3:41:24 PM   

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Hello Wickad -


Though I can understand the OP's dissonance issue, I am having a problem being sympathetic. The reason a man has an issue with submitting to a woman, in my opinion, is because he buys into the gender assumptions of male society, as well as our society as a whole. Specifically this is that men are MORE, women are LESS. As long as a man buys into this way of viewing the world he will always have an issue reconciling how to be a stereotypical man with his inner desire to be submissive to a woman. 

This entire thread has lead me to wonder ... Why is it that a man must make himself LESS (ie: unmanly, doormat like, etc) in order to see me (a Dominant woman) as MORE (assertive, in charge, Dominant)?

I have what for me is a somewhat academic and friendly curiosity. 

I don't see anywhere that anyone has said that there is any issue about a man submitting to a woman.  Again, I am asking about societal pressures versus internal pressures.  And you are absolutely correct that there are in fact gender assumptions.  They are strong.  How do the submissive men get past that - this is the essence of my question I suppose.  NO ONE has created a "submissive man = less; dominant woman = more" statement except you.  My question is what you have pointed out - how to reconcile a stereotypical (societally pressured) man versus submissive (internally pressured) man that lives within the same body.


As to the OP's question above of how to deal with this ... I suggest you examine your own internal motivations and the dialogue you tell yourself regarding gender roles. The only reason I could see there being a disconnect is because you perceive yourself as superior to women by the very nature of your gender and thus find it humiliating to submit to someone who is 'less' than you. If you do not believe this is the case, perhaps you should ask yourself why it is that the opinions of other men (who you believe will all be negative) would even enter into your consciousness on this matter? Why do you think male society would look down on you for being submissive? ... and, have you internalize these ideas? You seem to question what being 'a man' really is. Is not being 'a man' the ability and strength to stand up for what you believe and simply be who you are?

You do realize I'm a woman, right?  Why does this enter my consciousness?  Well let's see.  I live in a POLARIZED SOCIETY.  I am acutely aware of gender differences (based on language, religion, psychology, education, etc) that are obvious to even the most passive of people.  The (male) governor rules the state; the (female) governess rules the children.  If that is not intrinsically a way of showing gender differences in basically the same word, I don't know what is.

And yes I think you are absolutely correct - being an adult is about being true to yourself.  *You may have noticed that I make that kind of statement in two other threads I've started - If - You are a Mayun and Living in Authority.


PS - I would like to also add that this dissonance does not seem to be a problem in the M/f dynamic.

While I would wholeheartedly disagree with this statement - both anectdotally and from the standpoint of societal expectations of the whole "you can have it all / do it all" attitude.  In fact, I was recently having that very conversation with another woman.   Howver, this is not the thread for that.  

I wonder why that M is capitalized and the f is not...  hmmmm?   Who knows?  It may be my next thread.



Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

(in reply to Wickad)
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