RE: Misogyny and BDSM (Full Version)

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kittinSol -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:11:25 PM)


Don't worry, kittin will soon use her native francais to explain it in further detail Loki.

Il a peur de sa maman.

Loki45 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:13:47 PM)


Mais non, les imbeciles et l'hommes stupides would be more appropriate.

In your opinion, perhaps. I said exactly what I meant to say and I meant what I said.

Loki45 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:14:57 PM)


Illustrating hypocrisy is rarely effective, so I would say you have chosen an uphill battle, but, hey, got to admire a bit of die hard action every now and then. Still, should you ever finish that battle, you would presumably want to proceed to another one, right?

If I stop what I'm doing, the feminists win.

Aynne88 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:15:40 PM)

Pathetic isn't it? Not to mention the fact that the Goreans now want to blame all of our current "misconceptions" about Gor on their latest 50 page debacle" the kajirastar series." Sorry, doesn't fly. It's been that way since I have been here. That just happens to be the latest example of the "brotherhood." Apparently they missed the common philos memo because there is more infighting there than a Republican convention for fuck sake.

Yes we certainly have been welcomed warmly more than once eh kitten? [8D]. Ahhh memories.

Loki45 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:16:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol
Il a peur de sa maman.

Non, je juste n'aime pas les chiennes françaises stupides qui pensent qu'elles sont meilleures que le pays qu'elles se sont déplacé à.

Elisabella -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:17:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Remember what happens when a feminist makes an incursion on Gor? All hell breaks loose.

But apparently, it's okay for people to go on Planet Mistress and imply that the locals are misguided for believing in feminist values? Purrrrrrrrrleaze rofl!!!

You can't make that shit up, you really can't [sm=biggrin.gif] .

I didn't realize that "feminist" was a synonym of "Domme."

It kinda makes me wonder what I used to do when I thought I was domme-ing.

Aynne88 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:18:30 PM)




Illustrating hypocrisy is rarely effective, so I would say you have chosen an uphill battle, but, hey, got to admire a bit of die hard action every now and then. Still, should you ever finish that battle, you would presumably want to proceed to another one, right?

If I stop what I'm doing, the feminists win.


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Win? Win what Loki? I didn't realize equality and respect was a "game." What are you so afraid of losing might be the better question if your dare to delve inwards and ask it.

Kimveri -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:19:18 PM)

Ahhh....I see...

So humor & the good fight against ignorance & hatred of all sorts loses out to the usual "MY bilous hatred is righteous & therefore to be supported while you & yours should die, scum!"

Time for me to leave hypocrisy behind & find better things to write another congressman about the wild mustang issue.

Carry on, try not to miss me.


Aynne88 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:20:54 PM)




ORIGINAL: kittinSol
Il a peur de sa maman.

Non, je juste n'aime pas les chiennes françaises stupides qui pensent qu'elles sont meilleures que le pays qu'elles se sont déplacé à.

You do realize that by calling kittin a stupid french dog is against that TOS even if you do it in French right? By the way I translated that so your anti-feminist fans can see just how elegant you are Loki. You couldn't capture the attenion of such an enchanting woman if you spoke a dozen languages, especially when the one you are trying so hard to impress with is filled with ugly slurs and probably learned via some kind of translation program on google.[8|]. mysogyny here. No rampant jingoistic bullshit either. Kittin not worth it love. Truly.

LadyEllen -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:21:34 PM)

Il serait meilleur je pense, d'avoir peur des jeunes chats francaises et a penser avant qu'on dire qqchose comme ca.


OrionTheWolf -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:21:47 PM)

You misrepresent again. The person you mentioned does not claim to be Gorean, and there were more non-Goreans calling out the midandry and hypocricy shown on that topic. Maybe you are a selective reader, or more likely you just selective present things, portraying them as facts, when they are at best half truths.

Misogyny does exist, as does misandry.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Remember what happens when a feminist makes an incursion on Gor? All hell breaks loose.

But apparently, it's okay for people to go on Planet Mistress and imply that the locals are misguided for believing in feminist values? Purrrrrrrrrleaze rofl!!!

You can't make that shit up, you really can't [sm=biggrin.gif] .

kittinSol -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:21:51 PM)

God, THAT thread [&:] ? Most horrendous thing I've ever seen here. Simply shocking [8D] .

Loki45 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:23:19 PM)


Win? Win what Loki? I didn't realize equality and respect was a "game." What are you so afraid of losing might be the better question if your dare to delve inwards and ask it.

Win as in succeed in pussifying every man in the country. That's what feminism has become about lately. Feminists don't want equality anymore. They want superiority.

Loki45 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:25:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
Maybe you are a selective reader, or more likely you just selective present things, portraying them as facts, when they are at best half truths.


CaringandReal -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:26:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddy519

I'm new to the forums, and maybe its just the small sample size but I see some disturbing trends where posters seem to have a strong misogynistic leaning.

There's a part of me that thinks they are merely trolls seeking reaction, and if that's how they enjoy filling the emptiness in their lives the more power to them.

But...there is a part of me that wonders if some who truly hate women see BDSM as an outlet for their anger?

It lends credence to some articles I've read by the anti-BDSM crowd that all dominants are misogynists (these articles exclusively attribute dominance to males).  But we all know that's bullshit.

Is this a new phenomenon, Where places like CM have become venues in which misogyny can be worn like a badge?

I don't know about the badge part. In other generic kink forums people with misogynistic leanings come and go. They are usually not well accepted by mainstream bdsm groups. I don't think what you're observing is particular to collarme. Remember, a couple vocal people on any topic can make it look like there's a lot going on, when it's really just a couple vocal people. But the fact that some men with misgynistic leanings are attracted to bdsm relationships and to submissive women is not new at all. For some it's an outlet for anger or tensions. Others are drawn to the submissive personality, which, even when she's relatively aggressive or "strong" is quite different in expression from the modern free woman's personality. Or both. The trouble with misogyny is that even if you hate the other gender, if you're straight, you're still sexually drawn to them, and you've got to come to some sort of compromise. The compromises can take many forms, of course. What you're seeing in this forum at the moment is a pretty mild and toned down expression of misogyny. There are places online, clubs sort of, where it's a lot more strongly expressed. If it makes you uncomfortable, well, be glad this is a moderated forum! :)

kittinSol -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:26:43 PM)




ORIGINAL: kittinSol
Il a peur de sa maman.

Non, je juste n'aime pas les chiennes françaises stupides qui pensent qu'elles sont meilleures que le pays qu'elles se sont déplacé à.

Online translator failure. You wanted to say, I think: "Je ne suis qu'un pauvre con qui ne baise pas assez et qui a peur des femmes. C'est pour cela que je me refugie derriere mon clavier pour les insulter, car je n'ai pas les couilles de le leur faire en face."

Hmmmmmmmmm :-) ?

RedMagic1 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:27:08 PM)

Um, does that mean I would get more pussy? 

....not quite seeing the downside.......

Loki45 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:29:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol
Online translator failure. You wanted to say, I think: "Je ne suis qu'un pauvre con qui ne baise pas assez et qui a peur des femmes. C'est pour cela que je me refugie derriere mon clavier pour les insulter, car je n'ai pas les couilles de le leur faire en face."

I said exactly what I meant to say. You just can't accept it.
Je ne m'attendrais pas à ce que vous comprenniez, vu que vous êtes la chienne française stupide à laquelle je me référais.

kittinSol -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:30:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: CaringandReal

I don't know about the badge part. In other generic kink forums people with misogynistic leanings come and go. They are usually not well accepted by mainstream bdsm groups. I don't think what you're observing is particular to collarme. Remember, a couple vocal people on any topic can make it look like there's a lot going on, when it's really just a couple vocal people. But the fact that some men with misgynistic leanings are attracted to bdsm relationships and to submissive women is not new at all. For some it's an outlet for anger or tensions. Others are drawn to the submissive personality, which, even when she's relatively aggressive or "strong" is quite different in expression from the modern free woman's personality. Or both. The trouble with misogyny is that even if you hate the other gender, if you're straight, you're still sexually drawn to them, and you've got to come to some sort of compromise. The compromises can take many forms, of course. What you're seeing in this forum at the moment is a pretty mild and toned down expression of misogyny. There are places online, clubs sort of, where it's a lot more strongly expressed. If it makes you uncomfortable, well, be glad this is a moderated forum! :)

That was spot on, actually.

Aynne88 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (12/29/2009 8:33:55 PM)




Win? Win what Loki? I didn't realize equality and respect was a "game." What are you so afraid of losing might be the better question if your dare to delve inwards and ask it.

Win as in succeed in pussifying every man in the country. That's what feminism has become about lately. Feminists don't want equality anymore. They want superiority.

Well damn. I really screwed up today. Cleaned his house, made him dinner, had a lovely delicous round of abuse, called some filthy names, gave an A+blow job. Oh, then I cleaned up after dinner, spent 2 hours doing quickbook entries for him, got rewarded by being called a good little whore, and loved every minute of it. Oops. I just want to get the same pay as his other management team and not have to hear about my tits at the workplace. The last thing I want is a pussified man, which to me is one that is afraid of what feminism really is.

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