Not quite sure how to continue... (Full Version)

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UnknowingMaster -> Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:00:18 AM)

I have a problem, and as you can tell from the title, I am not quite sure how to continue. Please excuse any typing errors as I am doing this from my phone. The last time I posted on here, was about 15 months or so ago and I had asked for help in becoming a better Dom. I don't know if I am doing it wrong, if I just don't have enough motivation, etc, but I just can't seem to get into the role. My wife introduced me to the d/s aspect of her sexuality while I was deployed, sent me tons of articles, talked to me on end about this and was/has been extremely enthusiastic about the lifestyle. I just don't know how to handle some situations. I am a very laid back type of person, and most of the time just don't care about what is happening in my surroundings. Don't get me wrong, I can be alert and responsive if I want, I just usually don't care to be. My main problem that I am having now is that she is burying her nose in books such as "The Story of O" or some other series that is "The Claiming of someone or other". I can noticibly tell a difference between when she is reading stuff like that or just plain vanilla romance novels. The only time that she is ever "in the mood" is when she reads the d/s stuff. I love her to death, but I can't figure out what to do. She claims that when we try a scene, she can notice that I am not that into it. There are other things that she wants to do that, again, I am not into, but I will have the common courtesy not to say because she does view these boards. I want to make her happy, but to what expense do I do that? Do I spend the rest of my life living as a person that I clearly am not, or do I just not fulfill her fantasies? Living the life as the person that I am not will obviously work in my favor sexually, but not fulfilling her fantasies will leave me initiating if I ever want sex. Thoughts, comments, suggestions, criticism? I don't know if any of this made sense or if I just seem like I am rambling.

Thank you for your help.

mnottertail -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:04:06 AM)

do you have any military background yourself?

That will frame my answer.

osf -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:04:12 AM)

you'r not going to change and she is not going to change

we're talking about basic personality traits here

what you do will have to be your decision

littlewonder -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:10:47 AM)

You tried.
It doesn't work for you.
Tell her that.
She'll either have to accept it and continue to live her life with you knowing that and be content with who she fell in love with in the first place...or...

you both move on.

osf -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:13:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

You tried.
It doesn't work for you.
Tell her that.
She'll either have to accept it and continue to live her life with you knowing that and be content with who she fell in love with in the first place...or...

you both move on.

how would denying your sexuality work for you?

it's probably how it will work for her

LafayetteLady -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:20:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: UnknowingMaster

I have a problem, and as you can tell from the title, I am not quite sure how to continue. Please excuse any typing errors as I am doing this from my phone. The last time I posted on here, was about 15 months or so ago and I had asked for help in becoming a better Dom. I don't know if I am doing it wrong, if I just don't have enough motivation, etc, but I just can't seem to get into the role. My wife introduced me to the d/s aspect of her sexuality while I was deployed, sent me tons of articles, talked to me on end about this and was/has been extremely enthusiastic about the lifestyle. I just don't know how to handle some situations. I am a very laid back type of person, and most of the time just don't care about what is happening in my surroundings. Don't get me wrong, I can be alert and responsive if I want, I just usually don't care to be. My main problem that I am having now is that she is burying her nose in books such as "The Story of O" or some other series that is "The Claiming of someone or other". I can noticibly tell a difference between when she is reading stuff like that or just plain vanilla romance novels. The only time that she is ever "in the mood" is when she reads the d/s stuff. I love her to death, but I can't figure out what to do. She claims that when we try a scene, she can notice that I am not that into it. There are other things that she wants to do that, again, I am not into, but I will have the common courtesy not to say because she does view these boards. I want to make her happy, but to what expense do I do that? Do I spend the rest of my life living as a person that I clearly am not, or do I just not fulfill her fantasies? Living the life as the person that I am not will obviously work in my favor sexually, but not fulfilling her fantasies will leave me initiating if I ever want sex. Thoughts, comments, suggestions, criticism? I don't know if any of this made sense or if I just seem like I am rambling.

Thank you for your help.

Can't there be some sort of "happy medium" where sometimes you do it your way and other times you do it her way? I realize mine might not be the popular answer to tell a "dom," but you really aren't one are you? Your activities in this regard seem to be, from your statements, purely because you want to make your wife happy. That's a very admirable thing. But if you aren't that "into it," I can see how it is a struggle. That's why I say there has to be a compromise. She obviously isn't into it "full time" either from what you say, so I think if you sat down and talked with her, you should be able to work it out. Seems as though she is a bit upset that you aren't as enthusiastic as she is when you play. Maybe you need to explain to her that you want to make her happy, but you really aren't up to pretending that the stuff is rocking your world the way it is hers. There's nothing wrong with that.

When she sent you all those articles, what did you think? Were you turned on by them and getting excited to come home and try them? Of course, the fact that you were deployed and away from your wife, I imagine that sometimes just thinking of her in grubby sweats could be a turn on being so far away for so long.

The point is talk to her. If "this" isn't who you are, you already figured out that trying to force it isn't going to make you happy. Remind her that while she can tell you aren't as into it as she is, she is lucky to have a man who loves her enough to step up and do what makes her happy, even if it isn't going to happen all the time.

VirginPotty -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:21:27 AM)

How would you feel about her getting a Dom outside the marriage? 

osf -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:27:59 AM)


Can't there be some sort of "happy medium" where sometimes you do it your way and other times you do it her way?

i've seen variations of that tried, never worked, the one that wants it becomes unhappy with the efforts of the other

littlewonder -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:30:00 AM)




ORIGINAL: littlewonder

You tried.
It doesn't work for you.
Tell her that.
She'll either have to accept it and continue to live her life with you knowing that and be content with who she fell in love with in the first place...or...

you both move on.

how would denying your sexuality work for you?

it's probably how it will work for her

Depends on how static your sexuality is I guess.  Some people their sexuality is tied into who they are with and their love and devotion to that person and their relationship.

osf -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:33:58 AM)

well it wasn't a blanket statement

UnknowingMaster -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 10:59:46 AM)

Yes. 3 and a half years army.

mnottertail -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:11:17 AM)

So you rose in the ranks, model yourself at least as a platoon sergeant. accomplish the fuckin mission. You will find some stuff in there you like........and acting AS might find some things in there that will stick and that she likes..........

So, act AS IF you are not laid back, act AS IF you control the troops, act AS IF you .......

try it for a while, and see if something dont catch in the fence, Sarge.

Remember it is all Theater. Yanno, the shakespeare thingie, All the worlds a stage and men and women merely players....................(already a well worn cliche in shakespeares time btw)

Order the goddamn private to have sex with you, fuck her, she signed the contract...SHE VOLUNTEERED!!!!!!! ALL VOL ARMY!!!!!! She wants to please you and be your good little bitch, and make her straighten out that goddamn =========>>>> once in a while. Take her to dinner, tell her to get her fucking coat NOW. STFU and go where you want and order for her and fuck her if she dont want it, it is what the government is serving.....

Getting the gimmick?

Go get em Sgt. Rock


go home, get all laid back, make her fix you a drink, chill out, nice and serene and get a dog licking peanut butter blowjob..............................

osf -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:14:51 AM)

acting hardly ever works, she wants to know you'r getting a hardon as she suffers

mnottertail -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:21:44 AM)


thanks for the fuckin heads up. I will give that every consideration it deserves.


UnknowingMaster -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:22:23 AM)

I am sorry that I am not responding right away to everyone. I only have limited battery, and will have to respond when I get to a computer. Thank you again for hw overwhelming response.

Jeffff -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:33:45 AM)

Ron... that was brilliant.


osf -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:35:19 AM)

i guess if you're a dancing acting dom it doesn't make sense

mnottertail -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:39:12 AM)

hes an anteater, they dont sing and they dont dance. you're throwing up a pretty good act out here, pops. now, you I can see (since you got the treading the boards conjunctivitis boogie going on) are pretty much the same with the king as you are with the undertaker.

We got that, thanks, and keep on keeping it real.

Keith B. Real

DrkJourney -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:39:41 AM)

First I would look into what Ron said.  My husband is in the military and I know it's hard for him to turn that off sometime, so it might be that you only need to do what comes naturally and not try to fit the roles that those books she's reading would have you be. 

The other alternative is what VP suggested her having occassional sessions with a Dom to satisfy her needs.  Personally I would try Ron's suggestion first.  I know once you leave work you don't want to bring that home, but maybe you could on a daily basis incorporate a very watered down version, simply sit around and have her wait on you, serve your food, bring you things, have her wear things that turn you on, have her do things that turn you on in and out of the bedroom, nothing really huge. then on those special occassions step it up a couple of notches.

persephonee -> RE: Not quite sure how to continue... (12/31/2009 11:41:12 AM)

Okay....quick poll......who here has had actual carnal knowledge of a person of whatever sex they orient toward in the last....say.....5 years? are admittedly single, and horrendously unhappy as evidenced by every single post youve made on this board in your short, but illustrious posting career.....with all due respect (and just only what is due).....stfu.

OP....Ron is spot on....Go Army!

Pull her hair, throw her up against the wall, fuck her til she cries.....and i think youll be okay.[;)]

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