forced femizition (Full Version)

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dirtydiane -> forced femizition (1/8/2010 6:46:59 PM)

how many mistresses like to really make guys into there female bitches not only dressing them up but to the point of hormones and really making them live as a women

Lockit -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 6:58:29 PM)

Ten... as of last week.

PeonForHer -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:04:02 PM)

Well, let's make this interesting . . .

I met a guy at a BDSM club once who told me that his partner had started slipping prescription female hormone pills into his food.  He only found out when, after the second visit to his doc to complain about growing breasts, they did blood tests and found abnormally high levels of the wrong sorts of hormones in his body.   

He said that he didn't hold it against her.  He didn't go the law about it.  He became much more moody than he'd been before.  I asked him, jokingly, if he experienced severely diminished ability to park his car.  He replied, in all seriousness, in the affirmative. 

Nowt as queer as folk. 

dirtydiane -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:14:22 PM)

this was posted last week

blmtrsne -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:16:38 PM)

No, I want him in the bathroom to clean it, not to be dressing up. And I think changing him body costs a lot, money that I would rather spend in a restaurant, theater or filmtheater.

stef -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:17:12 PM)



Ten... as of last week.

There's actually only one.  The other nine were men pretending to be women.


LadyPact -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:17:39 PM)

I'm not one of them.  I like My boys to be boys.  If I wanted a girl, I'd get one.

CarrieO -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:18:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: dirtydiane

how many mistresses like to really make guys into there female bitches not only dressing them up but to the point of hormones and really making them live as a women

OP, did you mean for this to come across so negative?  I mean, why "female bitches"?  Why should it be so humiliating?  When I read posts like this, I have to wonder how the person who asks the question really feels about women.

you really should just do a search on this topic...oodles of threads already done...nothing original here.

Venatrix -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:35:51 PM)


Another forced fem thread? This must be number 3,285. Can't people come up with anything original? And just when I thought it was safe to come back to the boards, too. Sigh.

dirtydiane -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:42:22 PM)

i thought this was a good question to ask to see if there were really alot of mistresses out there that would take it that far and maybe get to know afew of them thru this forum,see what there thoughts on it were,maybe learn a few pointers on the subject on what approaches they may have on doing it or even what they would get out of taking something like this that far, seemed like an honest question but as far to many times on here the ones that that have no interest in the subject always respond its hard to get good answers on subjects in this forum its a pitty,i really thought thats what this forum was for honest answer on the subjects in hand its sad

Lockit -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 7:56:54 PM)

Darlin, I think what you are missing is... you can't force fem anyone who wants it. Your post, just like many before it talks of nothing but your interest in one topic and you are missing the point that those who would like to do this... non forced, are seeing some unrealistic expectations of being forced and a self focus.

If you wish to be taken seriously, you need to take us seriously and not present one thing... but more who you are in this one thing. Think about your post... think about what you are saying... put some depth to it... that comes from a realistic base. There are some who will respond... but it is hard to take you seriously when you haven't done your own homework in looking into things enough to know... it isn't forced if you want it!

Okay... too tired for this... not sure I am making sense.

Kimveri -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:06:28 PM)

Why should these women take the time to reply to your question when you do not bother to take the time to make your post a teensy bit more coherent? Having a period or two need not mean you freaking bleed for five days....maybe it's just a nice way to show the end of one thought & the beginning of another?


Ladynslave -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:06:57 PM)

Lockit, it made sense enough for me to follow along.

But back to the OP...  I can use my words and hands to "force" my slave into women's clothes.  It's not really forcing him as he likes it, but it sounds good and anyone on the outside wouldn't know the difference.  I don't care for it, it's just something I indulge because it's something he likes and only then when he's been really really good.  As to giving him hormones to turn him into more of a woman, no thanks, no how, no way.  One hormonal bitch in this house is enough.  It's good to be Queen.

CarrieO -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:09:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: dirtydiane

HUGE run-on sentence...let's try to break it down, shall we?

i thought this was a good question to ask to see if there were really alot of mistresses out there that would take it that far

Did you do a search first on the topic?  Always a good thing to do before posting as you never know how often something has been asked.

and maybe get to know afew of them thru this forum,see what there thoughts on it were,maybe learn a few pointers on the subject on what approaches they may have on doing it or even what they would get out of taking something like this that far,

Again, search is your friend.  Something to consider, though, is the way you presented your question.  I asked you a question about this in my prior post and I'd still be curious to get an answer. 

seemed like an honest question but as far to many times on here the ones that that have no interest in the subject always respond its hard to get good answers on subjects in this forum its a pitty

I have a hard time taking a question that has the words "female bitches" in it serious.  Presentation is everything.  If you want to be taken serious then present yourself as such.  If you choose to do a search, you might be surprised to read quite a few posts that discuss the topic of femininzation in a positive light.
I'm curious...what would qualify as a "good answer" in your eyes, OP?

,i really thought thats what this forum was for honest answer on the subjects in hand its sad

You asked how many mistresses found this appealing and were given honest answers. They may not have been the answers you wanted but they were given nonetheless. 

*edited to add.....OP, after viewing your profile, I have a feeling "forced" isn't really an issue for you.  If you want to explore your feminine aspects and would like a woman to help you with this, grand.  But, please don't pretend it would be a forced act if it's something you enjoy.

Lockit -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:12:43 PM)





Ten... as of last week.

There's actually only one.  The other nine were men pretending to be women.



PeonForHer -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:15:23 PM)



Why should these women take the time to reply to your question when you do not bother to take the time to make your post a teensy bit more coherent? Having a period or two need not mean you freaking bleed for five days....maybe it's just a nice way to show the end of one thought & the beginning of another?


Kim, I think you've been reading way too much of a certain type of post.  [:D]

Venatrix -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:21:22 PM)



 They may not have been the answers you wanted but they were given nonetheless.

Indeed. That's often the case with these "fulfill my kink" threads. And on that note, I'm off to snuggle with the cat under a warm blanket, a bowl of non-microwaved popcorn by my side, and a DVD on the telly. I prefer watching drama that is coherent. [:D]

AcademyForSlaves -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 8:24:48 PM)


I know lots of Mistresses personally that LOVE feminizing subs. One at the Academy likes to have a sissy secretary. But she likes them really slutty. Don't know if you could handle that.

Hope this helps.

dirtydiane -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 9:13:51 PM)

like i said none of you really have any interest in the subject because if you did you would have at least something interesting to say on the subject itself but like i said in my earlier post only the ones that have no interest in the subject in hand tend to post the negitive on it and if your sick of the same old topic why even reply at all i asked was how many WERE into it not who wasn't but of course you just prove my point if your not into it then maybe you should just move on reply to the subjects you are into not the ones your sick of i just wanted to hear from some that were into it thats not that hard of a question,if you had of asked me maybe you would of found out that i was forced at one time into it and that now i do like it because if you are a good sub and do as your mistress tells you yes after awell it does become fun

OttersSwim -> RE: forced femizition (1/8/2010 9:17:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: AcademyForSlaves


I know lots of Mistresses personally that LOVE feminizing subs. One at the Academy likes to have a sissy secretary. But she likes them really slutty. Don't know if you could handle that.

Hope this helps.

OMG, you are just too nice...[;)]

So, to the OP...a couple of points of reality here.

As has been said, it is not "forced" if you actually want it.  To actually force fem someone who did not want it would be highly unethical, not to mention illegal in most places.

The BDSM dynamic between a girlie boy and a prospective mistress must have three key components:

1.  She must be at least open to being served by a girlie boy, if not actually into it, or if you hit the jackpot, totally enthusiastic about it.

2.  You must be in touch with your female side enough to be able to own your kink, embrace what you want, and in effect, be willing to 'feminize yourself'.  Otherwise, it just becomes all about you and your single kink.  Most Ladies view that as far too much work and totally in opposition to the point of a power exchange relationship.

3.  Your being girlie must be but one component in the rich tapestry of a BDSM relationship.  Otherwise you are simply a one-trick-pony and the Lady is left asking "What's in it for me?".  If you are looking here, you will be seeking a D/s or M/s relationship with a Dominant Lady who has Her own interests at heart -first-.  Kind of what it's all about, eh?  You must be about Her first, and your own kink second or third.

Her dominance 'inspires' your submission, and your submission 'inspires' her dominance.  You willingly meet her needs, and She in turn meets your needs.  Your being girlie is indeed important, but it is just one aspect in this sort of relationship and it can not, indeed -must- not, usurp the dynamic.

What you ask for in your original post is mostly the stuff of fantasy, and don't get me wrong, it's a great fantasy!  But when you actually put a -real female- into that scenario it breaks down.

Think about, and internalize what you actually want from your girlie side - embrace it, celebrate it, make it part of a host of things you bring to a relationship - and then apply it to a real life search for someone who will see you - all of you.   [:)]

Hope that helps.

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