RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (Full Version)

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thornhappy -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/17/2010 9:48:43 PM)

Thanks for the info, I was finding a bunch of different stories but hadn't seen that one.

Real0ne -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/17/2010 11:42:22 PM)




ORIGINAL: thornhappy

Although there is no evidence that Hitler had a Jewish grandfather, supposedly his grandmother refused to reveal the identity of her child's father to her death. There was a suspicion that it was her Jewish employer, but there is no evidence of this, and Hitler certainly never spoke of it.

From The Straight Dope...

After the war Hitler's former lawyer, Hans Frank... says he determined that at the time Maria Schicklgruber gave birth to Alois, she was working as a household cook in the town of Graz. Her employers were a Jewish family named Frankenberger, who had a 19-year-old son. The son, according to Frank, was Alois's father and Hitler's grandfather -- which would make the man who inspired the Holocaust one-quarter Jewish...

It turns out that all Jews had been expelled from Graz in the 15th century and were not allowed to return until the 1860s; what's more, so far as can be determined, Maria Schicklgruber never lived in Graz.


yup thats pretty close to the story I heard when I was a kid.

but if you really want to piss people off show em the pictures of the brothel, soccer field, orchestra, dancers, and the prisoners olympic swimming pool at auschwitz!

LadyEllen -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 5:48:24 AM)

From what he says in Mein Kampf, Hitler thought nothing of Jews until he went to Vienna - they were all around him growing up but were integrated and never struck him in any significant way - it was in Vienna that he first noticed the unintegrated Jewish population and was led by way of others' embittered attacks on them to see Jews in a whole new light.

On the one hand we might see this as genuine testimony of a young man finding his way in the world - on the other we might see the manipulation of the German mind into following his journey, since in those days most Germans saw nothing of note about Jews either and so this is an attempt at bringing about identification with the author.

All interesting stuff I'm sure. Doesnt change anything though - just as it wouldnt change anything had he been part Jewish or part Zulu. Ultimately he was a very damaged individual in a world far more harsh than anything most of us will ever know.


kittinSol -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 6:31:20 AM)


but if you really want to piss people off show em the pictures of the brothel, soccer field, orchestra, dancers, and the prisoners olympic swimming pool at auschwitz!

Ah, Club Auschwitz, what a whirly gig it was. The barbecues, the joyful communal accommodations, the S&M for all... there hasn't been anything quite like it since.

Jeffff -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 6:43:22 AM)

What, no sauna?

vincentML -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 7:20:21 AM)



From what he says in Mein Kampf, Hitler thought nothing of Jews until he went to Vienna - they were all around him growing up but were integrated and never struck him in any significant way - it was in Vienna that he first noticed the unintegrated Jewish population and was led by way of others' embittered attacks on them to see Jews in a whole new light.

On the one hand we might see this as genuine testimony of a young man finding his way in the world - on the other we might see the manipulation of the German mind into following his journey, since in those days most Germans saw nothing of note about Jews either and so this is an attempt at bringing about identification with the author.

All interesting stuff I'm sure. Doesnt change anything though - just as it wouldnt change anything had he been part Jewish or part Zulu. Ultimately he was a very damaged individual in a world far more harsh than anything most of us will ever know.


The history of Germany following the Great World War is incredible. Hyperinflation in the early 1920s so bad the workers had to be paid daily so they could rush to line up at the stores to get food. Then the Ruhr was occupied by France. I think because Germany could not meet the Reparations demanded of them. In 1930 or 1931 the first of a series of worldwide bank failures began in Germany and they went into severe recession. Meanwhile, there was constant fighting in the streets by Communists and Fascists. The Weimar Republic fell and the nation was in need of a strong leader. Obviously, they got more than they bargained for. Prosperity returned for awhile but then went all to hell in 1939. The Jews in Germany were well respected at least until the bank panics, afterwhich they became easy scapegoats.

In a similar fashion, we in the West have had a traumatic decade with two Market crashes, attacks on our homelands, and two questionable wars. Do you think we will fall into scapegoating and seek strong leaders to quell our insecurities? I think it is very possible.

Lady Ellen, as I read a biography of Hitler's early years I recall that there was a long history of fringe political agitation against the Jews in Vienna. You are quite right when you say Hitler fell in with these groups and learned his anger through them. You are really quite right to say it doesn't change anything if he were part Jewish. I suspect that was a bit of War propaganda put out by the Allies and still makes the rounds in Hunk's head. Sorry big guy but maybe you should let this stuff pass. It really means nothing to us today 70 years later.

kittinSol -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 7:56:22 AM)



What, no sauna?

Who needs saunas when there are Zyklon B showers :-) ?

Jeffff -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 8:19:50 AM)

No Charge for the set up


pahunkboy -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 8:42:56 AM)

I am pleased that there are some thought provoking replies to this.

1.  it is true that his lineage does not excuse or change what happened.
2.  it is also true that we have to be vigilant so that this never happens again.

Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 8:44:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
part of a master plan, just like putting a day care center in the Murrah building.

[:-] Thank you, T. I did not know that had been done intentionally in anticipation of the bombing. When?

Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 8:51:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: thornhappy
Do you really believe that child care center built in 1977 was just part of a plot to stir outrage in 1995? 

Oh. No, I do not. Thank you for the correction.

pahunkboy -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 8:52:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Reminds pahunkboy and Termyn8tor to be cautious of those black helicopters flying overhead.

Would you like a azz kicking now?  Or would you prefer to get in in an hour from now?

pahunkboy -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 8:54:56 AM)

Let the audits begin- sunshine everywhere- and let openess prevail. Glasnosed and parastroika.

Let 2.3 trillion be accounted for.

let 28 trillion in bail out money see the sunlight of day.

It will be the happiest day of my life!!!


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

The 13 banking families that own the private federal reserve - are not Jewish. 

You know PA, I've posted links for you, as have several other people, yet you keep clinging to this conspiracy theory.

But, let's try one more time:

The Federal Reserve System
  • Structure

  • vincentML -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 9:13:32 AM)


    ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

    I am pleased that there are some thought provoking replies to this.

    1.  it is true that his lineage does not excuse or change what happened.
    2.  it is also true that we have to be vigilant so that this never happens again.

    Never say never, Hunk. I think odds favor a reoccurance of some form of "strong man" led governement and scapegoating of "not like us" groups. It could happen in the West again if the times are bad enough and people feel terribly insecure as so many do now.

    Just a thought. The arc of history seems to favor the need for a "stong man" now and again.

    Termyn8or -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 9:20:29 AM)


    Perhaps my sarcasm didn't show well enough. They certainly couldn't know just which federal buildings were going to be bombed - that would be a ridiculous assumption. However they seem to be smart enough not to put day care centers in local police stations, and certain other places. If I were a LEO I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near the station. Those who put the day care centers in such places need their heads examined, and so do those who partake of such services.

    It was obvious after WW2 that reparations are precisely what enabled Hilter to rise to power. The whole idea was nixed. In fact I think I heard that some US general blamed France for this, because they were the most aggressive of the persuers of reparations after WW1. This much makes sense.

    Fuck never forgetting the holocaust, never forget what brough it on. Give them a reason. A common cause. You might get that shit off in bumfuct Zimbabwe somewhere, but history has shown that you can't keep your thumb on the Germans.

    Want it to happen again ? It's gonna. In a few short years the US cumulative (not annual) national will exceed the GDP. Once the effects on the market take full force we will then experience the hyperinflation, and will wind up using dollars for kindling. Then all we need is one nuthead with the right sloganry, America for the Americans, we need livingspace, we have a right to take what we deem ours, whether it was ours a thousand years ago or never was ours, we have a right to take it. (sound familiar ?)

    Germans in that era were highly educated and intelligent, and they got misled. What do you think could happen here with the sheeple who resemble the song Troglodyte by The Jimmy Castor Bunch. Sitting in his cave listening to his stereo, gotta fina Woman...... and so forth. Playing a video game, having experienced the joys of war vicariously via video games, but none of the harsh reality.

    Just what the hell do YOU think is going to happen. And in this case there were no war reparations involved, but then maybe there are ..........


    thornhappy -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 9:37:12 AM)


    ORIGINAL: Rule


    ORIGINAL: thornhappy
    Do you really believe that child care center built in 1977 was just part of a plot to stir outrage in 1995? 

    Oh. No, I do not. Thank you for the correction.

    Sorry, I aimed it at Term, but my message crossed yours.

    thornhappy -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 9:38:51 AM)


    ORIGINAL: Termyn8or


    Perhaps my sarcasm didn't show well enough. They certainly couldn't know just which federal buildings were going to be bombed - that would be a ridiculous assumption. However they seem to be smart enough not to put day care centers in local police stations, and certain other places. If I were a LEO I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near the station. Those who put the day care centers in such places need their heads examined, and so do those who partake of such services.


    Maybe that's due to the large number of criminal suspects traipsing in and out of a police station - as opposed to a government workplace (I can hear the jokes now!)

    The national debt exceeded the GDP at the end of WWII and there was no hyperinflation.

    Termyn8or -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 10:40:53 AM)

    Yes thorn, the debt was great. But there was recovery, at least to some extent. This time there will be no recovery, we are just about out of everything. War is our biggest industry because it's all we have.

    We are only a few short steps away from an explosively aggressive regime. People are ripe for national unity, everything is falling into place. War reparations, well we just pay the interest now, but really if we could grow a set of balls we would tell them all to go fuck off. After all we saved them all right ? Or is it that money needs to go for bribes ? Think about it.

    Every time shit like this happens it is worse than the last time. This time around it will be us, and it will be a doosey. We won't need some prince from England to be reincarnated as a virus to kill 80% of the population, we will take care  of it ourselves. And the scary part is, with this type of arsenal, this time is likely to be the last time.

    Face it for better or worse, Hitler was among the smartest people ever born. And now we are in a position where it wouldn't take anywhere near someone of that caliber to lead us to the path of destruction. Hell, Bush almost did it, and they haven't even mentioned being able to chew gum and fart since Gerald Ford. Bush's Daddy can't even eat a potato chip. You would only need a half a brain to get this whole thing started again, right here, right now, right at home. Give the sheeple a common cause, and watch the blind force of the mob directed by someone trained in political matters.

    Such force is dwarfed only by Mother nature herself, and in the wrong hands can destroy all of us now. I personally do not fear death, but things like this situation give me the heebie jeebies. Literally ending the world ? Or maybe worse, actually taking it over and imposing tyranny ? I can ignore alot of things, but I have difficulty with this one. History is SOOOOO ready to repeat itself it ain't funny.


    Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 10:47:15 AM)


    kittinSol -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (1/18/2010 10:49:03 AM)


    ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

    Face it for better or worse, Hitler was among the smartest people ever born.

    Yes. He was so smart that ten years after being elected Chancellor he led Germany to the most devastating and crushing defeat at Stalingrad. He was such a genius that he got his country bombed and annihilated by the allies. He was such a visionary that his country are still paying war damages today.

    What a smart man Hitler was.

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