RE: breeding ? (Full Version)

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WinsomeDefiance -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 8:02:30 AM)

I have Ripley's believe it or not on speed dial - just waiting for the impossibility to happen..

Male anteater and lesbian tiger give birth to a beaver....

Jeffff -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 8:07:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse



Don't hold back....  tell us how you REALLY feel...:)



I am thinking there will not be any more Wallys or Beavers.


June, I couldn't agree more. No wgy don't you go make us some bacon.

There's a good girl!


ResidentSadist -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 8:31:35 AM)


Why women over 40 need to be very aware of their actual real-world risks.

Please reread the OP and my replies. She did not say sex, she said breeding. I said, “your opinion of 40 year olds is antiquated considering modern medical screening techniques used for donors.”

Modern medical “breeding” techniques using in vitro (IVF) donors can imploy an “embryo biopsy” for “preimplantation genetic diagnostics” (PGD). You will find that what I said about age is based in modern medicine. Here are some medical facts to update your personal understanding that there is no reason for anyone, of any age to have an unhealthy baby.

Most of the twenty-five thousand or so genes in the human genome have now been identified and their DNA sequenced. Molecular analysis of genes is becoming simpler and more efficient. As a consequence, PGD with IVF, can now prevent couples from having to face the horror of giving birth to children with almost any of the genetic defects such as Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs, Gaucher’s disease, mental retardation, etc., that terrify every woman who ever gets pregnant. With PGD, we can also better understand the problem of recurrent, early miscarriage and the genetic errors that arise in pregnancies of older mothers.
[edit to add]
/taking the gloves off because all this D/s perspective in an M/s question is just silly

“Does a Master or Owner of a collared and owned slave have the absolute right to <insert anything here>”
Yes. If he didn’t, your aren’t under his total control are you?

To obey him or not is your choice. It is your only choice.

No further thought is required in the matter is required and any subsequent questions in the OP are a moot point.

AnimusRex -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 9:14:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven
These are two of the areas of BDSM that squick me out.  Sharing and breeding.  Even using the word "breeding" to objectify a human pregnancy bothers me.

But this is exactly why I can't bring myself to take this sort of thread seriously. The notion of a "breeding slave" is akin to "slave farms" and "Old Houses of Europe" and are all lifted wholeseale from the pages of erotic novels, or the advertisements at the side of your Collarme screen.

"Breeding slaves" are to BDSM what Die Hard is to law enforcement; its the wild fantasy regions, that unfortunately ensnare the stupid and disordered.

I can't even bring myself to speak reason and logic to the practitioners of this idiocy, since it is like trying to teach a pig to sing- you end up merely annoying the pig and wasting your time.

What I am considering is trying to run a matchmaking service to pair up the breeding slaves with the guy in Texas who wants to sell slaves for $850.00. I am thinking my brokerage fee should be about a hundred bucks a head.

Missokyst -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 9:14:54 AM)

Legally you still have the same rights you did before. But I would like to point this out as well.
You also have the same responsibilities.
That means if you have a child, guess who raises it or has the task of putting it up for adoption? If you raise it, who changes, feeds, cares for an nurtures the child? If YOU choose to bring a child into the world who has some random dad someone decided you had to spread your legs for, what do you plan to tell your child about their father?
Are you prepared for the cost of raising a child? Unless your master decides to marry you he has no legal responsibility for your willful decisions to "obey" regardless of logic.


ORIGINAL: dreamerdreaming
You still have the same legal rights as you did before, and you still have the right to be with someone whose needs and desires fit well with yours. 

lizi -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 9:27:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: subtlebottomgirl

Does a  Master or Owner of  a collared and owned slave (female for obvious reasons) have the absolute right to breed his slave ?   with other men  ? 

Where does the  responsibility to take care of the off springs lay ?

How would it change the dynamics of the realtionship ?
Thank you.

I was going to answer the question but I can't.
Are you seriously asking if it's ok to produce a human being for the sake of kink? Seriously? I truly believe in the equality of kink for all but  bringing a child into the world because it turns some dude on? Do you have kids? Do you understand what is involved in generating them and raising them? Whatever happened to the concept of not involving nonconsensual bystanders in your kink? Isn't this the very definition of an innocent bystander who can in no definition of the word give his/her consent....the child that would be born because a 'master' decreed he wanted his slave fucked and bred to give him jollies.What would it be like to be brought in the world for someone's kink? If you were this child who was produced to get some guy's (who may not the be the father) cock hard how would you feel? Please for the sake of the possible offspring sterilize yourself so this won't happen. There aren't many reasons more wrong than to have a baby because someone's fantasy required it.

I can honestly say that I've been squicked out by some kinks and fetishesI've read on here before and never said anything against the poster because it was their thing and that's fine, but this concept of breeding real live children to give someone a sexual thrill is repugnant. It's just wrong on so many levels. I can't believe you are stupid enough to even talk to someone who would consider this as a possibility. If you're looking to have children  ok then...fine. If the child is being solely produced for someone to get their rocks off it's not fine.  

peppermint -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 9:50:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19


ORIGINAL: peppermint


ORIGINAL: subtlebottomgirl
Where does the responsibility to take care of the off springs lay ?

Do the child a favor. Give it up for adoption so the child can have intelligent thinking humans for parents.

This is just you being a snarky bitch.

And I'll stick by my so called snarky answer and if I am a bitch for doing so, I certainly don't care.  I call it the way I see it. 

The lady in question is certainly not accepting the caring role of Mommy, hence her question.    Master doesn't seem to have said he wants the child and diaper duty, hence her question.  The poor fucker to make the "off springs" will probably never know his real role in all this,  hence her question.

Quite frankly, I really doubt she was asking a question about child support.  She's not talking about a baby or child here.  She is discussing the "off springs". 

littlebitxxx -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 9:57:40 AM)



Cropping to get to just the point I want to address:


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady
The OP is in her 40s, so the risk of having a child that is disabled is increased. "Breeding" is not part of "play." Children are living human beings that should not be created to satisfy someone's whims.

Also your opinion of 40 year olds is antiquated considering modern medical screening techniques used for donors.

ResidentSadist, you are, I am sorry to say, completely wrong. Women who have children in our 40s need to have an open-eyed understanding of the risks.

Actually, women over 40 should have half a brain BEFORE they get into any sort of M/s dynamic that would cause them to question the "rights" of their Master.  The OP should be asking HIM these questions, not a bunch of pixels.

LadyAngelika -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 10:06:51 AM)


The OP should be asking HIM these questions, not a bunch of pixels.

I'm actually glad the OP came here. Maybe, just maybe, the answers she got will make her realise the real long term implications and the human factors involved in this practice. If she is iwith a man who's seriously considering breeding her, then I don't think that he should be the one she is consulting. In addition, something even scarier that no one seems to mention is what kind of plans does a "Master" have for the child. I shudder to think.

- LA

ResidentSadist -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 10:14:15 AM)

^ Aptly put

Lashra -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 10:54:13 AM)


absolute right to breed his slave ? with other men ?

S/he (the owner) only has the rights of which the slave gives her/him. If you as the slave tell her/him that you will be her/his breeding slave then you will be. Who is responsible for the child? The slave and whoever the father is, because you will be its parents.

My personal opinion, forget having kids. Just be a slave and please your owner without bringing children into it. I know a couple who is into the TPE thing and the kids call the mother "slave" just like their father does and those kids are sooo messed up.


DomMeinCT -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 10:57:45 AM)

Fast reply...

The OP's next thread is going to be asking for advice on where to sell the offspring, so they can use the $850 to buy a full-grown slave in Texas for their 3rd.

StrangerThan -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 11:30:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist

It is not polite to answer a question with a question, you have my apology in advance.

Does a Master or Owner of a collared and owned slave (female for obvious reasons) have the absolute right to breed his slave ? with other men ?
Why would a Master want a “slave” he didn’t have the right to breed?

Where does the responsibility to take care of the off springs lay ?
With Master or to whom he delegates.

How would it change the dynamics of the realtionship ?
How could a Master/slave dynamic change by exercising Master/slave dynamics?

As much as I respect your opinion in many cases, I don't here. All of the BS involved only suffices as long as no legal ramifications arise. M/s dynamics carry no more weight in court than a marriage certificate. In many states, the presumed father is the husband, or common law husband, regardless of whom master might want that to be. Depending on where he lives, master could very well be legally responsible regardless of what he decrees. Said child could also be removed from the care of master and slave if she happens to be married to someone else because of presumed father language in state legislation. That means if he wants to fight it, he has the same right to the child and to their upbringing as the slave, while master has no legal right.

In no court will it be upheld that anyone calling themselves master, or addressed as such by anyone else, has any such right. Right and agreed consent are different animals. Not to mention that in choosing to create another life under those circumstances and arbitrarily assigning responsibility, you are by default, attempting to enforce your m/s dynamics on another person.

Right exists only between those who have agreed to engage in such dynamics, and then only subject to state and federal law - to which everyone is subject, regardless of whether they insist their name be capitalized or not. If you wish to debate that topic, feel free to drive 100 mph everywhere you go. I'm sure the judge who eventually hears your case will be interested in the explanation between what you have chosen your rights to be, and those actually granted to you by the state and country in which you live.

We all submit to something, whether it be law, common sense, or interest on a home loan we must pay in order to acquire said home. Assuming anything different is what creates the occasional headlines every kinkster has to deal with because some idiot, somewhere assumed the right to castrate, or the right to kill, or the right to avoid responsibility.

RumpusParable -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 11:36:40 AM)


I've heard just as bad reasons for getting someone/self pregnant every single day from soon-to-be and already parents.  So I can't judge on that aspect.  Hell, I've heard worse.

But to answer the actual OP:  Depends on the dynamic.  As others have pointed out, and have to in threads over and over, each one is different with different rules, expectations, etc.

Phoenixpower -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 11:46:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlebitxxx


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist

Does a Master or Owner of a collared and owned slave (female for obvious reasons) have the absolute right to breed his slave ? with other men ?
Why would a Master want a “slave” he didn’t have the right to breed?

Where does the responsibility to take care of the off springs lay ?
With Master or to whom he delegates.

How would it change the dynamics of the realtionship ?
How could a Master/slave dynamic change by exercising Master/slave dynamics?

<FR>   What he said.  That's what 'ownership' means.

Adores RS for his typical clear words he uses in his answers ... [sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif]

lovingpet -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 12:07:11 PM)

I am actually surprised as hell that this thread is still up.  It seems to violate TOS as I understood them.  Anyway...

One question right from the top.  Do both of you want to have children and the family aspect that goes with it beyond the kink?  People are making all kinds of assumptions based mostly on the wording of the OP.  Here's the thing.  If the child with have a loving, caring home, I don't see a whole lot of issue with having fun getting to the destination.  I will say that safety and legal issues need to be of paramount concern.  Unprotected sex always carries risk from disease.  I would recommend full screenings prior.  I would also consider the child and require a full medical background, contact information, as well as a way to establish paternity if ever needed.  A child who is loved has every right to know his/her full medical history and any conditions they may automatically have, carry, or be predisposed to acquiring in their lifetime.  Legally, I would suspect the partner of the slave would not necessarily be responsible, but if he really wants the child and a family I could only guess he would want to be, which means the rest only comes into play IF the relationship ends.  But what if the relationship DOES end?  Both should care who may be able to take custody and who will be financially responsible at that point.  That is information to find out.

I am only giving the benefit of doubt here.  I can't be sure this post isn't either hypothetical or one in which those involved in bringing the child into this world are only interested in the kink aspects.  I cannot accept that a person's kink has precedence over a child's health, safety, and well being.  A master that would think so is one whose judgement I would question.  It doesn't matter whether someone has the right to do something.  The more important question is SHOULD they exercise that right.  Further, if one does take up their right, then they automatically take up the responsibility that goes with it.  They may choose not to recognize that fact, but it is no less the case.  Everyone who goes down this path will find they have some kind of accountability somewhere along the line.  As the mother, OP, regardless of how the law splits the paternal obligations in such a case, you WILL have a burden of responsibility.  There is no way around that at all.  If it gets too terribly messy, difficult, etc, you may well wind up with ALL the responsibility.  Keep that in mind.

I am an overall submissive person.  It is just part of who I am.  I have chosen to enter a dynamic whereby that submission is fully realized.  I only have two choices in any situation.  I can stay and obey or I can go.  Stay or go, OP.  Which is right for you?  I don't know.  I can only hope you are capable of looking at this without the fantasy shading everything.  At the end of the day, we live in a real world as real people and our actions have real consequences.  What does the real world have to say about all this?  What are your real feelings about it, which by the way are perfectly valid?  What are the real world consequences for you, your master, the men who father these children, and probably mostly importantly the children themselves?  If upon examining these things you come to believe that this is good and right and can be done in a functional manner, then stay.  If any of these gives you pause or your questions or concerns or internal proddings cannot be resolved, then go.  This is incredibly huge, life altering, and cannot be entered into lightly.  I have my own opinions.  You have to create your own.

I sincerely hope everyone is being mature adults here.  I sincerely hope no one is overlooking the very real needs of a real, live, human child.  I sincerely hope the changes and what life will be like on the other side has been considered and is welcomed.  I sincerely hope a lot of things.  Most of all, I sincerely hope everyone stops and THINKS!


jujubeeMB -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 3:02:33 PM)



But this is exactly why I can't bring myself to take this sort of thread seriously. The notion of a "breeding slave" is akin to "slave farms" and "Old Houses of Europe" and are all lifted wholeseale from the pages of erotic novels, or the advertisements at the side of your Collarme screen.

Can I just take a moment to say that I absolutely love everything you post? Sorry, the admiration has been building up a bit and I figured a bizarre thread like this was an ok time to go way off topic. Carry on being awesome, thanks. [:D]

kiwisub12 -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 3:18:05 PM)

Plus his avatar picture is hawtttttt.........

domiguy -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 3:55:01 PM)

We at Domiguy Industries have been breeding the slaves of tomorrow today.  They cost only $850.00

We also are at the forefront of developing a whole line of cold cuts and hotdogs made from the products of these unions.

Our free range babies are quickly plumped up and dispatched ....Rabbi Goldberg says that they are not only kosher but they are delicious.

Our "babyback" ribs fall off the bone and the baby.

dreamerdreaming -> RE: breeding ? (1/30/2010 4:40:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy

We at Domiguy Industries have been breeding the slaves of tomorrow today.  They cost only $850.00

We also are at the forefront of developing a whole line of cold cuts and hotdogs made from the products of these unions.

Our free range babies are quickly plumped up and dispatched ....Rabbi Goldberg says that they are not only kosher but they are delicious.

Our "babyback" ribs fall off the bone and the baby.

LOL! [:D]

*waiting for the 800 number to call*

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