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Collar me on the web - 2/6/2010 11:19:14 PM   

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I don't know how many people have seen this, but I thought as they were actually showing pictures and making some rude comments about members I'd probably better post it here.
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/6/2010 11:25:03 PM   

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I wonder how many of those people know they're up on that site.....

(in reply to Ash90)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/7/2010 12:58:06 AM   

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From: Northern New Jersey
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Wow. Talk about someone who needs to move out of mom's basement. I think the owner's of this site should contact that site and let them know they don't have permission to use those pictures or profiles.

(in reply to Navina)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/7/2010 1:38:03 AM   

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It seems creepy and petty at the same time ... but thank you for the information.


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(in reply to Ash90)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/7/2010 1:41:40 AM   

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Why does the phrase 'methinks he doth protest too much' spring to mind?

I bet the ill-informed retard who spouted that crap did it typing with one hand while wearing his rubber gimp mask and a cucumber up his arse.

Someone should invite him to a party - show him how's sex is done with REAL people!


There's nowt so queer as folk

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/7/2010 1:43:59 AM   

Posts: 2839
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What kills me about this link is that even those on the digiclipse site know better than to post pics where they might possibly be used against them. I wonder what the ratio of children to pedos is, on that site.

Do you know where your children are surfing?

This is exactly why I don't post pics. There are assholes everywhere, and the internet lends itself quite nicely to their purposes.


Download SLAVE LOVER. Explicit BDSM porn, with a plot! A love story, on a FemDom planet!

(in reply to Ash90)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/7/2010 4:21:34 AM   

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These are people who believe Digimon really exist.

For some strange reason, I'm not too worried.


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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/7/2010 4:42:31 AM   

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(in reply to Fitznicely)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/20/2010 8:07:19 PM   

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I've seen some profiles clearly stating that they deny permission of their pictures being used. I didn't understand why until now. I guess more people should :-S

(in reply to Ash90)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/20/2010 8:23:39 PM   

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At least the site appears to be two years old, but yes, creepy.

(in reply to krazykatelyn)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/20/2010 9:22:18 PM   

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I've seen some profiles clearly stating that they deny permission of their pictures being used. I didn't understand why until now. I guess more people should :-S

Those statements mean nothing, just as an FYI. If you put stuff up on the internet, it's pretty much like releasing it into the wild.


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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/20/2010 11:22:58 PM   

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From: Nashville, TN
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Those statements mean nothing, just as an FYI. If you put stuff up on the internet, it's pretty much like releasing it into the wild.

Well, they mean something...

[Inigo Montoya]
It jus' do not mean what they think it means.
[/Inigo Montoya]


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I know it's all in vain
I know that I'm to blame."
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(in reply to WyldHrt)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/20/2010 11:32:28 PM   

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I don't know how many people have seen this, but I thought as they were actually showing pictures and making some rude comments about members I'd probably better post it here.

  It's my favorite new website.


Don't HasseltheHoff.
If you don't get *this* tagline- well, then it doesn't say much for your sense of humor. Or maybe you were born after 1990.

(in reply to Ash90)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/20/2010 11:43:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dreamerdreaming

What kills me about this link is that even those on the digiclipse site know better than to post pics where they might possibly be used against them. I wonder what the ratio of children to pedos is, on that site.

Do you know where your children are surfing?

This is exactly why I don't post pics. There are assholes everywhere, and the internet lends itself quite nicely to their purposes.

I'm thinking of taking all mine down too. At least they're all cute./fuzzy enough to not be laughed at. I found myself cracking up at most of those people.


Don't HasseltheHoff.
If you don't get *this* tagline- well, then it doesn't say much for your sense of humor. Or maybe you were born after 1990.

(in reply to dreamerdreaming)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/21/2010 12:38:23 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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I found myself cracking up at most of those people.


I mean why are those people laughable but you are not?


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(in reply to alicenwondrland)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/23/2010 7:12:51 PM   

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From: Brisbane Australia
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Its Something Awful. I have no doubt we've ended up as a short-lived *chan meme at some point too.

(in reply to juliaoceania)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 2/27/2010 6:29:12 AM   

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ORIGINAL: alicenwondrland



I don't know how many people have seen this, but I thought as they were actually showing pictures and making some rude comments about members I'd probably better post it here.

  It's my favorite new website.

Me too!

(in reply to alicenwondrland)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 3/4/2010 5:26:37 AM   

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I think this just proves that posting face pictures can be a mistake. I think that for a sub posting a face picture could be a mistake, but for the Domme's its probably a bonus as 99.9 percent of them are Pro's anyway. So any free advertising is probably very gratefully accepted.

(in reply to Ash90)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 3/6/2010 9:00:30 AM   

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If I was naive enough to think he'd read them (and still have an active email address at the site) I'd send this guy a selection of about half a dozen articles that illustrate why he's wrong and a douchebag. Sigh


Original: wyldhrt

Those statements mean nothing, just as an FYI. If you put stuff up on the internet, it's pretty much like releasing it into the wild.

Some more information on this from Google: a summary of copyright laws for photos online, and what to do if someone steals your content. It seems to be that you can take action if you've a) got copyrights and b) are using the images for commercial purposes. That was just from a skim, but I would assume that unless you're on a site that explicitly protects your images in the terms of service or privacy policy somewhere, you're on your own.


Original: kittyboy

Its Something Awful. I have no doubt we've ended up as a short-lived *chan meme at some point too.

Even if it was some completely obscure blog or twitter account with no followers, it's still significant. If someone is trolling the internet for negativity, it's been chronicled for them. If someone is trying to educate themselves on BDSM, they're going to come across sites like that along with positive, well-informed sites. It's important for kinky people to do everything they can to have as much if not more accurate and thoughtful information to counteract negative stereotyping.

(in reply to southeastdaily)
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RE: Collar me on the web - 3/31/2010 12:07:13 AM   

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I'm a poster on Something Awful as well.  The article's hilarious and is only pointing out those who are posting truly ridiculous stuff.  I've had people mock me on the internet a few thousand times and it doesn't really bother me.  As others have said, if you're posting something on the internet, prepare for it to be mocked by SOMEONE.

(in reply to Capax)
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