RE: If you told your slave (Full Version)

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Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 5:52:20 PM)



He would not ever put me into a position where I would be arrested and become a registered sex offender.

We have tiered rules, one of which is that if he tells me to do something that would cause me harm then I'm supposed to not do it. So by refusing to obey such a stupid order, I would in fact be obeying a greater rule.

That works beautifully for you..The power end of the exchange and the responsibility is square in your hands. Where I'm sure you and he both like it.

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 5:53:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy



Ok...well, knowing the man as I do......the consequences wouldn't be steep.

If he said *undress*.... mmhmm, I'd undress.


I do understand this type of sentiment. But you probably would be arrested. The consequences would be as steep as the law would allow. If kids were present I think the stakes just might have been raised.

The question should be would your guy demand this type of an activity to ever take place?

I have demanded things to make someone incredibly uncomfortable. The end result is maybe a little humiliation without the chance of a police report if at all possible.

I am not a prude. But you do have to pick your spots when you are going to pursue this type of an activity.

I believe what she was saying is that he's a decent enough fella not to get her into hot water.

Aileen1968 -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 5:56:55 PM)

Has anyone actually seen a woman get up and strip totally naked in the middle of a restaurant on a Friday night?
I never have and I eat out often. I think the police would be called at a minimum.

lucylucy -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 5:57:55 PM)

My Owner is very cautious about public acts, so I would assume if he told me to undress in a restaurant that he had assessed the situation carefully and determined there would be no legal consequences or other serious consequences. I feel I can safely make this assumption because I trust his judgment and his sense of responsibility for me.

This is entirely hypothetical: If I were to be mentally compromised enough to find myself in the position of being osf's slave, would I obey the command? I hope not. He doesn't strike me as being one to assess the situation carefully. I imagine he is constantly testing his (hypothetical) slave's obedience in increasingly ridiculous ways. Until she ends up dead or in jail for following his command, I imagine she is not a "real slave" in his eyes. (osf, sorry if I have you all wrong here.)

I see the situation as being just as much about trust as about obedience. For me to obey, I need to trust. I trust my Owner. I do not trust osf.

AquaticSub -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 5:58:46 PM)





He would not ever put me into a position where I would be arrested and become a registered sex offender.

We have tiered rules, one of which is that if he tells me to do something that would cause me harm then I'm supposed to not do it. So by refusing to obey such a stupid order, I would in fact be obeying a greater rule.

That works beautifully for you..The power end of the exchange and the responsibility is square in your hands. Where I'm sure you and he both like it.

An interesting comment. I really don't see your logic here. By his deciding that some things are more important and therefore she should obey them, he is putting the power in her hands?

We have such a system in place and part of the reason for it is because people do lose control of their mental state sometimes. I am, unfortantely, very aware that a person who has been quite sane and rational for  all their lives can suddenly become mentally ill and completely lose their grasp on reality. While it's unlikely, if that happens to Valyraen, he would rather I question particular orders than simply obey what may be first signs of illness.

We do not regard this as a matter of trust or power - we can not trust each other to not become mentally ill any more than we can trust each other not to get cancer. It's not something we can control. We have simply chosen to have a tiered system so that, in that unlikely and unhappy situation, I know what my commands are.

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:01:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

Has anyone actually seen a woman get up and strip totally naked in the middle of a restaurant on a Friday night?
I never have and I eat out often. I think the police would be called at a minimum.

No I haven't.. I don't believe it was a literal question. Of course the cops would show up and somebody would be in trouble..Unless it was something like RS eluded to.

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:13:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub





He would not ever put me into a position where I would be arrested and become a registered sex offender.

We have tiered rules, one of which is that if he tells me to do something that would cause me harm then I'm supposed to not do it. So by refusing to obey such a stupid order, I would in fact be obeying a greater rule.

That works beautifully for you..The power end of the exchange and the responsibility is square in your hands. Where I'm sure you and he both like it.

An interesting comment. I really don't see your logic here. By his deciding that some things are more important and therefore she should obey them, he is putting the power in her hands?

We have such a system in place and part of the reason for it is because people do lose control of their mental state sometimes. I am, unfortantely, very aware that a person who has been quite sane and rational for  all their lives can suddenly become mentally ill and completely lose their grasp on reality. While it's unlikely, if that happens to Valyraen, he would rather I question particular orders than simply obey what may be first signs of illness.

We do not regard this as a matter of trust or power - we can not trust each other to not become mentally ill any more than we can trust each other not to get cancer. It's not something we can control. We have simply chosen to have a tiered system so that, in that unlikely and unhappy situation, I know what my commands are.

Yes absolutely and thank you. I'm sure there will be exclusions for even me but in a position where I tell her to do something..She doesn't get a right to say no. She may say "Are you sure or are you kidding?". In a position where I'm there she's just gonna have to trust what I say...

We could what if things to death but it's obvious all of us have different views on the workings of a dynamic.

AquaticSub -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:20:18 PM)



Yes absolutely and thank you. I'm sure there will be exclusions for even me but in a position where I tell her to do something..She doesn't get a right to say no. She may say "Are you sure or are you kidding?". In a position where I'm there she's just gonna have to trust what I say...

We could what if things to death but it's obvious all of us have different views on the workings of a dynamic.

I believe the issue is that you see it as saying no. Whereas we and ours don't see it that way - instead we are obeying the order that our owners have decided is much more important, ie. Taking the child to the doctor when they are suddenly sick instead of preparing dinner on time.

ETA - Different strokes for different folks and that of course, I'm not trying to insult your point of view. Only explain how we truly don't regard the power as being in our hands with such a system.

kiwisub12 -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:23:15 PM)

Damn Domi - that was actually .... sensible!!!!!! [:D]

agirl -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:25:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy



Ok...well, knowing the man as I do......the consequences wouldn't be steep.

If he said *undress*.... mmhmm, I'd undress.


I do understand this type of sentiment. But you probably would be arrested. The consequences would be as steep as the law would allow. If kids were present I think the stakes just might have been raised.

The question should be would your guy demand this type of an activity to ever take place?

I have demanded things to make someone incredibly uncomfortable. The end result is maybe a little humiliation without the chance of a police report if at all possible.

I am not a prude. But you do have to pick your spots when you are going to pursue this type of an activity.

It's not a sentiment, it's the case. If he told me to undress ANYWHERE...... the consequences would not be anything to concern myself with. As I said firstly.....*knowing him as I do*.  You tend to get an idea, after a decade, that you're not going to be put in an awful situation. So yes, I'd undress.


agirl -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:27:38 PM)




ORIGINAL: domiguy



Ok...well, knowing the man as I do......the consequences wouldn't be steep.

If he said *undress*.... mmhmm, I'd undress.


I do understand this type of sentiment. But you probably would be arrested. The consequences would be as steep as the law would allow. If kids were present I think the stakes just might have been raised.

The question should be would your guy demand this type of an activity to ever take place?

I have demanded things to make someone incredibly uncomfortable. The end result is maybe a little humiliation without the chance of a police report if at all possible.

I am not a prude. But you do have to pick your spots when you are going to pursue this type of an activity.

I believe what she was saying is that he's a decent enough fella not to get her into hot water.

You believed quite


Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:27:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub



Yes absolutely and thank you. I'm sure there will be exclusions for even me but in a position where I tell her to do something..She doesn't get a right to say no. She may say "Are you sure or are you kidding?". In a position where I'm there she's just gonna have to trust what I say...

We could what if things to death but it's obvious all of us have different views on the workings of a dynamic.

I believe the issue is that you see it as saying no. Whereas we and ours don't see it that way - instead we are obeying the order that our owners have decided is much more important, ie. Taking the child to the doctor when they are suddenly sick instead of preparing dinner on time.

ETA - Different strokes for different folks and that of course, I'm not trying to insult your point of view. Only explain how we truly don't regard the power as being in our hands with such a system.

See that would be a no brainer for me but I would expect a phone call about it to let me in the loop prior to instead of after it was all over.

Like I said we could play the what if game all day long....

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:32:19 PM)


You believed quite


I figured after reading your comments over time this was probably the case...[:D]You always seem to have class when dealing with subjects like this.

AquaticSub -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:32:25 PM)

Agreed that a phone call would be in order. I was simply responding to the statement that she has the power and attempting to illustrate why that is not necessarily the case.

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:35:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

Agreed that a phone call would be in order. I was simply responding to the statement that she has the power and attempting to illustrate why that is not necessarily the case.

Granted and I think I may have eluded to it with a post earlier where I said that there will be special situations when she may have to make a decision on her own but that still doesn't equate to disobeying or being given the power to do so..That is what she has stated.

Here it is..
We have tiered rules, one of which is that if he tells me to do something that would cause me harm then I'm supposed to not do it. So by refusing to obey such a stupid order, I would in fact be obeying a greater rule.

this says to me that he has given her the power to disobey a rule if she thinks it to be harmful and or stupid. From the majority of her posts over time that could be pretty much anything and everything...Just my perspective.

agirl -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:38:16 PM)




ORIGINAL: AquaticSub



Yes absolutely and thank you. I'm sure there will be exclusions for even me but in a position where I tell her to do something..She doesn't get a right to say no. She may say "Are you sure or are you kidding?". In a position where I'm there she's just gonna have to trust what I say...

We could what if things to death but it's obvious all of us have different views on the workings of a dynamic.

I believe the issue is that you see it as saying no. Whereas we and ours don't see it that way - instead we are obeying the order that our owners have decided is much more important, ie. Taking the child to the doctor when they are suddenly sick instead of preparing dinner on time.

ETA - Different strokes for different folks and that of course, I'm not trying to insult your point of view. Only explain how we truly don't regard the power as being in our hands with such a system.

See that would be a no brainer for me but I would expect a phone call about it to let me in the loop prior to after ity was all over.

Like I said we could play the what if game all day long....

What a weird idea of the whole notion of *doing as asked*. Do we REALLY have to start mentioning our sick babies, comparing taking care of them to making a meal, dear god.

"What if I was walking in the woods and got caught in a rabbit snare and couldn't tear my foot out quickly enough to hobble home to finish the paperwork?"

" What if I sliced my finger while making supper and couldn't grasp the needle to darn his jacket?"

Well.." What if I chose a total fucker as an owner?" I didn't, we don't, we get fed, the kids are seen to and peace reigns EVEN if I do as asked.


domiguy -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:40:38 PM)

We were once at a pet store and I told my sub to kill a little beagle puppy. She smothered it in her corset. Puppy play is fun.

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:42:47 PM)






ORIGINAL: AquaticSub



Yes absolutely and thank you. I'm sure there will be exclusions for even me but in a position where I tell her to do something..She doesn't get a right to say no. She may say "Are you sure or are you kidding?". In a position where I'm there she's just gonna have to trust what I say...

We could what if things to death but it's obvious all of us have different views on the workings of a dynamic.

I believe the issue is that you see it as saying no. Whereas we and ours don't see it that way - instead we are obeying the order that our owners have decided is much more important, ie. Taking the child to the doctor when they are suddenly sick instead of preparing dinner on time.

ETA - Different strokes for different folks and that of course, I'm not trying to insult your point of view. Only explain how we truly don't regard the power as being in our hands with such a system.

See that would be a no brainer for me but I would expect a phone call about it to let me in the loop prior to after ity was all over.

Like I said we could play the what if game all day long....

What a weird idea of the whole notion of *doing as asked*. Do we REALLY have to start mentioning our sick babies, comparing taking care of them to making a meal, dear god.

"What if I was walking in the woods and got caught in a rabbit snare and couldn't tear my foot out quickly enough to hobble home to finish the paperwork?"

" What if I sliced my finger while making supper and couldn't grasp the needle to darn his jacket?"

Well.." What if I chose a total fucker as an owner?" I didn't, we don't, we get fed, the kids are seen to and peace reigns EVEN if I do as asked.


So true..That's why I don't do the what if's..That's usually a diversionary tactic to discussion or a way to win an argument instead of making peace with the logic of said argument.

Icarys -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:43:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy

We were once at a pet store and I told my sub to kill a little beagle puppy. She smothered it in her corset. Puppy play is fun.

So is breathe play.[:D]

AquaticSub -> RE: If you told your slave (2/21/2010 6:52:33 PM)



this says to me that he has given her the power to disobey a rule if she thinks it to be harmful and or stupid. From the majority of her posts over time that could be pretty much anything and everything...Just my perspective.

While I can't say I share that opinion of Des, I can see where you are coming from in terms of her wording. Personally, if I would regard the order as stupid would depend on a lot of things that aren't provided in the situation. I would quite probably see the order as more alarming than stupid because it would be so very out of the normal that I would be concerned.


What a weird idea of the whole notion of *doing as asked*. Do we REALLY have to start mentioning our sick babies, comparing taking care of them to making a meal, dear god.

I appreciate your point of view that my example was not to your taste. I shall endeavor to keep them to your liking however you missed the point.
I did not compare taking care of a sick child to making a meal. It was designed to be an obvious "well duh this is more important that" example of neglecting/disobeying one order to complete one is more important to the owner and in so doing pleasing the owner.
Not everyone does things that way and that's fine. My point was, again, solely that choosing to do things that way does not imply that the sub/slave has the power in that relationship.

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