RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (Full Version)

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texguy98 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 2:20:34 PM)

Answering the OPs questions:

If a collar was removed as punishment, it means I'm no longer owned by that person. I'd be a loose kittie that ran away and never came back.


MrThorns -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 2:46:43 PM)

I've been watching this post with a great deal of interest.  Some of the common points that have been made throughout this thread has got me thinking...

1. I keep hearing the phrase "my collar" being used by slaves/submissives. Doesn't the collar belong to the Master and shouldn't he be "allowed" to do whatever he wishes with it? (No offense to the FemDom crowd...I just tend to write in the masculine.)

2.  I keep hearing about how a collar is similiar to a wedding band.  How can you possibly compare the two?  The collar, to many people, indicates that they have entered into service/slavery with the collar's owner.  The wedding ring is more symbolic of an egalitarian relationship.  Did you (speaking to dom and sub alike) enter into your D/s relationships to have rights, authority and privledges equal with your Master or slave?  I'm guessing not.

3.  "The removal of the collar is the end of the relationship."  Personally, I refuse to allow an object have that much power over my relationships.  A collar, even though it symbolizes many things, is still an inanimate object.  The relationship itself should be more important that any symbol, don't you think?

4. "Removing a collar as a punishment is cruel, mean and undermines trust...."  Is it mean and cruel?  No more or no less cruel than any other punishment could be, I imagine.  It really depends on how it's done and the desired effect upon the slave.  I think it would be inappropriate to yank a collar off of a girl and throw it across the room because she burned dinner.  Where is the lesson in that? 

Does it undermine trust?  Not if the Master is doing exactly what he said he would do.  That's a real trust builder, isn't it?   I trust that my slave will obey, she trusts that I will punish her if she disobeys.

I think there should always be a purpose and a desired goal for punishment/discipline. (I'm not going to argue about definitions of punishment vs discipline right now...)  I also think it is good for there to be symbols within relationships.  Symbols, for some reason seem to be more tangible...more real.  We can hold them in our hands, see them with our own eyes... but it's the relationship that is the important thing. 

I think this has been an excellent thread and I look forward to hearing more.


Evanesce -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 2:56:31 PM)


well, i surely don't know as much about protocol as most of you seem to....but to me, it is a dumbass punishment.  most recently my punishment has been two weeks away from Master.    this is day three.  it hurts the most on day one, but by day three, i am i am sure he intends, slighted, abandoned a bit, but also in my case, absence does not make the heart grow fonder.  i merely get colder.   it's sad.  perhaps these punishments and subsequent reunions work on the very young.  but now, they just seem stupid.  sorry if i offend anyone.  just the ramblings of an old sub who never did grow up.

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm certainly not offended.  AND... I agree with you completely.  To me, banishment is childish, it tells me he's incapable of dealing with me directly, and it doesn't work because it's a game I don't play.  Banish me and I walk.  Period.  No discussion; end of relationship. 

Evanesce -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 3:05:57 PM)


People put a lot of symbolism into things.  I've said it before that I'd like to see what would happen if slaves were ordered not to adorn ANY symbol of their relationship for a week.  I think too often the essence gets put into the symbol, rather than the symbol simply being a symbol.

I rarely wear any symbol of my relationship.  However, the removal of a collar, to me, isn't a physical act, because I almost never wear an actual collar, but a spiritual one.  The meaning of the collar, to us, is such that were He to remove the collar, it means nothing short of an end to the relationship.

MyCaptainsPet -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 3:29:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Evanesce

I rarely wear any symbol of my relationship.  However, the removal of a collar, to me, isn't a physical act, because I almost never wear an actual collar, but a spiritual one.  The meaning of the collar, to us, is such that were He to remove the collar, it means nothing short of an end to the relationship.

That is what it really comes down to doesn't it?  What the collar means in each relationship.

As i stated previously, my collar is a symbol of US.. to remove it means we are no longer US.  To others, it may just be a visual reminder... a "bobble" (not meaning to offend anyone) To yet others it is just part of the "play".

Can i compare it to a wedding ring?  Depends on the couple again.. During a wedding, doesn't the couple say something about take this ring as a symbol of my vow? If one or both remove the symbol.. the vow is still there.. but the symbol is gone.. To me, in MY opinion only, removal of the symbol is the first step in the removal of the vow.

So my collar is a symbol to US.. No, it does not define US.. but it does, when i touch it, reminds me of the commitment we made the day it was put on. 

It is what WE want it to be. It is what WE need it to be. IF we choose to have it be a symbol, then it's a symbol. If we choose it to be a toy, then it's a toy.  But, it is what WE make of it.

edited for clarity and to say i'm finally KINKY!!!

BitaTruble -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 4:16:31 PM)


1. I keep hearing the phrase "my collar" being used by slaves/submissives. Doesn't the collar belong to the Master and shouldn't he be "allowed" to do whatever he wishes with it?

I don't refer to the collar as 'my' collar.. and it doesn't lay around my neck.. it encircles my power. If it's taken away, that power is released back to me. Sure, he can do what he wants and will also have the consequences of the actions he takes. He takes his collar back, he has dismissed his slave. If he takes the collar, that's exactly what he wanted.. to no longer have the slave.


2.  I keep hearing about how a collar is similiar to a wedding band.  How can you possibly compare the two? 

For me, we are married as well, but the collar and my wedding ring are not the same. What I meant by no difference is that the symbol of the collar has the same sort of meaning as the symbol of the wedding ring. If you take either one away, it means you don't want that aspect of the relationship to continue.


johnxinxscruz -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 5:10:55 PM)



2.  I keep hearing about how a collar is similiar to a wedding band.  How can you possibly compare the two?  The collar, to many people, indicates that they have entered into service/slavery with the collar's owner.  The wedding ring is more symbolic of an egalitarian relationship.  Did you (speaking to dom and sub alike) enter into your D/s relationships to have rights, authority and privledges equal with your Master or slave?  I'm guessing not.

Since when is marriage an inherently egalitarian relationship? Consider that as little as 100 years ago there were dictionaries where a "wife" was defined as "property" (Jay Leno likes to make that joke, he has a copy of one such dictionary). Do the victorian household and 50's household groups somehow rank less on the M/s scale because they emulate the marriage environments of those times? Becuase that's the meaning I take from your statement. They emulate a time when the typical marriage was more like a D/s relationship ... thus pointing to the comparison.

Certainly the typical modern marriage is not like a D/s relationship ... but that is a trend that is fluid, and not absolute across all marriages.

While I don't think anyone considers the Marriage:Ownership or Wedding Band/Ring : Collar analogies to be in perfect sync, I've never seen either described in ways that are entirely foreign to each other, either. The more you assume a less than egalitarian marriage, the more they become similar. And, just as a collar is a symbol of a relationship, so is a wedding ring. I have yet to hear of description for what the collar means (when it's not just a collar worn for play) that does NOT have very strong parallels to what a wedding ring means to most married couples I've spoken to.

It was one of the first things that struck me when talking to someone about their collar. The language she used to describe her collar was _exactly_ the same as the language my wife and I had used in describing our wedding rings.

(and even with some of the more concrete comparisons, I think many of the similarities are there: playing with it reminds you of the relationship, feeling odd/naked/vulnerable when you reach for it and it's not there, etc.)

ImpGrrl -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 5:16:21 PM)

I've replied on that group as well.

My thoughts run along the same lines as jali's and MrThorns' - the wearing of a collar, to me, is a privilege.  If I have not exhibited the proper behavior to deserve that privilege, it can be removed.

That's not even "punishment" - that's just a direct consequence of my actions.

I certainly understand that not everyone feels that way, and they are certainly entitled to wear their collars any way they see fit.

But it's rather amusing to me, everyone calling "dumbass" and "mean and cruel" - whatever happened to "different strokes"?

ownedgirlie -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 6:50:33 PM)



I've been watching this post with a great deal of interest.  Some of the common points that have been made throughout this thread has got me thinking...

1. I keep hearing the phrase "my collar" being used by slaves/submissives. Doesn't the collar belong to the Master and shouldn't he be "allowed" to do whatever he wishes with it? (No offense to the FemDom crowd...I just tend to write in the masculine.)

Everything belongs to the Master.  Sometimes i say "my" as a matter of ease of reference.  Just like i say i'm washing "my" hair, when really every part of me is his, or wearing "my" new shoes...or "my" ass is bruised.  They are all his.  However he also refers to it as "my" collar...."I have your collar slut. It will remain on you always, unless for medical purposes, cleaning purposes, or I release you."  There is no "allow" or "disallow" with him, but it was an understanding he gave me at the time he clasped it on me.

2.  I keep hearing about how a collar is similiar to a wedding band.  How can you possibly compare the two?  The collar, to many people, indicates that they have entered into service/slavery with the collar's owner.  The wedding ring is more symbolic of an egalitarian relationship.  Did you (speaking to dom and sub alike) enter into your D/s relationships to have rights, authority and privledges equal with your Master or slave?  I'm guessing not.

Master and i do not equate marriage with slavery.  In our eyes, a wife has a role, and a slave has a role.  It is my job, duty, privilege and honor to serve him and be used by him.  His wife has different privileges.  i believe people use the comparison of collar to ring because they equate the importance of each, to their respective roles; ring to wife, collar to slave.

3.  "The removal of the collar is the end of the relationship."  Personally, I refuse to allow an object have that much power over my relationships.  A collar, even though it symbolizes many things, is still an inanimate object.  The relationship itself should be more important that any symbol, don't you think?

i can't speak to this, as i have not said that.  i said it would break my heart, however, and i stated why in a previous thread.  It is a privilege to wear.  It it where my hand falls when i insecure or afraid or under stress.  It calms me to meditate on him like this.

4. "Removing a collar as a punishment is cruel, mean and undermines trust...."  Is it mean and cruel?  No more or no less cruel than any other punishment could be, I imagine.  It really depends on how it's done and the desired effect upon the slave.  I think it would be inappropriate to yank a collar off of a girl and throw it across the room because she burned dinner.  Where is the lesson in that? 

Master prefers me to be in need of him and to cling to him.  He prefers me as emotionally close as possible. It satisfies him and eases him to know he has a girl such as that.  We both worked hard to accomplish this goal.  i told him once, when i had erred, that i don't know why he didn't just isolate me for a week, as i did not deserve his attentions.  He said he didn't know what purpose it would serve to remove from me that which he preferred me clinging to.  He felt there were other ways of punishing and disciplining that would not make me feel part of him was stripped of me.  He knows how i meditate on him with my hand on the collar like rosary beads, and he enjoys knowing that (in fact at the recent memorial service for my uncle, a rosary was said.  Everyone had rosary beads, and i fiddled with the collar.)  He prefers when i have screwed up that i reflect on my collar and what it signifies.  He prefers that i am reminded of my servitude to him, and who and what i am.  Knowing a single touch to the collar does that to me, he sees no reason to remove it.
Because of what the collar represents to me, he chooses to not be reckless with it.  Would a parent remove an infant's pacifier to keep it from crying?

Does it undermine trust?  Not if the Master is doing exactly what he said he would do. 

Exactly.  And the one who owns me has said he will never remove it unless i am released. He knows when i was groveling on the floor, in tears and begging for it, it was not the piece of metal i was begging for, but what it represented.  He made me work very hard to receive it; He would not yank it off easily.

That's a real trust builder, isn't it?   I trust that my slave will obey, she trusts that I will punish her if she disobeys.

Indeed.  Different Master's have different ways of punishing.  Hopefully a Master knows his slave well enough to know precisely what is effective and what is not, for the purpose he is trying to attain.

I think there should always be a purpose and a desired goal for punishment/discipline. (I'm not going to argue about definitions of punishment vs discipline right now...)  I also think it is good for there to be symbols within relationships.  Symbols, for some reason seem to be more tangible...more real.  We can hold them in our hands, see them with our own eyes... but it's the relationship that is the important thing. 

Symbols are important pieces of most everyone's lives.  A headstone at the cemetary symbolizes someone's passing life.  Religious symbols have special meaning for those of certain spirituality.  Various symbols hold different meanings for different people.  While we should not stake everything on those symbols in our lives, for some of us - going without those symbols that touch us deeply - can be horribly painful.

I think this has been an excellent thread and I look forward to hearing more.

Great questions! 


MrThorns -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 7:22:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: johnxinxscruz

Since when is marriage an inherently egalitarian relationship? Consider that as little as 100 years ago there were dictionaries where a "wife" was defined as "property" (Jay Leno likes to make that joke, he has a copy of one such dictionary). Do the victorian household and 50's household groups somehow rank less on the M/s scale because they emulate the marriage environments of those times? Becuase that's the meaning I take from your statement. They emulate a time when the typical marriage was more like a D/s relationship ... thus pointing to the comparison.

I am claiming that modern day, main stream America... the society in which many of us live, tend to feel and behave as though husband and wife are equals in the relationship.  I understand your point about the 1950's and Victorian household groups, but you can hardly compare those households to mainstream relationships that developed after the acceptance of Feminism. 

I know that relationships...both vanilla and D/s related...are fluid and will continue to change long after we are gone, but as things are now.. the mainstream sees marriage as a relationship of equal rights and responsibilities.  I've learned a long time ago that there are very few absolutes when it comes to relationships and I'm not going to start saying that "All marriages" or "All D/s relationships" fit into some particular mold.  


I have yet to hear of description for what the collar means (when it's not just a collar worn for play) that does NOT have very strong parallels to what a wedding ring means to most married couples I've spoken to.

A few descriptions come to mind: 
A collar symbolizes ownership to many people.  If you were to ask several (vanilla) married women if they were owned by their husbands, I can virtually guarantee that most will say something along the lines of, "He don't own me!".   Ask a collared slave the same question.

A collar can be given to multiple people simultaneously.  Does it lose its meaning? A wedding ring is considered by many to say "I'm monogamous!"  Now, granted...there are some people who have given out several wedding rings to various spouses simultaneously...but that's bigomy...and illegal.

Finally, one of the things that I see the most of....  You will see a married slave or master accept or offer a collar when they are married to someone else and their spouse has no knowledge of their external relationship.  I have yet to see a significant number of people discard a collar in order to accept or offer a wedding ring.


It was one of the first things that struck me when talking to someone about their collar. The language she used to describe her collar was _exactly_ the same as the language my wife and I had used in describing our wedding rings.

And I hear the exact same things...but for some reason, that kinda bothers me.  It's like the values and beliefs and more specifically, "norms" of the vanilla world have encroached upon the values, beliefs and norms of the BDSM (and Gorean...'cause I know you guys don't like to get lumped in with BDSMers) communities.  I'm not talking about our core values... but some of the misconceptions and generalizations that are so common in the vanilla world. 

Please don't misunderstand me.  I love seeing my slaves collar around her neck.  I love being married to her as well.  I enjoy wearing a wedding band.  I am also happy to hear how other people enjoy these things as well....but you could take it all away.  The collar...the wedding's just 'stuff'.  The relationship is the important thing... and no one can take that away.

Welcome to the boards...


Belladonna82 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 7:30:07 PM)

I agree that taking away a collar is not a good form of punishment. Even when Sir and me faught I always wore my collar...He acctualy had a collar tattooed on my ankle that even tho I am no longer his it still reminds me of what we had and I do not plan on ever having it removed or covered up. A collar shows ownership and it also shows a bond....It is part of the slave....Altho I am no longer Sir's I wear his mark proudly.

johnxinxscruz -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/30/2006 8:32:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: johnxinxscruz

I have yet to hear of description for what the collar means (when it's not just a collar worn for play) that does NOT have very strong parallels to what a wedding ring means to most married couples I've spoken to.

A few descriptions come to mind: 
A collar symbolizes ownership to many people.  If you were to ask several (vanilla) married women if they were owned by their husbands, I can virtually guarantee that most will say something along the lines of, "He don't own me!".   Ask a collared slave the same question.

A collar symbolizes ownership, a wedding ring symbolizes marriage (I said strong parallels, not detailed specifics). People don't consider the wedding ring to symbolize ownership in a modern vanilla marriage because modern vanilla marriages do not include the notion of ownership. The difference you're pointing out is in the relationship, not in the emotional manner in which the symbol is connected to the relationship.


A collar can be given to multiple people simultaneously.  Does it lose its meaning? A wedding ring is considered by many to say "I'm monogamous!"  Now, granted...there are some people who have given out several wedding rings to various spouses simultaneously...but that's bigomy...and illegal.

But it does still happen. :-) And it's only illegal in the US, not everywhere. And, it's only illegal if you're legally married to multiple people ... the law is rather silent on multiple religious marriages (because the law can't enforce anything about that). The people who go to jail for bigomy these days are going to jail for avoiding child support responsibilities (even if they live in the same home, which is an odd way to prosecute it, but it is what it is). They have typically done the due diligence in going through their legal divorce while maintaining their religious marriage. The law can't do anything about that.

But, even this case is the same as the first one: it still symbolizes a relationship. It is a thing which can be tangibly felt to remind one of their relationship when some movement or gesture suddenly reminds them that it's there. It is a thing that, when missing because it is damaged, stolen, or forgotten*, its absence makes the wearer uncomfortable. (* I'll grant that it's easier to do that with a ring than a collar, though)

The _details_ of the relationships, and the current state of marriage in US culture and law, make the _relationships_ different. But that doesn't change the role the symbol plays within that relationship. Nor does it dictate that the emotional attachment to the symbol of the relationship is different. It just means that the _relationship_ is different. The emotional attachment to the symbols seems to my observation to be very similar.


Finally, one of the things that I see the most of....  You will see a married slave or master accept or offer a collar when they are married to someone else and their spouse has no knowledge of their external relationship.  I have yet to see a significant number of people discard a collar in order to accept or offer a wedding ring.

I think that's the same as above: I think you're talking more about differences in the relationship, not the symbol.

And, I would agree that the relationships, while I still say they have parallels, are much more different from each other than their symbols are. But, I do think the parallels are there.


Welcome to the boards...

Thanks :-)

RiotGirl -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 2:20:31 AM)

The collar i wear has been removed 3 times in almost 2 years.  Year and half really i think? Like removed for more then cleaning.   Once by him because i refused to obey and told him i was NOW in charge, i was the Domme.  Once recentlly for a photography shoot which i didnt put back on but he did several days later.  And now i've removed it again for personal reasons and given it back to him.  And honestly it actually does mean alot.  It has major significance.  As we spoke about it once (the time he removed it) i was told with out it, our relationship is blown as so much of our relationship is based on D/s.  That going "vanilla" isnt really possible.  Though it seems it does not "make" our relationship as i was quickly turned over his knee today for cussing and earlier then that i was told to obey and when i reminded him the collar wasnt on, he simply said "i didnt ask"

so i suppose it IS just a symbol. 

wouldlike2 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 4:30:07 AM)


I'm not sure where these fingers will take me as i type this, hang in there with me a moment. I have read all the posts, i actually agree with alot of them, there are even more with very strong feelings/emotions on this subject....with good cause i may add.
I am going to share something with y'all that made me stop and think about this. I have been a smoker now for more years than i care to say. In December i saw an commercial on tv about smoking that said: "Are you a slave to cigarettes?" I was overcome by this feeling of shame and hurt. I was afterall a slave to Thorns, it never occured to me being a slave to anything else. I aked Him for help in quitting smoking. I had a rough day at work a few weeks later, i actually went out and bought a pack of cigarettes, i came home and even told Him what i did. This is what happened.
He told me to grab the pack of smokes and meet Him in the Dungeon. I did as He told me, He told me to kneel and said i would not like this. Thorns removed the collar from around my neck, set the collar and the cigarettes on the bench, told me that i had 5 minutes alone in there and to decide who i was going to serve...Him or the cigarettes. I could not be a slave to Him AND cigarettes. My emotions ran high, i was pissed, i was sad, i felt lost, i thought that the collar obviously did not mean as much to Him as it did to me. I was wrong of course.
I chose His collar, came out of the Dungeon and applogised for my actions. I did ask Him for His help in this. Was it punishment? it felt like it to me...but what i learned from this was a lesson. I had a choice. I have always wanted to serve Him, i don't want to be a slave to anything/anyone else. It was a hard lesson learned, but an effective one.

While i do understand what y'all have posted, this was just one slave's story and the choices at hand.

the story You tell here and thanks for sharing in my view the point is more of a lesson teached by Your Master and the choice he gave You, to understand Your addiction and may how deep You owned by an behaviour, addiction isnt good for You - just an assumption.
but it is totally different from taking a collar as a punishment - beside that as a punishment probably the Dom/ Master wouldn't give You the choice - You can take it back or not.

however... myself i see it as a withdrawal of the connection, the safety, the security, the trust...
at least all things a relation for me is based on and have his foundation.
it does set me in a black box and either it does destroy or it does set pressure on me to keep me in a specific line and i would feel as a kind of abuse.

may i am to emotional , to sensitive for that....

but everyone has his own limits.

just my two cent....

have a nice day

Wildfleurs -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 6:49:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: MyCaptainsPet

In a group on Yahoo they are discussing the removal of collars as a form of punishment.

i don't know, this just disturbs me... My collar is a symbol of US and of what we are together. 

Anyone have any thoughts on this????


My perspective is a little different.  I think that a collar is an optional sign of ownership.  I think that any sign of ownership is an earned privilege that happens after ownership has been well established over time (years).  

Since to me a collar is an earned privilege that means that it can be removed, just like any other privilege.  It has a lot of significance when its removed, and I don’t think its something that should be done lightly, but I think its absolutely appropriate in some circumstances to remove the collars.  And quite frankly if the dominants control ends and begins with the collar’s presence around the submissive’s neck then the control wasn’t really there.  


Wildfleurs -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 6:54:28 AM)



I've been watching this post with a great deal of interest.  Some of the common points that have been made throughout this thread has got me thinking...

1. I keep hearing the phrase "my collar" being used by slaves/submissives. Doesn't the collar belong to the Master and shouldn't he be "allowed" to do whatever he wishes with it? (No offense to the FemDom crowd...I just tend to write in the masculine.)

2.  I keep hearing about how a collar is similiar to a wedding band.  How can you possibly compare the two?  The collar, to many people, indicates that they have entered into service/slavery with the collar's owner.  The wedding ring is more symbolic of an egalitarian relationship.  Did you (speaking to dom and sub alike) enter into your D/s relationships to have rights, authority and privledges equal with your Master or slave?  I'm guessing not.

3.  "The removal of the collar is the end of the relationship."  Personally, I refuse to allow an object have that much power over my relationships.  A collar, even though it symbolizes many things, is still an inanimate object.  The relationship itself should be more important that any symbol, don't you think?

4. "Removing a collar as a punishment is cruel, mean and undermines trust...."  Is it mean and cruel?  No more or no less cruel than any other punishment could be, I imagine.  It really depends on how it's done and the desired effect upon the slave.  I think it would be inappropriate to yank a collar off of a girl and throw it across the room because she burned dinner.  Where is the lesson in that? 

Does it undermine trust?  Not if the Master is doing exactly what he said he would do.  That's a real trust builder, isn't it?   I trust that my slave will obey, she trusts that I will punish her if she disobeys.

I think there should always be a purpose and a desired goal for punishment/discipline. (I'm not going to argue about definitions of punishment vs discipline right now...)  I also think it is good for there to be symbols within relationships.  Symbols, for some reason seem to be more tangible...more real.  We can hold them in our hands, see them with our own eyes... but it's the relationship that is the important thing. 

I think this has been an excellent thread and I look forward to hearing more.


I agree completely with all of your points (Including that this has been a great thread, I wish I had noticed it earlier)!


valeca -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 9:01:51 AM)

I haven't read through the whole thread, so if I'm just repeating what others have said, I apologize in advance.

I think it depends on how the collar is viewed, by both parties.  If it's merely a representation--an object--to the couple, then removing it will have have a certain amount of effectiveness.  It becomes nothing more than removing an object, much like removing clothing can making one feel exposed, the foundations aren't shaken by its removal.

If however, it is viewed in a different light, removing it as punishment could be detrimental.  If it's viewed as removing an idea or commitment, it becomes increasingly difficult for the submissive to relinquish their self as a whole to the Dominant each time it's removed.  With the loss of that mental security and assurance, it's rather difficult to surrender with any confidence in the Dominant.  It could suddenly turn around to become a blow to the Dominant--watching that utmost confidence in You melt away...ouch.

There's also the other end of the spectrum--would you reward your sub/slave with additional collars?  True, buying new, sparkly collars for Your submissive might be pleasing to both parties for a time, but if you do it frequently, eventually it becomes mundane, no?

I suppose it's best summed up as:  If You're considering collar removal as means of punishment, You'd want to make damn sure You understood how the collar is viewed by both parties beforehand or, run the risk of doing far more damage than the original offense ever could have.

DigitBox -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 9:37:49 AM)

Personally I had no idea that the collar had that kind of meaning.  I knew it was something that partners used as a symbol of being with each other, but didn't realize that it could have  a so much deeper meaning.

Given what I have read I'd say it would be an extremely drastic thing to do to another person.  I would think there would be other ways to deal with a situation other than removing the collar.

collareddreams -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 10:04:16 AM)

Even when I was in a "open-marraige" yet took the collar of a MASTER I chose my collar over my OWN WEDDING rings & quit wearing them & eventually that marriage ended...I am no longer with that MASTER either  I too felt that my commitment to my master & my GIFT of SUBMISSION was far more MEANINGFUL than the WORDS  " I DO" spoken when I married my husband 2 years taken my collar away as punishment would seem very HARSH to me...& I would take it to heart...that would SINK in more than a beating for the SIMPLE fact that I am a PAIN slut and enjoy seeing my MASTER get PLEASURE from causing me PAIN...Taking away my collar might actually make me think more about what I did wrong & not about SEX....

                               Tanik's  Girl

Hizwhitediamond -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (3/31/2006 10:06:10 AM)

First off  W/we are NOT being told what was done to deserve this kind of punishment.  Being a slave myself i know first hand that the punishment usually fits the mistake.  So what needs to be asked is WHAT did you do to upset your Dom/Master to make Him warrant this type of punishment?  i for one feel that if i'm being punished no matter WHAT that punishment is i deserve it and i know that my Dom/Master will punish accordingly.  i would take this time to think how better i could have done what was asked of me instead of feeling i've been abandoned by my Dom/Master, and how to NOT make this mistake again.  i'm in no way offended but it does make me again wonder what you did/didn't do that upset your Dom/Master to warrant this type of punishment.

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