RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (Full Version)

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Evanesce -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/2/2006 5:42:26 PM)


I agree about banishment - but I don't think that this was the question in the OP.  There was no mention of ignoring or banishing - simply of taking the collar away.

You're right.  It wasn't the original question.  The question of banishment was brought up later - somewhere around page 2 or 3 in this thread.  For what it's worth, I answered both questions.

sweetpettjenny -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/2/2006 6:35:12 PM)

I completely agree with you. A collar is a symbol of a commitment, and when its taken away, a piece of your heart is removed with it. I personally think its the worst punishment one could give.

ORIGINAL: MyCaptainsPet

In a group on Yahoo they are discussing the removal of collars as a form of punishment.

i don't know, this just disturbs me... My collar is a symbol of US and of what we are together. 

Anyone have any thoughts on this????

subwithdesires -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/2/2006 6:43:26 PM)

I agree with the lovely petjenny-it is not a fair punisment-could hurt the relationship--there are other methods available.


HouseofBear -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/2/2006 6:58:47 PM)

To us, a collar denotes a commitment between us and the sub/slave.  We do not enter into or end a commitment lightly.  We would not remove a collar (unless it was for cleaning, or some medical necessity) unless it was meant to be irrevocable. 

Bear and Ursa

Brat83 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/2/2006 7:12:22 PM)

removing a collar is serious, punishment or release its serious. i was released last week and it hurt every part of me im still affected i will be for a while. i couldnt imagine that being done as punishment.

MasterUnknown -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/2/2006 8:45:32 PM)

hmm there are things that I would not call punishemt and the removing of a collar is one of them.  I understand how ever that differnt aspects of this lifestyle that do things differntly.  and the thought that a Dom would use that as a punishment or even hint that he would is something that I think should not be done and never would do myself.  Yet, like I said that is just me I guess

wipmebeetme100 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/3/2006 3:06:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: MyCaptainsPet

In a group on Yahoo they are discussing the removal of collars as a form of punishment.

i don't know, this just disturbs me... My collar is a symbol of US and of what we are together. 

Anyone have any thoughts on this????

I am on that same Yahoo group....and your post here is a bit vague based on the discussion on group.  I know that my reply to the Yahoo group was that if i was disobedient to Master he would take my other words, if i knowingly and intentionally did not obey Master i could expect him to take my collar.

As my obedience is my only commitment to looks like were i to disobey...i would be the one ending the my actions. 


MrDiscipline44 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/3/2006 4:36:48 PM)

Removing a collar is a harsh punishment, that I agree with. I think that if such a thing were to occure then it would be for the worst of offences. Something that forgivness would not be an immediate option. Something that would hurt the very foundation of the relationship. Then, I would see removing the collar.

Level -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/3/2006 4:59:24 PM)

As some have's how each individual looks at it.
It's kind of similar to the subject of burning the American flag. Some see it as something that should never be done, to the point of wanting it outlawed. Others, such as myself, see it as a valid (if gut-rending) expression, that should be allowed in the name of freedom. The former group places the flag itself above freedom, others see freedom as a higher value than what is ultimately a piece of cloth.

And.......just so I'm not misunderstood lol.........I would never burn our flag. I hate when I see it happen. But just because I don't like something does not mean it's eligible for legislation.

MyCaptainsPet -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/3/2006 7:07:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: wipmebeetme100


ORIGINAL: MyCaptainsPet

In a group on Yahoo they are discussing the removal of collars as a form of punishment.

i don't know, this just disturbs me... My collar is a symbol of US and of what we are together. 

Anyone have any thoughts on this????

I am on that same Yahoo group....and your post here is a bit vague based on the discussion on group.  I know that my reply to the Yahoo group was that if i was disobedient to Master he would take my other words, if i knowingly and intentionally did not obey Master i could expect him to take my collar.

As my obedience is my only commitment to looks like were i to disobey...i would be the one ending the my actions. 


My post here is intentionally vauge.. i wanted to see what direction this would go in. i felt that it was a very interesting topic, and deserved to move and flow the way it needed to. If i had given any more to the origional post, it may not have gone the way it has and just died in the water.

The people here at collarme/chat tend to be more intellectually stimulating and less "snippy" than on the yahoo groups i belong to.

subinside -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (4/3/2006 7:19:39 PM)

i have to agree with a lot of the folks here.  Removal of a collar is a very serious thing, and in my-oh-so-humble-opinion, should not be done as a mere punishment.  If i were in a relationship and my Sir was to remove my collar, it would devastate me.

MasterJohn10 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 7:31:28 PM)

No true Dom or Master should ever use that as a form of punishment. It is a sing of release

MizChief -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 8:23:35 PM)

The worst pain a submissive can have is separation from the dominant, in my opinion, and removal of the collar is like cutting teh umbilical cord- you can't get much more separate.... so inflicting that kind of pain must mean either the offense was so severe that the relationship has ended, or the dominant is too busy checking off how many of the "100 rules for a submissive" they have covered to come up with a true, educational punishment for the submissive.

Its the submissive's resposnibility to do the best they can, true, but it's the dom's responsibility to teach and bend and form the sub- how does the sub know until they are taught? If the subbie is so bad, then it's not just the subbie's fault- and if the dom immediately jumps to the most severe form of punishment, imho, he/she is insecure about his/her own role and is not yet mature enough to teach anyone- he/she has too much to learn himself.

I don't think anyone can justify inflicting that level of pain and harm on someone they say they care for, that they profess to be trustworthy for, and still maintain the relationship afterwards. For me, I would nmever really be able to trust the unconditional nature of the dom's caring and love- because it's not unconditional!

If the dom was trying to teach that separation from the dom was painful, then do it by forbidding eye contact or verbal contact, or even having teh subbie stand in the corner facing away, or not allowing teh subbie to touch- any of those things, but removing a collar lightly means the dom is clueless about what that collar really means.

truesub4u -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 8:35:05 PM)

removing a collar as punishment..... hmmmm

remove collar.... no more sub/slave..... who's really being punished here?


seriously.. think of another form of punishment... or find thy ass without what thy use to have... [&:]

LadyHugs -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 8:43:09 PM)

Dear MyCaptain'sPet, Ladies and Gentlemen;
Unfortunately, people see collars as different things now days.  So, I'm sure answers will vary.
However, I'm of the time where collars were earned, in stages from training through the final slave collar and all of them in between.  The collar represents both the slave and Master.  Slave behavior is a direct reflection on him.  In saying Master, it can also apply to female Masters/Mistresses/Dominants, et. al. 
I've sadly seen all to often "velcro" collars, to which if there is any dispute or ripple in what is their relationship, the collar is used as a weapon/threat by Masters/Mistresses and slaves.  So, when this happens, it has lost it's meaning in my eyes.
Certainly, the collar is a visible symbol of the M/s and or D/s relationship however, like a wedding band, even if it is removed or loss--the relationship remains if it has value or worth.
This is why if the collar is removed by a slave's request and or a Master's request --it is the end of the union period.  It is no different than a divorce. 
Sometimes the removal of the collar is no choice.  All remedies and or options have been exhausted and or the disobedience was so horrible, that forgiveness would be out of the question.  However, I would have to look in my mirror and look at myself, and know should I remove a collar, I exhausted all remedies/options and did my best to keep the relationship afloat.  However, there are times when no matter what party is doing the work in keeping things alive--it is just a delay of what will come.
I am sure that many of the posters have witnessed slaves/submissives go through collars like underwear.  They figure it is easy lost, easy to find another one.  Some even wear collars they buy themselves. 
I am sure, as a dominant when a slave/submissive removes their collar, especially when they are being disobedient and having a temper; understand that act alone, the submissive/slave ends the relationship.  When a dominant other than the owner removes the collar on a slave and or submissive, while not acting as an agent of the owner--it is a slap in disrespect of what the collar represents. 
As for me--the collar is my property, when it is removed it returns to me and I will dispose of it as I will.  The collar is a mere symbol of what was, that is no more.  To loose a collar is dismissal from my contract, bond and or responsibility to the slave period.  No earning it back.  Gone forever.
Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

ownedgirlie -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 8:57:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: truesub4u

seriously.. think of another form of punishment... or find thy ass without what thy use to have... [&:]

Art thou getting biblical on us, True?  lol

truesub4u -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 8:59:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: ownedgirlie


ORIGINAL: truesub4u

seriously.. think of another form of punishment... or find thy ass without what thy use to have... [&:]

Art thou getting biblical on us, True?  lol


sorry Owned... guess when one takes a break from boards... life gets sort of out there... thanks for putting me back into perspective here... LOL

ownedgirlie -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 9:00:56 PM)

I thought it was kinda cute [;)]

MadamShy -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 9:01:34 PM)

I have been reading this for awile...

punishment .. only as last resort ...
the Collar is yes a symbol of B/both ... but not always just that is the symbol ...

I took away My pets collar he lost it for about a year till he decided he was going to act like the proper pet .... the collar was earned... and damn if I was going to own him the way he was acting ... it remained off except for BDSM events for his safty .... it is back on but not such a beautiful elaborate .. just a simple chain he will earn a new elaborate one again once trust is broken it must be rebuilt and I am not easy....

now he lost his collar I was not going to throw him out of My house and make him homeless...there was more to the Us than a collar ...

the punishments were not seeming to matter ... [its hard to punish a masochist] ... I was not in a lifestyle relationship the way he was acting ... so why should he be allowed the symbol of a farce D/s relationship  every time I saw it around his neck it bothered Me so I removed it. 

its been a year and he has lots of work to gain My trusts again.... but he lost his collar Not My love .... he has one back on and a second chance ...

I do not belive that removal of a collar should be idle punishment is serious but there are times when a slave/sub/pet fully overstep there bounds and do not deserve it any longer....

do I care what others think about what I did.... not really O/our life and O/our relationship most likely is not like others .... for it is ours ... our agreements are O/ours .... I do read these forums because I get good idea's on how to handle things a bit better it improves My and My pets life ... W/we have been together for almost 4 years .. I  don't think W/were doing that bad.. everything that is worth anything isn't easy .... its hard work..

Jackpopper01 -> RE: Removing a collar as punishment.... (5/5/2006 9:34:25 PM)

Forget him Sultry and come to me

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