I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 2:26:27 PM)

Since I am being up front about it, this is the femdom version of a question from a "wanking troll" asking something like, "So ladies tell me what do you like to do to your slaves as punishment, please be as detailed as possible kthanks."

Here's my wanker question.  And yes, I might get inappropriately sexually excited by the answers.

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
Has vulnerability ever made you cry?  Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?

Ahhh feels good already.  I apologize if this is too objectifying, but at least I am being honest :)

(who feels like wanking)

catize -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 5:23:36 PM)

I like these questions a lot! I assume you want replies based on my experience as a submissive with a dominant. (I felt compelled to clarify that because I have been vulnerable, as in danger, in other situations and that is very different!)


What does vulnerability feel like to you?

Feeling vulnerable is to feel uncertain and off-balance. Even though I have volunteered to be in that situation, those feelings can create a sense of humiliation, perhaps even shame, because of the loss of control.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?

Tears, flushing red from embarrassment, my tummy flutters and sometimes hurts, my heart races.


What about vulnerability makes you afraid?

I have a plethora of fears; the fear of (potential) harm either emotional or physical, the fear of looking ridiculous. The fear that he might push farther than I think I can go which leads to a fear of disappointing him. The fear that the house will spontaneously combust and there won't be time to get me out of bondage so we can escape. <that last one is sort of tongue-in-cheek, but it has crossed my mind!)


Has vulnerability ever made you cry? Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?

There is one thing I submit to with S. that I don't/won't with anyone else. He knows how much difficulty it causes me. He makes me ask, even beg for it, he makes me admit that I love doing “THAT” with and for him. His sadism is fed by my inner struggles; he ignores my tears. I hate him and love him all at the same time. I get angry at myself that even after all these years, he can push that button and I respond with physical intensity and emotional instability. It is those extreme opposites that fulfill my emotional masochism. (Please note, he never ever leaves until he knows I am really okay and back in balance) It feels satisfying on so many levels!

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 5:31:50 PM)

But but but you're not doooooing it right.  You aren't supposed to announce it. Plus you're supposed to apologize if your questions gave been asked before.

LadyAngelika -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 6:06:09 PM)



Since I am being up front about it, this is the femdom version of a question from a "wanking troll" asking something like, "So ladies tell me what do you like to do to your slaves as punishment, please be as detailed as possible kthanks."

Here's my wanker question.  And yes, I might get inappropriately sexually excited by the answers.

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
Has vulnerability ever made you cry?  Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?

Ahhh feels good already.  I apologize if this is too objectifying, but at least I am being honest :)

(who feels like wanking)

Hot. I'll be awaiting for the answers too... but I won't tell you if I wank or not ;-)

- LA

Araven -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 6:36:38 PM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?

Vulnerability feels to me.. like helplessness. The holy cow.. what have I gotten myself into? That intense flight or fight reaction, do I really want this? How much more can I take? When will she ever stop? Its the millions of questions running around in my head, swimming, stirring, full fear. On the softer side... there is a moment when I slip into a soft submission of vulnerability, a point when I surrender and give in. I'm laid out and exposed to her desires and wishes.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?

I sweat, tremble, my breathing becomes heavier and much quicker. Heavy quick breaths as if I can't get enough air in my lungs to stop the shaking.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?

I'm fearful of how I will be afterwards, what will the damage be both mentally and physically. The fear of the pain, the fear of being left.. The fear of humiliation and shame.

Has vulnerability ever made you cry? Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?

The vulnerability has made me cry... in two distinct and different ways.

The first way was pure frustration.. nothing I could do could get her to stop. No amount of pleading, begging, cajoling.. nothing was going to get her to stop on my part. I have never felt so helpless as I did in that moment. So I cried out of not being in control, not being able to affect the situation at all.. and I just broke down in tears and realized she was going to do what she wanted and enjoy the hell out of it.. and I just had to endure it for her. Then it became a sense of duty, and as above.. I became vulnerable in a different way... in that I was giving myself to her and exposing some of my most inner self to her.

The second way was simply fear... She was playing mind games with me... and I had the pure fear that she was really going to do something to me that I wanted no part of. I remember trembling, shaking, and crying as she said she was going to "cut me". Of course she did not, but man.. the idea of it scared the hell out of me! I jumped right off of the bench and curled up in a corner and tried to hide(not to much success though).

Hope that helps and answers the questions =)

takemeforyourown -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 9:18:13 PM)

Vulnerability made me cry because that crazy part of me thought, for a few moments, that he actually DID want to kill me. And, yes, I did beg him not to.

MasterCharles099 -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/26/2010 10:32:31 PM)

wow so honest

lally2 -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/27/2010 8:03:38 AM)



Since I am being up front about it, this is the femdom version of a question from a "wanking troll" asking something like, "So ladies tell me what do you like to do to your slaves as punishment, please be as detailed as possible kthanks."

Here's my wanker question.  And yes, I might get inappropriately sexually excited by the answers.

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
Has vulnerability ever made you cry?  Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?

Ahhh feels good already.  I apologize if this is too objectifying, but at least I am being honest :)

(who feels like wanking)

well, ok [:)] -

what does vulnerability feel like to me:
this is in punishment right? - cos theres the vulnerability of being completely open to youre M which i love and gets me about as close to subspace as im ever likely to get (doesnt involve pain though)

but in punishment - meh! - punishment has always been CP of some sort. 

the vulnerability i feel is like being exposed physically more than at any other time.  bare arsed and bent over something and knowing its not going to be good on any level, its humiliating and nerve wracking.  before it starts its like the most negative space you can possibly be in and the physical vulnerability of being there, exposed and waiting.  also knowing that youre M is studying youre arse and planning its demise in detail, how many, how hard and how quickly he intends to get you to sobbing wretch and keep you there.

what are the physical reactions in my body:
positive vulnerability puts me into subspace - my body just floats off and i get really wet and needy for a serious shag/spanking/whatevers on offer really.

negative vulnerability not so much [&:] - in a punishment situation my body just braces.

what is it about vulnerability that makes me afraid
vulnerability doesnt frighten me.

has vulnerability made me cry
yes.  frequently for lots of different reasons.  on the positive side its like a release of all the built up emotions and tensions inside of me.  when its giving into someone its like a wave of the deepest, strongest emotions given a place to crash into safely.  its gratitude and release and it often just comes from nowhere at the most inopportune times.  once i remember i was in a shop with my M of the time.  we were looking at books about witchcraft and bits and pieces like that.  maybe it was sharing that with him or maybe it was just his gentleness to me as we pottered around.  both enjoying being there and together.  i just felt so vulnerable right then, open and grateful and i just started to cry.

on the negative side to it - yes ive cried

beej -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/27/2010 10:13:56 AM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
it's an emotional state, for me, a sense that how i feel is hanging in the balance or awaiting the influence of what a lover says or does. it's the scariest of things because for that moment, all of the security that comes with knowing myself is in suspense and i'm waiting for validation, basically. gives me the shakes just thinking about it since that's anathema to the rest of my personality. i hate it but crave it as well sort of as a penultimate intense experience.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
hyperawareness and skin sensitivity primarily. if "fight or flight" counts as a reaction, i also almost always make a physical effort to go or to get the upper hand. nothing turns me into an animal faster than the threat of vulnerability.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
being susceptible to another such that his/er opinion could become my opinion. this is why vulnerability is more psychological to me than physical. being physically exposed... eh, i go into that knowing what i think of my body and what's going to happen to it, whether i think positively or negatively. i could go in thinking, "this will make me feel awkward and insecure," and it does, and i walk away feeling the same. i don't define that as vulnerability. on the other hand, if i walk in expecting to feel awkward and insecure, and i come out feeling either humiliated or else cherished, i got hit hard with the vulnerability stick, and the outcome is not as significant to me as the fact that the lover wielded power enough to change a deep opinion of mine. scary!

Has vulnerability ever made you cry? Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?
two times with two different lovers, but it was the same physical trigger both times. the sex had been really rough, and that's my default mode, my easy mode. both lovers changed modes abruptly. one (vanilla) kissed me when he wasn't "supposed to" while still continuing on like a madman. the other one (Dom) asked me how i felt again in a situation where he wasn't "supposed to" care. as a result, i had an emotional changemode and had to confront, in the moment, that what we were doing though brute was loving. i couldn't hold myself away from it by acting like i was just there to get my rocks off which is what i usually do. with the Dom, i guess he knew what he was doing because everything that followed after that was him telling me a story about what was going on. it felt like a knot or a tightness in the torso at first, and then it felt quaky. i tried to suck it up, but i only ended up getting the shakes literally. i can't say that i enjoyed it in the moment, but i'll never fucking forget it, that's for sure, and the effects have been lasting.

allyC -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/27/2010 1:19:03 PM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?  Hmmm... now there's a damned good brain-pickin' question!  Not so easy to put into words but I will give it a shot. For me, it depends on the situation.  For the most part, I feel vulnerable to some degree all of the time.  While in many ways I have grown stronger throughout my relationship with my owner, in other ways I have discovered new "chinks in my armor" so to speak.  My dependence on him is something that has put me in a place of weakness to an extent.  My dependence on his validation in all of the things I do leaves me open to tremendous hurt should I disappoint him.  In the past, dissapointing someone was always a big bummer but now it can be absolutely heart-wrenching.  Just a word from him can take me to places at all ends of the spectrum... no one has ever had such power over me before and while it is frightening, I still find great security in knowing that whatever place he brings me to, he will make sure that in the end, all is well. I have often told him that while he is like the sun, I am the moon, needy of his light for my own illumination.  The fear of losing that light keeps me in a place of vulnerability.  While it varies from time to time, it is always there.  I used to believe such a thing was a very negative thing - after all, isn't being independent and completely self-assured and self-motivated supposed to be the goal for most people?  But... I have learned that within the life we have, I thrive and blossom far more than I did when such independence and autonomy was the primary goal.   
What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?  That varies a great deal depending on the why of the situation.  If it is something purely emotional (i.e. I am afraid of disappointing him), I feel this thing near the solar plexus... it is sort of like a pressure but more like an ache.  I know it is purely psycho-somatic but it hurts just the same.  It makes me feel anxious and frightened. If it is a physical thing (i.e. he has me firmly secured to "the chair" and has all sorts of skeery implements in sight) I go through phases.  Initially it there is nearly always a rush of pure fear - not a fear of him perse but rather that feeling of absolutely knowing that no matter how much I struggle - how much I plead - he will do as he intends to do.  The chair, in particular, makes me feel all that more vulnerable because he is able to secure my legs in such a way that they are spread excrutiatingly wide and most often, my arms are pulled high above my head by the pulley system.  I feel utterly exposed and physically vulnerable at that point.  I nearly always get gooseflesh that comes and goes and I get frequent rushes of pulse and whooshing sounds to the head as if I can hear my own pulse and blood flow.  If he is using something sharp, the closer he gets to my most sensitive spots , I nearly always feel a burst of fear and at times it even causes me to struggle against my restraints.  Deep down I know that he would bring me no harm but that primal need to protect myself kicks in (which is often followed by a few words in my ear such as "I wouldn't move if I were you," and at that point, that same vulnerable feeling that made me squirm keeps me shock still.) When he puts me on the floor, free to move on my hands and knees, it is a different type of vulnerability.  In these instances I certainly can ball up, pull my arms and knees up, try to crawl away, twist, roll, and try to avoid the impact of whatever he is beating me with but I know deep down that there's no way in hell I can get away.  It is a very primal thing when he gives me that freedom at on the same note, my reactions are primal as well.  I don't get the goosebump thing during these times - I get more of heightened sense of self-preservation.   Strangely enough though, if I just reach back with my hand and wrap my fingers around his boot, ankle, or calf, that feeling subsides as it brings me back to realize that it is him - and if I call out to him (often I call out that I love him when it hurts the most), it also helps to ease that feeling of fear and vulnerability.
What about vulnerability makes you afraid?  Everything?  hehehe!  I'm a very afraid kind of person to be honest.  Anxiety has been my unwanted companion for many, many years and so any time I feel exposed either physically or emotionally it just kicks in.  It is that sense of being stripped bare and left open that can be so difficult but for me, what makes me the most afraid is (back to the first part of my post) the dependence I have on him.  I think what scares me the most is being without him.  If he were taken from my life for any reason, I think at that point the sense of vulnerability and fear would be unimaginable.
Has vulnerability ever made you cry?  Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?
Everything makes me cry!  I'm the most mushy, emotional, sap I've ever met! (I once cried during a Hallmark commercial for crying out loud!) But yes... the sense of feeling vulnerable has made me cry - more than twice!  ;)  I would say that it happens most often immediately after he is done beating me (or doing whatever it is that he's doing to me)  Once he tells me that it is over, there is this something inside - it is a mix of relief and fear.  At this point I feel so crazily raw and insecure and freakishly vulnerable... This is usually followed by my finding my way to his feet, wrapping my arms around his legs, pressing my cheek or my brow to his feet and crying almost uncontrollably.  It feels as if everything has been washed away and yet there is this emptiness too - this feeling of being absolutely raw inside.  I am fortunate and very grateful that he nearly always takes the time to be gentle, to reassure me and to often praise me for giving as much as I did.  He hands become very gentle (amazing how they can go from being so brutally harsh to being so gentle and reassuring) and he usually strokes my hair.  While I still feel so open and exposed (often for many hours), I find that light - you know the sun thing I mentioned earlier - making me glow a bit.   Okay... so I typed another novel - sorry everyone.  It all just sorta came out.  hehe Not sure if the above is very wankable but I'm happy to contribute to your wank material, Akasha!  :) Well wishes, Cav's ally 

FetishRose -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/27/2010 5:10:30 PM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
>>Vulnerability is, for me, a retreat inside myself.  I tend to feel very small when I'm being vulnerable, and very open.  Every sensation, both physical and emotional, seems magnified, and brings about a much larger reaction than it would were I not vulnerable.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
>>My shoulders come up, if I can, I tend to cower.  I'm not an overly little thing normally, but you would never know it when I'm being vulnerable.  My eyes get very wide and often slightly teary, my features get soft, my lips tremble.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
>>For me, being vulnerable around anyone is terrifying at first, because I'm baring my soul.  99.99% of people don't see me in a weak or compromised position, ever, so for me to open myself like that is scary.

Has vulnerability ever made you cry? Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?
>>I'm a crier when I'm in that state.  Anything can make me cry.  From the touch of his hand in my hair and the wonderful emotions that go along with that, or the frightened anxiety of being locked into a wide open position with my eyes bound...I cry.

Wheldrake -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/28/2010 1:01:19 PM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
Scary. And exciting. Real vulnerability, in my mind, requires not just a lack of power to control the situation but also a lack of knowledge. When I'm naked and helpless in the hands of a capable tormentor, not knowing what kind of pain to expect or even for certain whether there will be pain at all, I feel nervous, a little skittish, and definitely frightened. But I also feel aroused, and infused with the sense of setting out on an adventure.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
A quickening of the breath. A fluttering deep in the pit of the stomach. I'm typically not much of a trembler, but I might fidget and follow my tormentor with rapid movements of my eyes. An erection is practically guaranteed.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
Well, the uncertainty. Most of all, I suppose, the possibility that I won't be able to endure whatever my tormentor has lined up for me. Which brings me to...

Has vulnerability ever made you cry?
Yes. It was a combination of vulnerability and pain, but I think mostly vulnerability.

Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?
Yes, I can. Would you like me to? Sometimes wanking trolls have to ask nicely.[;)]

AAkasha -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/28/2010 8:12:37 PM)

Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond.  I found the responses to be really hot.  Should I be ashamed that some of them got me pretty turned on?  It's the state of mind I am in right now. At least I apologized up front.

The exploration of vulnerability - and all the physical side effects it has on subs - is basically the cornerstone of my obsessions with BDSM.  As I get older, this becomes even more clear.  Bondage, pain, humiliation, shame, degradation - these are all just tools to strip away layers of power and have a man feel vulnerable for me.  Willingly.   At any cost.  What's not to love?


allyC -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/28/2010 8:18:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: AAkasha   Should I be ashamed that some of them got me pretty turned on? 
 Admit it... you got all hot and bothered at the thought of me crying during a Hallmark commercial... ;)

onemoretry2009 -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/29/2010 7:42:07 AM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?

It's hard to tell really: Sometimes i just like into my Mistress's eyes and see her and then it just hits me how much power she has over me. I just feel week vulnerable and I just want to kneel in front of her or lyin gin her arms. I feel like she has the power to absolutely destroy me yet she doesn't. She owns me and can do whatever she likes and I know there isn't anything I can do about it I am just totally hers I need her and I feel like I am completely dependent on her

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
When I feel vulnerable my body just wants to expose itself to display that as much as possible, that might just be a sudden urge to kneel in front of her or to lie on the bed spread eagle exposing myself completely to her and her whims. I feel a light flutter in my stomach and often i start to moan and ramble uncontrollable.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
What makes me afraid most is to be made to feel as detailed above with her not being there i.e i am scared in a way of just how much I need her and I am just dreading the fact that she might leave and deprive me of these wonderfull feelings. Luckily for me my Mistress hasn't ever done this on purpose and she assured me she never would want to hurt me in this way.

Has vulnerability ever made you cry? Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?

It has made my cry many times. But they were tears of joy and the result of being touched emotionally at the core. It's things when i talk to my Mistress and she tells me how much she loves me and that she wants to own me completely. That she is always there for me and I am hers. When she grabs me by my collars and lays my head in her lap and strokes me telling me I am her good boy it just fills me with such an intense joy and comfort and feeling of belonging and being totally open to her and yes sometimes it makes me cry but as I said it's tears of joy when it hits me that my Mistress cares for me so very much, more than anyone else ever has and I doubt I ever will.

The thing is vulnerability for me is a positve thing. I want to vulnerable and open to her I want to feel like she owns and controls me and I am defenseless against her. The thing that gets me is feeling helpless which is when i feel vulnerable but she isn't there to "protect me" that is truly the worst feeling i have ever experienced. The reason why I like being vulnerable is because I know even though I am vulnerable she is there for me she holds, protects and guides me and I know I am never alone and that for me is just so powerfull and beautifull and probably the main reason I crave and need this dynamic so much.

OrpheusAgonistes -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/29/2010 10:37:09 PM)


What does vulnerability feel like to you?

The moment of realizing that I'm completely vulnerable feels like the beginning of a nervous breakdown.  It's the epiphany that, at that particular moment, anything could happen to me.  It's the moment of crisis at which it becomes clear that someone is in the position to superimpose her will upon me.  It's the feeling of suddenly realizing that a doll doesn't get a say-so into how it is posed, that a plaything is there to be played with.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?

I don't show much.  My eyes widen a little, I'm told.  My voice quivers a little (I can feel that).  My breath gets short.  My muscles tense and start to cramp.  I blush.  If it goes far enough, my head swims and I babble.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?

I have nuclear explosion levels of attraction for sadists who I know will go much farther than I'm comfortable with them going.  All the pretenses are dropped in a moment of real vulnerability.  The intellect and poise I value so much are shredded and I can see what a ludicrous parody persona really is.  It's the opposite of civilization--everything crashing and coming apart.  Real vulnerability, exploited skillfully and mercilessly, is a short-term but very real ego death.  It's a cycle that begins with seduction and ends with annihilation. 

Has vulnerability ever made you cry?

No, unfortunately.  I'm still waiting for that.

Sanguinarian -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/29/2010 10:44:09 PM)

Wow, this reminds me of the time I was in NYC and this guy had a cardboard sign that said " Need money for Food, Whores and Drugs... Hey, at least I am honest, right?" ( It was surprising how much money this dude garnered )

Anyway, on to the questions: Vulnerability has only given me an adrenaline rush and a hell of a natural high. The hand tingly, blood singing in your ears deliciousness kind of high. I have never cried, in fact, I enjoy the rush.

candisa -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (3/29/2010 11:28:35 PM)

What does vulnerability feel like? It makes me feel inadequate, anxiety and emotional intimacy.Being vulnerable to someone allows me to be able to share my deepest layers of fears and desires, opening the door for trust.

CaringandReal -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (4/2/2010 8:46:39 AM)

What does vulnerability feel like to you?
Frightened, and also utterly astonished that I could feel this way. I experience this as a double-take, a shock: how did THIS happen? Also turned on. It feels like you might feel if you suddenly shrunk to two inches tall and were dangling and spinning very high off the ground from a chain someone held between their thumb and forefinger.

What are some of the physical reactions you have in your body when you feel vulnerable?
A creeping feeling of dread in the stomach area. Tingling hands. Hypersensitivity to all sensory input: sights, sounds, touch, etc. What's coming in is crystaline clear. My face gets hot. (Blushing due to embarassment or expected embarassment--the initial humiliation is from finding oneself this vulnerable to begin with.) My mind also feels clearer, sharper, and very focused on what or who is causing the vulnerability. Very mild (but interesting!) low-level arousal.

What about vulnerability makes you afraid?
Initially, my imagination. It supplies all the things that could happen to me when I'm in such a vulnerable state, and I am capable of imagining some very "creative" things. As things progress, it's usually the other person: what they do, how they act, how I can't escape what they do, that invokes fear.

Has vulnerability ever made you cry? Can you describe the action and the moment and what it felt like?
Yes, but usually these situations weren't in a play situation. I remember many situations with my father: in one he tickled constantly and wouldn't let up, even though I was experiecing this as horrific torture and was begging him to stop between the knee-jerk giggles i couldn't help. There was nothing fun in it, and what made me cry was how long it had gone on and how long I expected it to continue to go on. Time is dialated when you are very young. Another time he was spanking my sister and I because we'd left our room when we weren't supposed to (he had company over, a party). He'd alternated between spanking me and spanking her, very very hard, and each time he'd spank one of us he said he would not stop until we stopped crying. Of course we couldn't stop crying... So, it went on a very long time, until he got bored. Another time, instead of getting our usual bath, he insisted we all come in the shower with him. The temperature of the water was fine for him but it was scalding to our young skins. We screamed and all tried to crowd into the corner of the stall furthest from the water. He wouldn't accept the fact that this water, that felt fine to him, was burning us, so I felt utter despair at escaping this torture. Shrug. He was a drunk and emotionally disturbed. There were countless incidents like that. I think it's funny I ended up relishing this experience (vulnerability). I could have easily, with that sort of background, hated it and avoided it when I became adult. In these situations, and in ones I experienced as an adult in a bdsm context, I think it was the suprise, the unexpectedness of the harsh act or suprise at its duration, as well as the harshness, that brought out the crying response. If you know what is coming, vulnerability is a lot easier to take. It also loses some of its edge. A tradeoff, I guess.

Ahhh feels good already. I apologize if this is too objectifying, but at least I am being honest :)
I think people have gotten off on responding to you, or maybe I should just speak for myself. ;) So no harm done! Plus, this beats hell out of answering some fetishist's query about nice feet. :/

LaTigresse -> RE: I'm trolling for wank material. What does vulnerability feel like? (4/2/2010 9:31:26 AM)



Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond.  I found the responses to be really hot.  Should I be ashamed that some of them got me pretty turned on?  It's the state of mind I am in right now. At least I apologized up front.

The exploration of vulnerability - and all the physical side effects it has on subs - is basically the cornerstone of my obsessions with BDSM.  As I get older, this becomes even more clear.  Bondage, pain, humiliation, shame, degradation - these are all just tools to strip away layers of power and have a man feel vulnerable for me.  Willingly.   At any cost.  What's not to love?


Uhmmmmm......wow. Thank you for this thread. It just made my Friday!!

Now I have to go turn the AC up...

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