RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (Full Version)

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newbie2750 -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 6:15:30 AM)

I was not abused as a child, but I work for several months to a year at a time in a very physical, all-male environment. Sexual harassment is a regular part of the job, along with occasional attempts at worse. As a result, I have always tried to 'dress down', blend into the background and hide, because it seems like every time someone remembers that I'm female, I find myself having to defend myself again.

I am lucky in that my job often involves a lot of physical work, so I am not overweight, but I do know where you're coming from: I am confident in myself until a man notices me as a woman rather than a colleague, then I come close to panic and try to get as far away as possible. It is not an unreasonable response while I'm at work, but it carries over into the rest of my life.

HisEvelyn -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 6:16:35 AM)

I have endured a lot of sexual abuse. I grew up being an outcast and unliked, then add to that my father telling me I deserved every bit of the mistreatment I received from my peers (hooray for abusive alcoholics). So when I blossomed into a young woman at 16 and guys took notice of me, due to being what those who knew me then call 'smoking hot'? I still believed I was ugly and a useless person, so I ended up allowing myself to be victimized a great deal because I didn't feel I had the right to say no.

Therefore, I have endured rape and endless amounts of guys lying to me, professing love and such to coax me into doing sexual things. It hurt me very badly, and for some time in my mid twenties, I did gain weight. 60 pounds, in fact. I felt safer that way. Like this way, if a guy bothered to talk to me or say something nice to me? He meant it and it wasn't because he wanted to trick me into opening my legs.

I spent years dealing with the paradox of wanting to lose weight and feel good about myself, and not wanting to be attractive again, for fear of being used all over again. I didn't want to be a sexual object. So long ago, I felt that being a sexual object was the only worth I had. I was terrified to go back to that. It was only when I finally worked out in therapy that I really do have worth as a person above and beyond my looks that I finally had the courage to drop that weight and return to being a healthy, attractive weight.

When I recently visited my Master, we went out to a club. It was the first time I had ever done that, and according to His wishes, I wore a very skimpy outfit. I still found it hard to believe him when he said men were watching me dance and drooling. I still have a hard time believing I am actually attractive, even after all these years. But when I finally believed him? It actually felt good. Because I knew I was a stronger person now, with a man who loves me for me and not just because of my looks. It took a lot of hard work on my part, but it can be overcome. And I know that I don't ever have to allow myself to be that powerless or victimized ever again. EVER.

Best of luck to you. If you ever want to talk about this topic in greater detail, my mailbox is always open.

domiguy -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 6:28:37 AM)

I was not abused as a child. I felt rather cheated because I felt like I was attractive enough but some how I was continually ignored. Becky Rutherford was abused and she wasn't nearly as hot as I was. WTF!!!

Anywhooo, as I matured and I became nothing but man meat for the ladies I became repulsed by their continuous advances. So I hid my beauty behind piles and piles of fast food and gyros.

I tell people that my weight gain is due to the fact that I have recently stopped smoking but that is a lie. I never smoked.

I am eating my way through a horrific shame spiral.

Someone love me.

sunshinemiss -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 6:33:33 AM)

Hello HFS:

Are you comfortable with being considered sexually attractive?


If you have lived through sexual abuse, do you struggle with that same issue of not wanting to be attractive or even if you haven't had to deal with being sexually abused, do you struggle with being considered attractive?

Yes. I always thought that if I ever became pretty, people would think I was stupid. It's not PC, but it's true.

And if you have ever had to deal with the issue that i am raising how did you come to terms with it?

Every suggestion that I have listed below is something I've done. I'm not done with this issue, in fact I'm sure I will never be done with it. You see, it is a wonderful safety mechanism that saved my life on more than one occasion. I honor it, I hold it in favor because of that. But like anything that *was* helpful and has become *not* helpful, I have to break those old habits over and over again. It gets easier. But just as I have to *manage* my asthma, so too do I have to *manage* my body image issues.

It may come down to, i just need to go back to a counselor to deal with this issues, however i am looking for any way to start to mentally deal with it.

I would like to suggest something else to you. (And yes, I am a big believer in therapy). However, with women who've been abused I find that there are other things equally as important. I suggest you take a self defense class - like a model mugging - that makes you fight. You actually hit the person. It can be a powerful lesson. Also, some sort of body awareness workshop or exercise like Dancing the 5 Rhythms or yoga. A weekend workshop space like The Kripalu Center or Omega Institute often have some pretty good workshops that might resonate for you. Finally, I became a nude model. Artists see bodies completely differently1

The problem with therapy, talk therapy, is that it doesn't get to the muscle memory. I believe that a strong shake of that part of one's memory can have amazing results in a fairly short time that years of therapy can need. (I am a big believer in talk therapy, too... I'm suggesting the kinesthetic kind of therapy in addition to behavioral / psychological).

Thank you in advance for your replies,

You're welcome. And just for the record, Hejira is one of those women that I forget is a looker because she is so beautiful.

best of luck in this,

antinomy -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 6:45:46 AM)

My mom did a number on me psychologically when I was growing up; the female body was a badddd thing that, if seen, MADE men lose control.  She had the mentality that most rape victims were to blame for their attacks (no, folks, I DON'T believe this, just relevant to my own body issues and the question that was posed).  I was not allowed to go to a public beach as a child, for fear that my scantily clad, bathing suit covered, prepubescent body might tempt some poor guy into pedophilia. was a gem *lol*.  Now, I suspect she was molested, and blamed herself...and it messed with her head, and in turn, mine.  

I was a skinny little kid.  As soon as I started to develop, I started packing on the pounds.  It took me DECADES to figure out that the fat was my armor.  It was camouflage, and made me feel safe.  It was BS, of course, since weight does not make one immune to abuse; but, it did reduce the amount of attention I got from guys- and, without even knowing it, it seems that was my goal.

After years of failed diets (after all, I sabotaged my efforts, because I never REALLY wanted to lose the weight, as it would make me vulnerable), when I FINALLY figured this all out, the pounds were easy to shed.  To make a long story short, it took me a long time to accept, and be comfortable with, being sexually attractive. 

At first, when a guy would find me attractive, I would feel both fear AND guilt.  *L*  It was gawd awful.  But, time, understanding, and being able to forgive my mom (after all, her heart was in the right place, even if she was a wee bit bonkers) got me to a relatively healthy place.   It's not easy, and even now, once in a while, I get a twinge of those old feelings- but, for the most part, I LIKE who I am, how I look, and the response it elicits.

VideoAdminZeta -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 7:21:33 AM)

~general reply to the thread~

Please be careful to avoid discussion of any specifics of sex with minors in posts.  Touching and helpful as the comments have been, a couple were extremely close to the line that the site has to walk.  This won't cover every case, but a good rule of thumb would be: no mention of exact age, and no mention of body parts or specific acts.

Thank you, and I hope you pardon the intrusion.

sweetboundesire -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 8:29:59 AM)

I wasn't abused as a child so i am just commenting on the part about dealing with sexual attractivness.

you are not just doing it to be sexy but to be healthy, correct?
After having my son, I had gained 35lbs I couldn't shake until i got on the south beach diet. I read the book and liked how it was all directed toward healthy eating. I lost all the weight. I loved being sexually attractive again. When i was bigger, it was an eye opener! Men actually don't look at you on purpose, they avoid eye contact! Then all of a sudden i started shedding enough weight that they again were smiling at me and looking a little longer than normal. I could've thought "what jerks, what pigs!" yet we are all wired as sexual beings. I decided to just embrace the extra attention. It took work to get to a place where i was looking good again and it took work for you. Now i am focusing on yoga and muscle tone. When you have someone look at you desirably, just think highly of your body and yourself. You are not only a healthy beautiful creature but you are a goal setter and goal achiever! Be proud! Just because they look doesn't mean they get the right to touch! Be a flirt and have fun with your new sexier body! Congratulations on your success! [:)]

lally2 -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:44:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy


ORIGINAL: lally2

i was an ugly duckling. in my late teens i 'blossomed'

Did you know that "Blossom" is Jeffff's nickname?

Did I mention that he is simply breathtaking?

again you make me laugh - ! - and yes, i know that jefff is breathtaking - but then ive always had a kink for witty anteaters.

heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:44:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: jbcurious

I've always made a joke that my sister is the one men want to marry and I'm the one they want to fuck.

But it's a defensive joke. I've been incredibly fit and then very overweight and am now somewhere in between and it's never made much difference to the sexual attraction that men have for me. I am a very physical person and have always loved sex and somehow that seems to show through and men are attracted to that and don't seem to look past it to the person and what else I may have to offer.

I've always had to deal with friends boyfriends or husbands trying to start something on the side with me. What I have a hard time understanding is that I'm not beautiful, my friends are often much more so, but that doesn't seem to make a difference.

I'm 50 years old now and still have 20 to 70 year old men that try to get together but in most cases it's just about the sex and my own defencivness has made it worse, as I'm inclined to be the first to walk away rather then wait for them to do so. I've probably blown a few potentially good relationships because of this and it's something I'm trying to work on.

I have the issue with weight also but for a different reason. Keeping the extra lbs gives me a reason why a man may not want anything but the sex... and I can blame it on the weight if they leave afterwards...if I lose the weight then I don't have anything to blame it on except that they didn't want me.


Thank you for your reply. It is amazing what we can do to ourselves to "protect" ourselves. i can see where being on either side of the coin has its problems.


heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:47:07 PM)



I have always gone out of my way since high school to be sexually attractive once I figured out being hot was far more beneficial than not. I have never been sexually abused though so I don't have any of those issues to contend with.

I live in stilettos, I'm 6' in them, I love form fitting clothes and attracting male attention. It only has positive connotations to me, and I work to stay that way. Gym, diet, botox, manicures, whatever. He wants it, he pays for it, and I'm not so naive to think there aren't 50 women behind me that would love a successful generous man like mine, so whatever it takes to stay that way I'll gladly do. If that seems shallow, I'm ok with that. If other women get insecure around me, I certainly don't intend to make them feel that way, but I'd take that over the alternative anytime.

May i ask what those positive connotations are. Please feel free to email me on the side.


heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:48:35 PM)



Reclaim your power. Be beautiful and attractive.

That is what i am trying to do, i am just trying to figure out how to do that.

Thanks you for your reply,


heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:51:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: lally2

i was an ugly duckling. in my late teens i 'blossomed' and found the attention i got from men very disturbing.  i hated how they looked at me, whistled.  id walk into a room and all the women in there would hate me on sight and all the time i thought i was still that ugly duckling.  i remember once walking through londons soho and a woman walked up to me and made a slashing action across my face as if she had a knife in her hand.  i was with my mum at the time and she said 'she's jealous' i remember thinking 'jealous of what'.  being attractive actually isnt always that much fun, it puts huge pressure on you when they stare, its invasive.  it took me a long time to get comfortable with myself and i wish i knew then what i know now......,

that how you look isnt a measure of who you are and if people stare then let them, theyre not getting a piece of you and youre still autonamous and the person you are.  put those heels and makup on for you, noone else.  walk tall and be proud that youre a sensual, sexy woman.  being sexually attractive doesnt mean you have to put out, you can create a bubble of good feeling around youreself and enjoy the day - if men look then you can be sure theyre looking at other women too, it isnt personal at all.


Thank you for your reply. It is a very good point that you raise that it isn't personal, guys look it is what they do. Maybe by focusing on that, i can change my reaction to it.

Thank you again for your reply,

heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:54:08 PM)



I don't have a history of abuse, but like lally I was an ugly duckling. I have never been comfortable with the way men change how they see you based on your body. Things like the pharmacist suddenly eying me after I lost weight and bought more form fitting clothes. People I'd known as friends suddenly changing how they look at me.

However it helped when I put the onus on them. Instead of sabotaging yourself can you view them differently? Make a mantra to repeat when this happens? Something like "shallow asshole, if they couldn't see my value before they aren't going to get the chance now". Not the usual mantra, true, but more empowering.

Because when this happens you need to change your view of them as less worthy because they were too blind to see your worth before. And that is the truth.


Thank you for your reply. Historically it doesn't bother me at all for a man not to find me attractive, it actually felt far more comfortable that if they did. So i don't think it is a matter of whether or not they see me as worth something. It was that i always put forth other aspects about me, my obedience, my intelligence, etc. and now i am needing to learn how to add being attractive to that mix.

Thank you again for your reply,

heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 1:56:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: newbie2750

I was not abused as a child, but I work for several months to a year at a time in a very physical, all-male environment. Sexual harassment is a regular part of the job, along with occasional attempts at worse. As a result, I have always tried to 'dress down', blend into the background and hide, because it seems like every time someone remembers that I'm female, I find myself having to defend myself again.

I am lucky in that my job often involves a lot of physical work, so I am not overweight, but I do know where you're coming from: I am confident in myself until a man notices me as a woman rather than a colleague, then I come close to panic and try to get as far away as possible. It is not an unreasonable response while I'm at work, but it carries over into the rest of my life.


Thank you for your reply, do you have a way for it to not carry over, a way to fight that impulse in the rest of your life.

Thank you again for your reply,

divi -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 2:00:39 PM)

I love being sexually attractive.  I've always been cute and well .. modest lol

heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 2:04:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

And if you have ever had to deal with the issue that i am raising how did you come to terms with it?

Every suggestion that I have listed below is something I've done. I'm not done with this issue, in fact I'm sure I will never be done with it. You see, it is a wonderful safety mechanism that saved my life on more than one occasion. I honor it, I hold it in favor because of that. But like anything that *was* helpful and has become *not* helpful, I have to break those old habits over and over again. It gets easier. But just as I have to *manage* my asthma, so too do I have to *manage* my body image issues.

Very helpful statement, and something that i will have to give more thought to. i tend to want to fix things so i don't have to deal with them anymore.


It may come down to, i just need to go back to a counselor to deal with this issues, however i am looking for any way to start to mentally deal with it.

I would like to suggest something else to you. (And yes, I am a big believer in therapy). However, with women who've been abused I find that there are other things equally as important. I suggest you take a self defense class - like a model mugging - that makes you fight. You actually hit the person. It can be a powerful lesson. Also, some sort of body awareness workshop or exercise like Dancing the 5 Rhythms or yoga. A weekend workshop space like The Kripalu Center or Omega Institute often have some pretty good workshops that might resonate for you. Finally, I became a nude model. Artists see bodies completely differently1

The problem with therapy, talk therapy, is that it doesn't get to the muscle memory. I believe that a strong shake of that part of one's memory can have amazing results in a fairly short time that years of therapy can need. (I am a big believer in talk therapy, too... I'm suggesting the kinesthetic kind of therapy in addition to behavioral / psychological).

Thank you in advance for your replies,

You're welcome. And just for the record, Hejira is one of those women that I forget is a looker because she is so beautiful.

best of luck in this,

i was thinking of taking a self-defense course to remind myself that i am not the same defenseless child. Thank you so much for your reply. It was very helpful


heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 2:08:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: antinomy

My mom did a number on me psychologically when I was growing up; the female body was a badddd thing that, if seen, MADE men lose control.  She had the mentality that most rape victims were to blame for their attacks (no, folks, I DON'T believe this, just relevant to my own body issues and the question that was posed).  I was not allowed to go to a public beach as a child, for fear that my scantily clad, bathing suit covered, prepubescent body might tempt some poor guy into pedophilia. was a gem *lol*.  Now, I suspect she was molested, and blamed herself...and it messed with her head, and in turn, mine.  

I was a skinny little kid.  As soon as I started to develop, I started packing on the pounds.  It took me DECADES to figure out that the fat was my armor.  It was camouflage, and made me feel safe.  It was BS, of course, since weight does not make one immune to abuse; but, it did reduce the amount of attention I got from guys- and, without even knowing it, it seems that was my goal.

After years of failed diets (after all, I sabotaged my efforts, because I never REALLY wanted to lose the weight, as it would make me vulnerable), when I FINALLY figured this all out, the pounds were easy to shed.  To make a long story short, it took me a long time to accept, and be comfortable with, being sexually attractive. 

At first, when a guy would find me attractive, I would feel both fear AND guilt.  *L*  It was gawd awful.  But, time, understanding, and being able to forgive my mom (after all, her heart was in the right place, even if she was a wee bit bonkers) got me to a relatively healthy place.   It's not easy, and even now, once in a while, I get a twinge of those old feelings- but, for the most part, I LIKE who I am, how I look, and the response it elicits.


Thank you so much for your reply, it hits so close to the internal issues that i am trying to get a handle on. Part of the fear is about being victimized again (ie raped). i have done research on correlation between rape and size, age of the women raped and i know there is no correlary, intellectually. But you are very correct that fat is not armor at all.

Thank you so much for you reply,

heartfeltsub -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 2:11:19 PM)

Thank you sweetboundesire for your reply. Yes it has been work to lose what i have lost so far, and it will be work to finish up the job. Thank you for the encouragement.


chicagosub4u -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 5:09:23 PM)



I love being sexually attractive.  I've always been cute and well .. modest lol

Me too...

lally2 -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (4/27/2010 5:46:58 PM)

this might come across as a bit cheesy and trite.  but i was walking back from the wood, moon gazing as i tend to do when its full.  my mind was on a million things and this just popped into my head.  so forgive the cheesyness [:)]

the little girl you were can no longer be hurt.  youre the grown up here, you can take her by the hand and show her that nothing and no one can do her harm while youre there to protect her.

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