RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (Full Version)

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kateindenver -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (5/13/2010 6:24:55 PM)

i feel for you. i really do. my father sexually ab used me while my mother turned a blind eye. i had a horrible timer most of my life dealinf with sexual issues. i met a dom who sdeemed as if he could read my mind. i worked with him and after a few years i was able to be the sexual wonam i always should have been. he had to litterally show me how to wealk in hee4ls, put on make up amd he took so much time with me developing my sexuality. he started with me by just holding hands. Why he eveh had to teacxh me how to kiss. that was severtal yerars ago and now i lovbe just the thought of being dressed to kill and being asll i can be. i hope this helps.

porcelaine -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (5/13/2010 9:00:01 PM)

Greetings heartfeltsub,


Are you comfortable with being considered sexually attractive? If you have lived through sexual abuse, do you struggle with that same issue of not wanting to be attractive or even if you haven't had to deal with being sexually abused, do you struggle with being considered attractive? And if you have ever had to deal with the issue that i am raising how did you come to terms with it?

I'm sorry to hear that you were hurt. I've encountered others that dealt with similar issues. Do understand that weight is merely one way of shielding and other methods are undertaken, all with the same purpose. I'm happy to admit that most have ceased doing so and have found a place of joy and inner peace. They've also found good partners that are accepting and supportive, two elements that were woefully absent in their lives. So hope exists.

In terms of sexual or physical attraction, I believe it's important to formulate your own opinions and be cognizant that others will agree or feel differently and it is their right to do so. What I'm unwilling to do is to exchange their ideas for my own, to the degree where I begin to view myself in a negative context. Constructive criticism with the intent to benefit is a different apple, one that I readily receive. But I have limitations and a filter that wasn't always in place, but is firmly in existence at present.

I'm comfortable because I view myself in my entirety, not seeing the glass half empty or full, or suffering from overinflated or exceedingly negative ideas. I simply see things as they are and I know what's good and what needs improvement. That wasn't always the case, and I've been guilty of questioning and having ridiculous ideas that I needed to refute. I don't believe it was something anyone else could do for me, I had to do it on my own, but it took time and a maelstrom of uncertainty and rebellion to bring it about. I finally reached my breaking point and stared in disgust at how far I'd strayed from the path I promised to adhere to.

But I didn't bother wallowing, instead I tackled the nonsense in my head and went after its root. Knowing where the ideas came from, why some persisted and others did not was important. Sometimes they were internally contrived, and in other cases I allowed outsiders to hoist their beliefs upon me. I chose to digest it because something within me believed what was uttered, otherwise I'd have behaved differently.

So now I have mirror moments. Idle times when I stand in silence and look at the person staring back at me. I'm learning to appreciate her and to temper the inclination to see what's amiss with the necessity to recognize what is rightfully present. I'll confess I have days when I'm apt to say bleh, but they aren't commonplace. I've confided with a close friend and we discuss the gains I have made, but aside from her it isn't something I share with anyone else. When I did I received strange looks and probing questions that left me feeling poked, prodded, and ashamed. I don't carry those feelings anymore.

It's okay to have doubts and to have areas that I wish to improve. But shame, disdain, or skewed interpretations of the person greeting me each day are no longer welcome inhabitants. I accept compliments with grace. I don't question them or have second thoughts. Nor do I believe I must avail myself to anyone that feels an attraction that is not reciprocated. I think I'm finding some middle ground in all of this, but it's been a long time coming.

As for the transformation that's begun and continues to unfold, I'm not afraid. The unknown is okay and I bear no ill will towards those that would find me more attractive in a changed state than they would in my former guise. I think that's natural and indicative of personal preference. I don't believe they should be set aside unless the admirer desires to do so.

Although the fear is real, it serves a dual purpose for maintaining the status quo. As long as it cripples your steps, the deed remains half done. In my opinion it isn't a matter of finishing what one starts, but freeing yourself from the unhealthy binds that restrict your wings. I wish you luck.

In Leather and Light,


switch2please -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (5/14/2010 10:24:42 AM)

About being friends with exes:

I'm friends with some people I've dated, because we have enough in common to get along without a sexual element. I do still care about them, so it's easier for me to transfer that care to 'friend' than go cold turkey. A couple of these relationships ended badly, but if it didn't end badly it wouldn't end at all - and we're both happier in our circumstances now than we were then. The worst boyfriend I ever had is now one of my best friends (jealous and possessive, so now that I'm not 'his' we get along great) and B's business partner is his ex-girlfriend (they were together for seven years and still work really well together).

I'm not friends with some exes because we didn't have as much in common as I thought, or because their current partners are jealous. I've lost touch with a couple incredible people this way. I don't get along with people who can't control their jealousy, so I'd rather gracefully excuse myself from a potentially volatile situation than become a dirty little secret.

Phoenixpower -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (5/14/2010 10:40:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: switch2please

About being friends with exes:

I'm friends with some people I've dated, because we have enough in common to get along without a sexual element. I do still care about them, so it's easier for me to transfer that care to 'friend' than go cold turkey.

Whilst I am not in touch with most of my exes, one of them is still the most important person in my life and I doubt that this will ever change. If I would start a new relationship it would take a while until that new person would reach for me the same level of importance as my ex does (though he would not know that fact) simply as I do know the reliability and maturity my ex has not only in good times but also in bad times and that fact is something the new person in my life would have to demonstrate (not as testing but simply during da to day living) before he would get as much credit from me (on a personal level) as my ex does.

I know many men who wouldn't have shown the strength and maturity he did in a certain time in my life and that's what will keep me always close to him....even when at times I am pissed off at him [:D]

which is part of the package of having him as a true friend in my life [:)]

therefore yes, being friends with ex can be a great thing in life and in my case "sometimes" we still enjoy ourselves in our privacy...we both know we aren't together, however we still like each other and genuinly care about each other, therefore we don't see a reason not to have sex when we both want to....certainly better with him where I can truly enjoy myself then being bothered for someone who just wants a quick fuck but couldn't care less about a fuckbuddy within the ex, can be great, too...when both know how it is meant and doesn't mean that one of them has any hopes which will never be fulfilled.

VonTeese -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (5/25/2010 8:59:03 PM)

It can be a real pain at times

constantly getting one sentence messages from strangers "I think you're hot ;) wanna hook up? what's your number?"

I hate that soooo much, i mean sending that as the first message to me simply says u just want sex and you do not wish to know me or you're extremely shallow and do no possess the intellect to have a decent conversation with me.

do not envy these people who you deem as hot, for trust me the one who u say aren't hot do not have soo many problems with relationships and people

ikeeters -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 4:31:02 AM)

I agree with you on having pictures. I currently do not have a picture for the same reason. I just wanted people to read my ideas. Mind over naked body. For a a mental bond is far more important than a urge to get laid. Enjoyed your profiles and journals.

myotherself -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 4:42:42 AM)

***necro-thread alert***

Arpig -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 8:29:32 AM)

I don't have any of those problems...I am naturally unattractive.[:)]

Jennislut -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 10:21:06 AM)

i hope this does not come across as conceited, but to pretend i wasnt attractive would just be fishing for compliments

Are you comfortable with being considered sexually attractive?
Yes. i like it - it gives me a lot of leeway in life - i get away with a lot of shit i probably shouldnt and i get a lot of free drinks. it opens doors for me - my looks is the only reason i got my job.

Jennislut -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 10:22:44 AM)


constantly getting one sentence messages from strangers "I think you're hot ;) wanna hook up? what's your number?"
oh i know what you mean - i get the "did you know you have a great ass?" a lot. guys - i know it is - thats why i put the picture up.

Aynne88 -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 10:29:15 AM)


n reply to heartfeltsub)
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RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive - 3/12/2011 10:22:44 AM

This thread is from May of 2010. [8|]...

vegetablelamb -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 10:36:17 AM)

Edit: Haha, nevermind; thank you, Aynne.

sexyred1 -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/12/2011 11:40:04 AM)

I always laugh when I hear complaints from women who are annoyed that men find them sexually attractive.

One day when you lose that quality, you will wish you never complained.

It could happen when you least expect it.

VideoAdminRho -> RE: Dealing with being Sexually Attractive (3/13/2011 12:14:06 AM)

Please do not necro old threads. If the last response to a thread is more than 3 months old and you wish to discuss the topic, please start a new thread and link to the old one.
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