RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (Full Version)

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littleone35 -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/8/2006 1:14:57 PM)

Actually i met my Master on collar me.  I was one of the lucky ones who found my dream Dom early on.  He is such a wonderfil man and i love him so much.  Now to the op don't give up and nothing with setting you standareds at a certain level you are not just anyone's sub.  I forget who has it as a tag line but it says. I an a sunmissive not YOUR submissive.  Just keep remembering that.  I wish you much luck.

Matt's littleone

chainedsinner -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/8/2006 8:38:21 PM)


Beware of online personas.  Half the time, you are only seeing th witty, intelligent side of people, not the brain damaged, moronic things we do away from the computer.

Think of it as falling in love with an ideal, not a person.

Very True! I met someone online, while i was still living in new york. she sent me pictures of herself and told me about her horrible marriage, etc. When i moved down here to SC I found out those pictures were some internet model, she was happily married, and very immature. Now, I'm stuck here, saving up enough cash to move to New Orleans. It was stupidity on my part that has me in this situation, but maybe someone else can learn from my mistake. Just be cautious when meeting in RT.

slavejali -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/9/2006 5:25:13 AM)

I was just thinking about all the bad stories about online persona's vs reality. If you stand back and watch, it doesnt take much discernment to see someone for what they are, even online. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I get the feeling that a lot of these bad meetings arent just the fault of the person being blamed for lying or whatever..I think peoples discernment skills need developing. I think sometimes people want something so much that they just make it up in their head that its happening...when in reality the signs were there all the time that something was up.

The mind will spin universes if you let it.

I believe there are good people frequenting the internet, you just gotta have street smarts. I see the internet as a viable way to meet that special someone but you gotta face reality and realise this method does come with some obstacles you have to not be afraid to meet head-on, things like establishing the reality of the person your communicating with and be realistic with yourself.

I see a lot of time people saying, get offline, go to a munch, meet somoene face to face...and yeah...I can see there is some good advice in that...yet take my story for example...there is no way on this earth I would have met Master other than the internet..and I'm totally grateful for it so I cant say "Hey I did it..but you cant or wont or never will....better to do it a different way than what I found success in " If it happened for me it can happen for anyone...if you are serious about meeting someone on here....just be smart.

Maybe it was easier for me to discern what was real because I had had real life exposure to bdsm and living in a Master/slave relationship, so perhaps it was easier for me to work out who was real on the internet and who was just involved in fantasy...maybe its cuz I've lived long enough to learn about life and people...i dunno....maybe I just got lucky...but it seems there are other people here too who have met wonderful people can and does happen.

zenditz -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/9/2006 2:52:18 PM)


Like, thanks everyone.  i'm like glad someone has had success online.  i'm not like new to D/s, and like my last Dom, was my Dream Dom, but because of some very painful things that He was watching me go through, i like really had to ask to be like let go.  Every moment i think about it i still start crying, hell i don't even feel like i'm over Him... actually i feel, well like i know, like i never will be over.  which is like one reason i'm trying to move on... and because i like promised Him after a certain amount of time frame i would, so like here i am.

W/we met in the real world though, not online... i mean i'd used the internet for like D/s questions, toys, and like just as like a resource for like years before now, but never to meet someone.  And i like still feel like it totally sucks that my Generalized Dystonia has like taken my body so far down that i like don't really have any other options, but at least i feel a lot better knowing other have found real & meaningful D/s relationships online.

And like don't worry about like waiting... i mean i'm not like so stuck on like my ideal Dom, that i'm inflexible.. but i'm not going to let myself be used, or set up... like i wrote in another posting.  i've learned some like dead give-a-ways as to like if a Dom's gonna have a chance of clicking... usually like in the first three to five minutes.  One if they haven't read my entire profile, they like ask to see *more* pictures, they ask about my limits, they give me any order, or they don't even like introduce themselves.  so far this has become like my lil check list of red flags, and usually gets this like supposed Dom i'm like talking two ignored like right away.  I just like totally wasn't expecting so many like, i dunno fakes, wanna-be's, psycho's, pervs', 45 year old virgins, or like whatever they are to be online... but like i said i've never like looked online before like four days ago, and well i'm starting to figure this all out.. some on my own, and a lot thanks to E/everyone here on CollarMe's forums.

So like truly E/everyone, thank Y/you like so much for making this much easier, and much less lonely,

starymists -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/9/2006 10:26:50 PM)

I've had 4 'serious' relationships in the time I've been in the lifestyle *and by 'serious' I mean long term committed relationship between myself as a submissive and another as a Dominant.* I have had more 'casual' relationships than I care to count, and I have some wonderful lifestyle friends who I've been blessed to know, who for one reason or another, simply didnt work out for a long term relationship.
The first two relationships occured in the days before the internet and were met by attending lifestyle events, conferences, munches, etc. The other two of my serious relationships resulted from time spent on the internet. And yes, it seems I have found my 'Dream Dom' courtesy of the internet. Turned out we lived like 5 miles from one another, but had different circles of friends. Perhaps we might have eventually met some other way, but I owe the experience of finding the one I can see myself growing old with to the world of the net :)

dorsaisgirl1 -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/9/2006 10:40:02 PM)

i meet daddy right hear on collar me  we have been together rl/24/7 for the past 2 years and we have a 9 month old son. he is everything i have ever needed or wanted . i moved from baltimore md to maxwell nm to be with him i said goodbye to everyone i knew and started a new life with him for my own personal reasons . and just in oct.2005 we moved to oklahoma.i am happy that i desided to post here on collar me .

maybeican -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/9/2006 10:52:55 PM)

I meet the most Wonderful Lady of Distinction here om Collar me. Life could not be better.

goodrachael -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/10/2006 12:34:02 AM)

I have had so many questions about this very topic. I hope to meet a dom or couple on line, which will make my life fuller. I am a sub and I feel that I might be taken advantage of emotionally.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 7:44:52 AM)

I met my Master on Collarme...

He wrote me a letter of introduction, and I replied with a thank you, but...I don't think we would be compatible.  He did inquire as to why, and I answered, (and gave him another 'no') but...he was such a nice person, we kept the letters going back and forth.

I considered him 'just' a friend.

He was always very open about his interest in me, but, never pushed it beyond what I was comfortable with.

I began relying on him, and his advice...

We spoke on the phone...and...his personality shone through so much more than it did in letters.  The dynamic began to change after that.

He is now Master, and says he adores and loves me...He is best friend, protector, daddy-figure, and...anything else I need Him to be.  I would honestly do anything for Him.  He feels that we were meant to be together, and that He felt a special connection between us from the beginning.

For myself, I am just glad I was kind and loving to someone I didn't feel would have a 'chance' with me...turns out...I really didn't deserve to have a 'chance' with Him...but...I'm so lucky I did!'s our story!  [;)]

ownedgirlie -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 8:05:46 AM)

Great post, jali.  Particularly about the mind spinning universes.  It is easy to create a reality in our own minds of what is occurring, yet to be far off track.

i met my Master online, nearly 2 years ago.  And my life has turned around.

babysburnin -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 5:53:34 PM)

Hi - I am new here, and new to being a sub - but not new to relationships or online nonsense. 

I did meet my Dom online - not here.  I met many frogs before I found him.  The way I see it  - there is nothing different when searching for anything ... goals clear ... don't settle.  It is (was) so unlikely that I would find my Dom - but I held out...most rewarding.

mixielicous -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 6:21:32 PM)

you know, i had been reading this title over and over, wishing i had something to say.

and i did all along!

even though, its pretty vanilla i WILL admit:

so i am with my first REAL Dom ever, and we didnt start out D/s, we were vanilla, with great sex. W/we progresssed into it eventually [my collar came today teehee!!]

but none the less, i met him origionally, online. and i am in some wicked love. yay. so, yes, it is possible. [no i did not meet him here or anyother bdsm site]

HisBeauty -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 7:05:07 PM)


shadowwolf272 -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 8:52:14 PM)

A wise person once told me if they cant see you for who you are then they are not worth your time . If they run and hide then it is there lose not yours . The one you seek will find you and show you the joys and happiness in life . 

DesertRat -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/12/2006 9:21:09 PM)

I met my wonderful slave, sylph, here on collarme. As for being her DreamDom? Gee, I sure hope so, but you'd have to ask her about that. We sent a lot of email back and forth and spent lots of time on the phone, but we also learned quite a bit about each other right here on these message boards.

Good luck and best wishes to all..............Bob

darklilwolf -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/13/2006 7:31:17 AM)

this one has, this one had a abusive Dom, this one met her new Master online this ones Master moved to wyo and took this one away from her bad Dom, this one has been happy ever since, this ones Master  married this one last march. i have been Masters pet for three years now.

KatyLied -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/13/2006 2:19:23 PM)

I don't think in terms of any one person being another's "dream."  That's a high expectation, especially early in a relationship.  I've always perferred to see how things grow organically, without a lot of pressure imposed on them. 

Can you meet a wonderful, serious Dom on-line?  I can answer that with one word:  absolutely.  You can also meet those that aren't so wonderful and serious.  But so goes it in the world at large, whether it's an introduction from a friend, or a vanilla dating site.

mixielicous -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/13/2006 2:40:59 PM)




come again? hehe

Eriayasha -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/13/2006 10:25:50 PM)

First off, congrats on *not* sending out nekkid pics to everyone who emailed you! You ought to see some of the unsolicited ones I've gotten.
As for meeting your "Dream Dom" online... I'll wish you the best of luck. I've had some okay experiences, but some truly heart-wounding ones as well. My only piece of advice would be to visit several times before letting yourself get carried away. ;) I met Master at the local munch, which has worked out very well for us.
I guess I was too gun-shy for online at that point, though.

portlandpet -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/13/2006 11:03:25 PM)

Katie, you hit the nail on the head when you said you are not the world's submissive.  Anyone who doesn't recognise and respect that my submission is a gift doesn't get it.  Double entendre and all!

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