RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (Full Version)

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portlandpet -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/13/2006 11:09:00 PM)

I did indeed meet my dream Dom via Collarme.  He actually contacted me the day that he joined and we made plans shortly there after to meet over coffee.  After an extensive interview, including filling out a questionaire covering 250 lifestyle topics, I had my first spanking a week later.  My thoughts driving home that evening were, "That was wonderful, and I think I'm in love."  I laugh at that now, but I do see how much I adore this man.  Never have I felt so present and accepted and apprecitated as I do when I am with him, and I don't mean just by him, I feel that way about myself, too.  I wish you all the best ... 

MLskajira -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/14/2006 3:48:46 AM)

this girl met her One true Master on, bellieve it or not,
 He has owned this girl for a year and a half and He has informed her that she IS His, and will remain so into the unforseeable future. that brings His pet smiles and contentment.

sephisurrender3d -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/21/2006 8:08:57 PM)

Smiles fondly.....Master and i met in a Yahoo chat room... When we first met Master hated me...He thought i was a spoiled subbie brat... He didnt know the underlying issues that had me more than alittle out of my place as a sub/slave..As days went on He saw a differnet side of me and decided to talk to me..I had been initially avoiding Him as He had a slave at the time and i dont mess with another girls Master..After talking to me He asked to call.. Shortly after people started telling Him i was a player , id hurt Him  ect ect ect..So He got curious and wanted to see for Himself and well we have been together every since the first day we talked... Our first anniversary is May7th.. [:D]
Akatena's girl,

wolfslave1 -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/21/2006 9:46:17 PM)

I met my Master online 5 years ago, I met others online who were nice but not for me.Master and I are a perfect fit in our vanilla life as It can be done, be patient.

MistWalker -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/22/2006 12:06:54 AM)

I have met a good number of lifestyle friends on line, some who end up being R/l ones as well. My first Mistress was met in chat, and moved to phone, and then in persone. While that one did not last,  a friendship with Another that had formed in that same time, blossomed further into my Current Mistress, and Wife.  there are always concerns with online though, the players, the preditors. safety is formost when venturing past chatting, and  as has been said, sometimes what you see online, is unfortunitly only a small glimps of the true personality. 
it can happen though,and be extremly pleasurable, and wonderfull. from a friendship online, to much much more.  i have lost track of those i know that have managed to make  an online meeting blossome into a real life , well life.

SweetEscravo -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (4/22/2006 12:15:41 PM)

Don't limit yourself to just the internet.  If you're looking to meet someone, get involved in your local community...go to a munch or a party...or just get to know the people around you.  More people than you would realise are kinky in some way.

spectreandnectre -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/26/2006 9:03:37 AM)

Master and i met online but it was a slow process

spectreandnectre -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/26/2006 9:04:43 AM)

W/we were actually friends for a long time before W/we decided W/we needed to give each other a try...W/we lived about 1300 miles apart

DragonDiver -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/26/2006 9:15:02 AM)

My Alfa Slave I met online back in 1997, I moved from San Diego to Phoenix to be with her, we were married in 2002 and we have two slaves collared to us both one is a live-in since 2003 and the other is married to a vanilla man but is ours as well. so yes if you are careful and listen to your heart and to the words and observe the actions of the other you can find love or the perfect Dom/Sub online.
"Mastery begins, when the ego ends!" - Master Dennis

cuddleheart50 -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/26/2006 4:27:01 PM)

I met  my last Dom here on collarme,  as for a dreamDom, nope, not yet...

feastie -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/26/2006 4:50:30 PM)

No, I haven't met my DreamDom online or not.  I think my jerkometer is broken. 

slaveofbeauty -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/26/2006 9:17:49 PM)

I met my mistess online :-)... I should throw in a disclaimer though that it took 3 years lol.  Persistence!!

DominantCPL -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/27/2006 4:02:29 AM)

I also found my Master dom on line  it was not through normal channels thought and i would never change a thing.  Keep lookin the one you seek is out there.

eruditegirl1 -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/27/2006 7:57:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: slavejali

I was just thinking about all the bad stories about online persona's vs reality. If you stand back and watch, it doesnt take much discernment to see someone for what they are, even online. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I get the feeling that a lot of these bad meetings arent just the fault of the person being blamed for lying or whatever..I think peoples discernment skills need developing. I think sometimes people want something so much that they just make it up in their head that its happening...when in reality the signs were there all the time that something was up.

The mind will spin universes if you let it.

I believe there are good people frequenting the internet, you just gotta have street smarts. I see the internet as a viable way to meet that special someone but you gotta face reality and realise this method does come with some obstacles you have to not be afraid to meet head-on, things like establishing the reality of the person your communicating with and be realistic with yourself.

I see a lot of time people saying, get offline, go to a munch, meet somoene face to face...and yeah...I can see there is some good advice in that...yet take my story for example...there is no way on this earth I would have met Master other than the internet..and I'm totally grateful for it so I cant say "Hey I did it..but you cant or wont or never will....better to do it a different way than what I found success in " If it happened for me it can happen for anyone...if you are serious about meeting someone on here....just be smart.

Maybe it was easier for me to discern what was real because I had had real life exposure to bdsm and living in a Master/slave relationship, so perhaps it was easier for me to work out who was real on the internet and who was just involved in fantasy...maybe its cuz I've lived long enough to learn about life and people...i dunno....maybe I just got lucky...but it seems there are other people here too who have met wonderful people can and does happen.

Wish I had read this post a week back.....I think that in my case being new ....I did trust that the person on the other end of the computer/phone was who he said he was...or perhaps I made him out to be more than he was....although my experience was negative...I have I can't call it a mistake....hence a lesson...I no longer will communicate with someone farther than a days drive....I listen more intently...when they say things...and I have realized...that the trust I seek in this lifestyle is not always reflected just because they label themselves..."Dom"'s actions not a label...

mystiquenz -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/28/2006 12:02:58 AM)

Reading this thread made me smile. 

People are lucky to meet their significant O/other online or in r/t.  It is the processing that can be difficult.  slavejali, you said about being street wise, and lack of discernment, it's difficult for many, and there are many, who have suffered broken dreams, fragmented by untruths of others, and where trust has been destroyed.   

I see people write about wannabees, players and timewasters.  Maybe those are just harsh words, maybe because the person is not for you, or you for them, that they do not deserve the labels that are cast indiscriminately.  

For some, LDRs do lead to real time, and happy unions, i know of one local couple where the distance was great.  They are my inspiration.  But don't rely totally on the internet, get involved locally, although beware, it takes time for you to get know people and for them to get to know you.  It may not be for you, as it is not for many.  Don't limit your possibilities, but have your ideal checklist, and try to stay on target, otherwise, you will just stray. 

I have had a mixture of r/t and online, and now I find myself, speaking to One that holds my interest, but at least he is in the same hemisphere as I, and not upside in the world.  However, equally, I'm old enough, and mature enough, to know that I need to hold a part of me back, in case when r/t comes, and it does not go how we think it may go, that I am not left holding a shattered dream. 

Put yourself, your desires first, use your head, and intuition, reserve the heart, until you have found the One you are ready to surrender to. 

feline -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/29/2006 5:44:05 PM)


I'm just wonderring if any submissive here has actually had real life good luck with like finding their DreamDom, who ever and however that may be?

Yes [:)] We found each other on, 3 years ago.

*ever notice how often you say the word 'like"?

theRose4U -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/29/2006 8:13:58 PM)


I mean I was begining to feel like I must have been like the world like worst submissive for like not sending nude pictures to everyone who like messages me... especially since a lot seem to like disappear if I don't.  Some like have even gotten really rude and mean.  And I was begining to feel like I wasn't worth any Dom's time or love.

There are many, many, many, many worse things in this world that not living up to the demands of a cyber dom. Count yourself lucky that you've learned early on to ignore them.

theRose4U -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/29/2006 8:18:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: TemptingNviceSub

Patience.............many have found their mate...many have not....some found them here on CM..some at their local events...some inadvertently while in "vanilla" mode...(Yikes!...if I keep going I may start to sound like Dr Seuss!) well..tempting

We find them walking by their house,
we find them walking with our mouse,
we find them when we're here and there
we do not find real everywhere. [8D]

theRose4U -> RE: Thank you... and worries. Has anyone met their DreamDom online? (5/29/2006 8:30:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: mixielicous




come again? hehe

nope just breathing hard

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