My fall (Full Version)

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Termyn8or -> My fall (6/28/2010 11:32:13 PM)

I think this is going to be a difficult post for me, but in a way I think I owe it to my fellow collarmeites to say something. I am falling apart rapidly, physically. Despite my efforts relating to diet and such, I think I may be checking out sometime soon. To understand I'll have to blow my own horn a bit, but then compare that to my current condition.

I don't even know at this point how many decades it has been since I've been to a doctor. My whole being sits on the premise that the human body does not need maintainence, that it is a self repairing system. In the past that worked for me. Some may have bench pressed more, but in actually moving things around, there was only one strong enough, in my entire life to keep up. We stole a piano once. Now I don't mean an electronic piano, I mean one of the big wood ones. We could lift the back of a car. I'vbe been kicked in the chest and flew 20 feet across a room, and since I was sparring at the time I ran right up and said "Try that again" and of course it worked. After that it ws enough, but the first blow would've put many Men in the hospital. I used to lay on the floor and smoke a cigarette while a 200lb guy stands on my chest. I got shot in the face about an inch below my left eye and the .38 caliber bullet still resides in my neck, which only bothers me occasionally. Nobody but an idiot would even try to do some of the things I did successfully, like loading pieces of furniture onto a flatbed truck unassisted. My immune system was so strong that I never worried abiout a thing at all. You could cut me open with a chainsaw and I could pack the wound with manure and it would heal in a very short time. Even when I got shot I only spoent five days in the hospital, and they didn't really do anything. It was and still is impossible to remove the bullet. I never went down. I have been hit with several different implements of destruction and surprised people, much to their discomfort. The name Terminator was earned on the street, not on the net.

So off I go into my mid forties and I am getting lazy. I did have some back and knee problems but cured them with nutrition. I also stopped doing alot of heavy lifting. In a way I got lazy and I did gain some weight, which I didn't want. So I went on a low carb diet after a near starvation diet which pretty much cured that. Of course I had to normalize my diet after a time because you just can't do no carbs forever, we do need some. But I seemingly shrank my stomach and that suited me just fine for many years. My job became alot less physical and more technically oriented. Ass time on the computer or studying a print. Things like that. But my back and knees felt fine, and though I didn't do much lifting at work, I remained one of those guys you call to help you move. I could do it.

Though I was getting out of shape a bit, as is common with us decadent westerners, it wasn't so bad, up until a bit over a year ago. I became extremely lethargic, no energy and no appetite. No strength, and even my mental agility suffered. I developed a severe cataract in one eye as well. Compared to the picture of me you see I now look like a death camp refugee. Several friends have told me this. My arms and legs are down to about half the girth they used to be, yet I still have the gut.

I know this is not good. Now, the olman died about a year ago, and I moved from upstairs to downstairs. I was feeling quite poorly but those who helped me move called me into the bedroom when they were about to move my nice pillowtop mattress that I got for free downstairs, as I had thrown out the olman's. It was black. So we suspect black mold exposure and I have made sure that EVERYTHING came out of that room. All the furniture, the bed, even the drapes and the carpet have been thrown out and are new now. Everything has been scrubbed down and the walls repainted. The works.

My recovery started, which supports the black mold theory, but it has not been proven either way. But the symptoms do match quite closely to what I found on the internet. And my recovery has not been complete by any stretch. I now sleep alot, and I mean ALOT. This from a guy who used to close the bars (after hours, illegally) at about four AM and make it to work at eight every day. Now working fifteen hours a week I barely have enough waking hours to eat and do laundry. This is not right. I can understand the aging process, but in this case it's like I had about forty years thrown on in the last two.

As much as I like kink, bondage and such I don't think I am healthy enough any longer to engage in all but the lightest forms. For months I didn't even get my moprning woodie, but that has returned and I can also piss normally. At one time I was so out of it I couldn't participate in any kind of meaningful discussion. Things went over my head, that in the past would be under my thumb immediately. Like I was almost zombified.

I used to practice extremely dangerous forms of bondage, now I don't even know where my handcuffs are, but then again I moved. But I used to be adventurous in that respect. (to say the least) Although circumstances now do not allow for these things, I have no desire to do it anyway because I lack the confidence to be careful enough not to kill myself at it.

My first doctor appontment is on the seventh, after how many decades I don't even know. However I have never persued health insurance of any kind, so there are things I simplyt can't afford. It will be ten grand to fix my eye. At one point I figured I would just lay the plastic down and take care of it, but that went sour and I am seeking chapter seven because I really can't work enough. I can't see the prints and PC boards well enough, eyestrain gets to me. I also have no energy. Look for there to be some typos in my posts because I have trouble proofing them. Also look for me to have to delay a response to a longer post because I simply can'r bear to stare at the screen that long. And this is on a mercury vapor lit 19" LCD monitor with the brightness turned all the way down. I can barely look at a CRT for two minutes.

So my doctor appointment is not to fix me, it is to evaluate me for disability. That's the only way I can get it done really. Once pending, this thirty buck an hour dude is going to be in the welfare line, and hating it like you would never believe. In this state, once you have a disability claim pending you can get free medical. I was told that even though I might qualify, for partial medical, the costs are so high that even with my plastic working, I would not want to afford it. I would have to pay thirty five hundred just to get my eye fixed, and that is the discount rate, down from ten grand. They say it is considered elective. Elective my ass, how about you send your kids down the street on their bikes and I go driving down that street half blind. Is it elective now ?

At any rate I cannot function like this. I want to walk into the doc's office and say I don't even want your check, I want fixed. I knmow my job is ending this year. I am fighting to save my house and other possesions. I have cut backl on everything, even beer ! I mean these are hard times, but the economy and how it relates to my profession is not related to this disability. I can do plenty of other things. I can build you a house but you have to take it whateve size and shape it comes out because it is almost impossible for me to read a tape measure. I have the skill to build you a car, and I mean from scratch. But not with these eyes. I can barely drive the damn thing at this point.

Now I know at least one person is going to say that I am a whiney baby, and they never were able to this or that and they were just fine and I shouldn't be bitching about it. But let me tell you this. It took alot of hard fucking work to get to the point where when I punched a wall my fist cam clean out the house, leaving a piece of the siding on the ground. It took a hell of alot of conditioning to get to the point where I could jump on the hood of a moving car (hoods were bigger then). It took a hell of alot of work to get to where I was in life, between earning power and pure power. These things don't just come to you, they are accomplishments. I am still proud of what I once was even though it was imperfect. I was unusual, and very formidable. And the things I was enabled to learn because of my supposed immortality. Look down the barrel of a gun and tell the assailant "On average, only twenty percent of the people who pull a gun will pull the trigger, are you one of the one in five ?' and then shove the thing down his thoat. But then of course I had to retrieve it, as it was my prize. I lost many of my prizes when I got robbed a long time ago.

But now I can barely do shit. I do not want to live this way. It either gets fixed or else. I have no real regrets except for certain acts, but the way I shaped my future I was quite satisfied. I still have some strength of mind left. IT was gone for a bit but seems to have returned. But if I can't regain my health to a satisfactory level, fuck it. I mean that with no remorse, regret or ant depression whatsoever. Well I may be what's called situationally depressed ut I don't consider that a disease, nor would I want direct treatment, as it is simply a symptom. Thing are bad, if they expect me to walk in ther happy as a lark they need the fucking medication. I need mt wits about me because for me, it is LITERALLY a life and death struggle.

Truth is, I never expected to live past 30, now I am pushing 50 in August. I'll put my money where my mouth once was. Every step I am taking is to ensure that my sole heir can get my stuff pretty much trouble free.

This is a hard way to go because I know that many have not been so fortunate as I. Maybe I am a whiney baby but I think that is my right. I have become used to what I have earned. It is as if all my learning and earning has been for naught. And I will not stand for it. Perhaps it is arrogance in a way, but maybe this post can illustrate to others that you just can't count on anything. You could give me a billion dollars right now and it wouldn't mean shit, because I have lost my health. What good is it ? What good is anything now ?

Am I a whiney hiney for this view ? Do you see me as a stockbroker who jumped out a window during the last depression or as a warrior who goes out on the ice to die because he doesn't want to be a burden ? I have become a burden, I owe everyone. Back when I only owed the banks and I intended to fuck them over from day one. But now I owe my family and some friends. Family - I would fix their stuff so well they forced money upon me, now I owe them. I am relapsing I think into my condition I described, sleeping more and more, and more lethargic. Less effective at basically everything. I am losing it, really.

I guess I'll have more to go on once I see the sawbones on the seventh. Now remember, this guy's job is not to cure me, but to evaluate me for qualification to become a chack person, something I have always dreaded. That is bad enough even if they di fix me. The way it works, once I am pending, I qualify for help. Help is an anaethma to me and my kind. To ask, and especially to recieve is quite distasteful to me. But I have no choice unless someone wants to send me alot of money. And that would be the same damn thing anyway so it's no better.

And because I have enjoyed a good part of life, being strong and smart, agile and quick witted, outsmarting any opponent including the law, that I am a whiney hiney. That I am akin to the auto execs showing up hat in hand at the whitehouse after getting out of their lear jets. It is quite possible that some could see it that way.

What is my question ? Hell I don't even know if I have a question. Just throw your opinions out here and see which way the wind blows. I won't have any more meaningful information until at least the seventh of July.

But it beats talking fucking politics.


LafayetteLady -> RE: My fall (6/29/2010 1:08:10 AM)


People have been telling you to get your ass to the doctor for as long as I can remember. As for your cataract being 10 grand, I know they aren't nearly that much here in NJ, so I'm not sure where you got your information. Hell, who knows if you ever even went to the eye doctor for an actual diagnosis or are still playing doctor and diagnosing yourself.

I wish sickness and/or death on very few people. You are not on that list (not that you woule likely care anyway). I'm sorry you feel bad, but you are pushing 50 and you have abused the hell out of your body for what now? A least 35 years, since you were about 15?

Becoming disabled is difficult. I know from personal experience. Finding yourself unable to do things that once came easy sucks. Often we end up doing things we really aren't able to do without pain, but there isn't anyone else to do them, and the stuff needs tbe done.

Good luck at the doctor. I will pray that God gives you the strength you need to accept a new way of life.

hlen5 -> RE: My fall (6/29/2010 1:43:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

............ I do not want to live this way. It either gets fixed or else........ I'll put my money where my mouth once was. Every step I am taking is to ensure that my sole heir can get my stuff pretty much trouble free.......


What do you mean by this?

I hope you can regain your health.

Termyn8or -> RE: My fall (6/29/2010 2:02:22 AM)

I am still wondering why I posted. The fact is that I can live with not being able to play the violin. But I have limits on what I can accept. I have lived my life my way and that did include alot of abuse, and in former years drug abuse. Fortunately for some reason I am not a highly addictable person, and I have no explaination as to why. I had alot of fun with drugs, I laughed when I wrecked my cars, I've done so many things that I could never remember them all.

I can accept growing old, and what comes with it, but this is too much. I hope something good comes out of it. I really do. But if not I will not say what comes next. I know people twenty years older than I in better shape, and this all fell on me like a ton of bricks.

Maybe the sawbones will say "Shit, all you need is _________" but I'm not going to hold my breath.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: My fall (6/29/2010 7:21:05 AM)

Dude! I don't even know you, but I am saying you are doing the right thing by going to the doctor. I really recommend that you get that eye fixed, too. Cataracts at your age can come from diabetes---push for ALL THE BLOODWORK when you see the doctor.

I have spent most of my life around doctors and hospitals, my household didn't get the seal of good health from the universe. I envy your history! You are not a whiny baby. It FAILS when your body betrays you!

There are so many things that COULD be wrong that can be fixed so you can live another twenty years. You are obviously a tough customer. That's all to the good!

Termyn8or -> RE: My fall (6/29/2010 12:25:10 PM)

I think a blood workup is going to be called for without my influence. But realize the doc I go see on the seventh is not paid to cure me, but to evaluate me for benefits. I detest that but I am forced to do it. Plus the fact that even if I had unlimited money they might decline to perform the eye surgery because of my physical condition.

Today I awoke with tinnitus and a resting heart rate of over 120 BPM. The big ass bruise on my back is making it's presence known quite effectively today as well. It's the 29th, so it is a matter of about a week. Strangely that's a bit faster than I could seem to get an appointment with a paid doctor, out of pocket. There must be alot of sick people out there, so I guess I am not alone at least :-)

Maybe I am a bit of a whiney baby though. I went from almost immortal to normal, and now this. Normal is looking pretty good about now. Really, I just want to be able to work. I am going to have to change carreers sometime around the end of the year. At 50 that is not going to be easy. But my cushy job will be gone and I know it. But when I see others, those who have not had the opportunities I have had, well sometimes I have to think I am a whiney baby. There are people born with no arms or no legs and shit like that. Who the hell am I to complain ? In that way I will stand to, like they say judge not lest ye be judged yourself. Many see that as meaning judge not, but I am into the last part of it, and will critique myself as honestly as possible.

What if I can't be fixed ? Well that would take a hell of alot of getting used to, something for which I am very ill prepared. Maybe I should think about my blind algebra teacher, Mr. Kemmit. He was quite effective until it came to polynomials, which was about when I dropped out and went to work. Much to my surprise, I have actually used the algebra I did learn for work. Alot more in the past than today. But that was another thing that in my youth I thought I would never need.

Kemmit was something else. One day I sat where I wasn't supposed to and remained silent. Somehow he knew and walked right up to me. How he knew is a mystery to me even today. And one of my best friends (deceased of course) was borne to Parents who were both deaf. When he cried in the night noone came. He had a form of perseverance that is rare. He had other qualities as well. When we lived in Lakewood, we were the dudes. We had the good jobs, the money, the cars, all that. Oh, one of the biggies, the best stereo systems within the crowd.

It was an exciting time of life. I drove like a maniac and loved every minute of it. I also won hands down when it came to a car stereo. I built my own amps. You know those cars that drive by BOOM BOOM BOOM, well I started all that. Sorry about that. But you couldn't buy what I had, and I had two batteries in my car because of the power.

That aspect of my life has become obsolete, as you can buy these things on just about every streetcorner now. I can accept that. But I don't want to be obsolete in everything.


DesFIP -> RE: My fall (6/29/2010 1:00:03 PM)

My cataract was between $2000 and $2500. But medical schools charge a lot less. Why not go that route? The Man's looking into that for some expensive dental surgery.

Cataracts are frequently from diabetes, but also from sun exposure, and there's a genetic component also.

Termyn8or -> RE: My fall (7/7/2010 2:37:54 PM)


My first visit to the doc in about twenty years or so went pretty much as I expected. As I said this one is not paid to fix me but to evaluate me for eligibility. The way it seems to work is that once I have a pending claim for this, I can get other benefits, which is pretty much the idea.

The doc is an older Oriental guy, and it was a bit hard to understand him, but not too bad. It actually may be my hearing and all those concerts are catching up to me. At any rate, his allusions were to a bit jaundiced, an enlarged liver and COPD. Well of course my liver is going to be a bit enlarged because I have made it work hard in the last 35 years. That doesn't necessarily mean it is diseased. However he noticed "a bit jaundiced" so it is a concern, but looking at my eyes they never were the whitest, and the tearing causes a buildup sometimes, and that started before I ever drank any alcohol at all.

Though I smoke less now for a bunch of reasons, among them financial in fact, something like COPD or whatever was to be expected. However I seriously doubt that it "caught up to me" so quickly. I smoked quite a bit when I used to push start cars by myself, toted things around like they weighed nothing, walked ten miles. If it had simply progressed to this point I would have noticed it ten years ago, I think. Something accelerated all this, I am probably in great shape for a Man of 90 or so.

Every ache and pain is magnified, and I know because I won't take pain killers. Wounds take longer to heal. Things like that.

No matter what this is only step one. I'd bet that next they will want a blood workup, and a few intrusive, probably quite unpleasant tests. My choices are to watch the mailbox right now. See what they want next. But once I have certain paperwork in my hot little hand, I become eligible for certain other things. The main idea is to fix my eye, I could concievably recover from the rest of it.

The cost of fixing my eye was quoted as $3,500, and that is with the discount. The problem is that I have property in my name. Anybody want a house or two ? Even with invisible income I don't qualify for the freebies. Somehow my Dad did, but that was after he was 65. Unfortunately I can't wait 15 years for this.

But I admit when I am wrong and now I think I was. I should've started this process about a year ago when I could barely walk. If the doc would've seen me then he would probably put me in the hospital right away. I have made a partial recovery, but not enough. I could do so many things before, this a bit hard to take.

It's their move, I'll have to wait and see what happens next.


LafayetteLady -> RE: My fall (7/7/2010 3:01:28 PM)

I'm glad you went to the doctor and at least got the process started. Don't keep thinking about if you had done it a year ago how things would have turned out. Hindsight is 20/20. Just focus on the fact that NOW you will be getting the diagnosis you needed before and hopefully get better.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: My fall (7/7/2010 4:08:44 PM)

I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles, Termy. Illness takes it toll, not just physically, but emotionally as well. You are not being whinny, not at all.

There have been times when I have felt as if I didn't think I could endure another day, let alone another week or month or year of pain and illness. You can't tell people that, because they begin to worryy that you are suicidal, when you aren't. You just need some relief - in a time when relief just doesn't seem within your grasp. At least, that is my experience. Yours may be different. But, when you said you didnt want to live this way, that it either gets fixed or else struck a chord.

I hope you get your aid, so that you can begin to see doctors that are there for YOUR benefit.

Best wishes in all things,

hereyesruponyou -> RE: My fall (7/7/2010 7:32:40 PM)

If you get back to feeling too bad to function, do the ER route. They have to treat you, and love to run tests, even without insurance. Then you do a payment plan if necessary. You get an answer at least on the possiblities. I guess i just don't get being miserable over doing anything about it. Kinda like the people who suffer with terrible headaches because "they don't take pills".

I hope you get some answers and some relief...but i doubt either will occur by trying to wait it out instead of pursuing options...

DesFIP -> RE: My fall (7/9/2010 6:48:20 PM)

My ex mother in law quit smoking nearly 30 years ago, she now has COPD. The worst thing you can do is continue to smoke.

sub4hire -> RE: My fall (7/17/2010 10:37:22 AM)

You know unless we have an accident and die we all have to grow old and die.  It isn't a pleasant experience for any of us.  Yet, we persevere.  Because it is what part of being an adult is.

You've started the process, I am sure if you look hard enough there is help out there for medical costs.  I've sat back and watched every member of my family die with the exception of one accident.  The whole death process is not pretty.  Fifty is too young to die. 
I've got to ask.  Let's say you are diagnosed with some sort of cancer.  Are you going to pursue treatment? 

I can't even imagine not being able to walk and not going to the doctor.
I'm recovering from foot surgery here.  It took me 14 months and 9 podiatrists before the first one did an MRI to actually see what was wrong.  At least you have competent doctors there, hopefully. 

Termyn8or -> RE: My fall (7/19/2010 10:25:03 PM)

"I can't even imagine not being able to walk and not going to the doctor. "

I doubt I can express how bad it was subster. I could hand someone a twenty and then five minutes later if they said "Got that twenty ? " I would give them another. Those who took advantage at that time are mostly gone from my life now. Carry a thirty pack of beer up the stairs ? I couldn't even carry one beer up the stairs, and I mean IN MY POCKET. Each step was like climbing a mountain.

It took a hell of alot to break my mental resolve against professional treatment, and in doing so I have now delayed it for perhaps too long. I have no money left, I can pay my bills and that is about it, I can afford myself. There is only one way for me to get treated without losing my house and it is going to take time. My bad. If I knew in advance it would be like this I could've done something, got it started or whatever. But whatever this is has kicked my ass in a way it's never been kicked before.

The Terminator has capitulated, I know what is going on. The poison is in me and now I am into more frequent sheet changes and such, and have thrown out my bed, right out the door. My carpeting has been torn out and discarded. Due to diligent thinking we have surmised that I am reinfecting myself and for whatever reason my immune system, no matter how strong it used to be, can't handle this. If you think about it that is pretty obvious. But I know it was very strong, antibiotic free for two decades, able to wash a gash from a chainsaw out with dogshit and all that. I figured I could marry Typhoid Mary and we could have a dandy crop of kids. Invincible. Cut ALL THE WAY TO THE BONE on the inner right arm, I can show you the scar. My idea - get me a band aid, a really big one.

If there is a God, believers might say that this is my time in life for this, that it is part of my journey. I am not talking about any denomination here, but to take one thing for example, one of the charges of Odinism:

Deal not hardly with the humble and lowly.

Well to tell the truth I have not always lived by that. The imperfect translation expresses the idea better actually. If anyone has a problem with this it means that you don't take unfair advantage of your superior position, at least for personal satisfaction. The ADL has Odinists on their hit list and that is all I am going to say about that, just take a look around the world.

I have dealt hardly [harshly] with those beneath me in position before. I have taken advantage of other people's weaknesses. I don't now, but I freely admit that I did. Perhaps this is my payoff. Perhaps it is really true the what goes around comes around. Maybe it is payback time.

But I have to remember this much as the Terminator. I am still a big proponent of survival of the fittest, alough I don't want to be the judge. If I am unfit for survival I will accept that. And no matter how you see that, I view that attitude as my greatest strength.


CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: My fall (7/20/2010 1:31:54 AM)

Suffering is a b*tch, whenever it happens.  
I don't see anyone here calling you a whiney hiney. 
During all my cancer shiite that I detested beyond words, I reached points when I just wanted it all to end so I could finally rest and stop pushing myself to get out of bed and do something beyond my make something to eat or go to the bathroom, or go grocery shopping in one of those little motorized carts.  I kept coming out of remission and for a while I wondered if that would ever end but it finally did.
I will never be the same as I is sweet.  I hope the doctors can find out what is wrong that your body cannot repair on it's own (more than your cataract, the rest of your body and your energy levels) and help you fix yourself up. 
If this works and you get reasonably better again over time, then I will be glad that your pride had to bite the dust for a little while, so that you could go get the help you needed.   
Now it's your turn to be mortal.  Even Superman kept having to deal with that pesky kryptonite.
(hugs)  I'll be hoping for your recovery.

ShoreBound149 -> RE: My fall (7/20/2010 1:36:16 AM)

I will be fucking pissed if you die.

sirsholly -> RE: My fall (7/20/2010 3:49:51 AM)


But I have to remember this much as the Terminator. I am still a big proponent of survival of the fittest, alough I don't want to be the judge. If I am unfit for survival I will accept that. And no matter how you see that, I view that attitude as my greatest strength.

T what you said, Babe. SURVIVAL.

You did not say surrender. You said survival.

You have a battle to fight, and in your eyes only the strong survive. Personally...i think you are up for the challenge and are going to kick ass!!

Termyn8or -> RE: My fall (7/20/2010 7:31:35 AM)


I don't know what to say. It seems I have family, chosen family and now - online family ?!?

In a way, since I can convince myself of alot of things I guess I can hold on to a few shreds of my previously overgrown pride. At least I didn't call a team of neurosurgeons for a hangnail.

Right now I am probably not quite all the way awake. It's twenty after ten and I have until noon to get out the door and get my ass to work, dragging or not. They have been made aware of the situation and still want me there as much as possible. And yesterday I guess I showed my loyalty as well, I stopped in to help with one of those problem cases. No charge, but I was only there twenty minutes. I drove there, which I shouldn't but I did.

Actually as you all know I am not religious, but that doesn't mean I don't have blessings. I am counting them as we "speak" so to speak.

Shit now I just made myself dizzy typoing that :-)


sirsholly -> RE: My fall (7/20/2010 8:15:57 AM)


I don't know what to say. It seems I have family, chosen family and now - online family ?!?

In a way, since I can convince myself of alot of things I guess I can hold on to a few shreds of my previously overgrown pride.
you have a lot of people who are in your corner, Term....and i am one of them.

That pride does not have to be lost...just controlled. You have heard "Pride goeth before a fall"? So true, so don't let it control you.

Hold your head high and let the doctors help you heal.

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: My fall (7/20/2010 8:17:38 AM)


I don't know what to say. It seems I have family, chosen family and now - online family ?!? 

Damn straight you do.  Years back I needed an online family (at an Alan Rickman fan club) to be there for me through my worst of why should I deserve all that caring and support and not you?  You actually have friends here, darn it!  <foot stomp and scowl>
Do you think we are all not real people underneath all this typing?  I wuves to disagree with some things you say here, Termy, and whatever else you are at times, you are never boring.  Kinda really fond of you, yanno? 
Besides, I only give out my home phone (landline) to people I have already adopted
(I couldn't let just anyone know my silly/freaky last name.)

In a way, since I can convince myself of a lot of things I guess I can hold on to a few shreds of my previously overgrown pride.

<<<gathers up all of Termy's shredded pride and saves it for later, after he's well>>> 
Tis okay, you can have all of it back once you are well enough to carry around what's in this really huge, heavy sack. [;)]

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