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young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:12:31 PM   

Posts: 8
Joined: 10/11/2009
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hello so new to the whole scene and all that but i really do love it and want to live it i know its for me but my problem is most dommes who talk to me bring up my age saying since im so young i couldnt possibly know wat i want or wouldnt be able to handle being a sub or slave and i was just wondering if age really matters that much wat can a couple years really do to someone i feel im ready now but i just keep getting dismissed saying age is the reason without them even knowing me

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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:24:35 PM   

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Yes, your age absolutely does make a difference for some.  For example, at your age, there are still many munches, demos, and events that you can not attend.  This would not work in My life. 

There is also the obvious factor that you haven't lived the life that you say you want.  It may not turn out to be as fun as you think it is once you get to actually experience it.  There are a number of folks out there who might say they want to be a pilot and then find out they have a fear of heights.  What are you currently doing to educate yourself about the life that you say you want to lead?  How many people do you know in the real world that have the type of dynamic that you would like to be a part of?  What investment have you made?  Have you looked into the TNG group in your area.

You can wander around the airport all day long and tell people that you want to be a pilot.  That doesn't make anyone believe that you are going to be one.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

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(in reply to slavejim111)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:29:31 PM   

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but I wanna be a pilot....


Clips of MsKitty doin' stuff to me. Support the fan club, buy a clip today.

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:35:09 PM   

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It might be interesting, boijen, if you could answer those questions that I posed to the OP from your own experience.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to BoiJen)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:47:57 PM   

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and i have lived it a bit iv done domestic servitude for a few months for a former mistress but she moved away i was there to serve her never wanting anything in return but the chance to be in the scene and see how she lives i loved making her life easier and making her happy it was purely about me serving her needs not mine i do read up on bdsm and stuff trying to see how subs and slaves should act around dommes and i dont know a whole bunch of people wat people i do know are quite a bit older than me and i can only chat so much with them on views not really to popular of a subject for young people in my area and investments i guess is i have bought toys and stuff if u can call those investments


< Message edited by slavejim111 -- 7/21/2010 12:48:30 PM >

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:49:21 PM   

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I have looked into the TNG group here in South Florida and it's not my thing. However, in Orlando and the rest of the state there are several groups of great interest that meet on a regular basis. After the last FLUID (Florida Leaders United In Diversity...a statewide coming together of group leaders and community organizers) the TNG group of Jacksonville has committed to creating a TNG "Takeover" of the most central dungeon in the state. I'll be doing my whip demo. The day is education for the TNG age range from the TNG age range.

When in Michigan I contacted the organizer of the Women's group asking about the local happenings and she, MsKitty, directed me to that local TNG group, which was fairly small at the time but has grown enormously since and is incredibly active. I was happy to be part of the growth of that group as well.

When asking about the local happenings, MsKitty quickly sent a list of contacts, regular events (parties, munches, etc) and a note about the fundraiser she was organizing at the time. From there, I contacted each of the organizations, clubs, parties, and munches asking about age requirements (I was 20 at the time) and when and where the happenings were. I sent a short introduction to them telling them who I was and what I was looking for in terms of finding community. I received several responses, most of them telling me "We'll see you when you turn 21". However, most of the munches still found room for me because they were held at places that did not have an age requirement. TNG was the group most ready to meet my needs.

Really, other than that, I had only a very solid idea of what I wanted. I had just moved to Detroit from Philadelphia (where the community drama was more than I could I did SM stuff privately and was not involved in the community at large...small things here and there). My ideas were not based on online porn or someone else's fantasies. Rather they were based on my own fantasies of sex and relationship dynamic. I found my answer in what I wanted by finding out who I was. And that was an active, conscious choice. Upon joining the events, organizations, and other happenings of the greater Detroit area, I was surrounded by people with semi-successful and successful relationships. I didn't ask so many questions as observe who and what they were doing within their personal interactions. I already knew how I wanted to they played had no pull in what I wanted to know from them. I felt is that I didn't want to be lied to about "how great" things were all the time or any crap like that. What I learned from observation is that this, a power based relationship dynamic, ain't easy but it damn sure shouldn't be hard all the time either.

I also learned that my interests were of service and not romance. But that had to do with my last relationship in Philadelphia....


I still wanna be a pilot.



Clips of MsKitty doin' stuff to me. Support the fan club, buy a clip today.

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:50:02 PM   

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I have to admit it.  I am sometimes attracted to much younger people, provided they are legal.  They tend to be fun, energetic, unjaded and nice to look at. That said, I have learned in my dalliances with them, that they are often in a very experimental place in life, whereas I'm tired of experimenting with strangers and am looking for something stable.  This is the main reason why I wouldn't take a very young boy seriously.
That and, among numerous other reasons, if a boy were young enough to still be living at home, I would dread to think what might ensue if Mom were to find out.  Probably safest not to go there.

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:55:30 PM   

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As someone who began in the lifestyle at 18 (I'm an aged 22 now, haha), it definitely can be difficult to be so young and to find partners who will give you the necessary experience to make you more appealing to other kinksters.
However...don't sweat it. The people who you really want to get to know won't judge you solely on your age and lack of experience. Those who do...that's their own preference and opinion, and obviously they aren't right for you.
Definitely see if there is a TNG group in your area (for kinksters under 35), and if so, get active in it. You'll meet some amazing people, gain a lot of experience, and make some good contacts.
Also, as has been said, don't get so caught up with what you think you are now, because it will change. I'm not saying you will flipflop from sub to dom, or that you may end up not thinking this is for you, although that may be the case, but as you gain experience, your perspective will change. I came into the lifestyle thinking I was a switch, but as I've explored more, I've begun to see myself as more of a pet, or a brat submissive.
Welcome, and I hope you find what you are looking for. It's a loooong ride, but so worth it.


Rose-y Pose-y, Puddin' Pie. Kissed Some Dommes and Made Them Cry.

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 12:59:42 PM   

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Joined: 10/11/2009
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lol thanks alot wish more people i met were kind like u alot of people i meet her are rude and scammers

(in reply to FetishRose)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 1:02:14 PM   

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I think I need to point out that I didn't really and have never really found a lot in common with individuals my own age. Ma'am, MsKitty, is 15 years older than I am and we hit it off because our mutual desire to be involved in our communities. The fact that those communities are/were SM oriented and we had sexual chemistry was just a great thing that took a couple of years to really foster. Don't get me wrong, we were playing and fucking before that time but the relationship dynamic began to *feel* more fulfilling a couple of years into it. Service was there and primary as her house was always well looked after and taken care of. But the dynamic of Owner/property didn't feel there until a couple of years ago. Until then it was like kinky friend who live together and because I liked sex and play, I did the service thing to get her attention.

Just clarifying...

And I still wanna be a pilot.



Clips of MsKitty doin' stuff to me. Support the fan club, buy a clip today.

(in reply to FetishRose)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 2:59:26 PM   

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This aspect isn't at all different from vanilla, though, is it? People have an age range, or a an age they refuse to consider. No, big mystery, really. Some will pass the new rose, others the old. If they reject you for that or any other reason, they really didn't know you. It's not personal, even if it feels so (perhaps) at the time.

(in reply to BoiJen)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 3:15:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ShawnRedux

This aspect isn't at all different from vanilla, though, is it? People have an age range, or a an age they refuse to consider. No, big mystery, really. Some will pass the new rose, others the old. If they reject you for that or any other reason, they really didn't know you. It's not personal, even if it feels so (perhaps) at the time.

I agree, it's not personal. People need to accept that people have all sorts of various (sometimes random) criteria for attraction and what they will let into their life. Sometimes what they don't allow isn't necessarily what they're not attracted to, it just has to do with their experiences and perceptions.

I have alot of trouble with this on here, from the opposite perspective. People seem to get their feelings awfully hurt if they don't receive the sort of response they want, and we all need to accept that in life or anywhere we aren't accepted by someone, to not take it personally, because it's the nature of the game.

(in reply to ShawnRedux)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 3:28:51 PM   

Posts: 506
Joined: 8/30/2005
From: Home of the Yankees
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but I wanna be a pilot....



~ Karma. Being a motherfucker since 1981 ~

Ms. Pacman was the greatest prostitute that ever lived. For 25 cents, that bitch swallowed balls 'till she died.

(in reply to BoiJen)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 3:30:52 PM   

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Age doesn't make a difference to me. I go by the person, not their year of birth.


I almost never return to a thread, so if you saw my post and want me to hear your reply, please message it to me.

(in reply to blackpearl81)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 5:13:03 PM   

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Jim, there are two ages - chronological and maturity.  boiJen is only 23, but she comes across as more mature than that.

Look at how she writes.  No textspeak, which is a peeve of folks my age.  She spells carefully, another peeve.  If you want to be taken as more mature, keep in mind that presentation means a lot.

She takes pride in her bootblacking and has put in her dues to learn it.

Read between the lines on her story.  She was only 20 when she arrived in MI knowing no kinksters and made contact with MsKitty.  She made a good enough impression that she now subs to MsKitty.  If MsKitty hadn't been available or interested, an organizer like her would know of serving opportunities if the newbie made a favorable impression.

So... try to act more mature, and make local contacts.


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to wittynamehere)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 5:16:20 PM   

Posts: 506
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From: Home of the Yankees
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I think I need to point out that I didn't really and have never really found a lot in common with individuals my own age. Ma'am, MsKitty, is 15 years older than I am and we hit it off because our mutual desire to be involved in our communities. The fact that those communities are/were SM oriented and we had sexual chemistry was just a great thing that took a couple of years to really foster. Don't get me wrong, we were playing and fucking before that time but the relationship dynamic began to *feel* more fulfilling a couple of years into it. Service was there and primary as her house was always well looked after and taken care of. But the dynamic of Owner/property didn't feel there until a couple of years ago. Until then it was like kinky friend who live together and because I liked sex and play, I did the service thing to get her attention.

Just clarifying...

And I still wanna be a pilot.


Actually, my friendships are much the same way. A fair amount of my friends (I'd say 75%) are at least 5-10 years older than me. I'm not sure why this is, but I'd guess it's because of how I was raised (specifically, being forced to grow up "before my time")



~ Karma. Being a motherfucker since 1981 ~

Ms. Pacman was the greatest prostitute that ever lived. For 25 cents, that bitch swallowed balls 'till she died.

(in reply to BoiJen)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 6:04:38 PM   

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Joined: 11/9/2007
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I am a pilot and it is not all it is cracked up to be...hours and hours of sheer boredom interspersed with moments of stark terror...
Well, I was a pilot until my heart they won't let me fly! Damn government!

(in reply to blackpearl81)
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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 7:47:48 PM   

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ORIGINAL: blackpearl81

Live the life of guts and danger.


ORIGINAL: blackpearl81

Ms. Pacman was the greatest prostitute that ever lived. For 25 cents, that bitch swallowed balls 'till she died.

I love this!


Still wanting to be a pilot.

< Message edited by BoiJen -- 7/21/2010 7:56:14 PM >


Clips of MsKitty doin' stuff to me. Support the fan club, buy a clip today.

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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 7:54:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: slavejim111

lol thanks alot wish more people i met were kind like u alot of people i meet her are rude and scammers

I've *NEVER* heard anyone who's met anyone face to face, no matter how things ended up, saying that someone is a "scammer". That being said, I'm inclined to believe you're stuck behind a computer and clicking away at different profiles and not really getting out and meeting people or otherwise getting involved.

I'll tell you the same thing I tell anyone else who stays behind their keyboards and computer screens, no matter what thier age...sitting on your ass will never get you anywhere in life. Not with work, not with play, not with friends, not with family, and most certainly not with romantic or sexual relationships. If you, or anyone else reading this, finds this to be true for them, turn off your computer and go outside. Smell the sunshine and head to your local munch. Say hi to people you've never met and introduce yourself as a person. Go from'll be amazed at the results.


and I STILL wanna be a pilot


Clips of MsKitty doin' stuff to me. Support the fan club, buy a clip today.

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RE: young slaves - 7/21/2010 9:30:52 PM   

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I knew what I wanted at your age. Perhaps you can find a Mistress closer to your age. That way it won't be an issue. Ms. Mlicious is over forty, and her youngest slave is only twenty-three. It can happen.


"The Courage to Submit: the submissive male's guide to finding a dominant woman"

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