"TRUE" slave (Full Version)

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Real0ne -> "TRUE" slave (4/20/2006 9:31:54 PM)

If you are or have been "owned", zero rights, in a 24/7 status, what is your experience in being such?

The good/bad/indifferent?  Likes, dislikes, pros cons etc.

twicehappy -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 7:23:25 AM)



If you are or have been "owned", zero rights, in a 24/7 status, what is your experience in being such?

The good/bad/indifferent?  Likes, dislikes, pros cons etc.

I have been owned in a relationship as you describe previously, for 18 years. I am now owned in another 24/7 total M/s relationship by a Dom/Domme couple who i love dearly.

My experience? To describe it; simply, perfect.

For me there could be no other way, it is all or nothing. I need to be able to offer surrender of the totality that is me. I know i am accepted, loved, cared for and nurtured all the time, not just when it is convenient. My Master and Mistress look out for my best interests in things as simple as how i am dressed to as complex as why i think the way i do. They provide me with the opportunity to reveal myself to them, to serve them, to love them unconditionally.

Having had this, having this now is vital for me to be just what i am, a slave. Never could i be satisfied with anything less. For me this is heaven and more. 

CrappyDom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 8:27:37 AM)

I suggest you define what you mean by 24/7.  To me, I define it as only a live in relationship where the PE is well, 24/7...

So, how do YOU define it?

cillydom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 8:41:35 AM)

there you go again, getting techinical

CrappyDom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 8:43:45 AM)

It is called seeking clarity, some find it helpful.

cillydom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 8:46:17 AM)

but some don't

don't you think you should cater to them?

babyblues -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 8:46:27 AM)

assuming that by 24/7 you mean a live-in fulltime TPE 24/7 M/s relationship.....
i can't imagine anything less....i love to be totally and completely controlled....mentally, physically, financially
i speak to fellow submissive friends who are NOT slaves about this, and they cannot let go of having at least some control in their lives....but, to me, nothing is more freeing than giving total control to another....putting complete trust in "Him" to do what is right for me, for us, for our family....

babyblues -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 8:56:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: cillydom

but some don't

don't you think you should cater to them?

maybe it's just me, but i find little bickering posts that i see around the forums (like this one, for example) to be distracting to the topic at hand....no offense, just an observation

LadyMorgynn -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 9:03:03 AM)

Why don't you just give your own answer to the question, instead of going on a personal tangent at one of the posters?  I found crappydom's request for clarification quite reasonable, as 24/7 means many things to many people.  If you disagree with someone's opinion, fine, rebut it.  Take the personal attacks to PM and stop acting like a jerk.

I personally am interested to see how the slaves who have been in 24/7 will respond to the question posted in the OP.


ORIGINAL: cillydom

there you go again, getting techinical

BitaTruble -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 9:40:02 AM)




If you are or have been "owned", zero rights, in a 24/7 status, what is your experience in being such?

The good/bad/indifferent?  Likes, dislikes, pros cons etc.

Himself and I do live together and have for several years. Two years ago, we got all legal like so in addition to being his slave I'm also the little mrs. I am just as proud of my wedding ring as I am the collar. As I've said in the past, my (note the possessive here) wedding ring is wrapped around my love and devotion to him encompassing all that I am and the collar is wrapped around my power which he takes and controls, no more, no less.

Pro's to being owned 24/7: I get to wake up next to him every morning, be of use and service to him at the drop of a hat, cook for him three times a day, do his laundry, take care of his home, be a resource to him in whatever capacity I am able, go on trips with him both business and pleasure, listen to him, soothe and comfort him when he needs it, laugh with him over stupid stuff and cry with him over serious stuff right when it happens and I have a guinea pig for culinary experimentation. I get to touch him, smell him, taste him, look at him and hear him 24 hours a day as he allows. Distance doesn't enter into our dynamic because we never have to travel more than a few feet to touch one another.  I get to feel his energy, power and darkness and spend as much time as he likes with the most incredible person I've ever met. I am bathed in his intellect, humor, wisdom, generosity and am exposed to his evil, nasty sadistic self at his whim. When he's watching television I can go throw my naked ass over his lap during the commercials and one of two things generally happen.. he'll smack it.. or he'll grab me by the hair and push me off him.. smacks or hair pulls.. win-win. I am mesmerized by his ability, compelled by him and stunned by him. He, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allows me to be with him, in his presence... except when he's got me caged up or sends me to my station or something. ;) I'm probably even luckier in that he works from an office at home, so commuting and things of that nature are not an issue. Truly, any time of the day or night, he can crook his finger or call for me and I'm right there ready to serve his every need or want.

Cons to 24/7: When he's sick, I have to see it and that's hurtful to my heart.


Moloch -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 10:01:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: cillydom

there you go again, getting techinical

There you go again! You are supposed to use CAPITAL letters in the beggining of the sentence, when the sentence is complete  put this " . "  at the end of the sentence, you "technicality" nazi.

cillydom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 10:01:44 AM)

what bickering?

cillydom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 10:04:15 AM)

but i was trying to avoid being technical

like i am here

Areflectionofyou -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 10:11:17 AM)

My past and soon to be my new future...24/7 tpe Master/slave. One word defines it"complete".

VvShadowspawnvV -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 11:17:57 AM)

We're in a live-in, 24/7 M/s TPE "thing" too... it's hard to describe, but the thought of how close i came to not ever having it makes me cry and cling to Him... *silly sappy girlie*

becca, who thinks the faux bickering is kinda cute =)

ownedgirlie -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 11:51:27 AM)

There was a previous thread regarding how people define 24/7.  To some, it meant living together.  To others, it meant that they serve their Masters 24/7, in all they think, do, say, and reflect, whether living together or not.  There is no "off" time. 

While i do not live with my Master, i am always his slave, 24/7.  i am under the impression, however, that the OP is about live-in slaves.  Regardless, i will post a reply in saying that before him i was nearly dead inside, and with him i am alive, for the first time in my life.  i could say a "con" is the suffering i experience when not in his presence, but such suffering allows me to feel him, so it's not really a con.

MHOO314 -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 12:18:22 PM)

It was called marriage to My ex husband---he came home one day and discovered he owned a pile of clothes on the front lawn.
ok ok so I'm ornery today.

CrappyDom -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/21/2006 12:52:51 PM)

Your ornery, I am fucking pissed off, lets go and bury the hatchet in a couple of submissives, I know it would sure as hell make me feel better today.

Ahhh, just ranting a bit feels better...

Real0ne -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/22/2006 1:24:15 AM)



I suggest you define what you mean by 24/7.  To me, I define it as only a live in relationship where the PE is well, 24/7...

So, how do YOU define it?

well 24/7 to the best of my knowledge implies a live together full time basis but hey i am easy any 24/7 version will do as the point is to learn from those who live the no rights lifestyle from their impressions of it.

Some great posts so far hope they keep rolling in!

twicehappy -> RE: "TRUE" slave (4/22/2006 4:45:15 AM)



I suggest you define what you mean by 24/7.  To me, I define it as only a live in relationship where the PE is well, 24/7...
So, how do YOU define it?

24/7 BDSM is a term for when protocol in a BDSM relationship is in play anytime, anyplace. The dominant partner has complete power over the slave/sub at all times .24/7 is an abbreviation which stands for "24 hours a day, 7 days a week".

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